The consequences of overweight and obesity can be fatal!

The consequences of overweight and obesity can be fatal!

The consequences of obesity or overweight can be unpleasant. If you care about your health, then read the article.

Currently, many people have overweight, and according to statistics, every fifth suffers from obesity. A similar situation is observed in most developed countries. How to find out do you have excess weight read in another article on our website. Below you will find out what is the difference between excess weight and obesity, as well as about the causes of these pathologies and a lot of other interesting information. Read further.

Excess weight and obesity: Causes

The World Health Organization speaks of a real epidemic: every year more 2.5 million people Dies from diseases caused or directly related to obesity. Such a pathology is currently one of the most severe and complex diseases. Many different factors contribute to its formation:

  • Improper nutrition
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Genetic, hormonal and even psychological deviations

The definition of obesity factors is an individual and very complex process. Studies of obesity constantly identify new causes of this disease. Excess weight and obesity are currently gaining the scale of a real global epidemic.

Excess weight and obesity: What is the difference?

The terms obesity and overweight are often used by us as synonyms, but from a medical point of view there are some differences between these two terms. Both belong to an excessive amount of fat deposits in the body.

The difference between overweight and obesity is determined by the amount of fat accumulated in excess. It is determined mainly using body weight index - BMI. It is believed that overweight occurs when a person has over 15 years old Imt Located in the range 25-29 units. Instead, obesity is a medical term that means that you weigh at least 20% morethan they should. People with body weight index BMI 30 And more considered obese.

Important: These extra pounds, especially in the form of fat at the waist, can lead to serious health problems. The fight against them will help prevent very dangerous complications of obesity.

Diseases associated with obesity and excess weight: List

Obesity and even excess weight are not a purely aesthetic problem. They can lead to very serious health problems, both physical and emotional. Open people usually have several cardiovascular risk factors. These are diseases associated with excess weight. Here's a list:

  • Hypertension
  • Increased blood cholesterol
  • Development of diabetes or antiabetic state

Remember: The risk of a heart attack in a fat woman is about three times higher than that of a thin lady of the same age.

Open people usually get sick much more often than people with a normal body weight index. Why? Here's the answer:

  • Excess fat prevents the normal functioning of internal organs, such as a heart or liver, constantly burdening them with additional work.
  • Fat deposits are added to thisthat accumulate in the blood vessels, so that the blood passes through them with much greater resistance than necessary.
  • Blood pressure rises, the plaque is growing, the liver becomes larger. Even fatty hepatosis can develop.

Ideal conditions in the body of an fat person are created for the development of various diseases that directly threaten life. Obesity is primarily cardiovascular diseases, but not only:

  • Researchers have proved that each increase in the body weight index by 5 units It was associated with a 9 percent increase in the risk of colorectal cancer.
  • In turn, an increase in weight five kilograms is higher than women who have never used hormone replacement therapy, increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer by 11%.
  • Studies confirm that women with obesity are more often subject to depression than women with normal weight.

The list of diseases, the risk of which in fat people is much higher, is very long. The most common diseases caused by excess body weight include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • Heart attack, stroke
  • Type II diabetes
  • Some types of cancer diseases
  • Gall bladder diseases and gall bladder stones
  • Chronic inflammation of bones and joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gout
  • Difficult breathing, including apnea in a dream, bronchial asthma

Of course, this is not the entire list of diseases that develop against the background of obesity. There is only one fact - if there is excess weight, you need to deal with it. Read further.

Obesity and excess weight require treatment - do not delay: the consequences can be fatal

In almost all developed countries, the number of patients with obesity with a body weight index of 50 units and more constantly increases. Such a late stage of this disease is usually called extremely severe obesity. This leads to complete disability and dependence on the help of other people. Therefore, obesity and excess weight require treatment. It is not necessary to put off it, otherwise this pathologists can entail unpleasant consequences that can be fatal.

