Why is yogurt and coffee dangerous to drink on an empty stomach in the morning? What can and can not eat and drink on an empty stomach and why?

Why is yogurt and coffee dangerous to drink on an empty stomach in the morning? What can and can not eat and drink on an empty stomach and why?

Drinking coffee and yogurt on an empty stomach can be dangerous. Read more in the article.

The morning of each day should begin with the use of healthy and healthy food. In order for the benefits of nutrition to be noticeable, foods rich in vitamins and nutrients are introduced into the diet. It is necessary to set the diet. Make regular food meals, and include all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for the body.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "At what time of the day is it better to have bananas, apples, grapes and other fruits?". You will learn that fruit should be eaten before meals or after eating.

When using some types of products, people noticed a negative effect on their health. Any sane person has a logical question, what products can eat and drink on an empty stomach, and which are undesirable. Read more about this.

What can you eat and drink on an empty stomach and why?

A glass of warm water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach
A glass of warm water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach

Many nutritionists recommend starting the morning with a glass of water to an empty stomach. Water should help the body wake up and start the intestines. Many drink water without specifying what it should be. So, what can you eat and drink on an empty stomach and why? Read more:

  • A glass of warm water

Few people know that water should be at room temperature or even better warm, approximately +37-40 ° C. Then the production of gastric juice is stimulated before breakfast, intestinal motility is enhanced and the functioning of the heart muscle is normalized.

  • Ground porridge

In the morning, the consumption of carbohydrates saturates the body with carbohydrates, which are necessary for energy. These are oatmeal rich in starch and fiber. Buckwheat is rich in fiber, vitamins and iron. It improves intestinal motility. Corn croup enhances the operation of the excretory system of the body. Improves intestinal function and saturates well.

  • Eggs chicken and quail

The protein of eggs is well absorbed in the human body. The yolk saturates with vitamins. Breakfast from a pair of boiled eggs, omelettes or fried eggs will give energy for the whole day, and will not harm the stomach.

  • Whole wheat bread

It is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It stimulates the intestines and replenishes the body with energy. In the morning it is just necessary.

  • Nuts

They contain many fat -soluble vitamins. Normalize the work of the intestines, remove toxins and neutralize the acidity of gastric juice.

  • Low -fat cottage cheese

Rich in calcium and protein. It does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and stimulates the intestines. It saturates well and retains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

The use of products from the list will make it possible to vigorously start a working day, and feel great.

Video: What will happen to the body if you drink warm water in the morning on an empty stomach?

What can not be eaten and drink in the morning: why is yogurt and coffee dangerous to drink on an empty stomach in the morning?

Yogurt and coffee are dangerous to drink in the morning on an empty stomach
Yogurt and coffee are dangerous to drink in the morning on an empty stomach

On the walls of the stomach there are receptors that respond to any irritation. Human health depends on the irritant that affects them. So what can not be eaten and drink in the morning? Why is yogurt and coffee even dangerous to drink on an empty stomach in the morning? Read more:

  • Cold water

Many nutritionists recommend starting the morning with a glass of water on an empty stomach. Water should help the body wake up and start the intestines. But, as mentioned above, it should be warm. After the on an empty stomach of a glass of cold water, the mucous membrane of the stomach receives a strong shake. Receptors do not know how to respond to such an impact. The production of hydrochloric acid decreases or stops completely. Digging of food coming after water is broken. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa begins, known as gastritis. If you do not stop taking cold water, the appearance of peptic ulcer and even neoplasms is possible. The addition of lemon juice to the water only enhances the negative effect on the mucous membrane.

  • Coffee

Many working people, without appetite, drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach and run to work. The effect of tannins on the gastric mucosa contained in the finished drink leads to an increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which greatly irritates the walls of the stomach. Gastritis appears, which is aggravated by a constant habit of drinking a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach. Heartburn attacks begin. Perhaps the development of peptic ulcer.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to drink coffee correctly - all the subtleties of using an invigorating drink".

  • Yogurt

Any fermented milk products, including yogurt, should not be used on an empty stomach. Laose acidic bacteria do not have time to absorb in the intestines of a person. But the acidic environment is even more annoying the walls of the stomach. Therefore, the constant use of yogurt, except for harm, will bring nothing.

  • Meat

Fans tightly eat in the morning, having breakfast with a good steak, apply another stress to the body. In the morning, the functions of the body have not yet been restored after sleep. There is a load on the stomach, kidneys and intestines. Digging of the food lump in the stomach is broken. Squirrels attack the kidneys incapable of the release of toxins. The intestines are poorly working. Constant use in the morning for breakfast of meat can greatly affect health.

  • Yeast pastries

Fresh bakery products greatly irritate the gastric mucous membranes. The secretion of gastric juice increases and heartburn appears again. Therefore, a fresh croissant or a bun to a cup of coffee in the morning is a bad habit. Flour products are quickly split to glucose, which does not have time to absorb. A quick rise in blood sugar, leads to the deposition of excess glycogen. And this is a direct increase in weight.

Citrus juices are dangerous to drink in the morning on an empty stomach
Citrus juices are dangerous to drink in the morning on an empty stomach
  • Citrus juices

It became popular to drink in the morning on an empty stomach freshly squeezed orange juice. The product contains many vitamins. But even more juice contains organic acids that irritate the stomach. If there are already foci of inflammation on the mucosa, the morning frash worsens the state of a person. It is possible to develop peptic ulcer.

  • Spices and spices

Products saturated with sharp seasonings can only be consumed by completely healthy people or after the first dish. Capsaicin, which is contained in red acute pepper, is very burning and greatly irritates the stomach. It enhances the production of hydrochloric acid, which in an empty stomach causes inflammation.

  • Soda

Gas bubbles that are released from drinks become an irritant of receptors in the walls of the stomach. There is an increase in the secretion of gastric juice that is undesirable for the work of this organ. Frequent use of gas drinks may lead to digestion.

The list of products can continue vegetables and fruits, with a high content of organic acids and fiber - tomatoes, apples, pears, cucumbers. Their excessive use leads to intestinal irritation and increased flatulence. What causes a feeling of discomfort. If you eat regularly and correctly every day, eating a small amount of products negatively affecting the gastric mucosa in the morning, negative effects can be neutralized. Good luck!

Video: 20 products that can and cannot eat on an empty stomach

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