Flexible diet from Lyle McDonald: which is the essence, what approach, advantages, disadvantages, reviews

Flexible diet from Lyle McDonald: which is the essence, what approach, advantages, disadvantages, reviews

Want to lose weight and eat what you love? Try a flexible diet - more in the article.

Modern society dictates the strict standards of beauty and a healthy lifestyle. Questions of excess weight and a fit, slender body do not lose their relevance. But also people recognize the framework and restrictions of personal freedom and desires.

Read the article on our website about the simplest diet for the most lazy. With this type of diet, you will lose 12 kg for 2 weeks.

It turns out that you can lose extra pounds, and at the same time there is what you like. This method is called a flexible diet. Read more about what is the essence of such a diet that underlies in this article. Read further.

Why is it difficult to adhere to diets?

It is difficult to adhere to diets
It is difficult to adhere to diets

All women do not like diets. Why is it difficult to adhere to them? A few reasons because of which it doesn’t work out to lose weight:

  1. Perfectionism. They go to the diet as in battle. Any breakdown is considered a defeat. If a person allowed himself excess, then with a high degree of probability he is disappointed and simply throws this lesson. In fact, those people who sometimes break down, but do not stop diet, are more likely to achieve results.
  2. Lack of long -term plans. Someone withstood, went through all the tests and received the desired weight as a reward. It would seem that now you can relax and return to ordinary life. But it doesn't work like that. It was the previous lifestyle that led to the appearance of extra pounds. This approach often becomes the reason that the dropped weight returns more than. And everything must start again.
  3. Psychology of jamming. Only people can eat from boredom, longing or just like that. Such food habits often lead to excess weight.
  4. Inappropriate diet. All people are different. Someone easily tolerates hunger, and someone loses consciousness. Metabolism is also different. It is enough for someone to simply increase physical activity, but nothing helps someone.

This suggests that the diet should be selected individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

What diet is considered correct: proteins, fats, carbohydrates

There are a huge number of ways to lose weight. But the main rule of all diets is to spend more energy than consume. So what diet is considered correct?

  • It will be correct not to think about the diet as such.
  • Adhering to some kind of food plan, losing weight simply reduces the number of calories consumed, excluding certain products. This is the whole point.
  • Therefore, it does not matter which products are, the main thing is to reduce calorie content.
  • It is important to consider the number of proteins consumed, fats and carbohydrates.

Squirrels - This is the next important point:

  • Sufficient intake of protein foods.
  • The protein quenches hunger well, allows you to feel satiety for a long time, maintains a stable blood sugar.
  • The muscle mass also needs protein.

What products are a protein source? It is recommended to use:

  • Fish
  • Dairy
  • Chicken breast and other lean meat

Fat - Be sure to be present in the diet, but in moderate quantities. The body needs fatty acids. Their source will be olive and hemp oil, fish oil. They can be added to vegetable salads, in the first and second dishes.

CARBOHYDRATES We also need, but just a little bit and “right”-cereals, whole grain bread, etc. You can even eat your favorite candy or a small piece of cake, if they fit into the daily calorie rate.

CELLULOSE - Food with a high content of this component helps to get enough. This can include vegetables, herbs, fruits. These products are well saturated, but at the same time have a small calorie content. You can eat a bowl of vegetable salad or 3-4 chocolate cookies and get the same number of calories. It should be remembered that fruits are more calorie than vegetables. One Fresh may contain a third of the daily diet.

As you can see, the correct diet should be balanced and include a variety of products. But do not believe that with a flexible diet you can lose weight, using exclusively cakes, hamburgers and sweet soda.

What is the essence of a flexible diet from Lyle McDonald: why is it called "IIFYM Diet"?

Flexible diet from Lyle McDonald
Flexible diet from Lyle McDonald

It is always easier to gain extra pounds than to get rid of them later. Losing weight is not an easy task. As mentioned above, the thoughts that a diet must adhere to cause an internal protest. After all, you need to have an iron will to abandon your favorite sweets, fried potatoes or Friday beer and switch to a boiled chicken breast with grated carrots and cottage cheese.

But there is a more fun way - this is a flexible diet, or IIFYM:

  • Translated into Russian, this abbreviation "Iff Fits Your Macros" means "If this fits into your calories".
  • Introduced this name and structured the principles Lyle McDonald, sports nutritionist.
  • The essence of this approach is not to go beyond the consumption of the required number of calories and monitor the level of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the diet.

What are the most diets built on? On the complete rejection of alcohol, fatty foods and sweets. Also, physical activity plays a huge role. Without exhausting training, no one guarantees the result. Holding such a lifestyle is very difficult. It seems to many people not a diet, but a certain punishment for overeating.

