How to make an antiseptic at home: recipe. How to make an antiseptic for hands from coronavirus without alcohol, from vodka, isopropanol?

How to make an antiseptic at home: recipe. How to make an antiseptic for hands from coronavirus without alcohol, from vodka, isopropanol?

Do -it -yourself antiseptic recipes.

To prevent diseases in the conditions of worldwide pandemia, antiseptics are needed. Many residents of our country were faced with the problem of acquiring sanitizers, alcohol, antiseptics. They are either not in a pharmacy or fabulous money is asked for products. In this article we will give several recipes for the preparation of antiseptics for the hands and processing of the house. 

What can you make an antiseptic at home: composition 

It is worth paying attention to the recipe that WHO introduced. This solution is based on a regular 96 % ethyl alcohol. It can be purchased both in a pharmacy and on specialized sites. 

Antiseptic at home, composition: 

  • The main advantage of this tool is that it has practically no smell, and creates an invisible film on the surface of the skin, which protects the epidermis from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as viruses. 
  • Thanks to this invisible film, everything that is on the skin is easily washed off. Thus, pathogens are easier to remove.
  • Doctors know that hydrogen peroxide does not fight viruses, so it is useless to use it to handle hands. Then why is it added to the antiseptic? In the process of preparation at home, there is no way to sterilize containers, spoons used for mixing.
  • This also applies to plastic containers. Inside and on the surface of the packaging, bottles, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that surround us in everyday life will be contained. It is to destroy them to the solution that peroxide is added.
  • Glycerin is also not a disinfectant, and is used to create a dense film on the surface, increasing the treatment area. It is quite oily, and unlike water, moistening the surface of the skin well. Therefore, the addition of glycerin allows you to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the antiseptic with the skin.
Approximate proportions
Approximate proportions

How to make an antiseptic at home, WHO? 

Below can be found with the composition of this antiseptic. 

How to make an antiseptic at home, WHO: 

  • To prepare it, you will need ethyl alcohol, peroxide, glycerin, as well as distilled water. It is necessary to introduce the specified amount of alcohol into a capacity of 1 liter.
  • The peroxide flows with a thin stream and glycerin is administered. The solution is brought to the mark of 1 liter with boiled or distilled water. Please note that it is best to pour the prepared solution into small containers that you are going to use.
  • If this is a bottle with a spray, pour it into it. It can be a bottle with a dispenser, for disinfection of shelves, or shop windows. It is best to leave the bottle for about three days. It is believed that after 72 hours all microorganisms that are in alcohol, or in bottles, distilled water, are destroyed.
The number of ingredients by
The number of ingredients by

How to make an alcohol antiseptic at home? 

If you do not need so much solution, you can prepare a small bottle with a volume of slightly more than 100 ml. For these purposes, you will need the same ingredients, but in fewer quantities. 

How to make an alcohol antiseptic at home: 

  • It is necessary to shake 80 ml of ethanol with 5 ml of peroxide, 5 ml of glycerin. Enter 10 ml of water.
  • Please note that the main goal of preparing such a solution is that the total alcohol content is at least 60%. Otherwise, the antiseptic will not work.
  • Therefore, in no case should you add a lot of water in order to dilute the solution and get a larger volume. So, you will ruin the wholeantiseptic

Is it possible to make an antiseptic at home without alcohol?

You can introduce into the composition not only ethyl, but also isopropyl alcohol. A similar solution can be used for hand processing, and even when examining a doctor. Alcohol -containing solutions have proven themselves against viruses. They not only kill microorganisms, but also fight mushrooms. 

When visiting the pharmacy, it becomes clear that manufacturers and sellers of alcohol did not hold the price at the same level, so the ingredient for antiseptics has risen significantly. Its price increased by about 2-3 times. 

Is it possible to make an antiseptic at home without alcohol: 

  • That is why alcohol tincture can be used to prepare a special antiseptic agent. For this, tinctures of medicinal herbs are usually used.
  • Make sure that the strength of the solution is at least 65 %. To prepare such an antiseptic, you will need 10 ml of distillate, 100 ml of tincture, 6 ml of glycerin and a few drops of essential oil.
  • It is necessary to pour the ingredients into the container, thoroughly shake. Pour the product in containers or spray containers, carry with you. This solution is suitable for use outside the house, when there is no way to wash your hands. 

