The image of Ilya Oblomov in the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”: essay, description, grade 10

The image of Ilya Oblomov in the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”: essay, description, grade 10

This article describes the image of Oblomov, Zakhara, women in the form of an essay for grade 10.

The tragedy of the image Oblomova It consists in the fact that this adult is completely inappropriate to life. And although the hero himself believes that he lives correctly, from the point of view of a normal person, he is unhappy. In addition, he himself drove himself into this cocoon, in which he stays all day. Therefore, his image was described by writers of different times, criticism ridiculed.

Now, in the image of this character, children write essays in schools and on his example learn how to do and live. Below you will find several works on the topic Oblomova. Read further.

The image of Ilya Oblomov in the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov” - whether it is tragic, lifestyle, character, characteristic: composition grade 10

The image of Ilya Oblomov
The image of Ilya Oblomov

Characteristic oblomov's image - He is boring and uninteresting. But, as mentioned above, his image was always discussed by writers, critics, and ordinary people. Probably because there are such Oblomovs in our lives and they even sometimes live next to us. Here is an essay for 10th grade About the image Ilya in the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" - Is it tragic, lifestyle, character, characteristic:

Despite the fact that Oblomov is not an ideal young man, he has positive qualities. For example, this is mind, kindness, simple -mindedness. A person with a good education sees the meaning of his life inert existence, devoid of the simple joys that all other people enjoy daily.

Ilya grew up a spoiled boy. He was never drawn to work. The hero considers the ideal life the time that remains between sleep and meals. At first, the young man tries to work. But since he is not used to overcoming difficulties, at the first troubles, he openly declares that due to health reasons he can no longer appear in the service.

Every day Oblomov It lays on the couch - but his laziness and apathetic justifying what thinks. He thinks about “important” things - however, all these situations could be very easily resolved if he began to act. Oblomov Apatic. He does not want to change anything in his life. Moreover, he considers such a life correct. The character dreams of happiness, though these dreams remain the theory.

Periodically to Oblomov Guests come. He has no friends (except Stolz), all these are familiar. Each of these people has its own affairs and classes-someone is a military man, someone official, someone writes articles in local publications. All peers Oblomova They lead an active life and enjoy it.

He does not see anything positive in the bustle and running around and does not even understand why this is needed. But, in fact, Ilya Ilyich Not one like that. The author talks about the so -called "Oblomovshchina." The life of many landowners is as inert and empty. All these people are completely useless for society, because they do not create any material wealth. Therefore, Oblomov is not only a collective image, it is a symbol of the whole class.

Creation of the image of Oblomov in the education system: main points, brief image

Researchers believe that the image Oblomova was created on the basis of the story "Dashing if"What described the epidemic of human spleen and apathy. Those who became ill with it began to build empty air locks, amuse themselves with illusions. This is very similar to a lifestyle Ilya Ilyich. This is how it happens creating the image of Oblomov in the education system - the main points, a brief image:

At first only part of the work was published, namely "Oblomov's dream". Your manuscript Goncharov wrote in Simbirsk. However, then the creation was repeatedly modified.

For a long time the public tormented the question - from whom he wrote off Goncharov your hero? In fact, everything is simple. He wrote him off. The writer and the hero have many common features - Goncharov He admitted more than once that he was quite lazy and slow (by the way, his acquaintances also noticed it). But at the same time, he was not devoid of sharp mind and dreaminess.

Both Goncharov and Oblomov Originally from the hinterland, but far from a simple class. In the education system, the hero is interpreted as a symbol of incredible laziness, which has a whole set of negative qualities. However, the image Ilya Ilyich For some reason it does not cause hostility. Yes, it is noticeable to the reader that the hero is mistaken, he has developed the incorrect system of values \u200b\u200bby which he lives, but there is no negativity in relation to this hero.

In the school curriculum Oblomov plays an educational role. Despite the fact that few people think about the classroom of landowners, on the example of the protagonist, one can understand that a person should not power a useless existence. Otherwise, he will not be able to achieve something in life. A person, on the contrary, should be alive and active, be able to achieve goals, go at risk and not grant difficulties.

