How to find out: do you have excess weight?

How to find out: do you have excess weight?

This article will talk about ways of independent diagnosis of excess weight.

Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem. Excess weight negatively affects the human body, its health and general condition. But with the help of Libra it is impossible to find out exactly if you have excess weight that you need to fight. There is, as a guideline, the desired weight, but you should not forget for your individual parameters and age -related changes. Therefore, we offer you simple methods of calculating and determining excess weight.

How to find out what is overweight: we measure the waist

  • The fastest way to find out what is overweight is to measure the size of your waist. Waist circumference of more than 89 cm in women and more than 101 cm in mentalks about the status of excess weight and indicates problems in health.
  • To measure the waist circumference, everything you need, it is Flexible centimeter tape.Place it in the most flowing area, exactly in the middle, like a guideline - put above the navel is literally 1-2 cm.Do not give in to the temptation to draw a stomach and do not make the tape too tight.
  • The waist circumference is above these figures indicates excess fat on the abdomen and its dangerous type, which surrounds vital organs, increases the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure and metabolic syndrome.
How to measure the waist correctly
How to measure the waist correctly

How to find out if there is excess weight: correlate the waist and hips

This method allows you to more accurately find out if there is excess weight, already taking into account your partners.

You need to calculate the ratio of TB (waist - hips). We measure the hips at the most protruding points on the pope, but it is also worth considering the protruding stomach, if any. To do this, when the measurement, lower the ordinary ruler from the navel, for which you will start the tape. The norm is considered:

  • In women, the number 0.85 is a maximum of at least 0.65
  • In men - from 0.85 to 1

Formula: We divide the waist circumference into the circumference of the hips - from/about

Example: Waist - 80, hips - 95. As a result, 85/95 \u003d 0.84 is a norm

How to measure the hips
How to measure the hips

How to find out if I have excess weight by height: calculations according to the formula Brock

A very popular formula that helps to find out what is overweight, even taking into account individual indicators. You can even say that this figure will be your perfect weight. After all, we do not forget that exhaustion for the body is no less dangerous than excess weight!

All you need is to know your growth! And already take away from him:

  • 110 cm, if you have growth from 176 cm
  • 100 is taken away by all those below 165 cm
  • 105 - between two borders from 166 to 175

Deviations of a couple of kilograms are allowed. But if the deviation is more than 3 kg, then this indicates excess weight.

But in order to determine the perfect weight, then it is worth considering more indicators:

  • Age
  • Type of physique

Important: age -related changes cannot be circumvented, and excessive loads will only lead to health problems!

Therefore, from the amount received, we:

  • Add another 6% for all those older than 50 years
  • It takes 11%for those under 25 years old (up to 20 - 12%, up to 30 years old)
  • Between these indicators - you do not take away or add

Next, we determine your type - for this you just need to measure the wrist of the working hand


  • Asthenic or thin physique - less than 16 cm
  • Normostenik - from 16 to 18 cm
  • Hyperstenik or wide bone - over 18 cm

For men, the numbers are slightly higher:

  • Asthenic type is up to 17 cm
  • Hyperthenic type - over 20 cm
  • All data between these limits is a normosthenic type

Now, to the amount received with age adjustment, we:

  • The asthenic type takes 10%
  • Hyperthenic appearance adds 10%
  • Normostenik - does nothing


  • You have a height of 158 cm, 30 years, woman
  • Remove 100 \u003d 58
  • At the age of 30 to 50, we do nothing
  • Now take into account the physique. For example, the volume of the wrist is 15 cm - this indicates an asthenic type. Therefore, we need to take away 10% - this is 5.8
  • As a result, we get 58 - 5.8 \u003d 52.2 - this is our perfect weight
    • But if the circumference of the brush was 16 cm, then 58 kg - it would be that normal indicator
    • And if the bone was above 18 cm, then it would be necessary to add 5.8. As a result, the weight would have to be 63.8 kg

You see how much the width of the bone affects the results!

Important: the formula is not suitable for active athletes and bodybuilders that they increase muscle mass, as well as adolescents under 18 years of age.

Approximate indicators
Approximate indicators

How to find out and determine if there is excess weight: we take into account growth and age-the table of Egorov-Levitsky

With age, almost all people gain weight due to a decrease in metabolic rate. And many begin to raise a panic that the weight is not the same as it was at the age of 15. But every age group has its own norms. Therefore, before exhausting yourself with hunger strikes, you should find out if there is actually excess weight.

Important: data provided for maximum indicators!

We offer you a table of ready -made indicators, so calculations are not needed. In order to compare the results of the readings of different methods. Take the same 158 cm and age 30 years - we have 64.1 kg. As we see, the testimony is a little more.


