Can coronavirus go without treatment: reviews. Does coronavirus take place without treatment, independently?

Can coronavirus go without treatment: reviews. Does coronavirus take place without treatment, independently?

Features of the course of coronavirus without treatment.

Coronavirus is a dangerous disease that causes a lot of complications. In this article, we will tell you whether the coronavirus can go on your own, without treatment. 

Can coronavirus go without treatment at home?

In 80% of cases, patients tolerate the disease easily. Some of them do not feel the presence of an outsider in the body.

Can coronavirus pass without treatment at home:

  • As in the case of Typhosis Mary, many patients are only carriers, but they themselves do not get sick.
  • Only in 20% of cases can the virus cause complications in the form of pneumonia. A small part of the population requires additional oxygen recharge, or lung ventilation. 
  • If there are symptoms that resemble a cold, and after the test it turns out that this is a coronavirus, there is no special or specific treatment.
  • Mostly acceptedsymptomatic Drugs that eliminate coughing, runny nose, or poor well -being. Only in case of complications, it is necessary to appeal to the doctor. 

Does coronavirus pass without treatment with young?

In most cases, the virus takes place independently, without additional treatment. It is tolerated as an ordinary cold, can cause smell loss, a cough that takes place within 10 days. This is a light flow that is not much different from standard influenza or SARS. 

Does coronavirus pass without treatment with young people:

  • If the coronavirus test is positive, you do not need to sound the alarm, and expect mortal or serious consequences. In most patients, complications in coronavirus do not occur.
  • It can be defeated without the use of antibiotics, or serious drugs. It is enough to take more vitamin C, consume a lot of warm fluids, drink in the presence of coughmucolics for removing sputum.
  • In case of fever, it is necessary to take paracetamol, and other antipyretic substances. 
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of the disease

Boar coronavirus, how much does it go without treatment?

A lot of time has passed since the appearance of the first infected, and scientists have received certain developments. In March 2020 in Australia, several doctors placed a patient with certain symptoms in a separate ward. The woman was in the ward for 2 weeks, but at the same time she did not receive antiviral treatment or administration of antibiotics. 2 weeks after the next test, her coronavirus was not found. In this woman, coronavirus passed without the administration of any drugs.

Boar coronavirus, after how much passes without treatment:

  • It is necessary to lead the right lifestyle, not to have bad habits in order to easily transfer the disease. But at the same time, doctors are stressed on the floor of the patient, because women are much easier to tolerate the disease than men, due to the presence of estrogen in their blood. 
  • In some countries there are special instructions for conducting patients with a mild coronavirus form. They are recommended by self -isolation, and compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene.
  • In this case, it is necessary to limit physical activity, eat right, excluding harmful substances, alcohol. Do not take drugs that the doctor did not prescribe. Basically, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are taken with coronavirus, which improve the condition, as well as a cold from a cold to eliminate discharge from the nose. Recommends to use cough preparations. 
  • 14-21 days are enough for the symptoms to disappear.

Who has coronavirus without symptoms?

The light flow of coronavirus is observed in children. They have practically no symptoms or they resemble an ordinary cold, without flowing into pneumonia, without causing serious health consequences. There is no need to give children antibiotics, or serious drugs for treatment. 

Who has coronavirus without symptoms:

  • To develop a vaccine, they invited several people who did not have immunity and checked them. It turned out that a significant number of volunteers already had antibodies, which indicates the asymptomatic course of the disease. Volunteers had no idea that they were ill with coronavirus. This once again proves that the disease with a mild course, there is no need to treat. After all, a person usually does not notice the symptoms, or it is possible to survive them without the use of serious drugs. 
  • For the asymptomatic course, it is necessary that a person has an adequate immune reaction, the absence of bad habits, chromosomal ailments, and chronic diseases. If any of these factors is present, then malaise may appear. Even if there are symptoms, this does not mean at all that the disease will go into a severe stage, it will certainly end with pneumonia or death. 
  • Several coronavirus strains were found that cause various clinical manifestations and symptoms. Some of the people who have been tested learned about the presence of immunity only by the results of the analysis. That is, they did not have bright symptoms. Part of the population that was tested, did not have temperature, there were no manifestations of the disease.
Ways of infection
Ways of infection

Does coronavirus take place without treatment on its own?

In adults, the ailment in a mild form occurs for about 10 days. Sometimes for another two weeks, weakness is possible, not very good condition. The temperature rests at the level of normal, only muscle weakness and headache are felt.

Is coronavirus passing without treatment independently:

  • Doctors indicate that a healthy lifestyle, sufficient use of fluids, vitamin preparations, moderate physical activity, contribute to an easy course, and reduce the number of complications as a result of coronavirus.
  • At risk are elderly people, young patients who have obesity, diabetes and chronic ailments of the liver and kidneys. 
  • Children carry the ailment in just 7 days. Usually during this time a cough, runny nose, but the child quickly goes better. Only 20% of people need hospitalization and treatment.
  • The remaining 80 %will be able to transfer diseases at home, and some categories of the population even without taking any drugs, including symptomatic. 

What medicines to take with a mild coronavirus?

