Do I need to add water and sugar to home grape wine: how much, when and how often?

Do I need to add water and sugar to home grape wine: how much, when and how often?

Do I need to add water and sugar to home wine? The article describes everything in detail.

Homemade grape wine is prepared according to their own recipes, which have similarity, but also, in this case, are different. The main components in the preparation of grape wine are grapes itself. The color of the finished product, its aroma and taste depend on the variety of berries.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if the wine does not wander?". You will learn everything about the process when the wine does not wander - what to do, reasons, reviews, recommendations.

After crushing the berries, gruel (pulp) is left for three to four days in a warm place, at a temperature not lower than +18 ° C. When a mass of berries begins to rise up, and gas bubbles are released, then the pulp is wandering. And then each wine has its own recipe. Add sugar immediately, or then to a wort, or already in a transferred young wine - each winemaker has its own opinion on this score. Let's look at the most common recipe according to which most winemakers prepare wine. Read further.

What does sugar affect the preparation of wine: is it necessary to add it?

Homemade grape wine
Homemade grape wine

The natural sugar content of grapes depends on the amount of the sun (weather conditions) when growing the fruit, and the degree of its maturation. Usually these indicators range from 12 to 29%. As a result of the preparation of wine, a natural product is obtained from pure juice - dry wine. This is usually a product with a pleasant aroma, and sour taste. I like the natural taste of this wine not everyone. Most people prefer sweet drinks.

What does sugar affect when preparing wine, is it necessary to add it?

  • The saturation and sweetness of the product depends on the quality of the source material, and the amount of sugar added.
  • After adding sugar to the wort of sugar, fermentation is increased.
  • It turns out wine with a high content of alcohol in it.
  • Some part of the sugar remains in the product, which gives the product a sweeter taste.
  • This is how the wine and fortified wines are obtained.

By the content of sugar and fortresses, all grape wines share:

  • Semi -dry - with a fortress of a finished drink from 0.3 to 3%
  • Dry - With sugar content d about 0.3%
  • Semi -sweet - containing 3 to 8% sugar
  • Sweet -  from 14 to 20%
  • Forded - containing from 8 to 40%

But, adding sugar in the intermediate stages of the preparation of wine, it is difficult to control the sweetness of the resulting product and the content of alcohol. Therefore, they act in this way: sugar is added to an already transferred finished dry transparent wine.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How to calculate the amount of sugar for wine from grapes at home?

To check the sugarness of the collected grapes, use the device hydrometer. When sugar content in grape pulp from 12% And above, sugar is not added to fermentation. How to calculate the amount of sugar for wine from grapes at home?

  • It must be remembered that every 2 grams sahara, added 100 milliliters wortgive after fermentation 1% alcohol.
  • With these simple calculations, you can calculate how much granulated sugar must be added to obtain semi -dry or sweet wine.

Wine with a fortress 14% can be obtained by adding 14 x 2 \u003d 28 grams of sugar per 100 ml of wort, or 280 grams per 1 liter. For example, when measuring the sugar content of the grape wort, the value is valuable 210 grams in a liter.

  • 280 - 210 \u003d 70 grams of sugar must be added by 1 liter of wort

It must be remembered that preparing homemade wine with a fortress above 14% impossible. And the addition of sugar at once in large quantities, you can disrupt the fermentation process. The yeast in a high sugar content is inhibited, and their work slows down. This is felt both by the smell and by the absence of the release of carbon dioxide bubbles. As a result, their work ceases at all.

Having received a wort with a low sugar content, it is better to add granulated sugar to the finished transparent wine and not immediately, but in parts. Read further.

When and how often do you need to add sugar to home grape wine?

Sugar in homemade Ino is added several times
Sugar to homemade wine is added several times

The grape wort wanders quite actively. This process lasts 30 to 60 days. The force of fermentation depends on the sugar content of raw materials, the temperature of the room in which the containers and quality of the yeast are installed. The normal process of fermentation of the wort goes with its sugar content from 15 to 20%. Having no devices, you can determine the taste:

  • Grapes should not be sour, and not sugary, and millet - sweet.

