Complete information on the most pressing issues related to Covid-19

Complete information on the most pressing issues related to Covid-19

This article describes the answers on topical issues regarding the new coronavirus infection-Covid-19.


Covid-19 - This is a new virus that is still poorly understood. Each organism tolerates it differently. Some people do not even feel the course of the disease, while others have complications.

Read on our website article on the consequences and weakness after coronavirus. You will learn about the reasons and what to do, and also how much the feeling of weakness will last.

People have different questions about coronavirus. We have prepared answers to the most pressing questions regarding this new infection. Read further.

Coronaviruses: definition and essence


Coronaviruses are called viruses, mainly acting on animals. But this does not mean that they cannot be transmitted to a person. In addition to the well -known new  Covid-19, exist again 7 species such an infection.

As a rule, the infection in the vast majority of cases affects the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. The disease can occur in various forms, or even asymptomatic. However, in citizens aged and people with a weakened organism, Covid-19 It can cause significant health disorders. Rarely, but even death is possible.

Also “under the sight” of the virus of a person with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as those who have various kinds of neoplasms. Holders of chronic diseases should also pay increased attention to mandatory preventive measures.

How to recognize the Covid-19: the main symptoms

The manifestations of coronavirus are similar to SARS and influenza. The patient may feel bad within two weeks after interacting with the source of infection. What is characterized by his condition? How to recognize Covid-19? Here are the main symptoms:

  • The loss of the ability to feel smells and a sharp excess of the temperature indicators of the human body.
  • Pouting and sharp difficulty in passing air into the lungs - as a rule, a cough has a dry nature. However, in some cases, discharge is possible.
  • Shortness of breath and sharp fatigue for no apparent reason.
  • Muscle pain, as well as unbearable heaviness in the chest area.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat, problems with oxygen (not in all cases).
  • Migraines, nausea, the patient is involuntarily and breathes quickly (in certain cases).
  • Diarya and groaning blood (rarely).

At the initial stage of the disease, all of the above symptoms can also manifest with the normal temperature of the human body. That is why many still confuse Kovid and a banal cold. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately after a person feels malaise.

The duration of the incubation period in coronavirus       

As a rule, the incubation period in coronavirus is 5-7 days After infection. Even, devoid of symptoms of a patient, can be dangerous to others. Subsequent 2 weeks A person is considered contagious. That is why he needs to carefully observe the isolation and resort to the services of doctors.

Risk group: who should show attentiveness and caution so as not to become infected?

Coronavirus is dangerous for everyone. But, at the same time, some people have more chances to be infected. In their cases, the disease is much harder, complications are possible. This is the so -called risk group. Who should show attentiveness and caution so as not to become infected? Often this:

  • Owners of weakened immunity and elderly
  • People with diseases of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels
  • Diabetics
  • People with excess weight
  • Painful children whose body is too weak to resist the virus

Also, people who are faced with a large number of people often get sick.  

What are possible complications at Covid-19?

Complications at Covid-19
Complications at Covid-19

Coronavirus is not the disease that provokes frequent complications. The infection is difficult in only 20% of cases. Its most famous complication almost always resembles pneumonia in typology. The situation can gain critical forms, up to the occurrence of breathing problems. In particularly serious cases, the use of special devices that serve in light oxygen is required.

As for the death, its percentage in the countries of the world - from 1% to 8% From the total number of sick. Russia has an indicator at 1.9% - 2%. However, this does not mean that Covid-19 not dangerous. Preventive measures should be observed both by pensioners and youth.

Ways of coronavirus spread: how can you become infected with a disease?

As a rule, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. That is why infected and healthy people need to wear a medical protective mask. How else can you become infected with a disease?

  • Contact with sneezing and coughing patients should be avoided.
  • However, Covid-19 It is able to be transmitted through inhalation of bacteria that live in particles of dust.

Another source of infection or the path of coronavirus - surfaces in common areas. Coming from the street, you should not immediately touch the face. Rinse the skin of the hands thoroughly, use antiseptics of increased alcohol concentration.

How make an antiseptic at home, read in another article on our website. It is great for disinfection of hands and different surfaces.

How long does coronavirus live on various surfaces?

