How to cook, cook, cook peas? How to cook peas quickly, for soup, porridge? How to cook fishing peas?

How to cook, cook, cook peas? How to cook peas quickly, for soup, porridge? How to cook fishing peas?

Ways to speed up the preparation of peas for soup and porridge.

Pea porridge has been known to us since childhood. This dish was given to us in kindergarten. It was prepared from bean culture, adding butter. In this article we will tell you how to cook peas.

How to cook peas?

Many housewives have no idea how to cope with this bean culture. Most often, peas in the soup are either boiled into porridge, sticking to the bottom, or, despite the long preparation, remains very hard. 

How to cook peas:

  • Soups, second dishes are prepared from peas, and also make a filling for pies. In this regard, even experienced housewives arise a lot of difficulties and questions. The fact is that peas must be prepared correctly.
  • Most often, as a result of improper preparation, you can get either liquid porridge, as a result of which peas simply falls apart into small particles, settles at the bottom. In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to adhere to several rules. 
  • Try to take twice as much water for preparation than the volume of peas itself. For one glass of legumes, 2 glasses of liquid are needed. Please note that you should not put peas in cold water, it is best to fall asleep the culture when it boils.
Preparation of peas
Preparation of peas

How to quickly cook peas with soda?

It is also necessary to pay attention to the cooking mode. In no case do not need to put the mixture on a strong fire, and wait for a quick boiling of water. In this case, the culture can simply burn to the walls and bottom of the vessel. Further, it is also necessary to focus on preliminary preparation.

How to cook peas quickly:

  • To reduce cooking time, it is worth soaking peas by 5-8 hours. An ideal option would be to leave peas at night in a vessel with water. One glass will require approximately 2 liters of cold water. In the morning, the cereal is washed, the liquid is drained and then throws into boiling water, which stands on fire. 
  • In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the speed of cooking. In no case, in order to make the process faster, do not increase fire. This only provokes a rapid boiling of water, and can cause handling.
  • In addition, peas will not be cooked faster. To accelerate the process, baking soda on the tip of the knife is often added. The maximum amount of soda per 1 liter of water is half a teaspoon. Do not exceed this dose, since then a pea may have an unpleasant taste.
Peas for cooking
Peas for cooking

How to cook peas as quickly as possible?

It also contributes to rapid boilies and uniform preparation adding vegetable or animal fats to a mixture. You can add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil or cream for this purpose. These products are introduced at the very beginning of cooking, immediately after boiling water.

How to cook peas quickly:

  • You can also contribute to fast cooking with a lid. The peas under the lid will be cooked much faster, while it will reduce the evaporation of water.
  • Peas can be prepared not only in a pan on fire, but also in a slow cooker. Some housewives generally switched to this convenient device.
  • Especially the device is convenient for those who are constantly at work, but at the same time it is necessary to feed a large family.
  • The regime of a delayed start and the correct choice of the program will allow you to cook the peas correctly and within the specified period.
Preparation for cooking
Preparation for cooking

How to quickly cook peas without soaking?

In order to cook peas that you did not soak, you need to pour a glass of cereals into the bowl and pour 560 ml of water.

How to quickly cook peas without soaking:

  • Porridge or extinguishing mode is selected. It is necessary that the average temperature is 95-97 degrees.
  • With this heating, the mixture will not boil, but languish, so the peas will boil evenly, and will not be hard inside.
  • Also, for these purposes, they choose a mode of extinguishing. In average, peas will be cooked for about 2-2.5 hours.

Please note if you soaked peas before cooking for 5-10 hours, then cooking time can be reduced by half.That is, the whole peas will be cooked in 50-60 minutes, and crushed or halves, in just 30-40.  


How much to cook peas in a soup?

Many people have a question when to salt peas if it is cooked in a slow cooker? Of course, ideally, peas are poured into the bowl, butter is added, and salt is also administered. But the fact is that sodium chlorine contributes to longer cooking cereals.

How much to cook peas in the soup:

  • That is, peas can remain tough for a long period of time. Therefore, you need to salt the dish at the end. This applies not only to porridge, but also to soups.
  • Is it necessary to soak peas to cook soup? Yes, if you want to cook the first dish quickly enough, then it is necessary to soak the peas without fail.
  • This will reduce the cooking time, which will become a real way out if the woman is working, and after work there is not much time for the family. 
  • With soaking, peas in the soup are cooked for 40-50 minutes. If without soaking, then 1.5-2 hours.
A hearty dish
A hearty dish

How to cook peas for fishing for carp?

Fishermen know that carp is not indifferent to peas, so it must be prepared correctly. For these purposes, you can use the grains of a new crop, or last year.

How to cook fishing peas for carp:

  • It is necessary to soak the peas for 8 hours, and in the morning pour into a double boiler, cover with some mesh cloth, it is best gauze, and crush with a oppression. This is done so that peas are not softening and not delayed. Thus, it will just put it on the hook. Next, a double boiler is turned on and prepared for 30 minutes.
  • If there is no double boiler, you can prepare a kind of home -made water bath. For these purposes, peas are also soaked for 5 hours, after which it is put in a saucepan, poured with water, in a ratio of 1: 3. After that, the pan is placed in another container with boiling water. The design is placed on fire, and prepared for an hour and a half.
  • Further, at the very end of cooking, the water is drained, and vegetable oil is added. Readiness is checked using a toothpick or hook. It is necessary that the pea will pierce with some effort. The fact is that peas for carp and fishing cannot be digested, since it should preserve all the nutrients that are so lured with fish.
  • Therefore, in no case do not take the overwhelmed, old grains that beetles sweated. It is necessary that the raw materials be absolutely fresh, whole and suitable for eating a person. Try to choose the grains of the same color and variety. The fact is that carps love fresh peas, but for lack of lack, you can use dry, after boiling it.
For fishing
For fishing

Peas are a nutritious culture that is cooked for a very long time. But subject to the rules, it will be possible to accelerate the cooking process.

Video: how to cook peas &

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