Which yogurts are the most useful: names, list, brands, rating. What drinking yogurt, bio -ogurt is the most useful, natural, high -quality: list, brands. What is the best, healthy, natural yogurt, which is better to buy?

Which yogurts are the most useful: names, list, brands, rating. What drinking yogurt, bio -ogurt is the most useful, natural, high -quality: list, brands. What is the best, healthy, natural yogurt, which is better to buy?

In this article, we will consider yogurts and advise which brand we should opt for. In this case, you will be completely confident in the naturalness of the product.

Sour -milk products, including yogurts, play an important role in human health. By the way, yogurts are most popular and demand for children's age category and for the elderly. But often the composition calls into question the “usefulness” of such a product. Therefore, this article will provide information about brands that will deserve the title of “useful”.

Which yogurts are the most useful: names, list, brands, rating

The main merit of any yogurt is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms of the intestine and the activation of useful microflora. And yogurts suspend the processes of aging and decay. And, in general, they improve the work of the intestines and its entire system. Especially if it is weak or has some exacerbations. That is, the susceptible flora of the baby or the disease of the gastrointestinal tract of an adult.

We will miss the moment with a detailed analysis of the composition of each well -known yogurt. But arm yourself with some recommendations that should be taken into account when buying yogurt.

What to pay attention to when reading the composition:

  • All yogurts are used thickener and stabilizer.
    • Often found: E1412 or 1414, as well as E1422 and 1442. Available language is modified starch. The last word is not in doubt that it is safe. But the term "modified" leaves concerns.
    • This starch has nothing to do with genetically modified products, they are only modified for personal improvement of properties. Therefore, they are allowed and considered non -hazardous. But up to 3 years - such an additive is prohibited. And, unfortunately, they are not in the best way reflected on taste. The benefits of the product are also not brought.
    • E412 or guar gum. It belongs to the permitted appearance, but is not absorbed in our intestines and is practically not absorbed. Therefore, should relate to the forbidden components.
    • Xanthan gum (E415) - regulates the viscosity of the substance and refers to the list of permitted products. It also refers to undesirable components.
    • Rozhkovgho gum (E410) - is made of pits of the Mediterranean acacia.
    • Pectins, E440 - does not create an energy reserve, but is carried out by the extraction of apple, beetroot or citrus fruits. That is, natural origin.
    • Food gelatin - permissible, not dangerous, but does not bring any benefit.
    • If the composition contains agar-agar, then such yogurt can be safely called natural and even useful.

      Not all yogurts are equally useful
      Not all yogurts are equally useful
  • Dyes Use those that are allowed. But do not forget that they can be allergenic.
    • E120 or karmins - obtained from karminic acid, paints red.
    • E160A (also called alpha -, beta -or gamma -carotene). Creates yellow or orange. True, there may be chemical origin.
    • E160C (oil paprika oils) stains in orange. Keep in mind that in many countries such a dye is prohibited, therefore, it is undesirable in the composition.
  • Acidity regulator. Ideally, they should not at all be present in such fermented milk products.
    • Citric acid or E330 is permissible for use, but becomes carcinogenic in large doses.
    • E331 or sodium citrate. This drug is allowed, although it causes many suspicions about its usefulness.

What yogurts are at the top:

Important! None of the manufacturers of yogurt has ideal composition indicators. That is, you cannot call the ideal or the best yogurt. But you can distinguish the most close to natural indicators of certain brands.

  • «Valio». This yogurt scored the highest indicators in total - according to the results of the rating, 71 points. It has a high protein content and a large amount of lactic acid bacteria. The pluses also include the fact that there are no artificial fillers and in yogurt there really are pieces of fruit.
    • But the composition contains starch. Although it is included in the list of allowed ingredients. Its volume does not exceed the norm, but this reflected on taste. Yogurt is slightly powdery.

  • "Miracle". In this yogurt, the most noticeable plus is the price - it is more than acceptable. By the way, the composition includes lactic acid bacteria, and protein is observed. True, it is slightly higher than indicated on the label. This cannot be called a minus, but the composition of the product should have a relatively strict and correct description.
    • This is the most thick yogurt! And such a merit, thanks to gelatin modified by starch, and is also part of Guar gum. Therefore, naturalness and security falls into several positions.
  • "Activia." In terms of food value, this is a leading product. By the way, naturalness gains an average score, and no large sugar content or stabilizers.
    • It is important that only dairy fats are present, and sugar is included in the permissible limits and fully corresponds to the declared value on the label. Actiregularis bacteria are really present. By the way, according to this criterion, this is also the only brand provided.
    • But there is a great remark about the content of milk protein. It not only does not correspond to the composition on the packaging, but even significantly lower than the necessary indicators according to GOST.
    • There is also a discrepancy between the ratio of glucose and fructose. Taste and smell not characteristic of sour -milk product.