According to the World Health Organization, the Covid-19 can stay on various surfaces for up to several days. In general, on bills of money, the infection lives 3-4 days, but on bank cards a little longer - up to 9 days. Not only the type of surface, but also temperature, humidity are important.

It is worth knowing: The virus is very sensitive in relation to ultraviolet, as well as concentrated household chemicals.

After sneezing or other actions of an infected person, the virus is still able to be in the air for several hours. That is why it is not necessary to think that if a person sneezed “after”, and not directly on you, then you are safe.

How to protect yourself from infection?

In almost 100% of cases, salvation from coronavirus is precisely vaccination. Vaccinations "Gam-kovid-Wak" and " Epivaccoron " Make a person persistent to sources of infection. They significantly increase immunity. How else to protect yourself from infection?

  • It is also recommended to refrain from visiting crowded places for their own salvation.
  • It is necessary to wear individual protective equipment (masks), use disinfectants (alcohol content is no less 70%), thoroughly wipe personal items with alcohol wipes, regularly rinse all products without packaging purchased in supermarkets.

People should maintain their immunity at a decent level. This will help the use of protein products and sports. You can take vitamins and minerals. Do not forget about a full sleep. This is an excellent tool for restoring all the functions of the body.

What should children know about coronavirus?

Children and coronavirus
Children and coronavirus

Alas, Covid-19 He does not choose his victims according to the age principle. Consequently, children along with adults should be aware of the methods of spreading viruses and microbes, the dangers of contact with infected people, the observance of hand and face hygiene, as well as the need to wear masks. What else should children know about coronavirus?

  • It should be remembered that a toothbrush, a towel - each has their own in the family.
  • You should not use the personal things of another person - even if it is a close relative.
  • It is necessary to enter crowded places as little as possible, as well as wash your hands after contact with any kind of surfaces.

Parents of young children should be doubly careful. During the game, children should not take toys and extraneous objects in their mouths.

Where to get involved from coronavirus?

Today the opportunity to protect yourself from Covid-19 There are in all regions of the Russian Federation. Where to get involved from coronavirus?

Today it is the only effective option for the fight against Covid, available in many countries.

Who should be a vaccination?

Any person who has no contraindications can be vaccinated. Who should be a vaccination? There are specific categories of the population that must be used from coronavirus. It:        

  • Pensioners from 60 years old
  • Social workers, doctors and other representatives of the professions of a number of "man-man"
  • People with weak immunity and chronic diseases

The remaining citizens can be insolent at will.

Does the vaccine help?

The effectiveness of drugs used in vaccination is clinically proven. Vaccination not only prevents the occurrence Covid-19But it also improves the capabilities of the human body in terms of health, improves immunity and helps not to get sick or transfer the disease in a mild form.

Indications for vaccination from coronavirus

All people can be vaccinated over 18 years oldhaving no contraindications. In some cases, before going for vaccination from coronavirus, it is necessary to study its composition and consult with the attending physician. This applies to people who currently endure specific chronic diseases and are observed in the clinic.

Who is contraindicated in vaccination?

Vaccination from coronavirus
Vaccination from coronavirus

There are several categories of people who are undesirable to introduce a vaccine. Contraindications have:

  • Minor children.
  • Allergies and people who are intolerance to one or another component of the vaccine.
  • People with acute diseases of the infectious and non -infectious plan.
  • Persons suffering from exacerbation of chronic diseases. In such cases, they are vaccinated no earlier than 2 weeks after remission.
  • Pregnant women and mothers breastfeeding.

In those frequent cases when there are doubts or reasonable concerns regarding whether the vaccine will take a separate body, a detailed medical consultation will be taken on this subject. And only after that go to the vaccine.

PCR and antibodies analysis before vaccination: are they needed?

Testing antibodies is optional. However, if the patient is suspected of their presence, then it is better to refrain from vaccination. Why? In the presence of antibodies in a person, immunity to infection is already produced, his body is already resistant to the virus.

Those who are already ill with coronavirus also make no sense to vaccinate. As for PCR, it should be done in the event of symptoms or contacts with the carriers of the disease during the period up to 14 days. At the moment, vaccination is the only salvation against the disease that takes more and more human lives.

The temperature rose after vaccination: what to do?

