Coding from obesity and excess weight: methods, contraindications, side effects, features. Coding from obesity according to the method of Dovzhenko, Smelov. Remote coding methodology from obesity

Coding from obesity and excess weight: methods, contraindications, side effects, features. Coding from obesity according to the method of Dovzhenko, Smelov. Remote coding methodology from obesity

Review of coding methods from obesity.

Coding from obesity is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that people do not want to spend a huge amount of their own strength and time, as well as nerves, in order to get rid of food dependence. It is for such people that coding is intended. In this article we will talk about the most common ways of coding from obesity.  

Features of coding for excess weight: how does it work?

In most cases, this method is used as extreme and so to speak the last. That is, it is usually popular among people who have repeatedly tried to reduce their weight, but nothing came of them. This method, unlike diets, sports, proper nutrition, requires the minimum participation of the person himself. That is, the person himself practically no effort to lose weight, does not make. That is, he does not train his willpower, does not make a huge amount of physical exercises, but loses weight, so to speak, by clicking.


  • How does coding from obesity work? In simple words, this is the introduction into the human psyche with the help of a psychotherapist. Most often, a person is introduced into hypnosis and in this state is trying to instill new food habits or establish a ban on certain products. There are several techniques that differ in their approach, as well as effectiveness.
  • The most interesting thing is that not everyone helps coding. There are people who are poorly amenable to psychological suggestion, influence, so for them the coding method is absolutely ineffective. For such people, the most affordable way to lose weight is the so -called small step method.
  • This is not at all some kind of newfangled technique or suggestion. This is a kind of method of training willpower, when a person begins to do big things with small acts and steps. For example, during each meal, a person does not eat one spoon. Or in the evening he denies himself one candy.
  • This is a kind of small victory, of which a big result is then consisting. Each time, a person can limit himself more and more, training his own willpower. This method is popular in that it does not require the involvement of psychotherapists, or the use of some newfangled expensive diets. But at the same time, a person himself achieves everything, training his willpower.  
Hard choice
Hard choice

Methods of encoding from excess weight and obesity

Each clinic uses its own method.

Coding from obesity according to Dovzhenko


  • Regarding the coding methods from obesity, one of the most popular is coding according to the Dovzhenko method.  This technique has been used for 30 years, and is confirmed by many doctors by psychotherapists. In the course of the procedure, a person is introduced into a state of mild hypnosis, and inspire him with a certain nutrition program. They inspire a person with which products are useful and which are harmful. Thanks to such an encoding, a person begins to adhere to the inspired diet.
  • The main advantage is that if a person holds out for quite some time and will adhere to this diet, then in this case the inspired food habits become reflex. And a person, even after the expiration of encoding, is able to eat right, due to the fact that he is used to such a regime and taking a certain type of food.  
  • The technique is quite soft, and helps to instill the right food habits. That is, under hypnosis, a person is inspired that specific food is harmful, and aversion to it is caused. Thus, a person simply does not want to eat a specific type of food, due to high calorie content and due to the fact that it was used in the code.
  • Most often, aversion to fried, sweet food, which is highly content of calories, as well as fats, is instilled. Over time, a person gets used to eating like that, and after the coding time passes, he continues to live a normal life.  

Coding from obesity according to Smelyov


  • There is another method, which is also quite often used in clinics that practice coding from obesity. This is the method of Smelov. The so -called effect on certain centers of the brain that is responsible for receiving food pleasure is based.
  • These centers regulate the feeling of hunger, and also cause appetite. When exposed to these points of the brain, a person begins to eat less, due to the fact that these centers give less signals of the digestive tract that they want food. In addition, a person from eating receives less pleasure.
  • Thus, those people who eat a lot, in order to feel the so-called food orgasm, refuse to eat, due to the fact that it is no longer connected with receiving pleasure.  
  • This method is more aggressive, because it affects specific areas of the brain and brings up not certain food habits, but brings up the so -called fear of taking some products, and also relieves a person to get pleasure when eating.  
At the nutritionist
At the nutritionist

Remote coding from obesity


  • It is worth noting that sometimes some people resort to coding from obesity at home. Most often, the so -called television method is used for these purposes.
  • A person remotely, when watching a disk or some video, is introduced into a slight state of hypnosis, and at the same time gets rid of problems with excess weight. Thus, through the TV screen, he is inspired by certain food habits, as well as a ban on some types of food.
  • The main drawback is that the implementation of the psyche is carried out not under the supervision of professionals, but remotely, which can cause a lot of negative consequences.  

Obesity encoding efficiency


  • Coding from obesity is not effective in all cases. It absolutely does not affect people who are poorly lending on suggestion, psychological effects. Thus, a person laying out a decent amount of money, he will not get any result.
  • The saddest thing is that usually after disappointment and breakdown, serious depression comes. The fact is that a person most often resorts to encoding, as at least or a wand for a help, which will certainly allow you to get rid of extra pounds.
  • If a person does not get results, he falls into depression, which makes him even more fuck his own fear. Thus, coding from obesity has the opposite side. A person can harm himself even more than to bring any benefit.
  • In the case of the effectiveness of coding, a person gradually raises food habits in himself, and develops a love of some products that he had not experienced such love to before. At the same time, a kind of aversion to harmful and high -calorie foods is brought up.  
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Contraindications, side effects to coding from obesity

It is worth noting that coding from obesity has many contraindications. Among which mental illness, as well as nervous disorders. That is, if initially the psyche of a person is unstable, in no case should he run to coding.

The fact is that this can only aggravate the situation, and in the end, instead of regulating, reducing the amount of food, it begins to consume it even more. Among the contraindications are also infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic ailments, hypertension, as well as malignant tumors and neoplasms.  


It is worth noting that coding from obesity can cause some side effects, as well as not entirely expected results. The fact is that people with a lot of excess weight manage to achieve maximum results than those who have only a few extra pounds. In addition, coding can lead to the development of bulimia, as well as anorexia.

Thus, the body can work against itself. That is, instead of adequately assessing the situation, the number of meals, a person flows from extreme to extreme. Before coding, he overeats, and after encoding begins, on the contrary, to manually fight with any desire to eat. This often leads to disorders of health and very serious consequences.  


As you can see, coding from obesity is a rather effective way, which does not work in all cases. At the same time, it has a lot of contraindications, as well as side effects. Before contacting the clinic, it is worthwhile to understand that this is the introduction into the subconscious, which can result in some mental illness, as well as unexpected situations with weight loss.  

Video: Coding from obesity

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  1. Lord ... what they will not come up with. It seems to me that our desire to eat more and more tastier, stronger than any coding ... That is why we gain weight. She herself recently noticed that somehow she accumulated too much fat ... Therefore, immediately began to accept the lipotropic factor of Evalarovsky and L-Carnitine + physical. Activity added, of course. The hated sides began to leave ... The most important thing is that I do not limit myself in nutrition))

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