A flexible diet calls on to follow another approach. It is not necessary to eat only healthy foods, you can allow yourself your favorite incomplete goodies at least every day. You can eat after six. The main thing is not to go beyond the daily norm of calories calculated for each specific person.

Flexible diet Guide from Lyle McDonald: Calculation of Calorie content of dishes, what should be the approach?

How to understand how much the body needs to consume energy to get rid of excess weight? Lyle McDonald in his flexible diet guides explains that there is a concept of basic exchange. This is the amount of energy that is spent by the body to maintain life in conditions of complete rest at a comfortable temperature. Simply put, this is how many calories the body will waste if you lie all day warm and not think about bad. How to calculate the calorie content of dishes? What should be the approach to your nutrition? For example:

  • On average, a man spends 1 kcal per 1 kg of weight per hour. That is, if a man weighs 80 kg, then its daily main exchange will be: 24 hours x 80 kg x 1 kcal \u003d 1920 kcal.
  • For a woman, this indicator will be 0.9 kcal per 1 kg of weight per hour. The main exchange of a woman weight 60 kg: 24 hours x 60 kg x 0.9 kcal \u003d 1296 kcal.

The daily consumption rate must be calculated taking into account other energy costs. After all, a person does not lie all day with an empty head on a warm couch. To do this, there are special smart applications that help calculate this indicator. For example, fATSECret applicationwhich can be downloaded on the official website of the developers. This is great calorius meter and tracker for weight loss. But you can do this according to a simple formula for the daily calorie consumption (DNPK):

For women:

  • DNPK \u003d (weight (kg) x 10 + height (cm) x 6.25 -age (years) x 5 -161) x the activity coefficient

For men:

  • DNPK \u003d (weight (kg) x 10 + height (cm) x 6.25 - age (years) x 5 +5) x the activity coefficient

The activity factor will depend on energy costs and additional physical activity. The more training and the heavier the human physical work, the higher this coefficient will be. Each type of physical activity defines its numerical values. After determining the norm, it must be taken away from it 200-300 kcal, and then the process of losing weight can be considered begun.

As for the daily norm of consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the average ratio will be:

  • 40%- proteins, 40%- carbohydrates, 20%- fats

Read further even more interesting and useful information.

The principles of a flexible diet

The principles of such a flexible diet are simple and democratic:

  • Adhere to the daily calorie norm, after taking away 200-300 kcal.
  • There is no ban on some kind of product, everything can be.
  • There is no strict temporary scope of eating. You can eat when you wanted.
  • There are no rules for the number of meals. You can eat as many times as you wanted.
  • Physical activity is optional, but in every possible way welcome.
  • Sometimes it is useful to arrange a break. This gives a nervous unloading and helps to avoid "getting used to" a diet.

What are the advantages of this type of nutrition? Read further.

Flexible diet: Advantages and features

Flexible diet
Flexible diet

A flexible diet has several advantages over other, more stringent diets:

  • Unloads the psyche. Due to the fact that the diet does not put hard frames, it is easier to observe. Moderate restrictions are less on the nerves. You do not have to cry in a pillow at night, dreaming of a juicy steak or piece of pie. They can quite afford them.
  • Accelerates metabolism, improves energy metabolism. The body receives all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities. At the same time, you can eat your favorite food without risk to overeat.
  • You can use any products that you like, or which are in the refrigerator. No need to specially go to the store for broccoli and buckwheat. Also, food is not divided into “useful” and “harmful”.
  • Lack of feelings of hungersince everything necessary is in abundance.
  • The result is visible. A person is full, calm, but continues to lose extra pounds. This stimulates continuing in the same spirit.
  • Do not have to give up friendly meetings. You can calmly go to the cafe or visit, after calculating how much you can eat.

You can be on such a diet for a very long time . She can even become a habit and become a way of life.

Flexible diet: Cons and contraindications

A flexible diet has many advantages, but it is necessary to say about the minuses:

  • In terms of comfort, this is an ideal approach. But some products can hardly be called healthy.
  • Many do not like to constantly consider calories. It bothers for a long time. However, you need to tolerate a little, literally after a couple of weeks the body gets used to eating the prescribed amount and a person already gets used to it and does not put the excess in a plate.
  • Not suitable for people with a low threshold of self -control. Not everyone will be able to consider calorie content and will be limited. Flexibility can give rise to permissiveness. And one piece of cake will follow half a pound and a kilogram of sweets.

Otherwise, this diet has only advantages. Do not forget about contraindications. Not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Gastritis
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Different liver pathologies, etc.

Despite all this, most people with excess weight eat precisely by the type of this diet. If you also decide to count calories, limit yourself a little and lose weight, then you need to know where to start. Read further.