If an increase in temperature after vaccination is short -term, and it is within normal limits - there is an individual reaction of the body to the components of the drug. In the first three days after the introduction of vaccines, surges in body temperature are possible and there may be others malaise and poor health. If the reaction remains for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. Most likely, there is an intolerance to any component.

Is it necessary to observe self -isolation after vaccination?

Often no additional measures are required after vaccination. A person is able to live a full life. Since there is no pathogenic for the body, the virus in the vaccine is present, the vaccinated cannot infect anyone and is losing the risk of getting sick. However, it is better to avoid large clusters of people.

What is the Gam-Kikid-Wak vaccine?

Vaccine "Gam-kovid-Wak" Designed in the laboratory national Research Center. N.F. Gamaley. The second name "Satellite V". The vaccine is a solution for intramuscular administration. Must be introduced 2 times, with an interval in 3 weeks. After 21 day After the second vaccination, persistent immunity to the disease is formed. To date "Satellite V" Already perfectly established himself in the fight against coronavirus.

Epivaccoron vaccine: distinctive features and features

"Epivaccoron" - vaccine for double use (interval 2-3 weeks). Distinctive features and features:

  • Designed by state scientific Center for Biotechnology and Virology.
  • After 35-40 days A vaccinated person will be able to count on immunity.

U "Epivaccoron" few contraindications, it creates excellent protection from Covid-19.

"Kovivak" vaccine: origin, advantages

"Kovivak" The vaccine has been produced center named after M.P. Chumakova. Unlike predecessors, "Kovivak" It contains not fragments, but a full -fledged virus. Of course, it is safe for human health, as it is in a deactivated form. It is necessary to introduce 2 times With the interval in 2 weeks. So far, the vaccine is not available for general use.

Does the citizen of our country choose the type of vaccine on their own?

Vaccine from coronavirus
Vaccine from coronavirus

Alas, there is no option of “looking around” in the country. Any of the existing vaccines available in the public domain can be used.

Do you need to be vaccinated for those who have already been ill with Covid-19?

This category of citizens can not be vaccinated from Covid-19, since, if people are already ill, then they have an immunity to the disease. If malaise arises, consult a doctor. He will make a decision regarding further actions.

Where and how to sign up for vaccination?

You can apply for vaccination in two ways:

  1. To sign up for site
  2. Call the number 122

In the same way, you can write down for the vaccine of elderly relatives.

The vaccination is recorded, but there are not enough drugs: when will a new batch of vaccine come?

This issue largely depends on the production capacities for the manufacture of the drug. They are limited to supplies. In general, the production of the vaccine and its delivery are continuously. But still, there are situations when vaccinations are recorded, but there are not enough drugs. And people are often worried about the question: when will a new batch of vaccine come?

  • Accurate data can be found on the site regional Ministry of Health.
  • The record for vaccination is always open (even when the vaccines are not available).

This is done so that experts can calculate the load on medical facilities and analyze how much solution is needed for a particular region.

Can I forget about the mask after vaccination?

The mask after vaccination must be worn
The mask after vaccination must be worn

No. We will have to continue to comply with individual protection rules: to wear a medical protective mask even after vaccination and observe the distance.

When is it necessary to put on a mask?

For prevention purposes Covid-19 It is recommended to use personal protective equipment in the following cases:

  • When interacting with wide masses and visiting the “general purposes” (supermarkets, public institutions, etc.).
  • When communicating with personalities, with suspicions of SARS and appropriate symptoms.
  • With close contact with society during the period of incidence.
  • Directly with personalities having a “covid” (or suspicions of it).
  • If there is a risk of infection with other infections.

It is worth remembering that the mask is effective only in combination with the wash of the hands and the use of alcohol -based antiseptics. The product itself does not guarantee invulnerability in relation to the virus.

How to wear and throw a mask correctly?

Before putting on the product, treat your hands with an antiseptic (or wash them with soap). Here are a few more rules on how to wear and throw a mask correctly:

  • You need to put on the product so that there are no cracks between it and the face.
  • If the raw mask needs to be replaced.
  • After touching it, the hands are treated with an alcohol -containing agent.
  • The mask is removed without touches to its front (using rubber bands from the back).