Oblomov I. A. Goncharov - images of the heroes: Ilya Oblomov and Stolz, briefly

Heroes: Ilya Oblomov and Stolz
Heroes: Ilya Oblomov and Stolz

Although Oblomov and Stolz Friends, they are completely different. Moreover, both externally and in worldview. That's briefly the images of these heroes are Ilya Oblomov and Stolz from the work of Oblomov I. A. Goncharov:

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov From a rich family. By the way, his lifestyle comes from childhood. The Oblomovs have long appreciated only delicious food and a sweet dream. They had no more interests in their lives. They raised the boy pampered and incapable of serving themselves. He was not persuaded to go to school - on the contrary, they rejoiced when it was possible to leave him at home, warm.

He grew up with such a person. Ilya Ilyich is not stupid, but lazy and infantile. He rarely leaves the sofa (and even more so, the house), is afraid to change his life, has indecision. Ilya is not used to achieving goals. Previously, his parents did everything for him, but now Zakhar.

Stolz - This is a young man who never suffered from an abundance of care and love. He had to make his way to life himself. Mom taught him literacy, developed spiritually. And the German father taught to discipline and order.

And if Oblomov is an unsuitable for life, an apathetic personality, then Stolz This is a person whose hands everything literally “burns”. He knows how to negotiate with people, knows how to solve this or that household issue, is not afraid of temporary difficulties. He is used to working from an early age.

Stolz - Active person with a strong character. In the work, he looks much more advantageous than the loose and clumsy Ilya Ilyich. The hero always tries to do something, he does not sit still. He tries to change his friend, but the case is too neglected.

Common is that and Oblomov, and Stolz Do not know measures. The first is afraid to move and live, but the second cannot stop.

Female images in the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”, the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, Katerina, their role: composition grade 10

Female images in the novel and. a. Goncharova
Female images in the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Love theme in "Oblomov" It takes far from last place. Moreover, female images in creation are then needed to show the types of Russian women of that time. Here essay for grade 10 about the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, Katerina, their roleas well as a description of other characters in the novel I. A. Goncharova "Oblomov":

Each of the fair sex appears in the life of Ilya in a certain period. They all love the hero, but each in its own way.

Olga Ilyinskaya is about 25 years old. She is educated, educated, beautiful. Olga belongs to the intelligentsia. Among her hobbies are singing, reading, music. The character is calm. But, at the same time, the heroine contains self -love and pride. In Oblomov, she falls in love passionately. But the problem is that she loves not the present to Ilya, but of the same person, but from the future - what she wants to do. But practice shows that it is very difficult to change an adult, an already formed man. Therefore, her venture endures the collapse. She acquires happiness and love in the person of an active, active Stolz, which suits her much more.

Another character is present in creation - Agafya Pshenitsyna. This is a lady without education, from a simple family. She is not even trained in literacy. Widow 30 years. Having parted with Olga, Ilya Reloes her room. And then, having decided not to look for the best, marriage with her. They have children.

Agafya Conservative and used to obey her husband. Nevertheless, she makes a very correct act - after the death of her husband, she gives her son to the family Stoltsev To education. But a woman makes a stupid mistake - she encourages inertia Ilya Ilyich. In this case, love is similar to maternal.

As well as Stolz It is an antipode Oblomova, So Agafya It is the opposite Olga. We can say that the author reveals the secrets of several female destinies. All these girls dreamed of happiness, but never reached it.

The mother of the protagonist is also present in the creation, as well as cukharka Anisya. This woman is middle -aged, she is economic, kind and affectionate. She becomes a wife Zakhara And he lives happily with him, and then he dies of cholera.

As for the image of the mother OblomovHe visits Ilya Ilyich in a dream. The hero’s mother is caring, but lazy. She does not follow the household, and the days are loomed long. In Ilyusha, she does not have a soul, therefore it does not allow him to become independent, she constantly protects him.

Female images in the novel reveal philosophical and social issues. Goncharov thinks over the fate of a woman 19th centurythat seeks to find personal happiness. There are two types of love. They are diametrically opposite, but not one of them is a key to happiness.

The images of the protagonist Ilya Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel on the principle of comparing antithesis: Details

Images of the protagonist Ilya Oblomov and Stolz
Images of the protagonist Ilya Oblomov and Stolz

Images of Oblomov and Stolz Dramatically different. First, education. In the case of CO Stolz It was strict, with a sufficient amount of independence. The boy was taught to work, be responsible for his actions, make decisions. As for Ilya Ilyich, others made a choice for him all his life, he considered his work a punishment, and studied "from under the stick." The images of the protagonist Ilya Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel on the principle of comparing antithesis. Here is a description of some more details:

While Stolz Already earned money Oblomov Dreamed, twisted in the clouds. Over the years, nothing has changed. From the service he left for a funny occasion and lay on the estate for days, doing nothing. Oblomov seems incredibly useless - he cannot even dispose of the apartment fee, and writes the letter within a week.

