Why don't people want to make coronavirus vaccinations? So is it necessary to get a vaccine from coronavirus: all the pros and cons.

Why don't people want to make coronavirus vaccinations? So is it necessary to get a vaccine from coronavirus: all the pros and cons.

In this article we will analyze the question of why many do not want to make vaccines from coronavirus not only in our, but also in other countries of Europe.

A new wave of coronavirus covers almost every corner of our planet at even greater speed, even making his way into remote countries. It would seem that there was a solution for the confrontation of the disease - they developed a vaccine much earlier than the estimated deadline. But most people refuse to vaccinate from coronavirus not only in Russia, but also in other countries. What is the reason, we will consider in detail.

Why do people do not want to vaccinate from coronavirus: common reasons, reviews

The very first answer - Covid has come and will leave soon, like other epidemics, you just need to leave.

In fact, it is calculated by scientists that we will not get rid of the coronavirus so simply. This is for a long time.

The second largest answer - people simply do not believe in a safe anti -icing vaccine! And there are many theories:

  • supporters remain that they do not believe in the virus itself, thereby underestimating the danger of infection;
    • “This is just a slightly different version of the common cold. And it is known that there are also complications from influenza ... "
  • others rely on the developed immunity naturally after illness;
    • “I have already been ill with coronavirus, I will not get sick again. Moreover, the vaccine is not a way out. And their quality fell greatly in comparison with the USSR ... "
  • there are skeptics that claim that in a short time you can not make a high -quality vaccine and even more safe;
    • “You can make a good vaccine for at least a year for 3-4, in order to properly conduct all tests. And the vaccine does not protect 100%, only softens the symptoms of the disease ... "
  • and some see only a placebo in the vaccination from coronavirus,argumentizing their arguments that there are already several strains of the virus, which continues to mutate and develop;
    • “There are already several strains of the virus, which means that the developed vaccine only protects from the first two. Anyway, to vaccinate even from all strains is dangerous for health. After all, immunity is already weakened in the spring ... "
  • negative comments and reviews on the Internet create an additional panic and fear. Many are afraid of side effects, because the vaccines are tested on a small number of people;

People who safely have passed vaccination do not compose horror stories, but simply live and do not trumpet into all pipes. Single people who, for unknown reasons, have something wrong (perhaps these are not related to vaccination), write, compose, exaggerate, rumors are overgrown with new terrible details (as in the game “Breeded Phone”) and simply attack all the accounts of social networks .

  • “After the first vaccination from coronavirus, I was shiveled and broke for 3 days, after the second - almost a week, and my health was much worse. And it is not known what negative consequences can be next ... "
  • those who make vaccinations will not be able to live without vaccinations, and a lot of money will pay for each next vaccine.

And other nonsense can be found in social networks.

  • a separate category insists on chipping the population to control it. As if vaccination from the crown is nothing but a political move.
    • “This is a biological weapon. People will introduce chips. There is no vaccine or as such a disease ... "
    • On the Internet there is propaganda against vaccinations from foreign countries, our enemies are interested in the deaths of people. A huge network is pierced (supporters of an unstable foreign agent working out Western money by Navalny) spread frightening horror stories among the population about vaccination.

Almost each of us read similar reviews and heard similar phrases. Opponents have always been and will be, but it is worth considering that it was the vaccination that brought the outbreak of many diseases to a minimum of the outbreak, and the Black OSPU was completely eradicated. Now there are several vaccines, and scientists still continue to work on other copies, but vaccination does not gain the necessary revolutions in many countries.

Why do the Russians do not want to vaccinate from coronavirus: the main problems of the country in vaccination

Important: Russia was the first to have developed a vaccine from Covid - “satellite V”, receiving a registration certificate another 11.08.2020. Large -scale immunization of the population began on 01/18/2021. This is a vector vaccine with high immunogenicity and a low number of side effects.

At the moment, in the Russian Federation there are several domestic anti -icing vaccines - satellite V, epivaccoron, covivak and others are being developed.

