Symptoms of PMS in women, how to distinguish them from pregnancy?

Symptoms of PMS in women, how to distinguish them from pregnancy?

List of PMS symptoms in women.

The female reproductive system is very complicated and works thanks to several hormones. Their number and concentration in the blood throughout the cycle change, depending on this, a woman’s condition may worsen or improve. In this article we will talk about the premenstrual syndrome and its signs. 

PMS: Symptoms and signs in women

In most cases, women know what premenstrual syndrome is, because it is observed in 70% of the fair sex. Moreover, it does not have to go in severe form, with malaise, and nervous overstrain. In some women, it proceeds quite weakly, or may not manifest itself at all. Symptoms before menstruation appear in about 2-10 days.

The duration and severity are also affected by concomitant gynecological diseases. If a woman is diagnosed with the ailment of the reproductive system, it is likely that her premenstrual syndrome will be more pronounced than that of an absolutely healthy woman. Among the most common signs of the premenstrual syndrome, the following can be distinguished.

PMS, symptoms and signs in women:

  • Irritability 
  • Insomnia 
  • Sleep deterioration 
  • Depression 
  • A woman feels very bad psychological terms 
  • There is a longing 
  • I constantly want tocry 
  • Observed byskinny concentration of attention, as well as memory 
  • A woman can feel hunger, heaviness and tingling in her chest 
  • The chest before menstruation can increase in size, swell and stronglyget sick 
  • Often, swelling of both the upper and lower extremities occurs. That is, the face can swell, but most often the lower part of the body suffers. This is due to the fact that the fluid is delayed in the body, accumulates in the tissues. 
  • Violation of food digestion. Even an absolutely healthy intestine in the period before menstruation can work with malfunctions. 
  • Low's pain 

Types of PMS in women

Distinguish between light and severe forms of the course, depending on this, tactics of behavior and possible treatment are selected. If a woman feels serious malaise, her condition worsens strongly, then it makes sense to take hormonal drugs. If only two or three of these signs are observed, then hormonal treatment is not necessary. Herbal infusions, or homeopathic preparations, will be easy to cope with manifestations. 

Types of PMS in women:

  • Crisom. The pulse increases, the legs, arms may become numb, pain appears when breathing. 
  • Psychological. In this regard, dizziness, fainting may be observed. A woman can feel pain in her head, which gives her eyes, she is sick, vomiting can be observed. 
  • Nervous and psychic. In this form, manifestations such as irritability, aggression, and bad mood prevail. A woman can respond poorly to loud sounds, bright light. 
  • Swelling. That is, with this form, swelling in the hands, legs and face is observed, swelling and pain in the genitals, mammary glands can be observed. Sweat is often increased. 

PMS symptoms in women 35 years old

All the symptoms that occur before menstruation can be explained from a scientific point of view. Pain in the uterus and ovaries are considered a variant of the norm if they are in a mild form. This is due to loosening of the endometrium, it is prepared for the exit with the blood during menstruation. That is why light painful sensations are observed. 

PMS symptoms in women 35 years old:

  • With PMS, the temperature may increase slightly. Maximum mark 37.3. This is due to a drop in the level of some hormones in the blood. 
  • Deterioration of skin condition. Before menstruation, many women noticed that their skin can be covered with acne and eels, the pores become more rude and noticeable. The release of sebum may intensify. This is due to endocrine disorders. They are also provoked by fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood. In addition, acne can appear due to intestinal diseases, which are aggravated in the period before menstruation. After all, the uterus increase in size, can put pressure on thisorgan.  
  • Swelling appears due to hormonal changeswhich provoke a decrease in the level of calcium salts and sodium in the blood. As a result of this, liquid accumulates with cells, swelling can be observed as in the fingers, legs, as well as the face.
  • Often, after waking up in women, bags under the eyes may appear before menstruation,loading mammary glands. This is due to the fact that the concentration of progesterone increases in the body. This is a hormone responsible for the preservation of pregnancy, he, as it were, prepares his chest for future feeding. During this period, dairy slices expand, increase in size, and blood circulation in the chest increases. The chest can increase by 1-2 sizes. After menstruation, the chest size usually becomes the same. 

PMS in women: symptoms are similar to pregnancy

Very often a pregnant woman does not recognize her interesting position precisely because of the manifestation of the premenstrual syndrome. Women who are prone to this syndrome can reject pregnancy, and do not know about it for a long time, attributing everything to the PMS. Often this happens if menstruation is irregular, in parallel with this there are some ailments of the reproductive system. 

