Why did the periods come a week earlier? Monthly ahead of schedule - is this pregnancy?

Why did the periods come a week earlier? Monthly ahead of schedule - is this pregnancy?

Our article will introduce you to the most disintegrated causes of premature menstruation. You will also learn what affects the regularity of the cycle and whether the monthly symptom of a serious illness has early come.

  • The female body is quite vulnerable, so even the slightest stress can lead to a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. But if the delay of menstruation react quite quickly, then they practically do not pay attention to the early arrival of menstruation
  • No matter how scary it may sound, many women are more afraid of an unplanned pregnancy than inflammation of the female genital organs. For this reason, a lady who in whom bloody discharge appeared earlier than the due date almost never consult a doctor
  • And they do, of course, this is in vain, because in most cases the body thus signals that it is not entirely correct processes inside it. And if you do not try to understand what the cause of this pathology is, then it can quickly lead to more serious problems

Can menstruation begin a week earlier?

Menstruation can begin earlier due to the disorder of the central nervous system
  • Period - This is the process of rejection of the uterine mucosa, as a result of which it is not very plentiful bleeding. If everything is in order with the body, then the uterine discharge will differ slightly in color from ordinary blood. This is due to the fact that they have an enzyme that makes them a little darker and prevents natural folding
  • A fully healthy girl of menstruation should advance every 21-33 days. Of course, there may be some deviations in one direction or another, but this is considered a completely normal process. But if menstruation begins ahead of schedule, then you should think
  • If a woman feels quite well, then the cause of the early appearance of “guests” may be a failure in the work of the endocrine system. It is proved that with the correct development of events, ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is attentive to her body, then this will happen 10-15 days after the start of the allocation
  • But if with a hormonal background of a woman not everything is in order, then there is a probability that menstruation will begin ahead of schedule. Therefore, if you have such problems, then in addition to the gynecologist to forget to visit the endocrinologist

Menstruation came a week earlier, reasons

Oral contraceptives can affect the regularity of the cycle
  • It is probably difficult to find a woman who would not know that the regular menstrual cycle is the main indicator of her excellent female health. Therefore, if it goes astray, then in most women it causes anxiety and concern
  • Most often, ladies who do not love the gynecologist begin to worry strongly and go to him only in case of extreme necessity. After all, if they regularly visited a specialist, they would surely know that some women, in general, are prone to this period of menstruation
  • Of course, this is considered a deviation from the norm, but with proper adjustment, the cycle is quickly tuned and the discharge occurs exactly according to the calendar. If everything is fine with the hormonal system, and menstruation still begins ahead of time, then you need to look for other reasons

Factors contributing to the untimely beginning of menstruation:

• stressful situations. When we are nervous, then an involuntary muscle spasm occurs and we have a pressure. All this has a negative impact of the central nervous system, and it already directly begins to influence the reproductive system

• Reception of oral contraceptives. Almost all contraceptive tablets contain huge doses of hormones. Once in the body, they can interfere with the work of female hormones for some time. All this can lead to the fact that menstruation will begin ahead of schedule

• Bad cold. Any disease gradually reduces human defenses. Against this background, a rather strong inflammatory process begins in a woman’s body, which disrupts the blood supply to the uterine area. Due to such a negative influence, the menstrual cycle is lost and the discharge appears a little earlier than necessary

Did you come a week earlier - pregnancy?

An unplanned pregnancy can also provoke premature periods
  • Monthly may well help us understand that something is wrong with us. If they come before you wait for them, it means that you need to be more attentive to your health
  • Indeed, although it is considered that premature menstruation provoke stresses and hormonal problems, in some cases this pathology can signal that another life has arisen under your heart
  • To joy or unfortunately, but such probability still exists. Bleeding, which began quite unexpectedly, cannot be called menstruation in the literal sense of the word. Just at the time of the embryo enters the uterine cavity, partial damage to the endometrium occurs and this is what provokes the appearance of bloody discharge

Signs of unplanned pregnancy:
• menstruation began 2-7 days earlier than the due date
• discharge have pink or brown color
• The number of suckers has decreased quite strongly
• Monthly lasted less than usual

Abundant menstruation a week earlier, reasons

Heredity affects the formation of the cycle quite strongly

Abundant menstruation - A rather painful process, accompanied by sufficiently intense bloody discharge that can cause the development of anemia. How to understand that you have excessive bloodthing? Yes, very simple. If you have to change the gasket or a tampon every hour and a half, then immediately consult a specialist for help.