But the Russians are in no hurry to vaccinate from coronavirus, lagging behind world leaders, where the pace of immunization is much larger. And that's why:

  • Free medicine is in the first place. In those countries where there are several thousand dollars from Covid, people occupy kilometer queues for a paid vaccine and are in this line until the end of the end. People in such countries are afraid to get sick. In Russia, nothing will be useful to be treated. Do not come after treatment for the account for tens of thousands of dollars.
  • The vaccine is optional. In the first months of the year, it was about the entry of covid passports with bonuses for the owners, but this remained in words.
    • And if you take it into account Israel, that "green passports" work! Vaccinated can go anywhere and visit the desired places, despite hard quarantine.
    • Georgia i made a slightly different move - I forbade the entry of residents of other countries without anti -like vaccination, thereby protecting itself from the virus.
  • There is not enough social advertising and knowledge about the vaccine itself! What is the distrust of the people, because they simply do not know what to expect and fear.
    • In America there are commercials about the benefits of vaccination, where 4 presidents of the States, as well as celebrities of sports and cinema, starred.
    • Political consultant Alena August he believes that in Russia, even before the pandemic, it was necessary to keep from vaccinations in a high and prominent place: “You need to work constantly and systematically! Yes, and there are no details about the vaccine, explanations, stories with a good or even bad end. ”
  • Quarantine measures are even more confused by residents. It seems to people that trouble has passed, and they are in no hurry to vaccinate. The restrictions are now tightened, then softened and are not completely controlled! Therefore, the desire to vaccinate is falling, because even without vaccination the previous life returns.
    • And the reverse reaction is triggered by the people - In words, the virus is terrible, and there are no strict measures in restrictions and vaccination “So not everything is so scary.”
    • Quarantine rules  require masks and gloves. An illusion of protection is created, that the virus will not get meI am protected, I'm on gloves, I disinfected my hands. But life confirms the opposite, this protection is weak.
  • Residents are inert, and they must either push them, or, as they say, wait until "the rooster is fried!" In China, for example, where people are pushed, in a short time one billion, one hundred million people were blossomed in a short time.
    • Statistics. Terrible numbers scare and stimulate the vaccine. In Russia, the numbers are not as terrible as in other countries of the world and this relaxes. People are created for people that it will not touch me.
  • There are rumors that a person was vaccinated And after some time he died. But it turns out that a person before vaccination had a serious illness, heart attack or stroke, or severe diabetes, or metabolic syndrome or oncology. Of course, these people were vaccinated first. They are almost all with vaccinations. And mortality from these chronic diseases to the epidemic was 1st place in the world. But rumors around these deaths scare people and alarming not to vaccinate.
The principle of vector vaccine
The principle of vaccine satellite-V

Why do residents do not want to make coronavirus vaccinations in other European countries: Statistics

Countries in which the population is in no hurry to vaccinate from coronavirus:

Astrazeneca and Pfizer vaccines showed low efficiency and dangerous side effects after use. It scares people. For political reasons, the supply of Russian safe and highly effective vaccine Sputnik V is not allowed to the European Union. Therefore, problems arise.

  • Switzerland He fears because of his previous experience when he attacked the flu. After vaccination in many children and adults, up to 30, a neurological disorder began - narcolence (inability to control the time of wakefulness and sleep). 60% of residents categorically refuse vaccination.
  • In Bulgaria 40% of the population will agree to a vaccine from Covid, but only after some time to make sure that there are no negative consequences. And 45% is categorically against.
  • In France Due to distrust of doctors, almost 60% of the country's residents are not ready for vaccination. A huge part of the population believes that doctors are not talking a lot or even I do not know about the negative consequences. Despite a huge number of sick people, the French are still more afraid of side effects!
  • In Poland Also, 60% of the population fear vaccination and its consequences, so they are ready to refrain from it.
  • In Austria Residents are skeptical, so more than 70% are not ready for vaccination.

