Diarrhea in coronavirus than to treat an adult? Diarye with coronavirus: causes, drugs, reviews

Diarrhea in coronavirus than to treat an adult? Diarye with coronavirus: causes, drugs, reviews

Diarrhea often occurs with rotavirus, enterovirus infections. Liquid chair- this is A sign of enterocolitis, or poisoning. In the article we will tell you how to treat diarrhea in coronavirus. 

Is there diarrhea in coronavirus?

The disease is manifested by a strong cough, and the loss of smell. However, in 50% of the sick, symptoms of poisoning, or enterocolitis were observed. Such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms that occur in diseases of the stomach and intestines. 

Is there diarrhea in coronavirus:

  • In most patients, these symptoms appeared long before the cough, or smell loss. The abdominal pain became the harbingers of the coronavirus. One symptom is not enough to diagnose the disease. Therefore, you will have to wait for other symptoms. Chinese scientists conducted a number of studies and found that in patients with vomiting and digestive disorders, coronavirus is harder. 
  • UK scientists conducted research and found that in many patients, coronavirus manifests itself as an intestinal infection. At the same time, many viral particles are found in feces. Therefore, it is necessary to enable the body to remove a large number of toxins and viral particles from it along with life products. However, it is not worth observing how the body loses water. The treatment is non -specific, and is mainly aimed at eliminating dehydration and maintaining the alkaline balance in the body. 

Causes of diarrhea in coronavirus

There are several reasons for the appearance of diarrhea in coronavirus.

Causes of diarrhea in coronavirus:

  • The penetration of the virus and the defeat of the intestinal vills. Dysbiosis is observed, food is not absorbed in the small intestine precisely due to damage to the villi. 
  • As a result of the action of toxins on a useful microflora, it dies. With the growth of viral particles, the number of toxins, that is, the products of the virus vital products, increases. The poison poisons a good microflora in the intestines. As a result of this, dysbiosis occurs.

Diarye with coronavirus - how to treat an adult?

Diarrhea with coronavirus than treating an adult:

  • The treatment of coronavirus is symptomatic, the outcome of the disease depends on the human immunity. Together with vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, the risk of complications increases significantly, a person does not have enough strength to fight the disease due to a lack of nutrients.
  • Even with normal nutrition and the introduction of a large amount of liquid, there will be no result, since constant diarrhea does not allow nutrients and water to be absorbed. In no case should you take medications that prevent diarrhea. You can not use lopeamide, and other drugs that stop diarrhea. In this case, the viral particles will linger in the intestines, continuing to poison it. 
  • With diarrhea, a large amount of fluid from the body is excreted. A person experiences a shortage of water, dehydration occurs. Salls are washed together with water that support the balance of minerals and trace elements. 

Diet for diarrhea from coronavirus

During this period, it is necessary to eat according to a certain scheme. Enter viscous porridge, jelly, rice decoction, any food that envelops the intestinal walls and prevents its susceptibility to viral particles is recommended into the menu.

Diet for diarrhea from coronavirus:

  • In addition, such products are easily digested and contain a large number of kilocalories that are easily split and give energy to the body. Rice and starch are simple carbohydrates that very quickly increase glucose levels, thereby giving a person energy.
  • It is recommended to drink sweet tea, there are ordinary crackers made of white bread. To restore the balance of minerals, special compositions are recommended. At the moment, you can find in a pharmacyReidron. This is a mixture of mineral salts that allow you to introduce potassium, magnesium, calcium into the body. It is these trace elements that participate in the water-salt balance and allow it to maintain it at the required level. 
  • The consumption of fatty, fried, food that can irritate the walls of the intestine is completely eliminated, additionally provoking vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Smoked, salted products, chocolate are excluded. It is not allowed to use confectionery due to the content of a large amount of fat and sugar. Do not eat products from a concrete dough. They also contain a lot of sugar, and yeast provoke the occurrence of seething in the abdomen, digestion deterioration. All food should be very soft and viscous.
  • Boiled, baked, protein products during the disease with coronavirus are very useful. However, it is better to introduce them into the body in chopped form. It is better to cook steam cutlets, meatballs, and not just boil or bake pieces of meat. The fibers can be very rigid, due to the weakening of the stomach and intestines, not completely digested. Squirrels will not be enough, because part of the products is not absorbed by the intestines. 

