What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese and other dairy products?

What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese and other dairy products?

When is it better to eat cottage cheese in the morning, day or evening? What dangerous diseases can this product be saved from?

What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese and other dairy products? You will find the answer to this question in our article. Read about the most useful and most popular ways to use cottage cheese and other dairy products.

What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese for weight loss?

Cottage cheese is a dietary product, low -fat cottage cheese is included in the diet when you need to get rid of extra pounds. But is it useful? What is the main nutritional value of cottage cheese?

Some may say that the most valuable in cottage cheese is trace elements. But this is not so, the main beneficial substances of cottage cheese are as follows:

  • Cottage cheese is, first of all, a huge amount proteins animal origin. Food proteins are “bricks” from which the human body builds its own proteins. Proteins are needed for development and maintenance of muscles. They are vital for the immune system. Leukocytes - defenders who attack viruses and bacteria - this is protein.
  • The second, but no less important property of cottage cheese is a huge content calcium. Calcium is not a micro, but a macro element, its human body needs a lot. Everyone knows that calcium is necessary for bone growth. But it is needed not only by children, but also by adults, to prevent osteoporosis. But he has another important function - calcium is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Cottage cheese helps to reduce blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

A light breakfast with cottage cheese can be supplemented with dried fruits or fresh berries. So the body will receive vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body.

Cottage cheese with sugar and berries is tasty and healthy
Cottage cheese with sugar and berries is tasty and healthy
  • How does cottage cheese help to lose weight?

What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese in order not to get better, many ask, and there are two fundamentally different approaches.

  1. Skim cheese. Fool cottage cheese to lose weight, advise, eat at night. It creates a feeling of fullness of the stomach. And the cottage cheese is slowly digested, so a feeling of hunger recedes for a long time. But proteins from low -fat cottage cheese are very poorly absorbed. The fact is that our body is arranged so that in order to learn protein, it needs vitamin D. And this vitamin dissolves only in fats. Therefore, from skim cottage cheese, there is little benefit, except for the filled stomach.
  2. Fat cottage cheese for muscle growth. Cottage cheese is a recommended food product for athletes. It helps to increase muscle mass. How fat cottage cheese will help to lose weight - you ask. The fact is that if you do not receive fat from dairy products and, for example, white meat, you will still get fat from another food. But the protein in these products can be small. Then your muscles will have nothing to grow on, and the calorie obtained from food will turn into fat on the stomach and hips. What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese for muscle growth? This time can be any, because cottage cheese is slowly absorbed.

Curd diets

What time is it better to have cottage cheese if you are on a diet?

  • On cottage cheese, 500 grams of cottage cheese will need to be eaten throughout the day, washed down with a liter of kefir. Such a harsh diet contributes to rapid weight and possibly loss of health. Since all strictly limiting diets cause an acute feeling of hunger and a quick weight gain after leaving the diet.
  • On the cottage cheese diet, 150 g of cottage cheese eat in the morning and at lunch, and 500 g of boiled vegetables in lunch and dinner.
Eating with one cottage cheese is harmful
Eating with one cottage cheese is harmful

The fat content of cottage cheese and the time of its use

From the point of view of utility, cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%is considered ideal.

This figure appeared not just like that, it was calculated by physiologists. If cottage cheese is smaller, then proteins and calcium will also learn much less. If cottage cheese is larger, then more useful substances will also learn less than 9% fat. Therefore, mixing cottage cheese with fat sour cream is not very useful. And if you buy cottage cheese with a fat content of 18% - this does not mean that it is twice as useful.

On a shelf with baby food, you will most likely find a cottage cheese in which fat content is 9%.

  • What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese if it is fat? Such cottage cheese is better not to eat at night, because a large amount of fat can overload the pancreas. This can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Fat cottage cheese is better to eat in the morning or day. The main thing is that you have at least three hours left before going to bed.

  • If you want to eat cottage cheese for dinner, then it is better to choose one that has 5%fat. He is also useful. Unlike low -fat cottage cheese.
  • There is no completely fat -free cottage cheese in principle. That is, this cottage cheese cannot have 0% fat. But there is cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.5%, 1%or 2%. Such cottage cheese is not very useful, but it can be suitable for those to whom the nutritionist prescribed a low fat diet. Or if you eat a lot of other dairy products.
Cottage cheese with different fat content
Cottage cheese with different fat content

What time of the day is it better to drink kefir, yogurt and yogurt?

What time of the day is it better to drink kefir, yogurt and yogurt? It all depends on your age and characteristics of metabolism. The fact is that in kefir, yogurt and yogurt there are living dairy bacteria that improve digestion. And they also have milk sugar. Most of the dairy sugar in whole milk, but in sour -milk products it is also enough. Adults from milk sugar can be powered.

Elderly people It is recommended to drink kefir or yogurt overnight. The fact is that with age, many people begin to suffer from constipation. And fermented milk products help our own microflora in the intestines to digest food. A glass of kefir drunk at night is a guarantee that in the morning it will be easy to empty the intestines for those who suffer from constipation.

Kefir establishes digestion to the older generation
Kefir establishes digestion to the older generation

Young peopleIn which the rate of metabolic processes is high, on the contrary, they do not advise drinking dairy products at night. Burning in the stomach and the need to get into the toilet - do not really contribute to healthy sleep.

The reason that the stomach flows from kefir - the stomach is lactose intolerance. Dairy sugar is perfectly processed in the children's body. Children have many special enzymes for this. But with age, their number decreases. In sour -milk products there are less dairy sugar than in whole milk. Among adults, there are generally those who feel bad not only from milk, but also from yogurt. But even such people are useful to drink at least a glass of kefir or yogurt per day.

Concerning yogurt, He is useful. But the peculiarity of yogurt is that it has a very large amount of sugar. The manufacturer's labels are usually information that the sugar product is 12%, or even 15%. Manufacturers try to make the product such that children like it in taste. And the yogurt itself is quite sour. Yogurt can hardly be called a dietary product.

Here are so many sugar in these cups with yogurt
Here are so many sugar in these cups with yogurt

Who needs to have cottage cheese in the evening?

Cottage cheese is useful for everyone. But there are two categories of people who are especially necessary, this is:

  • Children. Their skeleton is actively growing. And cottage cheese is the richest of calcium a dairy product.
  • Hypertension and other heart diseases.

What time of the day is better to have cottage cheese to reduce pressure? And how can cottage cheese save from heart attack? It is better to eat cottage cheese in the evening, usually in the evening, the pressure rises above all in the evening. It is scientifically proven that cottage cheese and other sour -milk products can reduce the average blood pressure by 20 units (we are talking about upper pressure). Instead of cottage cheese, with the same success, you can eat kefir or yogurt.

Video: Elena Malysheva about cottage cheese

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