How to cook Vietnamese soup phoo? The benefits and harms of the soup pho Bo. How is the soup of pho Bo?

How to cook Vietnamese soup phoo? The benefits and harms of the soup pho Bo. How is the soup of pho Bo?

The history of the emergence and the recipe for the preparation of the Vietnamese soup Pho Bo.

Residents of Europe and post -Soviet space begin their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. That is why you can see a significant number of people in local catering establishments that are built in line. In Vietnam, early in the morning at restaurants you can also find the line of local residents, but not to drink a cup of coffee, but to eat a plate of noodles with beef broth. 

What is CH Bo?

“FOR” in translation means noodles, which is served with beef broth. The prefix “Bo” is beef, meat. Accordingly, phoo is soup with beef and noodles. The history of the origin of this dish is unknown to the end, although it is considered traditional for Vietnam.

What is CO Bo:

  • The main feature of rice noodles is that it is prepared from special pancakes prepared steamed. It is believed that to get very thin strips, a cook that has vast experience is needed.
  • He needs to work with several double boots at once. Before moving to the preparation of noodles, the double boiler is covered with a silk cloth, on the surface of which a mixture for noodles is poured.
  • After a few minutes, the pancake is removed, cut at once with two hands. So that the particles do not stick together, they are poured with boiling water and laid out in a plate. 

History of soup Pho Bo

It is believed that for the first time the dish was cooked at the end of the 19th century. Until the 19th century, the Vietnamese did not eat beef, most likely this experience came with the advent of the French in the country.

History of soup phoo:

  • Some cooks associate the name of the dish with the French word, which translates as “fire”.This is due to the fact that a significant amount of acute pepper is added to the traditional dish, which is associated with fire.But the Vietnamese believe that it is not worth remembering the colonial past, so the dish is still considered Vietnamese in all textbooks. 
  • The soup has become popular due to its rich taste and nutrition. After all, it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates and protein. The source of carbohydrates is noodles, and meat is a storehouse of protein. Accordingly, after eating, a person feels good. According to the Vietnamese, just such food allows you to get enough for the whole day. Garlic, chili or fish sauce are often used as seasonings. It is with the help of lime that you can adjust the taste of the dish. 
  • For a long time, soup was cooked exclusively from beef. But in the middle of the 20th century, a chicken option appeared. At that time, the chicken in Vietnam was not sold so often, and was considered a delicacy. For the preparation of the chicken, only one and a half hours are enough, while the beef broth needs to speak much longer. In South Vietnam, soup was loved only after 1954. It was there that the recipe was improved by adding spicy herbs. At that time, soy sprouts were added. 
With rice noodles
With rice noodles

The benefits and harms of soup pho Bo

In different regions of Vietnam, soup is prepared according to their recipe. The fat content, composition and concentration of nutrients may differ. A portion of soup, the weight of which is 500 g, contains 300 kilocalories. It is believed that due to the presence of a large amount of greens, the body is saturated with fiber, as a result of which the intestinal function is normalized.

The benefits and harms of the soup phoo:

  • Due to the use of bones, the soup is rich in calcium, which strengthens the teeth and nails. It is not recommended in the process of preparing the dish to replace the rice noodles of wheat. This changes the taste of the dish not for the better, increasing the number of carbohydrates. The soup contains a significant amount of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, choline, vitamin E, a significant amount of sulfur, chromium and molybdenum.
  • Thanks to the use of beef, the soup is saturated with copper and zinc. For 100 g of soup, calorie content is 80-120 kilocalories, depending on the fat content of beef. The broth prevents the development of intestinal diseases, improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body, stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Prevents the development of anemia, reduces inflammation. Soup is used to strengthen immunity and improve the condition of the joints. Europeans, to make soup more nutritious, often add chicken or tofu cheese to it. To increase the amount of fiber, it is necessary to add vegetables, for example, cabbage or spanned beans. 

How to cook broth for soup phoo?

By tradition, the broth for this is prepared, starting in the evening. This is due to the fact that beef is preparing for a long time. To do this, in the furnace, which in shape is somewhat similar to a tandoor, are placed by coals. It is the coal that maintains the high temperature, which is necessary for cooking. Meat and bones should be cooked in broth for 6-8 hours. It is believed that in this way the most nutritious broth is obtained. Lapsha is prepared in the morning from rice pancakes, steamed. 

For the preparation of the broth, you will need: 

  • 1.5 kg of beef bones 
  • 20 g of ginger 
  • One large onion 
  • Cardamom 
  • 5 liters of water 

How to cook broth for soup phoo:

  • The broth is not prepared from the file part of the meat, but from beef bones. It is believed that beneficial substances are boiled from the bones, as a result of which the broth is saturated with a pleasant aroma, and becomes very nutritious. This is true, because for the preparation of a bone soup, a bone broth is used, the benefits of which you can find out In the article on our website. 
  • According to the traditional recipe, in order to promote a large number of nutrient trace elements and nutrients in the broth, beef bones are pre -baked in the oven for 20 minutes. Further, the raw materials must be washed with cold water, pour clean and bring to a boil.
  • In the process of the entire preparation process, it is necessary to remove fat and foam from the surface. It takes 8-10 hours to prepare the broth. 30 minutes before the end of cooking add onion and ginger baked in the oven. Garlic, ginger and onion are not introduced immediately into the broth, but wrapped in a linen bag. At the end of cooking, a bag is removed from the broth, and bones are also pulled out.
With lime
With lime

How to cook Vietnamese soup phoo?