Important: It was Austria that was the first - in early March - faced side effects of the Astrazeneca vaccine, which was developed at the University of Oxford. In vaccinated people, thrombotic complications began, which are observed at the same time - blockage of brain vein blood clots and thrombocytopenia (a sharp drop in platelets responsible for blood coagulation). Following the use of the Astrazeneca vaccine suspended Germany and a number of other European countries.

Recent changes on the vaccination map
Recent changes on the vaccination map

For comparison:

  • in China 87% of residents want to get a vaccine from coronavirus;
  • in England slightly less - 79%;
  • in Italy and Spain - almost 70%.

Of course, there are countries in which the number of vaccinated is growing every day.

The first five includes the USA, China, India, Great Britain and Brazil. The list of Turkey, Germany, Israel, Russia, Chile and France continue the list. Although if you take into account the number of vaccinated for 1 million people, then Israel (59.9%of the total), UK (41.2%), UAE (35.1%), chili (30%) and the USA will be in the first place. 25%). The data is shown on 03/23/2021.

So is it necessary to get a vaccine from coronavirus: all the pros and cons.

To understand this information confusion that surrounds the vaccination against Covid, write down all the consequences for yourself if you get sick. Put the consequences from coronavirus and the consequences of vaccination on the scales.
What will outweigh for you will be your decision.

What can happen to you if you are not lucky, and the virus will reach you.

  1. Light course of the disease. You can get infected with coronavirus several times. And if you are easily ill for the first time, it is not a fact that the second infection will pass as easily.
  2. Coronavirus affects small blood vessels in the lungs, heart, brain. After the disease, you are guaranteed weakness, lack of strength, lack of air, oxygen, and lower memory. Over time, some of the defeats will certainly be restored, but some part will not restore, and you will get used to a new state. But you can’t return the former health. The remaining lesions from coronavirus will pull the chain of other diseases.
  3. A thrombous damage to larger vessels will entail thrombus cruising in the bloodstream, which can cause heart attacks and strokes.
  4. With damage to the lungs in the tissues of the lungs, fibrous tissue remains. Fibrous tissue over time serves as the basis for oncology.
  5. If you have a good strong immunity, then it can cause a strong cytokine storm. This is when your immunity destroys your body. It can end with paralysis or coma.
  6. You can not survive with coronavirus infection.

These are the consequences of delay. Look soberly: would you like this for yourself?

Now let's see the consequences of vaccination.

  1. There may be a reaction to vaccination - a small ache in the body, a small temperature, a painful injection site. This can last a maximum of 2 days. Usually one evening. And then these symptoms are not always. There were no other consequences in Russian vaccines. The basis for vaccines are those developments that were back in the USSR, only another Covid-19 virus is attached to them. People born in the USSR were almost excited by vaccines with the same basis. Many years have passed and no one died from the consequences of those vaccinations.
  2. Antibodies may not be developed. People have hidden (not yet diagnosed) autoimmune diseases, when the body does not work for “its own”-“alien”, and the body does not recognize the vaccine for a stranger and does not produce antibodies. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to find the cause.
  3. It will be necessary to do revaccination (new injection) so that the immune system will develop antibodies again, since they begin to disappear over time.
  4. It rarely happens, but there are 1% of vaccinated people who are ill, but easily transferred this infection, without serious consequences.

If you are already ill, take into account that you have developed antibodies to a specific virus strain and when meeting with another strain you can get sick again and possibly in more severe form. Vaccination of the satellite V protects today from all known strains. In the future, vaccines that protect new strains will be developed for revaccination. Scientists calculate in advance all possible mutations of the virus and lay protection from them in new vaccines.

Video: All you wanted to ask about vaccination from coronavirus

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me that only very irresponsible people do not want to do, because I myself think that there are more benefits than minuses. You can and should be decided to do so. Well, you should not forget about the usual strengthening of immunity, of course. I have hardening and taking the Evalarovsky zinc + D + C + quercetin on a regular basis. So I know for sure that no infection will overcome me.

  2. I can say that immunity can be strengthened if, for example, to take a lady more formula than polyvitamins .... I myself have been doing this for 2 years, even SARS began to hurt less often. There are still vitamins D, with zinc and echinacea.

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