PMS in women, the symptoms are similar to pregnancy:

  • Dizziness 
  • The pain of the mammary gland 
  • An increase in the quantitycreamy, white discharge from the vagina
  • Nausea, general malaise

If you noticed that menstruation does not occur on time, while the above symptoms are observed, it makes sense to visit the gynecologist. Of course, in the early stages it is very difficult to determine the pregnancy during the examination by the gynecologist, but you can do this with the help of a hCG test. Even the smallest time can be diagnosed by analysis on hCG. 


PMS in women, symptoms for how much do they appear?

Typically, premenstrual syndrome manifests itself 2-8 days before the onset of menstruation. This happens in connection with violations in the vegetovascularoh, Endocrine system.

PMS in women, symptoms for how much appear:

  • It is still unknown, ppMS appears in public, but many scientists suggest, What's on manifestations The birth is affected, Abortion, also infectious ailments.
  • The main goal of the treatment of premenstrual syndrome — this is the normalization of the functions of one of the parts of the brain.
  • Besides, preinand The premenstrual syndrome is veryit is important to eliminate infections and chronic ailments of the reproductive system. It is noted that in healthy women PMSfoundmuch less often. 
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain

Symptoms of PMS in women after 40

With age, a woman’s health usually worsens, some chronic ailments are added, which affects the general state.

Symptoms of PMS in women after 40:

  • Many doctors note that after reaching the age of forty, the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome may also increase.
  • This is facilitated by the loosening of the nervous system, work associated with stress, communication with a large number of people, as well as excess weight.
  • Women prone to fullness often suffer from PMS than thin. This is due to the fact that adhesive tissue can produce estrogen, which also affects the condition of the body.
  • After 40 years, women have signs of aging, the concentration of sex hormones is reduced. The psychological state may fluctuate, as well as the mood. Many women note that the nervous system works much worse, they note stress, poor mood and depression.
  • Along with this, after 40-45 years, metabolism may slow down, and chronic ailments of not only the reproductive system are aggravated. Due to all these concomitant symptoms, signs of premenstrual syndrome may also increase.
  • Accordingly, women after 45 years are more prone to PMS than at 30 years old. This is due to the general aging of the body and changes in all organs. Mostly women are observed at this age headache, dizziness, and an increase in the amount of sweat.
  • At the same time, the number of heart contractions per minute may increase, as well as constant uncontrolled mood deterioration. Typically, at the age of 40-45 years, women are prescribed hormonal drugs or medicines on herbs in order to reduce the manifestations of symptoms, as they interfere with normally living and working. 

Symptoms of PMS in women after 30

After 30 years, the PMS does not appear as bright as at 40 years old. Many women of this age may not feel changes before menstruation. Usually after childbirth, pregnancy is improved.

Symptoms of PMS in women after 30:

  • This is due to the fact that after the delivery, the endometrial layer changes, it is updated. There is a disappearance of pain during menstruation, sexual intercourse, which often happens to women who did not give birth.
  • Most often, the manifestations are light and are represented by the loading of the mammary glands, headache. Swelling in young women is less common. Although many note before menstruation, that cellulite becomes more distinct, which is associated with a delay in fluid.

PMS treatment in women

It is necessary to treat premenstrual syndrome depending on the severity of the symptoms. The worse the woman feels, the more likely the prescription of hormonal drugs.

PMS treatment in women:

  • Initially, a woman is consulting with a psychotherapist, a psychologist who help to establish the work of the nervous system. That is, antidepressants can be prescribed,
    as well as drugs that allow you to sleep. In general, doctors recommend sleeping before menstruation for 8 hours for a week.
  • This is an acute period when the concentration of hormones in the blood changes. It is noted that regular, prolonged sleep can remove part of the symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. Physical activity and constant employment are shown.
  • It is noted that women who are actively moving and related to hard work are easier to tolerate premenstrual syndrome. Conversely, women prone to depression suffer from a brightly exposed PMS.
  • Accordingly, a positively -minded woman who is an optimist, easier to tolerates premenstrual syndrome. A woman who tends to come up with problems acutely feels a deterioration in a condition during this period. 
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I have a stomachache

Video: Is it possible to confuse PMS with pregnancy?

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  1. My assistant at the PMS Evlavarovsky glycine Fotra. He relieves nervous tension. I noticed if I begin to take glycine, for how many days, before menstruation, then I have less irritation. I think better. I have time to do a large amount of work during the day, since I am not distracted by the pouts. In the evening I easily fall asleep, I sleep hard. And a good dream is also a key to a great mood.

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