Diarye with coronavirus: treatment, drugs

The main task is to get rid of toxins, and restore the microflora. For such purposes, probiotics and drugs that containbifido- And lactobacilli. Among them it is worth highlightingLinexLactialaBiogay, living bacteria with which yogurts, dairy products are prepared. 

Diarrhea for coronavirus, treatment, drugs:

  • It is recommended to take drugs that are absorbed by toxins. itenterosorbents, among which it is worth highlightingEnterosgelSmectuAtoxil 
  • If you take with lactobacillienterosorbents, their use must be distinguished in time. Try to observe a break between consumptionenterosorbents and lactobacilli at 1-2 hours.Enterosorbents Take after eating,and probiotics and bifidobacteria 40 minutes before meals. 
  • If the patient is in serious condition, any attempts to introduce a liquid or salt solution are unsuccessful, the introduction of saline, nutrient mixtures, as well as glucose into vein, with droppers, is recommended. Nutrients, and a solution of minerals, immediately enter the bloodstream, bypassing the intestines. Over time, due to the lack of food in the digestive tract, diarrhea ceases. The restoration of the gastrointestinal tract will occur as soon as the viral particles cease to be produced by the body, and after the restoration of intestinal microflora. To accelerate recovery, probiotics, bifidobacteria are prescribed. 

Diarye with coronavirus - how to treat: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of patients who are faced with diarrhea in coronavirus. 

Diarrhea in coronavirus than treating, reviews:

Oksana. The disease began with a strong diarrhea, thought that she was poisoned. However, a few days later a runny nose was connected, she lost her sense of smell. Express test showed coronavirus. Lthe one was symptomatic. Fortunately, the disease took place in a mild form, diarrhea passed after 2 days. At this time, I constantly drank water in small portions, cooked compote from dried fruits and drank sweet tea. It was almost impossible due to nausea and periodic vomiting. Therefore, she ate very small portions, including oatmeal, wheat and rice porridge. I almost did not use meat products, since their smell caused me disgust. The situation has changed when the smell, smell disappeared, and it was impossible to eat even meat products, because everything seemed cotton and tasteless. The doctor prescribedenterosorbents andlactiala. I took these drugs for one week. 

Anatoly. He fell ill with coronavirus in September, when a second wave was not yet officially declared. Initially, a runny nose appeared, the sense of smell disappeared, and after that diarrhea began. Unfortunately, the body lost water very quickly, so I had to resort to the help of doctors. To restore the amount of fluid, droplets of glucose, saline and vitamins were placed. Fortunately, then the hospitals have not yet been filled, so they were accepted into the hospital without problems. The inflammation of the lungs passed in a mild form, cured quickly enough. At the moment I still take probiotics, so there is bloating and discomfort in the side, after eating. I adhere to a diet, do not eat fatty and fried food. 

Nikolai. My coronavirus manifested itself like sore throat. A few days later, digestive problems began, diarrhea. The treatment is symptomatic, took the Smecta, and Atoxil. He also drank Biogay, the doctor recommended Enterol. In addition, dripping a drop of Laferobion in the nose to fight the virus. He recovered quickly enough, though the scum has not yet completely returned. Problems with digestion disappeared on the third day.


A lot of interesting things can be found in articles:

If the diarrhea continues, the fluid will still leave the body. If vomiting is observed along with diarrhea, large portions of water are often leaded to vomiting. As a result, the liquid does not fall into the stomach. To correct the situation, it is recommended to take water with a teaspoon. One teaspoon is needed in 5 minutes. Small portions of water are not able to irritate the walls of the stomach, so the water is quickly absorbed. 

Video: Diarye with coronavirus

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Comments K. article

  1. I didn’t have it at time, but after it happened ... It’s clear, the microflora suffers. We drink antibiotics. I was restored by kefir leafs, and to improve the microflora of the respiratory tract and saturation, I take a probiotic Square. He has a storage effect, so for 3 months has already gone)) The chair has recovered and the causeless Kashley passed))

  2. This virus knocks on all fronts from ordinary life. I myself went through this, I was still prescribed antibiotics. Against this background, there were also problems with the intestines, at first. Then she began to take the Culti-Probiotic Bak-Set Forte course. The composition contains a large number of useful bacteria and their concentration is high. Fortunately, everything has passed, now I'm recovering.

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