How to plant and grow a mint in a pot at home: step -by -step instructions. Peppermint on the windowsill all year round - watering, top dressing: care

How to plant and grow a mint in a pot at home: step -by -step instructions. Peppermint on the windowsill all year round - watering, top dressing: care

In this article, we will talk about how to properly grow a mint in a pot on a windowsill at home.

Mint is a useful and pleasant to the aroma of the plant. It soothes the nerves very well, and with its help a cold is very well treated. It is enough just to touch the leaves of mint so that the air is filled with a pleasant aroma. That is why many are interested in how to grow mint on the windowsill and how to do it correctly.

Growing mint on the windowsill at home: varieties

Mint on the windowsill
Mint on the windowsill

The plant itself is not too finny in itself. She does not need any special care, but it is also important to carry out it correctly. Many have a question, what kind of peppermint can grow on the windowsill? In this case, we can safely say that anyone.

The most popular are varieties as:

  • Pearl. It grows medium sizes and has wrinkled leaves of dark color. The smell is slightly different from other varieties, it is more spicy.
  • Penniral. The bushes are small in size, while they grow very quickly. The leaves are also not too large, but they grow neat and thick. They have a fairly strong aroma.
  • Fun. It is considered more vegetable. It looks like a small and branched bush. This variety has a pronounced menthol taste.
  • Strawberry. This variety, although garden, but practice shows that it feels good in a pot. Strawberry mint is called due to the corresponding aroma. By the way, sometimes it seems that it smells of chocolate.
  • Ceremony. Its leaves are characterized by a relief surface and dark color. The stem of this variety reaches up very quickly, and therefore it often has to pinch so that the bushes do not grow much.
  • Kuban. It is one of the subspecies of peppermint. It grows perfectly in a pot, although it can be planted in the garden. It contains essential oil in increased quantities and the smell of the plant is slightly harsh.
  • Lemon mint, lemon balm. It differs interestingly smells in which lemon notes are felt. You need to be very neat with her, because it does not accept a large amount of moisture. In addition, she is sick more often than others.
  • Flea. He loves heat very much and is characterized by low stems. Leaves are often added to various dishes as seasoning. They are rich in essential oils. In the summer, it serves as a good fright of insects.
  • Plexrantus. She is also called room mint, because she feels good only on the windowsill. This variety has aroma, scaring off moth. From the leaves you can prepare a decoction that copes with a cold.

If you grow mint in your garden, then safely transplant it into the pot in the fall. Carefully clean the roots of the remains of the Earth and rinse them with water.

Growing mint in a pot: Conditions

Mint in a pot
Mint in a pot

Despite the fact that mint on the windowsill is unpretentious, the place for its placement should be correctly selected, because the plant does not love the open sun too much.

Choose a place in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • Despite the fact that too strong heat is destructive for mint, she still needs to provide enough warmth and light. It is desirable that the landing container is placed on the windowsill from the sunny side, because the shadow also does not affect the growth of the plant very well.
  • On the sunny side it is better to put pots in the morning and evening, but when the sun itself begins, then take them into the shadow. At the same time, it is advisable to put the mint so that the shadow of other plants falls on it.
  • Mint does not like direct sunlight, because the leaves dry from it.
  • It is advisable not to put the pot near the northern window, because in the shade of the stalks will be very thin, and the leaves are small. In addition, they will have a very weak aroma.

How to plant and raise mint on a windowsill at home: step -by -step instructions

In order for the mint on the windowsill to grow strong and tasty, it is important to properly sprout and plant cuttings, as well as plant seeds. The latter cannot be planted too deep. In addition, the selection of containers and land is important. The whole procedure passes in several stages.

Stage 1. Select a place, container and soil for growing

Do not forget that mint is required a lot of light. Therefore, the southern windows are ideal for placing pots. If you do not have the opportunity to rearrange the plants to another window in sunny times, where there is not so much light, then it is enough for them to create a little shadow or just set aside into the room.

If the light is not enough for the plant, then the shoots will begin to grow quickly upward, and the leaves will begin to suffer - they will be small and too bright.

If mint is grown in autumn, winter or early spring, then it will have to create additional light. To do this, you can use special phytolamps.

Mint requires a fairly warm room, as well as a long daylight day. Thus, the plant develops perfectly at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. At the same time, the plant should spend 12-16 hours in the light. Then it grows very quickly. To slow down growth, the temperature can be lowered to 15-18 degrees.

The second thing to take care of is pots. They must be wide because mint grows in breadth. She does not go deep into it very much. Of course, you need to do drainage. It is ensured through drain holes or a layer of expanded clay.

As for the soil, mint to it is not too demanding. However, in order for it to grow actively, it is better to choose loose and fertile soil. You can even plant in a simple peat by mixing it with river sand and substrate.

Stage 2. Cooking seeds and cuttings

Mint seedlings
Mint seedlings

Seeds in the ground are simply not worth planting. They must be germinated first. It’s not necessary to wait a long time, it usually takes a couple of days. Take a damp cloth or a couple of cotton pads and wrap the seeds in them. After that, soak them in water and close them with a lid. This will not allow moisture to evaporate. Just do not forget that the seeds of the plant are very small.