How to make a thick antiseptic at home? 

Dosanitizer You can use another recipe. 

How to make a thick antiseptic at home: 

  • For preparation, alcohol, a strength of at least 76%, aloe vera gel, essential oils and bottles for antiseptics are needed. It is necessary to mix alcohol with aloe vera gel in proportion 2 to 1.
  • Alcohol should be 2 times more than aloe. Make sure that the solution is not too liquid, enter essential oil. Pour the solution into a bottle with a dispenser.
  • Please note that this antiseptic is not suitable for use in bottles with a spray. It is very thick, so it is best to pour into a small container with a dispenser, as for liquid soap.

How to use an antiseptic for hands? 

Remember that the success of using the antiseptic depends on compliance with the rules of its application. That is why it is worth using it only if there is no way to wash your hands. 

How to use an antiseptic for hand: 

  • Keep in mind that any alcohol -containing products dry the skin of the hands, cracks and peeling can occur. If there is access to hot water with soap, be sure to use this cleaning method.
  • If you go for lunch in the office, there is no way to wash your hands, use an antiseptic. To do this, pour approximately 3-4 ml of the product into the palm of your hand, evenly distribute on the surface of the hand, not excluding the area between the fingers.
  • It is necessary to rub the product for about 30 seconds. Make sure that the solution has completely covered the entire surface of the skin. If you often use an antiseptic, since there is no way to use soap and water, purchase hand cream to avoid cracks and peeling.

What antiseptic to make at home? 

There are several more antiseptics that can be used for hand processing: 

  • Chlorhexidine
  • Triclosan
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Miramistin 
  • Tea tree oil
  • Linseed oil

All these products are good antiseptics, but they do not work against viruses. Therefore, it is useless to use them. 

What antiseptic to make at home: 

  • According to WHO, the most effective means of combating viruses are alcohol solutions, with a strength of at least 65%.
  • Therefore, vodka is not suitable, its fortress is only 40%. That is why it is useless to use it.
  • Do not waste your time and product. It is better to use for its intended purpose.
  • All additional funds included in the recipes of antiseptics, according to WHO, are components that enhance the effect of alcohol.
  • Therefore, glycerin, as well as aromatic components, peroxide, is added to enhance the effectiveness of alcohol.

How to make a simple antiseptic at home? 

After an outbreak of infection, the amount of alcohol sharply decreased in pharmacies, but if it can be found, then at a high price. That is why many want to make an antiseptic without the use of alcohol. 

How to make a simple antiseptic at home without ethanol 

  • With isopropyl alcohol. This is isopropanol, it is used mainly in the manufacture of acetone, paintwork. It has a pungent odor, and very dries the skin, causing peeling and even burns. However, if you add water, essential oils, as well as glycerin to it, you will get a greatsanitizer
  • Tinctures. You can use hawthorn, calendula, propolis or motherwort. Be sure to pay attention to the concentration of alcohol. It should not be below 65%.
  • Conventional alcohol wipes are suitable, which contain a 70 % solution of alcohol.
  • Triple cologne. The main drawback is an unpleasant, pungent odor. However, it contains 70% of alcohol, so the product is quite effective for processing.
  • Boron or ant alcohol. In order for the solution to work, the necessary concentration must be at least 70%.
  • Moonshine is suitable, but only "pervak \u200b\u200b", a strength of 70%.

Antiseptic at home without alcohol 

There are several exotic products that can be used instead of alcohol.

Antiseptic at home, do without alcohol: 

  • Absinthe. It is believed that it contains about 80% of alcohol, so it can replace ordinary alcohol. 5 ml of glycerin and 7 ml of peroxide should be entered in 100 ml.
  • Tutovka. This is a solution that is prepared in the Transcaucasia from Tuta berries. A drink is common in Armenia, where it is called artza. The strength of this solution is 75%, so it can also be safely replaced by alcohol in an antiseptic solution. Additionally, 10 ml of glycerol and 2 drops of tea tree oil are administered into 100 ml of liquid.
  • Chlorophyllipt. This is a solution that has a terrible smell. Choose an alcohol solution that contains a large amount of ethanol. Please note that the composition should have at least 65% ethanol. Additionally, 10 ml of peroxide is introduced into the bottle.