The product is thrown into a waste container. After that, you need to handle your hands again.

 Diagnostics COVID-19: How is it?

After collecting an anamnesis and assessing complaints, a thorough medical examination is carried out. Then the rest of the diagnosis is carried out Covid-19. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient is obliged to pass:

  • X -ray or computed tomography
  • Blood analysis
  • Test method of PCR

The doctor can also prescribe other examinations, if necessary.

He fell ill with coronavirus: what to do?

If you are sure that you are ill with coronavirus, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his prescriptions. So that the condition does not deteriorate, it is better to abandon self -medication, observe bed rest and drink a lot of water - at least 3 liters per day.

How to behave if the household is ill with coronavirus or other infectious disease?

Do not panic. If the household is ill with coronavirus or other infectious disease, it is convincingly recommended to determine the patient in a separate room in the house and call a doctor as soon as possible. How to behave further, the doctor will tell. In no case do not try to treat yourself! In case of Covid-19 it is dangerous!

If housing conditions do not allow, it is necessary that everyone be at a distance at least 1 meter From the patient. Ideally, the infected should not be contacted with loved ones. At risk, children, elderly people and relatives with weakened immunity. It is better to protect them from infected for a while.

During the period in the patient’s house, air in the room should be ozone as often as possible and wet cleaning. Disinfection should be thorough. It is necessary to care for the infected only in a protective mask.

All procedures related to treatment and care should be performed only by one family member. Otherwise, there is a risk of spread Covid-19 between all relatives.

How to determine that I got Covid-19?


The main symptoms of an insidious ailment should be remembered. They were described above in the text. But only a physician can make a final diagnosis. At the first tangible ailments, you need to immediately contact representatives of medical facilities. A thorough medical examination will be carried out, which will show whether it really takes place Covid-19 Or is it an ordinary cold, and what will be done in the future.

Does the patient’s studied have a severe form COVID-19: how many forms of development of the disease exist?

According to proven medical data, share 4 forms of coronavirus: lightweight, average type, as well as heavy options for manifestations. As a rule, they are evaluated: the patient’s medical indicators, concomitant complications (their presence or absence), as well as data obtained after analysis by laboratory tests. Does the patient have a severe form Covid-19 After several days of illness, it is known when oxygen begins to fall in the blood, temperature rises, it is difficult for a person to breathe, etc.

What are the tests in order to determine the presence of a virus?

The main and easiest way of checking is a smear from the oropharynx and nasal sinuses. However, this is not the only verification option. What other tests are carried out in order to determine the presence of a virus?

  • Next may be assigned blood analysis.
  • As for the diagnosis the PCR method, it allows you to draw fixed conclusions only after a few hours. The time spent by specialists on the delivery of the material is subtracted.

The government of many powers of the world is actively introducing into the use of express tests. They allow you to get data with a minimum error in a few hours. In Russia, you can take a check in the laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor. If the test confirmed the presence of coronavirus, it is urgent to isolate and call a doctor.

Who should undergo a laboratory examination?

Check on Covid-19 In the form of a laboratory examination, it is mandatory for citizens with suspicions of respiratory tract disease or various kinds of infections. It is advisable to resort to an antigen test in advance. Who else should this examination be taken?

  • Also, persons who have just visited the distant and close foreign countries should also be checked, or to those who somehow contacted the sources of infection.
  • The examination can undergo both those who already have symptoms on 8-10 days, and those who did not have them.
  • A laboratory examination is relevant for employees of the medical sphere and people who independently fighting with pneumonia of any kind.
  • At the first manifestations of specific features, it is necessary to test and all those whose professional activities are associated with a large audience (especially the elderly and children).

The doctor can independently send for examination and in additional cases, which include:

  • Foreign business and personal trips 2 weeks before the inspection.
  • The likelihood of interaction with “suspicious” people in the next 2 weeks.
  • Work with biomaterials or things of patients with specialized clinics.
  • The fact of the birth of a child from a mother already having an infection.

The examination is also advisable for people with respiratory symptoms, whose age exceeds 65 years. In general, there is not a single age category of the population for which Coronavirus would not have a danger.

Antibodies and their benefits: what gives the test, is it necessary to make it to an ordinary person?

