Can you go to menstruation during pregnancy and how to distinguish them from ordinary? When do you marry menstruation during pregnancy?

Can you go to menstruation during pregnancy and how to distinguish them from ordinary? When do you marry menstruation during pregnancy?

In this article we will discuss whether there are menstruation during pregnancy and is it normal.

Many girls believe that menstruation may well go during pregnancy. After all, stories are often found when the stomach suddenly hurts, the girl goes to the reception and it turns out that she has been wearing a child for several months. But are there menstruation during pregnancy and is it possible to somehow distinguish them from ordinary ones? Let's find out.

Can do your periods during pregnancy go?

Monthly during pregnancy
Monthly during pregnancy

In general, such a phenomenon is more exception than a normal state. According to doctors, if pregnancy is diagnosed, then there should be no bloody discharge from the vagina. They signal some processes that can lead to miscarriage, but have nothing to do with the monthly.

So, if a woman wants to keep the baby and carefully monitor health, then she simply must visit the gynecologist and consult with him. At the very early period, it is very difficult to distinguish meals from bleeding yourself. It is especially difficult for those who have menstruation irregularly, scarce or vice versa abundantly and with different days.

If a girl has a standard cycle of 28 days, then ovulation occurs, as a rule, on 13-15 days, but counting on this is also wrong, because ovulation can be slightly shifted due to different factors, for example, stress, illness, medication and so on.

All these factors can lead to the fact that ovulation will come earlier or later, and therefore menstruation and bleeding may be similar.

Why do menstruation appear in the early stages?

Why are menstruation during pregnancy?
Why are menstruation during pregnancy?

In rare cases, menstruation can really go in the initial period of pregnancy and at the same time they do not threaten anything for the child. But basically they pose a danger and now we will tell you why.

  • If you have late ovulation, then the egg may not gain a foothold on the uterus and then the endometrium will be rejected. So, even despite the conception and onset of changes in a hormonal background, it becomes difficult to determine the onset of pregnancy.
  • If ovulation is early, then it is quite possible to wait for menstruation with the incidence. As a rule, this happens with unprotected sex in recent days of menstruation. Then, of course, you can take long discharge for menstruation.
  • An extremely high danger is an ectopic pregnancy. It turns out when the egg is attached to the pipe, and does not reach the uterus. This is usually due to the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Of course, it cannot accommodate the embryo and when it reaches more than the pipe, a break occurs and from here bleeding appears. It can be taken for menstruation, but the pain with them will be so severe that you will have to call a doctor. Moreover, with an ectopic pregnancy, signs usually appear - the abdomen hurts, signs of pregnancy appear, but there is one strip on the test and so on.
  • Even women have ovulation several times. This situation arises after the completion of the administration of oral contraceptives. At this time, the probability of getting pregnant is especially high, since the body's functions come to a normal state. Monthly can go even during conception, since there are several ovulation, but they still will not be like ordinary ones.
  • In some women, the genitals have an abnormal structure. For example, if the uterus is a bicaros partition, then the fruit can develop and menstruation can develop. Then you can not know about pregnancy for a long time.
The structure of the uterus
The structure of the uterus
  • If the embryo did not immediately get into the uterus, but entered the endometrium only on 14-21 days, then at this time they may go to menstruation. Their intensity will not be as strong as usual, and the color will also differ a little. But to determine whether this is bleeding is again difficult.
  • Debred pregnancy. Often in the initial periods, pregnancy is locking. The reason for this can be anything, but in this case, bloody discharge always appears that can be mistaken for menstruation.
  • Risk of miscarriage. The most common cause of them all. If there are discharge, accompanied by pulling and aching pain, then this indicates a threat of miscarriage. When the pregnancy has already been confirmed, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • If the placenta is low or in the center, then this can provoke bleeding. It can begin for no reason. The chorion is implanted in the wrong place and this is a pathology. As a result, blood appears, which can be confused with menstruation.
  • Sometimes blood appears with deviations in the development of the baby. The body notices this and is trying to push out a not quite healthy organism.
  • With sexual contact or mechanical damage, you can damage the cervix and this often provokes bleeding. Pulling pains and discharge appear. They are quite strong and resemble menstruation. If the pregnancy has already been confirmed, then you should immediately visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

How to distinguish menstruation during pregnancy from ordinary?

Can do your periods during pregnancy go?
Can do your periods during pregnancy go?

So, the most interesting question regarding the definition of menstruation. Sometimes a woman does not notice changes in her body and may think that she is tired, she has stress or something else.

In anticipation of menstruation, when they appear, the woman does not even assume that she is pregnant. Another case when pregnancy has already been confirmed. Then you just need to make sure that the meadows are really going and nothing threatens the baby.

As a rule, pregnancy can be judged even with a weak second strip on the test. There are other ways to determine the onset of this beautiful period - donate blood on hCG, measure the basal temperature, and just make an ultrasound.

If we talk about signs, then stretching abdominal pain and lower back, fatigue, nausea, and so on, can tell you about the state of the body.

Sometimes women believe that body change and deterioration is due to menstruation. Yes, this happens and before the onset of the day x it is quite possible to feel pregnant.

You can say exactly about the onset of pregnancy according to the following signs:

  • Monthly do not go as always, but scarce or vice versa abundantly. That is, if they always go differently, and here they have become unusual, then it is worth considering.
  • If menstruation always come to the same date, and then suddenly they came later or earlier, then this may indicate conception.
  • Most importantly, do not panic and do not make a diagnosis for yourself. If pregnancy still takes place, then you must immediately learn that you can’t have menstruation and you need to see a doctor to understand the reasons.
  • If you had stormy sexual intercourse on the eve, then perhaps it influenced the cervix. Then, of course, there is nothing strange in the discharge. But if you lead a calm lifestyle, it is better to make an ultrasound and check if everything is fine.

Modern medicine is developed and technology allows you to maintain pregnancy almost always. So if you notice that something is wrong with you, then it is better to contact a doctor once again and consult with him.

Video: menstruation during pregnancy! Is this really like that?

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