How to find out if there is excess weight: by the Lorentz formula

To find out if excess weight, only growth data is needed on this calculation.


  • P (growth) - 100 and take away from this amount ((p - 150)/2)

As an example:

  • we take the same 158 - 100 \u003d 58
  • 158 – 150 = 8/2 = 4
  • 58 – 4 = 54

For men, the formula is the same, but it is worth dividing by 4:

  • (P - 100) - ((p - 150)/4)

According to this formula, calculations go to a minimum! Although if you take the lower limit according to the brook formula, then the data is almost 2 kg higher.

For more detailed calculation
For more detailed calculation

How to find out if there is excess weight: body mass index or cetle index

This is one of the popular formulas to find out if there is excess weight. It helps to determine the body mass index, so even many nutritionists recommend not to hold on the scales of the scales, but to take into account these ratios more and compare the proportions of volumes (by waist and hips).

  • You will need to know your weight and height
  • now we Square Our growth in meters: 1.58 ² \u003d 2.4964
    • Just in case, we remind you that for the square we need to multiply the number by ourselves
  • Now we divide the weight by the resulting number: 62/2.4964 \u003d 24.83

Now we look at the data in the table - in our example, data are included in the norm, but without 0.07 to an increased index.


You will also be interested in reading an article "How to correctly calculate the body mass index for women, men and children, depending on age?"

How to find out if you have excess weight, without measurements?

There are enough ways to find out if you have excess weight, without measurement with a centimeter and without weighing on the scales. Here is some of them:

  • Check the presence of points of contact on your feet. Ideally, there should be three - between the hips at the base of the priests, a little higher than the knees and between the ankles. To check, you should become exactly in front of the mirror, connect the legs together and carefully see. If you see 4 gaps, then you have a normal weight. If you do not have an upper lumen, then this indicates excess weight. But very thin girls do not have this point of contact.
  • Check the folds on the stomach. To do this, you need to get up and take a fold a little to the left or to the right of the navel. For women, 2-3 cm are sweet to be the norm, for men-up to 2 cm. If data is more than 3 cm, this is already a signal, that it is time to deal with yourself.
  • Submit the stomach to check the presence of excess weight. To do this, take a position in front of the mirror, as for push -ups from the floor. Pull your stomach, if it sags or remains visible, then you have problems with excess weight. If it becomes flat, then everything is fine - you have great weight.
  • Spinal folds will tell you about weight gain. To do this, lie on the floor on the stomach, do not raise your legs. Lift the body a little. And if you can take yourself by the folds on your back, then this indicates excess weight. With an ideal figure, they should not be.
  • Banal inclinations and turns. You can lie on its side or make tilments aside standing. In general, any flexion in the waist area with excess weight will look 1-2 large folds. With the perfect weight of the folds, there are many and they are small, but when tilting or turning there are no discomfort.
Potassium for measuring fat
Potassium for measuring fat

Symptoms of the body that will help you find out if you have excess weight

  • Most overweight people tend to snoredue to the obstruction of the respiratory tract. When your body accumulates fat around the neck, it can narrow the respiratory tract, causing superficial breathing or pauses in breathing. Therefore, if your partner or even you noticed excessive snoring, this may be a good reason to check your weight.
  • Frequent heartburn It will also help to find out if there is excess weight. Changes in body weight, even insignificant, can lead to an increase in acid reflux. More than a third of people with excess body weight and obesity suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERB). German researchers suggest the presence of a connection between obesity and development of GERB. Other symptoms of this condition include belching, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth and abdominal pain.
  • The joints hurt if there is excess weight. Obesity is a risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a disease that leads to a deterioration in the condition of the joints, pain, a decrease in joint mobility and a decrease in the quality of life. Excess weight exerts greater pressure on all joints! Therefore, if your knees or hips hurt, or you have a chronic back in your back, then these can be signal bells of the body about severity in the form of extra pounds.
  • Excessive weight creates additional pressure on your organs, including lungs. If simple tasks, such as wagging shoes or cleaning a room, lead to fatigue, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, You may have a problem with weight.
  • High blood pressure - This is a signal that you have excess weight. Sometimes there is also a leap of cholesterol. Weight loss can reduce these indicators without drugs, which is safer, cheaper and more stable than taking pills.
  • If you are gaining several kilograms every month for more than one year, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle. When the child grows, this is normal. But if your weight continues to grow rapidly after peak growth, your doctor may recommend changes in food behavior, To stabilize the scale and avoid obesity.

Of course, there is no ideal way to evaluate your weight without the help of a doctor, but you can still find out yourself if there is excess weight. At least, you can notice this line on your own. The main thing is to take care of yourself and your figure in time!

Video: How to find out your perfect weight?

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