Do I need to add garlic to the pea soup: is it possible? How much to cook peas in the soup: how to boil peas, how much to soak?

Do I need to add garlic to the pea soup: is it possible? How much to cook peas in the soup: how to boil peas, how much to soak?

For taste to the pea soup, you need to add garlic. There are other secrets of cooking, look in the article.

Pea soup on the Russian table is a classic lunch or dinner for the whole family. A lean version was prepared in the monasteries of Ancient Russia. Soup is often mentioned in the literature. So, for example, the ancient Greek writer-dramaturg Aristophanes said that pea soup can be eaten right on the streets of Athens. In general, such soup is an international dish.

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Each country has its own highlight of preparation: in Italy - the taste of peas is set off by Parmesan cheese and wine, the French - wipe the soup in mashed potatoes, and in India - a branded recipe has every housewife, who knows how to please her mother -in -law. Pea soup is a traditional dish in Germany, where it is prepared exclusively on meat. Anyone is suitable - smoked ribs, pork ham, chicken or beef sausages. But for vegetarians there is a large selection of pea soup recipes. In this article you will read about the secret to cooking a delicious dish, and find out if you need to put garlic in such soup. Read further.

Is it possible to add garlic to the pea soup?

Pea soup
Pea soup

In the preparation of pea soup for a large family, it is worth reckoning with the preferences of households. Perhaps the wife does not like garlic, and the older generation has contraindications. If no one is mind, then it is not only possible to add garlic, but also necessary. The main thing is to do this right and not to overdo it with the quantity. One or two cloves of fresh garlic or a pinch of dried in powder is enough. You can make garlic croutons and serve them separately, then you do not need to add garlic to the soup.

Do you add garlic to the pea soup: is it necessary?

In each soup, salt and black pepper are necessarily present. Then they choose seasonings at their discretion. Garlic is the first “candidate” in spices for pea soup. Add it a little. Like salt, at the end of cooking. For a small pan, half a clove is enough, and three cloves of garlic are enough for a three -liter. Garlic is crushed with a sharp knife or crushed, and then, thoroughly stirred in the broth.

Remember: Frequent use of garlic can adversely affect the health of the stomach, so if the pea soup is prepared in the family regularly, it is better to alternate a set of spices.

What seasonings are suitable? To make pea soup rich, alone vegetables are not enough. Additional spices will give him the final, amazing taste and add benefits. Before you cook peas, you should familiarize yourself with the list of suitable spices for pea soup:

  • Kumin
  • Mustard (in grains)
  • Parsley roots and her greens
  • Cins
  • Dill
  • Celery
  • Curry
  • Turmeric
  • Dried or fresh onion
  • Bay leaf
  • Chile
  • Paprika

In India, adding all spices is immediately considered the norm. Mistresses find the perfect combination of seasonings through experience. No need to be afraid to experiment! You can only take garlic. Or mix it with grated ginger and Curry. Or a mixture of garlic, parsley and celery. Spices have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity. In autumn or winter, pea soup with garlic and spices is rightfully considered healing.

How much to cook peas in the soup: how to boil peas, how long to soak?

In the summer, it is not customary to cook pea soup. It is difficult to prepare peas so that it does not deteriorate. And at any other time of the year, the hostesses are afraid to mess with him. Tips are given different. It is enough to rinse the cereal, then it is necessary to soak overnight. Dried chopped peas can be cooked right away. Fresh, assembled from the beds, young peas can be put immediately in a pan and cook in the river for 20-30 minutes.

How much to cook peas in a soup? How to boil peas, how long to soak? The most difficult thing in the process of preparing pea soup is to boil meat and cereal itself. Soaking of any type of legumes makes them cook faster.

  • Rinse the peas thoroughly in cold water, transfer into a bowl and pour.
  • Leave to soak overnight. Sometimes you can leave for the day when everyone goes to work. But in this case, there is a risk of obtaining sour peas, which can no longer be boiled.
  • If you can’t follow it, then rinse the cereal as usual, wait an hour, and then take it into the refrigerator. This method is relevant in hot summer.
  • After soaking, rinse the peas again with cold water. Pour only boiling water into the soup.

There is a very quick way to prepare peas for cooking:

  • Rinse the cereal.
  • Put in a pan.
  • Pour cold water so that the edge of the water exceeds the peas by two cm.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Remove immediately on a colander.
  • Rinse.
  • Repeat the procedure three times.
  • Now you can cook pea soup.

For the peas to boil properly, salt is added at the end. If the cereal needs to be kneaded, then wipe it hot. It’s easier with vegetables - they are laid with peas to get a balanced taste.

Soup with smoked meats and peas: recipe with garlic

Pea soup
Pea soup

Smoked pork ribs - the main trick of the recipe. The final color of the soup is obtained from the color of the peas itself. It can be yellow, with a grayish tint or brown. It is necessary to soak the cereals in advance, as indicated above. If there is only raw meat (for example, a thawed piece of beef), then it can also be used. The combination of meat products in pea soup increases calorie content. The ingredients and their number are regulated. Here is a recipe for smoked meats and peas and garlic - you will need three liters of water:

  • Smoked pork ribs - 300 gr.
  • Other meat products (optional) - 200 gr.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc. big size
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Any greens - 20 gr.
  • Goroshins of black pepper - 10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt - 1 tsp


  • Boil water and put the meat in a pan.
  • Cook for forty minutes under a loose lid over a slight fire, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  • Add peas soaked for the night to the meat broth.
  • Bring to a boil, also put the lid and cook 40 minutes.
  • Remove the ribs with a slotted spoon and separate the meat from the bones. Throw away the bones, and put the meat back in the soup.
  • Rinse, clean and cut the potatoes.
  • Put in boiling soup. Add spices (except salt!).
  • Clean and cut the carrots and onions.
  • Fry in oil in a pan until a golden shade.
  • Add carrots and fry further to softness. Carrots should purchase light, translucent color.
  • Put in a pan with soup.
  • The remaining time for cooking pea soup - 15 minutes.
  • Greens are added two minutes before the end of cooking or directly in the plate. If the greens are fresh, from the beds, then sprinkle the soup with it and immediately turn off the fire.
  • Add salt and garlic.
  • The soup should brew on the stove under a tightly closed lid.

Pour the finished soup on plates, additionally decorate with cheese or crackers. Ordinary peas can be replaced with chickpeas. In this case, the soup is cooked a little longer.

During cooking, it is necessary to remove the foam in time so that the broth does not turn out to be cloudy. In general, the process of preparing pea soup is simple, but takes a lot of time. To reduce it, you can use a slow cooker or a pressure cooker. For cooking in this bowl, peas are soaked faster, and the soup is cooked no longer than an hour. Enjoy your meal!

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