When and how often do you need to add sugar to home grape wine? Read more:

  • To ensure a constant level of sugar in the wort, it is necessary to regularly control it to taste.
  • The first time this is done three days after the start of active fermentation.
  • The amount of sugar added, and how many times it is necessary to put it, depends on what wine should turn out.
  • If it should be a dry or semi -dry drink, sugar is added once. In semi -sweet wines - 2 times. Sugar add sugar in sweet and fortified wines at least 4 times.

At the first sample three days later, the sweetness in the susl disappeared, a sour taste appeared, then they put granulated sugar on 50 grams per liter. Similar additives of sugar are carried out until the wort stops changing the sweet taste to sour. Usually this operation is done several times over two or three weeks of fermentation. Read more:

  • For the first addition, two -thirds of the required amount of sugar are taken.
  • The rest is divided into the number of following additions.
  • If the taste of the wort remains unchanged or does not change very much, the addition of sugar is stopped.
  • The next sweetening can be made after the complete end of fermentation and drain the finished product from the pulp.
  • Sugar is added to taste, but no more than 250 grams per liter.

Under the below, useful information. Read further.

Rules for adding sugar when preparing home grape juice

The fractional sweetening is explained very simply: with a high sugar content, yeast reduces their activity, slowing fermentation. And then this process completely stops. By adding all the sugar at once, you can stop fermentation and ruin the grape wort. There are some rules for adding sugar when preparing home grape wine.

You can add sugar in a wort in two ways:

  1. A couple of liters of grape juice are cast from the container, sugar is poured into it and stir until the sand is completely dissolved. If there is a lot of sugar, and it is poorly dissolved, the tank with the worship can be heated. The resulting solution is poured back into the container and stir. The fermentation process is lengthened, and the yeast get ideal conditions for fermentation.
  2. The required amount of sugar is poured onto the canvas or into a canvas bag, and strengthen it so that the sugar is completely immersed in the liquid. Leave it until sugar is completely dissolved.

The finished product is filtered if it is necessary to add more sugar and withstand at least 90 days. The temperature in the room where the wine will be stored should not be above +12 ° C.

Many novice winemakers do not understand why to add water to the wine in the fermentation process. Explain below. Read further.

Why, when preparing home grape wine, water is added: what does it give?

Water in wine is added to change taste and aroma
Water in wine is added to change taste and aroma

Water, like an important sugar in the preparation of good and tasty wine. Few people know about this. Why, when preparing home grape wine, water is added, what does it give? Explanation:

  • Getting a high -quality home product is possible with the content of natural acid in the finished product no more than 5 grams in a liter.
  • Such indicators are possible when using initial materials with acidity from 6 to 15 grams in a liter.
  • During the fermentation process, the acidity of grape juice decreases.
  • If, nevertheless, the final product has a larger amount of acid, or too much sugar, it can be fixed with its taste precisely by adding a certain amount of water.

As you can see, everything is simple. But how much water do you need? Read further.

How much water do you need to add when preparing home grape wine?

Dilution of grape wort can be done at the beginning of the fermentation process. Or, in extreme cases, a couple of weeks after the start of fermentation. It is not worth breaking the finished product, this will ruin the taste of the resulting drink. How much water do you need to add when preparing home grape wine?

  • If you need to change the taste of the finished wine, this is done immediately before its use.
  • To dilute the wine, transparent, soft water, mild without any smells and flavors, is taken in the ratio 1:2 or 1:3.
  • Then diluted wine acquires a brighter aroma and taste.
  • Red wines are diluted with slightly chilled boiled water.
  • White wines are diluted with cold water.

In order for the finished wine to have acidity not exceeding the permissible in the finished product, it is necessary to collect completely mature grapes for its production. And the collection of berries is carried out in sunny warm weather. Good luck!

Video: Home wine. Do sugar and other additives need water?

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