Slow, complex carbohydrates are a list of products. Carbohydrates for weight loss, weight gain, for muscle growth - a list of products, table, reviews

Slow, complex carbohydrates are a list of products. Carbohydrates for weight loss, weight gain, for muscle growth - a list of products, table, reviews

List and table of slow carbohydrates for weight loss and set of muscle mass.

A few years ago, diet gained wide fameDucanwhich is based on the use of protein products. The amount of carbohydrates in food is minimal, which allows the body to lose weight. However, many nutritionists, as well as nutrition experts, argue that such a diet is harmful, and cannot ensure the body's need for the necessary substances. In this article we will talk about complex carbohydrates that can be used on a diet. 

Simple carbohydrates: Slimming table

As indicated above, many nutritionists argue that for good nutrition, use proteins is not enough. It is necessary that carbohydrates are included in the daily diet. It is thanks to the popularization of the dietDucan, many have developed a rejection of carbohydrate food. It began to be considered harmful, contributing to a quick set of fat mass. In fact, this is not so. After all, carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple include monosaccharides and disaccharides.

Simple carbohydrates, splitting features:

  • Simple: glucose, galactose, fructose, lactose, maltose and sucrose. These are different types of sugars that are contained in fruits and other substances. They quickly break down in the body, give rapid saturation and a sharp leap of insulin in the blood.
  • Just 1-2 hours after eating, a person again has a feeling of hunger. After all, simple carbohydrates are quickly processed and immediately go into fat, giving a large amount of energy. Therefore, it is impossible to lose weight, eating a cake and sweets.
  • That is why complex carbohydrates are recommended on the diet. It is impossible to completely abandon carbohydrate food, so it is the main source of energy.
Carbohydrates: list of products, weight loss table
Carbohydrates: list of products, weight loss table

Complex carbohydrates: a list of products for weight loss and weight loss

To reduce weight, it is not enough just to reduce the number of calories. The main task is to prevent breakdowns and provide a feeling of satiety. This is difficult to achieve by consuming simple carbohydrates. The correct power system and replacement of simple carbohydrates are necessary.

Complex carbohydrates, a list of products for weight loss and weight loss:

  • Vegetables and herbs: tomatoes, onions, zucchini, celery, cabbage, spinach, brass.
  • Berries and fruits: kiwi, apples, figs, cherries.
  • Croats: buckwheat, wheat, brown and white rice, oats.
  • Legumes and grains: macarons of solid varieties, barley flakes, peas, beans, lentils.
Healthy foods
Healthy foods

Product List: Complex carbohydrates

If simple carbohydrates are so harmful, they immediately go into fat, what carbohydrates can you eat? These are complex carbohydrates. In their structure, they consist of a large number of chains of monosaccharides molecules. Thus, for their processing, the body has to spend more time. Thanks to this, there is no sharp jump in blood glucose, the amount of energy, which is contained in complex carbohydrates, is released into the body gradually.

List of products, complex carbohydrates:

  • Among the most common complex carbohydrates, it is worth highlighting starch. It is contained in whole-grane products, potatoes and beans. That is why people who sit on a diet sometimes consume dishes from beans, lentils and chickpeas. 
  • Another source of slow carbohydrates is fiber. There are a lot of it in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, cereal crops. The main advantage is that this substance is not completely processed and excreted from the body unchanged. Under the influence of moisture, gastric juice, fiber swells, increases in size, carefully cleansing the intestinal walls. Thanks to such swelling when exposed to liquid, fiber gives a feeling of saturation. 
  • If you use such snacks in rather large quantities, they will contribute to weight loss precisely because of the inability to completely digest, constant feeling of saturation.
  • Another slow carbohydrate is glycogen. These are glucose molecules entering the blood from monosaccharides. They accumulate in the liver and muscle mass. If you are constantly playing sports, then glycogen deficiency contributes to the appearance of fatigue and weakness, physical depletion. That is why it is recommended to eat something sweet before training before trainingit can be banana, or fruit salad. 
Low glycemic index products
Low glycemic index products

Complex carbohydrates for breakfast: recommendations

There are a lot of disputes around proper nutrition, and nutritionists have not yet come to a consensus. It was previously believed that the ideal option of breakfast are complex, that is, slow carbohydrates. However, few of us have breakfast with such products. It is much easier to buy a croissant, and have breakfast, drinking coffee. However, the croissant, like any pastries, these are simple carbohydrates that sharply increase blood sugar. Because of this, problems with the pancreas may be observed.

Recommendations for choosing a hearty and useful breakfast:

  • There are other, negative aspects of such a meal. Fast carbohydrates sharply increase glucose, releasing energy. After eating, a person feels very awake. However, in about an hour, a persistent feeling of hunger will be felt. This happens for the reason that quick carbohydrates are instantly excreted from the body. Therefore, do not rush to have breakfast with such a product, if you do not want problems with the pancreas, overweight.
  • Nutritionists advise using complex carbohydrates. These include cereals, as well as vegetables. They slowly break down, gradually increasing the level of glucose, without sharp jumps. However, some nutritionists nevertheless argue that proteins are still ideal breakfast is building material for muscles and bones. Accordingly, the best breakfast option, in their opinion, is meat or scrambled eggs.
Breakfast products
Breakfast products

Complex carbohydrates: table

More and more scientists agree that breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, an egg-gasters, omelet, and bread from hard varieties of wheat, would be an ideal option. If you do not eat bread, you can supplement the omelet with a salad of fresh vegetables. Due to the presence of fiber and complex carbohydrates, such breakfast is slowly split. As a result of this, satiety is observed for 3-4 hours. 