With a mild course, the patient has a headache in the first day on the first day. On the second, third day, a sore throat and cough appear. Usually this symptom lasts from 3 to 5 days. Often, such patients do not have a temperature at all, or it rests at a subfebrile level, as with standard acute respiratory viral infections. On the 6-7 day, a gradual recovery begins. However, the aches in the body and cough can be preserved for another one to two weeks. But in most cases, on the fifth, sixth day, the cough passes, becomes less pronounced, and the person recovers.

What medicines to take with a mild coronavirus:

  • With this course, treatment is not required, since it is not necessary to save a person from standard SARS. It is not necessary to take any medication, maximum it can be non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs and powders that facilitate the condition.
  • Such patients have practically no complications. If at the initial stage there is no high temperature, then most likely, the disease will pass almost asymptomatic or will resemble standard SARS. 

Do I need to drink an antibiotic with an asymptomatic coronavirus?

The main problem in the current situation is the panic of the population. Therefore, when confirmed by coronavirus, a person begins to reinsure and take any drugs that he will find in free sale.

Do I need to drink an antibiotic with an asymptomatic coronavirus:

  • It can be any antibiotics, antiviral drugs. Doctors warn that the use of drugs without prescribing a doctor can do significant harm to the body.
  • The slight course of coronavirus does not require the administration of antibiotics, serious antiviral drugs. Antibiotics are required only if the disease causes complications of a bacterial nature, pneumonia, or additional ailments. With a mild course of pneumonia, it does not occur, so the use of antibiotics is excess. 

Do I need to treat coronavirus without temperature?

In approximately 12% of cases, the disease proceeds without an increase in temperature. This usually indicates a mild course of the disease, the patient quickly tolerates the disease that ends with a slight cough.

Is it necessary to treat coronavirus without temperature:

  • Often such patients do not even suspect that they are ill, they are surprised when obtaining the test results for immunity. 
  • It is not necessary to take antibiotics, hormones and antiviral drugs based on interferon.
  • Enter vitamin D, as well as vitamins of group V.
  • But in 88% of cases, coronavirus causes an increase in temperature to a level of 38-39 degrees. Such values \u200b\u200bare often found with standard SARS. 
  • Not necessarily the disease that began with temperature will cause complications, and hospitalization will be required. High temperature suggests that the body is fighting infection. Perhaps after 3-4 days the condition will improve significantly. This happens in most cases. 

Can coronavirus go without treatment: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of patients who are faced with a mild coronavirus.

Can coronavirus go without treatment, reviews:

Alexei. I learned that he was sick when he was going to go abroad, on a business trip. They made a test that was confirmed. I had no symptoms, even a slight malaise and a runny nose. I had to postpone the trip until a negative test is obtained.

Valeria. I suffered a mild disease, as usual, a runny nose, sore throat, and a slight cough were observed. Everything went literally after 2 weeks. It turned out that this is coronavirus only after my mother fell ill. Her disease was severely more severe, unfortunately, she was hospitalized, but she recovered 1.5 weeks later. I made an immunity to the coronavirus, and it was confirmed. I really got ill, although I did not feel.

Valentine. I got infected while on vacation in Turkey, I found out after arriving home. A doctor came to me, took a test, and he was confirmed. I did not feel any manifestations, I did not feel the symptoms, I had to sit on self -isolation for 3 weeks, not to go anywhere. Of course, this ruined my plans, but I am very glad that I did without hospitalization, and serious complications.


A lot of interesting things can be found in articles:

The average period of the disease is 14 days. However, usually an improvement occurs on 7-10 days. A protracted course of up to a month is not characteristic of a mild degree of disease. Therefore, if a person is sick for more than two weeks, this indicates the presence of an additional infection, the bacterial flora develops. That is, it can be the development of pneumonia on the background of coronavirus or exacerbation of other chronic ailments. 

Video: Coronavirus without treatment

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  1. The main goal is to help understand what is happening in many regions, Kovid-19 entered the world arena, he sharply destroyed the existing scenario of management of countries, life with others and participation in the global economy.

  2. I had such a light form that the immunity managed myself, without help from the outside. Prior to this, and during the illness, she also took the sparkling Evalarovsky vitamin C, the doctor recommended. There the dosage is very good, and plus the taste is pleasant. Here and therapy. It is simply necessary to monitor the prevention in order to easily hurt or not get sick at all.

  3. I did not think, to be honest that Kovid will crush me too. Even in the hospital lay because the complication went. The heart is disturbed by the beginning. Therefore, when they were discharged from the hospital, I signed up for a cardiologist. The doctor confirmed my fears, said that Covid did not pass without a trace for my heart. Now I am doing Neton injections, to maintain the work of the heart, and I feel much better.

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  5. Jeanne, I made droppers with Noton. It was simply expressed incorrectly) and by the way this tool has no analogues in the mechanism of action.

  6. Maybe many people don’t even notice .. But he still leaves the trace. The oxygen indicators are low and the respiratory tract microflora is no. To restore all this, I have been accepting for the second month Avis Probiotic. He has a funded effect, so so long. But I can already say that well -being is better and better. The body thanks))

  7. If you really got a coronavirus, you are so bad that you will not start treatment with the wilness in order to remove the symptoms and alleviate the condition. My joints were breaking so, the temperature was high, gasped. I didn’t let everything on it, the doctor made me a prescription. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system with the course of the Lady's Formula more than the saw polyvitamins. A good vitamin complex, with vitamins, plant, especially echinacea, which contains alkaloids and polysaccharides, improve the body's protection from diseases, and make it resist.

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