From all of the above, we can conclude that isopropyl alcohol is the optimal replacement of ethanol. Remember that it needs to be added less than ethanol, because it very dries the skin and has an enhanced antibacterial effect. 

From vodka
From vodka

How to prepare an antiseptic at home from vodka? 

You can make an antiseptic without ethyl and isopropyl alcohol. However, it is worth remembering that it will be effective only in relation to bacteria and mushrooms, but useless in relation to viruses. 


  • 100 ml of vodka
  • A few drops of essential oil
  • 100 ml of chlorhexidine
  • 40 ml of aloe vera gel
  • 10 ml of water

How to prepare an antiseptic at home from vodka: 

  • Chlorhexidine is an excellent drug that has antimicrobial activity, but is absolutely useless against viruses. Therefore, it is almost impossible to kill most viruses, using the solution.
  • To prepare such a tool, it is necessary to use Aloe Vera gel, which can be found in a pharmacy. Buy a product that does not contain additional aromatic additives.
  • If there is no such possibility, you can make a gel yourself, from aloe vera leaves. To do this, the skin is removed from the sheet, and the pasty mass is passed through a sieve, until a homogeneous sticky of the mixture is obtained. This is the Aloe Vera gel.
  • So, mix all the components, and the product will be ready.

What antiseptic at home to do for cleaning? 

Scientists have established that most often coronavirus can be infected through the mucous membranes, and when driving droplets with a virus in a mouth or nose. However, often the virus home is brought home on clothes. That is why it is necessary to conduct antiseptic treatment of surfaces in the room from time to time. Of course, it is economically unprofitable for these purposes to use an antiseptic with ethanol, as it is expensive. We offer several recipes for antiseptics for treating surfaces in the house during cleaning. 

Antiseptic at home, do it for cleaning: 

  • White. This is a chlorine -based solution, which is used as a stain carrier and disinfector. They usually treat shells, toilets. The main advantage is the low price.
  • Keep in mind that the product is very aggressive, when it enters the concentrated form on the skin, causes severe dryness and even a chemical burn. The hit of a slight amount of the product on the surface of the clothing becomes the cause of the appearance of white spots. It is impossible to restore clothes after the influence of whiteness.
  • To process the surface in the house, you should not use the product in its pure form. Therefore, it is enough in 10 liters of water to dissolve about 1 liter of white. The concentration should be 1 to 10.
  • Using this solution, you can wash the floor, wipe the hard surfaces in the house. It can be bedside tables, cabinets, countertops. You can process door handles, switches, a bell with a solution.

How to prepare an antiseptic for cleaning from soda and soap? 

Ordinary laundry soap has excellent antiseptic properties. It is used to process surfaces in the house. 

How to prepare an antiseptic for cleaning from soda and soap: 

  • To prepare the solution, it is necessary to grind a bar weighing 200 g in a blender or on a fine grater. It is necessary to get small baby. Dissolve it in 10 liters of very hot water and leave for several minutes. It is necessary that the flakes are completely dissolved. As a result, you will receive a muddy liquid.
  • It is necessary to introduce about 500 g of baking soda into the resulting solution. Everything is mixed and can be used for processing. With this solution, you can wash the floor, wipe the door handles and window sills. To make it convenient to clean the window sills and vertical surfaces, you can pour part of the solution into bottles with a spray, and apply spraying by spraying.
  • In order for the product to work better, it is necessary to leave it for about 15-20 minutes, and only then wash off with water. Remember that such a tool used to clean the surface in the house copes with viruses perfectly, but you should not use it for handling hands. Soap haspabout 11-12, is characterized by a strong alkaline reaction. This is very drying the skin, can cause cracks, as well as wounds. 
Store products
Store products

Antiseptic for cleaning a house with your own hands from vinegar  

A solution with whiteness for handling hands cannot also be used. Preparations based on substances that have a strong smell are not used if the house has small children and dogs. Therefore, a solution with whiteness is best replaced with household soap and soda.Recently, information has appeared on the network regarding the effectiveness of vinegar against coronavirus. 