Antibodies to coronavirus
Antibodies to coronavirus

Specialists share several varieties of antibodies:

  • IgM
  • Iga
  • Igg

What gives a test, does an ordinary person need to do it? If you want, then you can do tests for antibodies to see the whole picture of health. It is worth knowing:

  • Analyzes are best performed not comprehensively, but alternately.
  • It is in this case that real data can be tracked.
  • Timely laboratory intervention will quickly identify the presence of immune deviations of the body.
  • If there are antibodies like IgM and IgaThis indicates the possible presence of an infection of the type under study.

This laboratory method is simply indispensable in those numerous cases when Covid-19 It proceeds asymptomatic or when there is no way to make PCR. IgG antibodies talk about the presence of immunity.

Will we cure coronavirus?

Fighting Covid-19 is quite real. Coronavirus will be cured. However, you need to trust the recommendations of doctors, avoid self -medication. The type of treatment is determined directly by the doctor. Various drug methods can be used.

In some cases, antibiotics are used to relieve inflammation and to combat a bacterial infection, which joined the viral. However, this is not the main medicine, but only additional measures. You should not think that with the help of antibiotics alone, you can fully recover from the virus. It is necessary to drink antiviral drugs, as well as antipyretic, if there is a temperature. But only the doctor prescribes drugs!

The order of translation and (or) further restoration of patients: when people are sent home from the hospital?

If the hospital doctors have a trend in the stabilization of indicators, the infected can be discharged from the hospital “optional”, or sending for home treatment. A prerequisite for this: the stable values \u200b\u200bof all indicators, which are within the norm, namely not only blood and urine indicators, but also two negative tests for coronavirus.

What are the most effective preventive agents?

Ideal, effective preventive - vaccination made by means "Gam-kovid-Wak" and "Epivaccoron". Solutions are able to develop resistance to the negative effects of infection.

Should everyone be isolated, avoid society?

Strictly observe quarantine measures, isolate and avoid society: are required:

  • Those people who have visited
  • Those, had ties with "resort" for a long time

Important: At the first suspicions of Kovid, you should immediately call a doctor at home.

Tourists need to be on quarantine until the results of the test are known Covid-19, and infected should be isolated until complete recovery. Two negative PCR tests are needed. Contacted with patients Covid-19 should also be on self -isolation 2 weeks. If after 14 days Symptoms do not appear, you can return to the previous lifestyle.

Recall: Quarantine means a restriction, namely you cannot leave your home (even for products or medicines).

If there is a sharp need, you should make purchases remotely, resort to the help of loved ones or social services workers. It is also possible to arrange a sick leave in an online mode.

Are violations of the self -isolation regime under the law?

The refusal to fulfill the anti -epidemiological rules in some cases threatens criminal liability. This is punishable by law. If a violation of the self -isolation regime has led to a group of other people at the mass level, then the offender expects:

  • A fine in size 80,000 rubles
  • Strict ban on specific positions
  • Mandatory correctional labor for a period from 360 hours to one year
  • In more severe cases - imprisonment for up to a year

If, as a result of non -compliance with quarantine, a person died, then the perpetrator will have to work out the punishment in the amount of correctional labor from 480 hours to 6 months or even two years. The maximum measure of responsibility for violation of quarantine is the term 5 years imprisonment. The punishment is imposed individually in each case.

Is it worth waiting for restrictive measures to move in the Russian Federation: when they are introduced?

All issues about this situation are resolved by state sanitary doctors. Is it worth waiting for restrictive measures to move in the Russian Federation? When are they introduced? Doctors are based on the current epidemiological situation in the country and its spread trends. Currently, each specific area has its own quarantine rules. That is why you should familiarize yourself with the norms in each region. You can do this on the website of the Ministry of Health. As for the mask regime, it is required for all areas.

What is needed to become a volunteer?

Volunteers during Pandemia of Coronavirus
Volunteers during Pandemia of Coronavirus

If you want to become a volunteer and help people in a pandemic, then you can do the following:

  • Visit sites: glummer2020.rf or dobro.ruFill in an online form in which indicate what kind of help you want to provide.
  • Call the hotline of the All -Russian Popular Front: 8-800-200-34-11.