Where to start on a flexible diet?

To start losing weight on a flexible diet, you need to get used to counting calories
To start losing weight on a flexible diet, you need to get used to counting calories

What needs to be done, how to adhere to a flexible diet? The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Start counting calories. It is necessary to calculate the daily norm by the formula described above or using the application. Cut off the number of calories from it that will lose weight and will be comfortable for the body. If you reduce this figure too much, then weight loss will occur faster, but the feeling of hunger will increase. And this contradicts the principles of the approach. Therefore, this issue must be approached very seriously.
  • Finding a calorie content of food is very simple. Usually it is indicated on the packaging of products. Ordinary kitchen scales will also help. At first, perhaps, you will have to weigh and calculate everything. But experience will come very quickly, and the energy value of the portion will be determined “by eye”.
  • Reduce the usual portions. The daily norm is calculated, the scales are bought, but so far everything seems very difficult? You should just reduce the usual amount of food. In any case, this will create the necessary calorie deficiency and will become an impetus for weight loss. The first results will not be long in coming.
  • Increase physical activity. This does not have to be exhausting training. You can begin to engage in gymnastics or running, shake the press. Replace the seat in an armchair with some physical labor. This will accelerate metabolism and increase energy costs.

Add a little activity to your life - walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, etc. This will help to lose weight faster and with pleasure.

Meding recommendations in supporting mode on a flexible diet

Naturally, it will not always turn out to be considered calories and observe even such a flexible diet. Below you will find a few recommendations for maintaining in maintenance mode. Here are the basic rules that will help not gain weight during a break in a diet and save from the need to count calories:

  • Eat more often. Studies have shown that with fractional intake of food it is easier to control the feeling of hunger. Also, nutrition in small portions gradually reduces the volume of the stomach, the feeling of satiety comes faster.
  • Eat more low -fat protein foods. An increased amount of protein helps not to gain a weighted weight after the end of the diet, maintains muscles, internal organs, bone tissue in good condition.
  • Consume fats moderately. Fat foods are very high -calorie. For one meal, you can eat no more than 10-14 grams. This is a tablespoon. Transfiders should be excluded. There are not even one who does not sit on a diet.
  • Include fiber in the diet. This is a source of vitamins, minerals. The fiber remains in the stomach longer, giving a feeling of satiety.
  • Use less carbohydrates. This includes cereals (such as semolina, etc.), white bread, pasta. An approximate portion should be placed in a hand -folded hand.
  • Eat slower. The feeling of saturation does not come immediately, but through 15-20 minutes after meal. During this time, you can significantly overeat. It is slow, carefully chewing food, useful for diet and health.
  • Train. Even during a break in the diet, you should not refuse physical activity.

Losing weight has always been considered a difficult matter. Not everyone can limit themselves in food. But a flexible diet offers a completely different approach. It is much easier to adhere to it, and the effect is no worse than with hard diets. The main plus of this nutrition plan is psychological comfort. It does not make you feel disappointment and shame for a breakdown, because it is difficult to break. The basic principle of the diet - eat what you want, but keep everything under control.

Lyle McDonald - Flexible diet: reviews

Flexible diet: We count calories
Flexible diet: We count calories

If you still think what kind of nutrition plan to choose for weight loss, then read the reviews about the flexible diet Lyle McDonald. Below you will learn what people think about this type of food:

Lilia, 25 years old

With the help of a flexible diet, it turned out to lose weight by 5 kg in 2 weeks. This is a lot, since it was it that I could not drop for 3 years now. At first it was difficult to count calories, especially when the time of food came, but it was impossible to sit down at the table until you weigh everything and count. A week later it became easier, portions became smaller, and the body was used to it little. It really works.

Alla, 29 years old

I want to say right away: if you want to lose weight, buy kitchen scales. Without calculating calories, you will not be able to lose weight, you will break away. I experienced on myself. Be sure to pay attention to eaten proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It will be good if all these numbers are also normal. At first I had a malnutrition of squirrel and too much fat. When I normalized food, these indicators returned to normal, the weight began to leave.

Irina, 40 years old

At first I did not understand the principle of a diet and began to eat favorite cakes instead of normal food. She fit into the high -speed, and believed that everything was fine. But it turned out that I only made worse. The amount of fat daily was large, as it turned out later, the quality of the body worsened. The body did not receive proteins and complex carbohydrates. The weight stood still. When the nutritionist explained to me the principles of a flexible diet, I began to adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, counting calories - the weight began to decline.

What diet do you adhere to? Want to try to observe a flexible diet? Write in the comments.

Video: SMT dialogs. Flexible diet. Violation of metabolism. Calorie content and McDonald's

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