  • "B. Yu. Alexandrov ". This yogurt is included in the list of permissible products, but it has one significant minus - this is the use of preservatives (sorbic acid). Moreover, they significantly exceed the permissible value in accordance with GOST.
    • But then milk protein and lactic acid bacteria fully comply with the requirements. And also the filler indicates naturalness - it is visualized.
    • Negative indicators should include high hydrocarbons, the presence of starch, and a slightly high price.

The smallest score scored "Danon" enters the forbidden group. Among the advantages, only good taste and rich aroma can be distinguished.

  • But this is the merit of a large number of preservatives and stabilizers that are of chemical origin. A high percentage of dyes can cause allergies, and an acidity regulator is also observed. Therefore, the safety and naturalness of the yogurt is behind the scale of permissible values.
  • But the most important drawback is the low content of lactic acid organisms (almost 100 times lower than the permissible).
    • Of the positive qualities, a high content of milk protein can be noted, but above the specified data. But sugar, on the contrary, is lower. On the one hand, this is good, but it looks like a buyer's deception.

What drinking yogurt, bio -ogurt is the most useful: names, brands, list

It is worth dispelled by the myth that lactobacilli somehow depend on the density of yogurt. Regardless of the consistency, whether it is a thick or liquid product, bacteria in its composition will be in the same amount.

  • «Bio balance". Although, according to the results, this is not the highest score (64), it can be called the best (compared with other manufacturers). This yogurt includes not only milk fats and the required amount of lactic acid bacteria, but also bifidoactive bacteria.
    • The last component maintains normal acidity in the intestines, and also eliminates problems such as diarrhea or constipation. Moreover, the prevention of the development of cancer microorganisms in the intestines and the colon was noted. This product has the highest indicators in a string of naturalness and safety.
    • But the taste qualities are a little unusual, as for a fermented milk product. The comments also concern the smell. Moreover, there is a ratio of glucose and fructose in an inappropriate position.

      Drinking yogurt
      Drinking yogurt
  • "Tvynotheevo" I scored above a score (65), more wins in taste and aromatic qualities. In yogurt there are the necessary bacteria that play an important role.
    • But naturalness is slightly lame - taste qualities depend on the use of taste stabilizers, flavorings and dyes.
  • Liquid bifidioogurt "Activia." Liquid yogurt has the desired ratio of sugar and milk protein, and also includes only milk fat.
    • But these bifidobacteria are much lower than those values \u200b\u200bthat should be according to the regulations.
  • "Ostankino", "Ostankino dream"contains the right amount of protein and dairy bacteria. Also, there is no starch and other amplifiers.
    • The smell does not correspond to the specified filler, the taste also inappropriate for this product is sweet and sour.
  • "Fresh tomorrow" It has a high fat content - 2.5%. Moreover, only milk fat is present. The yogurt has a high content of dairy bacteria, and preservatives are completely absent.
    • But milk proteins “fell” below the indicators established by the norms. And there is a certain powderyness in taste, which is uncharacteristic for the sour -milk product and indicates the content of modified starch.
  • "B. Yu. Alexandrov ". The drinking yogurt of this brand has an uncharacteristic smell and a mild, even a slightly “empty” taste. Moreover, the overestimated sugar content, and fats exceed the norm. And there is no correspondence with the specified composition on the label.
    • Very important - About 800 times exceeded the indicator of extraneous bacteria. And specifically, yeast. This indicates the non -compliance of many processing rules. And do not forget that such an omission can attract other dangerous microorganisms, for example, staphylococcus bacteria or E. coli.
Has a significant excess of extraneous bacteria
Has a significant excess of extraneous bacteria

Natural yogurt without additives - how to choose which to buy: the best brands

Natural yogurts are the most useful for the body. They have a number of requirements that will be provided below.

What you should know, when buying naturally yogurt:

  • Best before date - This is the first indicator. Useful yogurt retains its properties for no more than 1-2 weeks. Some manufacturers extend the time up to a month. Compared with other common yogurts, then, most often, this period captures as long as 3 months, or even a year.
  • Compound In natural yogurt, pleasantly small. Ideally, there should be only milk and bacteria, but this is extremely rare. Remember that a long composition is a bad sign.
  • Also consider - Sugar should not be part of natural yogurt!
  • Be sure to indicate the content of lactic acid bacteria (at least 10*7 CFU/g) and bifidobacteria (at least 10*6 CFU/g). By the way, their number should remain until the end of the expiration date.

What kind of natural yogurts should be highlighted:

  • «Bifidus Nature». In its composition, in addition to whole milk and bacteria, there is also milk protein. That is, this is the perfect composition. No preservatives, fillers or stabilizers.
    • Sour taste with a sweet note. At least calories (after all, sugar is excluded) and only 34 days of storage.