But his friend, Stolz Can't sit idle. He is constantly busy, lives a full life. If Oblomov is closed from the world, then Stolz From childhood, he knows how to communicate with people, conducts communication perfectly, can achieve everything he wants.

Oblomov lazy, Stolz is active. Ilya is indecisive and slow, his friend is not afraid to take risks and make decisions. One feels idle well, and the second can not do anything, he constantly needs to be in the epicenter of events.

Sometimes it seems that comparing these heroes, Goncharov It is trying to understand what is better - a lack of activity or its excess. However, both cases have a deviation from the norm. But probably Stolz has “double energy”, since its image compensates for infantility Ilya Ilyich.

Stolz and Oblomov They symbolize the active new beginning and ossified, vicious old. If the first is an active young man of a new formation, then the second is a relic of the past, the heir to an empty landlord life with all its “charms”. The author also shows that a person cannot be complete if only one side of the personality will develop.

No matter how different friends are, but each of them is one -cat. And this is really bad. You need to confidently go to the future, relying on the experience of the past.

The image of Zakhara in Oblomov Goncharov: Description

The image of Zakhara in Oblomov Goncharov
The image of Zakhara in Oblomov Goncharov

Zakhar - Assistant for households at Oblomova. His image is well traced in the work. Here Description of the image of Zakhar in Goncharov's Oblomov:

Zakhar - A man with bucks and bald patches. He is no less 50 years old. Just like his master, he is lazy-and does something only when they demand this from him. Despite the fact that he was assigned to Oblomov From a young age, he performs orders extremely reluctantly. So, as if making the owner a favor.

As well as Ilya Ilyich, he finds excuses for his inaction. Zakhar Slopted enough. Even while in the city, he wears dirty old -fashioned clothes. However, he has pluses - he incredibly devoted Oblomov. Although he loves him in some kind of special, not always understandable manner.

main destination Zakhara - Make the life of the protagonist comfortable. But just like a mother once, he shows hypertrophied care. Suppose the master is able to dress himself, but the servant still helps him. Despite the fact that Zakhar is only a servant, sometimes he can rotate to the master - and the latter will not particularly crucify with him. It is possible, this happens because they have long been together. The servant is grumpy and lazy. He often “lays behind the collar” and is not particularly worried about the future.

The tragedy of the image is that if if Oblomov could change his life (if he wanted to), then Zakhar - The face is borneal, he has no right to do so. We can say that the servant Oblomova - This is a reference to a breakdown, which is not completely forgotten to the end. The hero also exudes apathy and as if yearning for a past life, where every day was filled with harmony and calm.

The image of Agafya Pshenitsyna in the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov: Composition

The image of Agafia Pshenitsyna
The image of Agafia Pshenitsyna

Image Agafia dual - as in times GoncharovaSo now. This is a woman of a simple class, accustomed to respect her husband and obey him. Its main features are sacrifice, love and humility. Here composition on the topic “The image of Agafya Pshenitsyna in the novel“ Oblomov ”Goncharov:

Unlike Olgawho tried to change Ilya Ilyichso that he becomes the way she likes, Agafue suits everything - she remains tolerant of shortcomings Oblomova. She selflessly loves him, surrounds him, indulges in all whims.

She does not need walks and secular entertainment. Agafya He believes that the main thing is a house and a family. Aristocracy in the image Agafia missing. She has strained hands, a simple talk. Perhaps that is why it was attracted by a person "from a different world."

On the one hand, Agafya looks like a limp peasant. But on the other hand, it is a devoted wife who will do everything for the sake of a lover. As for Oblomova - On the one hand, he gained a man who does not scold him for shortcomings. On the other hand, the desire for spiritual growth makes Pshenitsyn small and gray in comparison with Ilya Ilyich.

Agafya Forgates and loves everything. The hero seems to be a way out of the situation. After all, negative experience with Olga He showed that active women who want to blind from a man the likeness of an image, Ilya invented by them, are not suitable.

Summary of the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov with a reflection of images: Video

It often happens that there is no time to re -read the work. In this case, videos with a brief content help. Thanks to them, you can understand the content, and trace the images of the characters. Below you will find a video with a brief content of the novel Oblomov Goncharov With reflecting images.

Video: summary - Oblomov

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