As you can see, everything is simple. Perhaps it is your help that will be needed in this difficult time.

Not all elderly people can use online services: how to get a pensioner money in a bank, by mail?

Personally, you will not have to come for a pension. How to get a pensioner money in a bank, at the post office?

  • Pension will be delivered posters
  • All questions can be clarified on the hotline of the Russian Post: 8800-100-00-00

Relatives and volunteers will help older people with purchases through online services. As a rule, volunteers deliver goods directly to the house. Persons over 60 years old It is not recommended to leave the house. In some cases, it makes sense to resort to the help of territorial district centers that provide assistance to disabled people and older people. They will certainly help a lonely pensioner with caring, cleaning and purchases during the pandemic period.

What should a person who came from abroad do: does he need to observe quarantine?

Even before arriving in the country, you need to register in public services and fill out the appropriate form. What else should a person who arrived from abroad do?

  • You must definitely pass a test for coronavirus. This is done right at the airport or you can contact a private clinic.
  • For preventive purposes until the results of the analysis, quarantine is best observed.

Complete self -isolation means the cessation of contacts with people and the round -the -clock stay of the house. The test results will be loaded to the site of the State Services. If there are symptoms of coronavirus, then you need to consult a doctor and start treatment.

High air temperature and coronavirus: Does the heat of the Covid-19 kill?

The people can often hear the opinion that the high air temperature, the heat kills coronavirus, but this is not so. Covid-19 can be sick both in summer and in winter. The indicators of the thermometer do not affect this in any way. That is why you should wear a mask, wash your hands, use antiseptics and observe all precautions even in the summer.

Is it possible to check the presence of COVID-19 using a breath holding test?

No, this breathing test is not a panacea. It does not show anything - and both young and mature people. To make sure that the disease is, you should make a laboratory test. In modern quarantine realities, this is the only way to reliably determine whether a person has Covid-19.

Can alcohol serve as the prevention of coronavirus?

No, alcohol cannot serve as the prevention of coronavirus. Doctors do not recommend leaning on alcohol with hope to protect themselves from an insidious illness. Firstly, alcohol will not give protection. Secondly, it will cause many other physical disorders, from the unpleasant consequences of which a person will suffer for a long time.

Will the cold stay will prevent the occurrence of COVID-19?

Staying in the cold will not help prevent the occurrence of covid-19
Staying in the cold will not help prevent the occurrence of covid-19

Another myth, but already about the low air temperature. Will the cold stay will prevent the occurrence of COVID-19?

  • Unfortunately no. Long walks in snowy and frosty weather will not save a person who wants to avoid infection.

Salvation is only timely vaccination. For preventive purposes, personal protective equipment should be worn. And also, wash your hands and use alcohol -based antiseptics.

Does the hot bath save from the Covid-19?

Neither a hot bath nor a bath from coronavirus save. If you want to protect yourself from infection, you only need to vaccinate. At the first appearance of symptoms, you need to make a test and consult a doctor. Any self -medication methods, in this case, do not help, but harm. Save from Covid-19 Only specialists can.

Can mosquitoes carry a new coronavirus?

No, mosquitoes do not tolerate a new coronavirus. It is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets (cough, sneezing).

Do the Covid-19 Kovid-19 Electric Superior for hand?

No, the handlers for the hands do not kill the Covid-19. For prevention, only an antiseptic and a mask are needed.

Is it true that UV lamps for disinfection can eliminate the virus?

It is not worth using ultraviolet lamps for disinfection of the body - irritation may occur. But they are appropriate for working with disinfection of air and surfaces. More about the functions of the lamp, and whether it can eliminate viruses can be read in the instructions for it.

Does the nose of the nose with saline from the infection of Covid-19 protecting?

This procedure, washing the nose with saline, can accelerate recovery with a conventional cold. Does it protect against infection Covid-19? As for coronavirus, the situation here is much more serious. Salt solution will not save from infection.

Can the use of garlic save from the virus?

Despite the recognized antimicrobial effect of garlic, this vegetable is completely ineffective against the Covid-19. Therefore, its use will not save from the virus.

Is the fact that only elderly people are infected with new coronavirus, or do young people also have a risk of getting sick?