By tradition, the dishes include not only boiled meat from which the broth was prepared, but also raw.

How to cook Vietnamese soup from Bo:

  • The finished meat is cut into large pieces, but the raw chopped with thin slices, like on carpaccio, poured with boiling broth so that the surface of raw meat becomes gray. 
  • Rice noodles are poured with boiling water, laid out in a bowl. The beef is added there, which remained after cooking the broth, as well as chopped raw meat resembling minced meat.
  • Mint, cilantro and a significant amount of greenery are introduced into the broth. The mixture must be poured with boiling broth so that chopped meat is scolded. Only after cooking, sweet onions and black pepper are introduced into the dish. 
  • Pancakes are prepared from rice, which is soaked for 10 hours in cold water. After that, its crushing is carried out with millstones. It is believed that a blender, coffee grinder, modern technique are not suitable for grinding rice into flour. This can lead to the formation of breaking noodles, which is not suitable for the preparation of dishes. The most interesting thing is that noodles are added to the already finished broth, and do not give in repeated heat treatment. 

Pho Bo: Classic recipe with beef

In traditional Vietnamese restaurants, rice noodles are prepared on the spot, but in the realities of Russia and Ukraine it is impossible to do this. Therefore, a semi -finished product purchased in a supermarket is suitable. However, for soup, it is best to cook until half -cooked. After all, the dish is poured with boiling broth, the noodles inside it will reach ready. 

Ingredients for soup: 

  • 200 g of beef for thin slices 
  • Ginger root 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • 300 g of rice noodles 
  • 1 large onion 
  • A bunch of green onions 
  • Lime 
  • Bunch of parsley and cilantro 
  • 1 liter of bone broth 

Pho Bo, classic recipe with beef:

  • It is best to use not a tenderloin, but bones from the lower leg and brisket for preparing a soup. The tubular bones work best, as they give a good fat. By tradition, when preparing a soup, a roasting is not added that is prepared in vegetable oil.
  • There is no oil in this soup at all. Initially, you can get a pleasant aroma by adding onion to the broth, which is fried on the grill or baked in the oven, in the husk.
  • It is believed that this is what gives the soup of a beautiful color and a pleasant aroma. It is necessary to keep the onion in the oven until it is covered with brown crust. 
Before the meal
Before the meal

How is the soup of pho Bo?

Very often in Vietnamese restaurants, service staff is going to see how foreigners eat traditional soup. Small bowls with greens, salad, sauces, as well as containers for spices are installed near the plate.

How is the Fo-Bo soup correctly:

  • It is customary to add lime juice, acute pepper, a large amount of greens to the food. Together with the dish, they serve a spoon and sticks. In no case is the thick that is in Yushka, they are typed with a spoon.
  • The noodles have a large length, it will slide off the surface of the spoon, fall into the soup with the formation of a significant number of drops that will be on clothes and a table. As a result, everything will be crumbling with fat beef broth. After adding spices and greens, the solution is mixed and broth is tasted. If it lacks some spices, salt, they are added until the desired taste is obtained.
  • Only after that you need to take sticks, eat the entire thick part, that is, noodles and meat along with greens. Lastly, they drink broth, which is drawn with spoons. Many foreigners do not eat soup incorrectly using a spoon to scoop up noodles and meat. 
  • The spoon is by no means immersed entirely in the mouth, as is customary in Russia. The broth is drunk, touching the side of the spoon. At the same time, it is considered disrespect if the guest blows a spoon, trying to cool the broth. Excessive gestures can cause a scandal and quarrel. In Vietnam, this is considered disrespect for women. During a meal, contacts must be avoided. This is a rough gesture, a sign of disrespect. 

How do you eat Soup Bo in Europe?

In European restaurants, they eat a dish a little different. Often, not only beef, but also seafood, for example, squid is introduced into it.

How they eat Soup Bo in Europe:

  • In this case, a special fork for seafood is laid by a side near the plate. It is with her that it is necessary to wind the noodles, prick beef and seafood. With a spoon, you need to scoop up a certain amount of broth, wind on a fork on a fork with beef.
  • After that, noodles with meat are placed in the mouth and complemented by a spoon of broth. In European restaurants, unlike Vietnam, they do not bring sticks. We'll have to eat the soup with a spoon and fork. However, in Vietnam, a spoon is not used as in the countries of the post -Soviet space.
With onion
With onion

Read on the topic:

The soup contains a significant amount of protein, thanks to bone broth and adding beef meat. The broth contains a significant amount of iron if it is prepared using beef bones. The broth stimulates the brain, and also improves blood formation, increases hemoglobin. Accordingly, the number of red blood cells increases. Due to the content of greens, in a soup a large amount of vitamin C.

Video: Vietnamese soup

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