  • If you suffer from obesity or from a small overweight, you should definitely take care of your health.
  • You should not put off, especially since ignoring this problem usually leads to its further exacerbation.
  • Many people who make unsuccessful attempts to lose weight quickly surrender. This happens when a person expects quick results.
  • Such a big error in thinking interferes with the process of losing weight.

Achieving and maintaining the perfect body weight is not an easy task, but always achievable, even in cases of strong obesity. If you think that obesity caused by genetic or hormonal factors is incurable, you are mistaken. Even in these cases, you can cure this disease. Obesity should be treated immediately. Waiting, ignoring the disease, rejection of unsuccessful attempts - all this exacerbates the problem.

How to help yourself if you have excess weight or obesity: solving the problem

You can help yourself if you have excess weight or obesity, if you play sports and eat right
You can help yourself if you have excess weight or obesity, if you play sports and eat right

Obesity or emergence of excess weight can develop for a number of reasons, including:

  • Improper nutrition
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Genetic factors
  • Health status
  • Taking certain drugs

How to help yourself if you have excess weight or obesity. Here is the solution to the problem:

  • In the treatment of obesity, it is important to determine the cause of weight gain.
  • The process of losing weight can be either long and complex, and its final consequences will depend, first of all, on the level of personal self -discipline.
  • There are no wonderful diets or exercises that will allow you to lose weight safely and at the same time very quickly, without any effort.
  • Each method of losing weight has its pros and cons.
  • The most important thing is to adhere to the rules from the very beginning.
  • Remember that no power program for 2-3 weeks Or even several months will not help in long -term treatment of overweight and obesity.
  • To do this, you must constantly change habits combined with an increase in physical activity. This is the so -called conservative treatment.
  • Without this, in an effort to lose weight and maintain your perfect, it will not work far.

In many cases, overweight and obesity may require the help of specialists. However, not all nutritionists and other doctors who claim to help quickly lose weight can be trusted.

It is worth knowing: On the Internet, there are many offers of dietary supplements that support weight loss, wonderful diets and magical means that supposedly helped to get rid of unnecessary kilograms in a short time once and for all. But this, unfortunately, does not work in this way.

Getting rid of excess weight is a difficult task. This is a tedious process during which we learn completely new habits in food and much more.

Obesity and impaired immunity to viral infections: important

Numerous scientific studies prove that overweight and, in particular, obesity, can contribute to violation of the immune system. The fat person risks reducing the immune response to many pathologies. What does it mean:

  • When exposed to viruses, fat people are more susceptible to the development of the disease in their body, as well as to the appearance of dangerous complications.
  • Obesity is an independent factor in the risk of incidence and mortality from the pandemic flu caused by the H1N1 virus.

Influenza is a very serious threat to public health. Annually in the world dies about 250,000 - 500,000 people. Studies clearly show that obesity can worsen the ability to obtain a protective immune response to the influenza virus. Therefore, you need to fight overweight, eating correctly and increasing physical activity. If doctors tell you that you have excess weight or obesity, do not ignore it. Contact the help of a qualified nutrition for help, which will help to make the right menu and give sensible tips. Good luck!

Video: Excess weight - how to deal with overeating? Mikhail Labkovsky, psychologist

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Comments K. article

  1. That's for sure. The consequences can be sad. Therefore, it is better not to gain excess weight.

  2. Galina, you write everything correctly. But, now many are on quarantine and many are difficult not to gain excess weight. You yourself know how much I recovered in two weeks literally (I decided that I needed to do something. Therefore, I began to take Reduxin Fort. And then, I could not cope with my excess weight. But now I eat little, thanks for this the act of reduxin forte

  3. Excess fat is an extra load on the organs, which with our rhythm of life and work as bees. As I lost weight, I noticed a specific difference in terms of well -being and physical endurance. The Evalarovsky lipotropic factor and a decrease in daily calibration helped to remove the fat. At the moment, I support the result for 1700 kcal per day, I do not starve).

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