Representatives of all ages - youth, children, elderly pensioners, middle -aged people can get infection. In people with weak immunity and venerable citizens, the risk is higher and more cases of death among such patients. But this fact does not mean that a young man cannot get coronavirus. Absolutely everyone needs to observe quarantine precautions.

Is it possible to recover yourself using antibiotics?

Antibiotics in coronavirus
Antibiotics in coronavirus

Categorically no, these drugs effectively fight only microbes and bacteria. It is dangerous to be treated yourself, you need to see a doctor. In this case, the virus takes place. But sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics to patients COVID-19, as an additional tool for combating bacterial infections.

Can his own pet infect with coronavirus?

Many people infect cats and dogs. But can his own pet infect with coronavirus? At the moment, not a single case of human infection from the animal has been identified. You can not be afraid of their own pets. But contact with stray animals, as well as with meat in the markets, is better to avoid. Also, you should not take over the surface if they are in contact with them.

Raw meat and milk must be treated separately from other products. Otherwise, cross infection may occur. Do not eat raw or semi -dry products of animal origin.

Is there a similarity between the torso (a virus causing atypical pneumonia) and Covid-19: is this the same virus?

Many people think that torso and coronavirus are one and the same. Is there a similarity between the torso (virus causing atypical pneumonia) and Covid-19? Is this the same virus?

  • No, in this case we are talking about radically different viruses.
  • Thorc It refers to the same family. However, it is more dangerous.
  • But Covid-19 Faster and have already struck more people.

By the way, flashes TORSO completely stopped, starting with 2004.

Are parcels from the Red Zones (regions that are most infected with coronavirus) dangerous?

Theoretically, yes, parcels from the “red zones” (regions in which coronavirus infected with coronavirus are dangerous. However, the probability of getting infected Covid-19 From the packaging of the goods or the package itself from the Internet is extremely small. But if the package is not sent by an online store, but a person who is sick or recently suffered Covid-19,then these things can be a significant danger.

In order to protect your health, you should exchange parcels only with trusted people and organizations.

What are the basic rules for the prevention of infection?

Crowded places should be avoided - it is important. What other basic rules are there to prevent infection? Here are a few of them:

  • Mandatory for wearing is a medical mask.
  • Smartphones and other things should wipe with an antiseptic.
  • Products from a store that was not in the package is necessarily washed under running water.
  • A healthy lifestyle-physical activity improve immunity and reduce the risk of infection Covid-19.
  • Alcohol does not kill the virus. It should not be consumed as an alternative to prevention. The same goes for garlic. With coronavirus, these funds do not help.
  • It should be wary of raw meat and surfaces on which it was.
  • People aged are strongly recommended a complete isolation regime from society. After all, it is this age category that falls at risk.

The obligatory attribute of each day is soap and an antiseptic. Do not touch the masks with your hands, removing them. Use special ropes.

Can everyone get vaccinated?

No, not everyone can be vaccinated. People with individual contraindications need to first consult a doctor. Vaccination is not carried out for minors, allergy sufferers, pregnant women and nursing mothers. But for persons over 60 years old And persons with weakened immunity are required.

Is it possible to forget quarantine measures after vaccination?

Unfortunately no. The mask will still have to be worn, as well as process the hands and surfaces of packages from purchased products in the store. Vaccines "Gam-kovid-Wak" or "Epivaccorons" They make it possible to significantly improve immunity, but they do not eliminate the virus in the country as a whole. However, after vaccination, the chance to get coronavirus is almost zero.

Does everyone need vaccination?

People who monitor their health are simply obliged to go through this simple procedure. After all, vaccination is a guarantee of the safety of not only one person, but also of the entire society.

Video: Stream: "The most relevant topics and questions asked about Covid-19"

Video: temporary methodological recommendations on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the new Covid-19

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  1. After I was ill with coronavirus, I drank vitamins that the therapist prescribed to me. And the complex of neurusan for nerve fibers, it improves
    Restoring processes in damaged nerve fibers

  2. After the illness for quick recovery, I drank a neurosan complex for nerve fibers, vitamins. Neurosan helps to improve metabolic processes in the brain tissue and peripheral nerves,
    strengthens the nervous system and the general condition of the body

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