Uterine bleeding is quite an insidious process in which a woman may need emergency medical help. After all, if you do not try to normalize the condition of the woman, then this can lead to rather unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms of abundant menstruation:
• Lochia stand out for more than 7 days
• blood loss per day above 200 ml
• Blood clots do not disappear for more than 3 days
• Very severe pain in the placement of uterus and ovaries
• regular appearance of intermenstrual discharge

Causal development of abundant menstruation:
• Medical abortion
• Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
• Refusal to use certain products
• regular reception of aspirin
• lack of vitamins C, K, R
• Diseases of the reproductive system

Meager menstruation a week earlier, reasons

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system may well provoke meager menstruation
  • We all know that with a normal course of menstruation, approximately 70-150 ml of blood is released. If the number of discharge is at least slightly less than these indicators, then we can say that you develop hypenorore. In addition to a sharp decrease in the number of suckers, their color changes
  • The discharge can be so scarce that only barely noticeable traces of pink or brown can remain on the gasket. In addition, a woman may have severe headaches, general weakness, nausea and dizziness
  • But with all this, such menstruation can begin in the right time and lasts from 3 to 7 days. Most often, the cause of meager menstruation is not entirely correct work of ovaries and pituitary gland. If these two organs work with violations, then this immediately leads to negative changes in the endometrium

Factors affecting the appearance of meager discharge:
• Frequent abortion and curettage
• Tuberculosis
• injuries of genitourinary organs
• Operations on the reproductive system
• improper work of the nervous system
• Lactation
• incorrectly selected hormone therapy
• Intoxication of the female body

How to call menstruation a week earlier?

Try to take a large dose of ascorbic acid
  • Every woman knows that menstruation has the ability to begin at the most inopportune moment. For example, on the day when you gathered the whole family to the water park or just on a birthday. Of course, such a natural phenomenon spoils the long -awaited holiday quite strongly
  • To avoid such problems, some women try to calculate the beginning of ovulation as accurately as possible and try to cause menstruation ahead of schedule. But remember, you need to do this only if you know exactly that you are completely healthy and definitely not pregnant. If you have at least the slightest doubt, then it is better to give up your plan
  • Also, do not forget that this is an emergency measure that can be used in the most extreme cases. After all, if you regularly resort to such manipulation, then there is a probability that you will have problems, with female health, which can subsequently lead to infertility


• Oral contraceptives. This method is suitable only for those women who take contraceptives regularly. In this case, in order for menstruation to come earlier, you just do not need to do a seven -day break in taking the drug

• Hormonal drugs. The mechanism of action of such funds is quite simple. Once in a woman’s body, they maximize the level of progesterone and increase the amount of estrogen. It is the latter that is responsible for the planned beginning of the menstrual cycle

• Hot bath. If you do not want to take medications, then try to just increase the blood flow to the genitals. To do this, make yourself a hot bath and lie in it for at least half an hour. Passionate and stormy sex can enhance the effect of warm water

• Herbal decoctions. Brew mint, chamomile and valerian and take 2 times a day for 3-4 days. The decoction maximally increases the tone of the uterus and this contributes to the earlier beginning of menstruation

Why did the menstruation go earlier for 2 weeks?

Sexual infection can cause premature menstruation
  • Unfortunately, recently, cases have become more frequent enough when menstruation begins 2 weeks earlier than the due date. And although women love to think that this is a banal hormonal failure in some cases the cause of such a pathology can be problems with the ovaries
  • Most often, against this background, a woman develops two diseases, which contribute to a rather short period between menstruation. First, anovulatory dysfunction develops. This disease reduces the production of female hormones and enhances male production as much as possible. At the same time, estrogen may not be produced at all. Usually women with such a problem are very noticeable by male
  • If you do not start getting rid of this problem, then the condition may worsen and this will provoke the development of ovarian resistance. In this case, the body will produce all the necessary hormones, but the ovaries themselves will not react to them. Without proper treatment, menstruation may stop completely or appear quite unexpectedly in the form of rather plentiful and painful bleeding

The main causes of pathology:
• Problems with the thyroid gland
• Excess weight
• increased blood sugar
• tumors in the uterus
• miscarriage or abortion
• fasting and as a result of a lack of vitamins and minerals

What do brown discharge talk about a week ahead of schedule?

The appearance of dark brown discharge can be provoked by strong physical exertion

Discharge from the genital tract is a natural physiological phenomenon that helps a woman understand how healthy her reproductive organs are. If the mucus that appears from the vagina has a light almost transparent color and does not make any smell, then there is nothing to worry about.

But if you notice that they began to change their color and consistency, then this is an occasion to make an appointment with the doctor. Light brown discharge can appear due to bacterial vaginosis or injury to the cervix. Dark brown mucus indicates that rolled blood is in the vagina cavity all the time.

The reasons for the appearance of brown discharge:
• sharp climate change
• Physical exercise
• uterine fibroids
• Endometriosis
• blood coagulation

Video: Monthly ahead of schedule for a week for 10 days is this a sign of pregnancy?

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Comments K. article

  1. Useful article: It is written clearly and in detail.

  2. Hello! I had menstruation this month a week earlier, that is, instead of October27, they went 20 and went 4 days usually, and after menstruation, after a couple of days there was an unprotected pa, on November 6, my chest was sick when walking and pressing, I gave it to my hand The lower back was sick on the side and a week later the lower abdomen began to hurt on the left side more often, I thought pregnant, but today on November 17 went to meal at first brown and then ordinary plentiful, what tell me?! After menstruation I will go to the doctor, but I wanted to hear the girls from you)

  3. Hello me monthly every month 27 U 28 day 3 days came. And already 2 months 21 days have come. I have been 7 years old for 7 years. I have a monthly regular or not? Can I get pregnant?

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