If you sit the cuttings, make sure that you have no more than 10 cm long. You should not plant too long, because they will not show normal growth. If there are leaves below, it is advisable to get rid of them, because they will only interfere. If you use ready -made cuttings, then they will have to refresh the ends. To do this, cut very little from the bottom from the stems and put in the water. Let the plant give at least small roots. He needs about 3-7 days for this. After that, feel free to transplant them into the ground.

Stage 3. Seed planting

So, when the seeds or cuttings are already ready, plant them boldly in the ground. This is done as follows:

  • The soil must be moistened. This is done using a pulverizer, because you just need to moisten a little, and not completely pour water
  • Put the seeds on the soil surface. They do not need to be sprinkled with earth, otherwise they will not grow
  • After that, spray the earth again, already with the seeds
  • In conclusion from above, put a food film or glass. This will help create the effect of a greenhouse. It will be possible to remove it after the plant rises

It is enough just to stick the cuttings into the ground, and then press them and pour them. A greenhouse effect is also created on top, for example, using ordinary bags. Do a few holes on top so that the air comes out without any problems.

In the future, mint growth will depend on how high -quality care is and conditions are created.

Peppermint on the windowsill all year round - watering, top dressing: care

How to care for mint?
How to care for mint?

Mint on the windowsill grows in a pot, and therefore it is very easy to transfer it to the right place. As we have already said, the plant loves heat, and therefore it needs to comply with the temperature regime. In summer, pots can be placed on the balcony. Well, when there is severe heat, next to seedlings you need to put a container with water. This will allow the air near him to remain wet.

And in winter, it is recommended to clean the mint from the window, because it is very cold there and the plant will simply die. Mint must be regularly watered. The soil should not dry too much. But too much moisture is also detrimental, because the plant rots from this.

Watering is carried out according to the rules that are important to observe:

  • Watering is required when the upper layer of the earth becomes dry. You should not do this before
  • In the summer, water the little one, but often, so that the plant does not have a lack of moisture
  • It is important that the liquid does not stagnate, because this mint starts to hurt. In particular, she has a fungus
  • In winter, the amount of watering decreases to one per week. Water does not evaporate so quickly, and therefore it requires less
  • In addition to watering, it is recommended to constantly spray mint. This is done to eliminate dust
  • Water for plants must be soft
  • Before using water, let her brew for several days

As for top dressing, it requires quite a bit. In particular, it is used only once a year in the summer. To prepare it, dilute 0.5 g of urea in half a liter of water. If you use ready -made fertilizers, then the permissible concentration, reduce. As a rule, several times. But in the cold time, no fertilizers need to be applied.

Some top dressing do on the principle, the more, the better. In fact, this does not give any effect, but only spoils the taste and aroma of the plant.

How to harvest mint at home?

Mint harvest
Mint harvest

As we have already said, mint on the windowsill can be different varieties. At the same time, the ripening period largely depends on it. Basically, the stems grow to the desired size after a couple of months. If your shoots are already 14-18 cm in length, then you can safely cut them off.

Keep in mind that the growth of mint is very fast, and therefore you constantly have to cut it. Adhere to several simple rules so that your mint is not damaged and does not die:

  • The leaves can be cut only at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the stem, that is, it is not necessary to remove anything from him. Then you will have new shoots without any problems
  • If you still decide to remove the shoots, then you do not need to completely cut them off so that they can then grow further. Ideally, it is necessary to remove up to a third of the length. If you do it wrong, then mint will not grow further
  • The most aromatic leaves that contain the most menthol grow immediately after pedunks, but the main flowering has not yet begun
  • During flowering, it is the inflorescences that receive the bulk of the beneficial substances, because at this moment they are actively formed
  • The tops of the bushes located 10-15 mm above the junction of the main stem with the side can be cut

The finished mint can be stored in different ways, for example, placed it in a container and put in the refrigerator. Many more dry the leaflets to then use them to add to tea.

Bushes often grow quite strongly. In order not to remove all the extra for good, you can cut the cuttings and put them in another pot. This is usually done infrequently. Basically, to such a state of mint, it grows after 2-3 years. Otherwise, the leaves become smaller and thin.

What problems can arise when growing mint on the windowsill at home?

Mint errors
Mint errors

When the mint on the windowsill grows, or in the garden, it can get a fungus. The first signs of the disease are: white plaque, the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, as well as deceleration in growth.

As a rule, fungi appear due to improper care. In general, it is very difficult to care for mint is wrong. This is possible if you give her too often top dressing or watering a lot that water stagnates. In any case, it is important to eliminate the fungus as quickly as possible, because it is able to kill plants. This is done using drugs in which sulfur is present. She quickly eliminates the mint from the fungus.

However, there are also types of fungi in which the plant will no longer be possible to save. This is powdery mildew and veticillage wilting. When they occur, the mint will have to be destroyed, as well as process the soil. All harmful from it is eliminated by freezing the earth or calcining in the oven.

Mint is also plenty of pests. They also have to deal with them quickly. A solution of actellik helps to fight them especially well. However, keep in mind that plants can be treated no later than mid -May. If the deadlines have already come out, then use other means, for example, a broth of celandine, tobacco or nettles with soap.

Mint on the windowsill: reviews

Mint on the windowsill is grown very often. In addition, they share their secrets on the Internet on forums. In fact, they say a lot of what and how best to do. You can take some advice into service and use them.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

Video: How to sow mint at home? Growing mint on the windowsill of seeds

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