Complex carbohydrates - a list of products, table:

  • Fresh vegetables 
  • Greens 
  • Spinach 
  • Cereals from large grains 
  • Low glycemic index fruits 

It is worth noting that it is best to abandon fruit, freshly squeezed juices, as they contain a lot of sugar, they can sharply increase the level of insulin in the blood. Experts recommend mixing complex carbohydrates with protein foods. Therefore, porridge should be boiled in milk, and add a small amount of cottage cheese or fresh yogurt to the berries.

Product table
Product table

Sources of slow carbohydrates for muscle growth: recommendations

Complex carbohydrates are used to gain weight, but there are some features. They are mainly used for the purpose of recruiting muscle mass, not fat. It is complex carbohydrates that contribute to the growth of muscles, bones. 

Sources of slow carbohydrates for muscle growth, recommendations:

  • The essence of the set of muscle mass is not to increase the number of products. It is necessary to leave the weight of portions by the same, but at the same time increase calorie content, the content of fats and proteins. Many believe that it is necessary to add several more chicken breasts to the diet.
  • However, this is an erroneous opinion. Just a couple of spoons of healthy fats are enough. Vegetable oils are best coped with this. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which helps to improve elasticity and muscle growth.
  • To determine the amount of energy for muscle growth, use the formula for calculating the daytime norm of the kilocalories. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the level of physical activity. The number of calories can increase or decrease, depending on the lifestyle of a person.
  • After completing all calculations and calculating the average calorie content, it is worth increasing this indicator by 20%. An additional number of calories will gradually increase weight, without harm to the body. 
Power for muscle growth
Power for muscle growth

Complex carbohydrates: a list of products for weight gain

The technique is absolutely wrong when a person simply heats up for several weeks. There will be no benefit from such a set of weight, because these are not muscles at all, but fat. The main step in creating a beautiful, muscular body is constant and regular training. To increase muscle mass, 3 single classes per week are enough, 1-1.5 hours lasting. To increase the amount of mass, it is necessary to increase the weight on simulators. 

Complex carbohydrates, a list of products for gaining weight:

  • Bobs. Despite the fact that it is plant food, it contains about 36% of proteins. 
  • Lentil contains 24 g of protein, and beans 19 g. 
  • Complex carbohydrates that help gain muscle mass include nuts. They contain 27% protein. The least contained in walnuts, only 14-16 g. 
  • The leader in the number of proteins among cereals is buckwheat. Oatmeal contains 10 g of protein. 
  • Complex carbohydrates that help gain muscle mass include mushrooms. Champignons contain 4 g of proteins, and in rawers - only 2 g is richest of garlic proteins. It contains about 7 g of matter. The spinach of the protein is 3%. 
  • Despite such a high protein content in some vegetables, they must be used as the main source of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Nuts contain a large amount of beneficial vegetable fats, which contribute to the improvement of metabolism and eliminate hormonal failures. 
  • As the main source of complex carbohydrates on sports nutrition, macarone products from solid wheat are often used. You can use corn and potatoes. Dried fruits are suitable, this is a great option for quick replenishment of energy. They are distinguished by high calorie content, and a decent content of carbohydrates, which are released for quite some time and slowly. 
For weight gain
For weight gain

Slimming carbohydrates containing carbohydrates: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who have lost or gained muscle mass using complex carbohydrates. 

Products containing carbohydrates for weight loss, reviews:

Veronica. My goal was never lost weight, however, after entering the university, and moving to another city, breakfasts began to cook on its own. I chose products that do not need to be cooked. Naturally, ordinary sandwiches and sweets were the leader among them.After six months of existence I gained about 7 kilograms of weight. She was very upset, because even before that she was not distinguished by a washing waist. Almost all of the weight went into the stomach. It did not look very pretty, which worsened the psychological state, so I decided to lose weight. For this, she completely changed her breakfast. She began to prepare ordinary oatmeal in milk. I just bought flakes not extra, but quite dense, which must be cooked. In just two months I lost 5 kg. There is very little left. 

Oleg. I have never been distinguished by an athletic figure, so I was not popular with women. It upset me. Therefore, he came to the gym, the coach recommended changing the diet. Indeed, he began to consume more products fromwholegrain flour, and also increased the amount of proteins and oils. Together with training, this gave an amazing result. I recovered 9 kg, but there is no excess fat. This is all muscle mass. I look like an athlete, now I am happy to look at myself in the mirror. 

Oksana. I am a fan of proper nutrition and adhere to it for several years. The first impetus for this was the birth of a child, and weight gain. As always, excess weight does not paint anyone, including me. At that moment, my daughter was on breastfeeding, there was no way to purchase special food, or to completely change her diet. Therefore, I replaced simple carbohydrates with complex. Instead of sweets, she ate nuts, dried fruits, as the main sources of food, she used food products from hard and wheat. Instead of fried potatoes, she ate porridge, cereals. This significantly affected my figure. For a year, I managed to lose 11 kg. At the same time, the structure of the body improved, the amount of cellulite has decreased and swelling has completely left. 

Types of carbohydrates
Types of carbohydrates

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  1. Five protein cocktail recipes;
  2. Protein cocktails for weight loss;
  3. How to drink kefir correctly?
  4. Fifteen useful properties of kefir;
  5. Kefir diet for 1, 3, 7 days.

N and a person’s mood worsens in a low -carb diet, strength drops sharply, he can feel confused, there are difficulties with concentration of attention. This is due to a lack of carbohydrates. 

Video: Complex carbohydrates for weight loss

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