Do you protect glasses from coronavirus? What to do so that the glasses do not fog up when wearing a mask?

Do you protect glasses from coronavirus? What to do so that the glasses do not fog up when wearing a mask?

Now, during the pandemic, the wearing of protective masks is necessarily. People who wear glasses are faced with some discomfort, because when wearing a mask, glasses begin to fog.

From this article you will find out what to do so that the glasses do not fog up. And also, whether they protect glasses from coronavirus.

Do you protect glasses from coronavirus?

  • Now doctors are actively examining various methods of protection against the dangerous Covid-19 virus. One of the employees of the State University of Microbiology and virology said that people who regularly wear glasses are 5 times less often infected with coronavirus.
  • The study was also conducted by Chinese scientists, and they came to the same conclusion. According to statistics, only 10% of coronavirus are regularly worn on a regular basis.
  • An employee of the Institute of Clinical Immunology from the RAMS believes that it is not fundamentally wearing coronavirus glasses. As you know, there is a great probability of infection through the mucous membrane.
  • However, the mucous membrane the shell of the eyes has unusual immunity. It contains special enzymes that block extraneous bacteria and viruses.
Glasses from coronavirus protect
Do you protect the glasses from coronavirus or not?

What to do so that the glasses do not fog up when wearing a mask: TOP-5 tips

There are several ways to reduce the fogging of glasses when wearing a mask. More about them will be described later. You can choose the option that is suitable in a certain situation.

What to do so that the glasses do not fog up when wearing a mask:

  • Correctly select the mask. Now manufacturers produce protective masks in one size. Depending on the shape of the face, they look different. If the upper part of the mask does not fit tightly to the face, the air circulating inside will go upstairs and provoke the fogging of the lenses.
  • If you do not imagine your life without glasses, try to buy a mask of natural fabrics that will fit tightly to the face.
  • A copy with dense edging fixed on the bridge of the nose.
  • You can buy a mask from which small edges. If the cheeks are slightly open, then the circulating air will go out on the sides.
  • Most people prefer copies made of silk. They release air through the fabric, not a hole at the top. If you wear glasses, buy a respirator. It does not remove air through the upper edges.
  • If you don't like a disposable medical mask, you can buy reusable fabric protection products. Give preference to well -known brands that use natural materials.
  • One of the best manufacturers are considered Adidas and Alrism. Be prepared for the fact that the cost of such masks will not be budget. They produce protection products from materials that do not delay the air, but allow it to evenly go around the perimeter. Unfortunately, synthetic fabrics do not have this property.
High -quality mask
High -quality mask
  • Fix the mask tightly. Medical disposable masks are equipped with a special hard ribbon, which allows you to fix the protection tool on the nose. Fix it so so that the mask fit tightly to the skin.
  • If you have a fabric protection tool, for fixation you can use Sports and medical tapes. However, this method is not suitable for owners of sensitive skin.
  • In the absence of such tapes, take a regular napkin. Put it between the nose and protection. So the air will not go through the top.
Put a napkin
Put a napkin
  • To reliably fix the mask, you can twist the earplugs. Twist them in a spiral, and only then put on the ear. This will allow air to go through holes on the sides.
Twist the ropes
Twist the ropes
  • Treat the lenses with soap or shaving foam. You can treat glasses with soapy solution. Thoroughly moisten the lenses on both sides. Leave for 1 min. And wipe the microfiber with a napkin. The soap solution will create a film on glasses, which will not allow them to collect condensate.

There are several disadvantages of this method:

  • Dear glasses should not be processed like that, because the soap will destroy the already existing protective layer on them.
  • It is necessary to regularly process the lenses.

Instead of soap, you can use toothpaste, soft shampoo or hair rinse. For men, shaving foam is suitable. Try not to use a lot of means so that stains do not form on the lenses.

Shaving foam
Shaving foam
  • Change the sequence of putting glasses and masks. If you wear wide frame glasses, and a protective agent of thin fabric - first put on a mask, and after glasses. So you can better fix it. Thanks to this method, the air will not be excreted through the top. This will not save from fogging, but will slightly reduce the amount of condensation on the lenses.
  • Buy a special tool for fogging. People who are engaged in swimming regularly buy fog agents. After all, they often have to notice that glasses are fogging. Funds are sold in the form of a spray. It is enough to apply a small amount of liquid before going out. After 2-3 minutes. You can put on glasses - the product is already working. In addition, fog agents do not provoke allergies. You can buy them in stores where sports equipment is sold. Their cost is not budget, however, they help very well.

If you summarize, then there is no exact opinion whether the glasses from coronavirus protect. Therefore, be careful and wear personal protective equipment. Do not forget to wash your hands and observe the social distance. Only in this way can you reduce the likelihood of infection Covid-19. To protect the glasses from fogging, adhere to the recommendations described above. Be healthy.

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Video: life hack, so that glasses do not sweat when wearing a mask

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Comments K. article

  1. It seems to me better to take any measures so as not to get sick - although there is a version that they will all be ill. But in addition to the mask and gloves, I treat my hands with antisepticeptic Lavrik lotion, which kills most pathogens due to the high chlorhexidine content in the composition. And he does not dry the skin at all, but even moisturizes.

  2. It's time to come to terms with the fact that at least you wear glasses, masks, although no, we’ll get all the same. The virus itself is not so terrible, in fact, as complications. Therefore, after recovery, it is necessary to help the body. I accept the SROBISTRIC SROVIS (I order in the online store, there it is always there, unlike ordinary pharmacies) +I try to monitor meals. This has a great effect on the microflora of the respiratory tract.

  3. One thing I can say for sure- glasses, masks and all that, if they protect, then it is not much. Your own immunity is much more important .... Therefore, you definitely need to vaccinate and take a lady more formula than multivitamins. She has a quality at a height and in the composition of the way, even rutin and quercetine, which support the cardiovascular system, which is important in illness.

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