Why do cold water is supplied to coffee? How to drink hot coffee with cold water in a cafe: recommendations

Why do cold water is supplied to coffee? How to drink hot coffee with cold water in a cafe: recommendations

Why is cold water are served to coffee: reasons

The reasons why the water is served:

  • When alternating sips, water cleans the taste receptors for enjoying the next sip of aromatic coffee
  • Water can help adjust the bitter taste of the drink
  • A sip of water helps to wash off the pigment that remains on the teeth after consuming coffee
  • Water weakens the sharp effect of caffeine from strong coffee on the human body

How to drink hot coffee with cold water - what to drink first: recommendations

Cold water is supplied to strong coffee.

  • In order for a cup of coffee to give you maximum pleasure, drink it slowly, getting pleasure from each sip.
  • Immediately place yourself for the upcoming coffee ceremony, to get pleasure.
  • First, drink a little cold water to refresh taste receptors.
  • Dip coffee in small sips, holding it for a short time in your mouth.
  • Cold water is also recommended to drink a little and slowly, holding it in the mouth.
  • In order not to harm your teeth, alternating cold and hot, take breaks between sips.
  • In the end, you can not drink coffee with water so that you feel a coffee taste longer.

Video: Always drink coffee with water

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