Antiseptic for cleaning a house with your own hands from vinegar: 

  • Studies have shown that chemicals that dissolve fat can kill the virus. After all, it is with the help of “fat tentacles” that the virus particles are attached to the skin.
  • If you destroy them, the virus is washed off the surface. Acetic acid is not effective against fat, respectively, use apple or ordinary vinegar for treating surfaces in the house is useless. Therefore, do not spend money on the manufacture of antiseptics based on vinegar.
  • They are ineffective against viruses. Similar solutions can be treated with surfaces against the fungus, but they do not work against viruses.

Chlorine lime is an antiseptic: how to cook? 

To disinfect entrances, as well as other rooms, chlorine lime can be used. 

Chlorine lime is an antiseptic, how to cook: 

  • For these purposes, it is necessary to dissolve 1 kg in a small amount of water, until the gruel is obtained. Next, pour 10 liters of water. Mix everything thoroughly, and leave at room temperature for a day. During this time, a precipitate will appear at the bottom.
  • This is nothing more than a precipitate of insoluble salt, which must be removed from the solution. For this, the solution merges, and the sediment is thrown out. You can use a prepared solution for the preparation of other means. Please note that such a strong solution is used exclusively for processing entrances, non -residential premises that are well ventilated.
  • This floor washing solution cannot be used in the house. To process surfaces in poor ventilation conditions, that is, at home, it is necessary to use a two percent solution. It is necessary to dilute the resulting liquid five more times. It is necessary to select 10 liters of only 1 liter from the received, and add another 4 liters of water.
  • In total, you get 5 liters of solution, which can be used for wet cleaning and surfacing. Most often, such a tool is not used at home, due to severe smell and possible allergic reactions. But this is an excellent alternative to more expensive antiseptics, for the processing of shops, toilets, stops and public places in which there is a large accumulation of people. 

How to make an antiseptic for hands from coronavirus? 

Isopropanol It is an excellent alternative to ethanol. There is practically no ordinary alcohol in pharmacies now, or it is sold for fabulous money. The deficiency of isopropyl alcohol has not yet been observed, and it costs much cheaper. Therefore, it can be used as an alternative. 

How to make an antiseptic for hands from coronavirus: 

  • It is necessary to mix 750 mlisopropanolawith a high concentration with 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide. 
  • Its concentration should be at 3%. After that, add 200 ml of distilled or boiled water. After that, it is necessary to introduce 15 ml of glycerin.
  • From this amount it turns out about 1 liter of funds. For ease of use, it is best to pour into small containers.

Aseptolin: how to make an antiseptic for hands? 

Remember, you can prepare an antiseptic without the use of alcohol. In pharmacies now there are alternatives to ethanol:Septil orAseptolin, salicylic acid. They contain alcohol with a fortress of 70-90%. That is why they can be used to replace pure alcohol as part of an antiseptic. 

AseptolinHow to make an antiseptic for hands: 

  • To prepare an antiseptic fromAseptolin, you need to take a bottle calculated for a volume of slightly more than 100 ml. Enter 100 ml of alcohol solution.
  • Next, approximately 5 ml of peroxide is poured, and 3 ml of glycerin is administered. Many recommend to enhance the action of the antiseptic, to introduce essential oil.
  • Do not forget to add water if the percentage of alcohol in the acquired solution is more than 90%. If the solution contains 70% alcohol, then there is no need to add distilled water.

Read on the topic:

Do not introduce too many additional additives into the prepared antiseptic. So you run the risk of reducing the concentration of alcohol, and nullify its antiseptic properties. According to WHO, a solution that contains less than 60% of alcohol is ineffective. 

Video: How to make an antiseptic at home?

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Comments K. article

  1. Chlorine for the house - tin. I only use it for cleaning on the landing.

  2. You can escape from coronavirus! You are a clue that the mask does not save from the Covid-19 and from the respirator of the FFP2 series and almost 100% will protect you from infection.

  3. I buy ready -made antiseptics. I am engraved by the antibacterial powerful protection of the Horse Force, it is not sticky and economical

  4. I buy a ready -made antiseptic with chlorhexidine Twins TEK. It is for antimicrobial hand protection. It also has prolonged protection up to three hours.

  5. And I have no way to do an antiseptic at home. Therefore, I buy a finished lotion in a pharmacy laurel based on chlorhexidine, which does not dry the skin and leaves no sensation of stickiness on the hands.

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