      Natural yogurt
      Natural yogurt
  • Thermostat yogurt "Favorite traditions." The composition contains milk powder, except for a solid component and leaven with bacteria. This is not the best indicator, but there are no more additions, which is already pleasing.
    • Yogurt has a neutral taste with a slight shade of sourness. Keep in mind - in yogurt there are only 30 kcal, so it is indispensable for those who follow the figure or cholesterol.
    • A very significant plus is only 5 days of storage. That is, the manufacturer gives an additional guarantee of the naturalness of the product.
  • "Activia" With bifidobacteria. In addition to the main ingredients, milk milk is also included in the composition.
    • But the expiration date is 1 month, which is within normal limits, but worse than 5 days. And the calorie content is a little high - 75 kcal.
    • Again, this is permissible, but in natural yogurt the indicator should not exceed 70 kcal, otherwise there is a suspicion of small sugar content.
  • Bioyogurt "Healthy foods". A distinctive feature is the basis of goat milk, which gives value and usefulness to the product. And three types of bacteria (bifidobacteria, milk Bulgarian stick and lactic acidic streptococci) are included.
    • And even the shelf life of only two weeks. But there is a stabilizer - Pectin. Therefore, such significant utility has decreased slightly. Let it be considered permitted and is considered permitted, but it should not be at all.
    • There are also comments about the taste - goat milk is a little specific and few who like it.
With goat milk
With goat milk

Small, low -calorie yogurts: Which company is better?

It is also worth noting that sour -milk products help the body self -clean. Therefore, yogurt with systematic use dissolves fat deposits, adjusts the shape of the body, removes excess feces and fights overweight.

  • "Valio" With a fat content of 0.4%. Excellent quality, which is expressed in the absence of preservatives and high indicators of lactic acid bacteria. Very moderate sucrose content, which is important for low -fat yogurts.
    • But the content of protein and somo is several times less than the necessary content according to the regulations and GOST. The taste and aroma are weakly noticeable.
  • Sour -milk drink Frugurt. It belongs to the category of low -calorie yogurts, has a fat content of 1.5%. It really has few calories and dairy fats. Laose acidic organisms are normal.
    • But the taste and aroma of yogurt is very weak, but the dyes were taken in abundance. And there are no berries, that is, there is no filler or it is very weakly expressed.
    • And take note - yogurt has a slightly overstated sugar content! Even for yogurt with high calorie content.

Important! Sometimes manufacturers use potassium chloride instead of milk fat. It creates a salty and bitter taste, so they are forced to include more sugar.

  • Yogurt "Slavushkin" from optimal. Far from “stepped” from previous representatives in terms of naturalness. But it loses only in terms of nutritional value and taste.
    • Bifidobacteria are present in the right amount. It is worth highlighting that sucrose is used for sweet taste (in permissible doses). There are no preservatives, which is an indisputable positive quality.
    • But the taste of yogurt has not become so expressive and slightly powdery, and this indicates the content of starch.
  • Consider! Low -calorie products can be called useless, since they do not carry any energy value for the body. And to reduce the calorie content of the product, water and sugar are often used. Water destroys the consistency of yogurt and causes the occurrence of pathogenic flora. And in order to somehow “establish” the taste of such yogurt, manufacturers add a huge amount of sugar. Its content exceeds even a dose of fat yogurt.

Live yogurt: brands, manufacturers

Living yogurt is the product that does not undergo heat treatment. That is, it has live lactobacilli or probiotics. There are always living bacteria in such a sour -milk product. The shelf life of such products is no more than 7 days. By the way, it is also called - bio -ogurt.

  • Yogurt is “living”, natural. It has only milk and leaven. It is stored only 4 days after opening the jar.
  • Ashenievskaya Farm, classic yogurt. The same pleasant composition-only two components and you can store only 4-6 days.
  • "Kozelsky Living" Yogrut. Again, only two components with a period of not more than 5 days.
  • "Dairy culture." This, by the way, is drinking yogurt, which also pleases with the composition.
Living yogurt
Living yogurt
  • "Bifidus Nature"
  • "Activia"
  • "Bio Balance"

And it is best to prepare your own, lively yogurt. There is absolutely no doubt in his composition. The choice of leashes today is abundant. Moreover, you can add pieces of favorite fruits to such yogurt. By the way, due to the lack of heat treatment, it retains the maximum usefulness. It will be really natural, because only you follow the components. It will also be fresh, and this is an important criterion for the viability of beneficial bacteria.

Video: which yogurt to choose?

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, you read the composition and I don't want to eat))

  2. It turns out there is no perfect yogurt? Each has disadvantages.

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