What to do if the wine does not wander? Wine does not wander: what to do, reasons, reviews, recommendations

What to do if the wine does not wander? Wine does not wander: what to do, reasons, reviews, recommendations

Reasons for the lack of fermentation of home wine.

Wine is a home drink that is prepared from fruit and berry raw materials. However, the preparation of the drink has many difficulties and problems that a novice winemaker has to be solved. In this article we will tell you why wine does not wander. 

Why did the wine stop wandering?

There are several reasons for a decrease in the activity of wine yeast. The main reason may be raw materials itself. There are crops in which wild yeast is not very active, so it takes time to activate. At the initial stage, try not to rush events, and wait about 5 days. Most cultures need to be activated for about 2 days, and some require about 5 days. Therefore, wait 5 days, assess the situation. 

Why did the wine stop wandering:

  • Lack of time 
  • Poor sealing capacity 
  • Non -compliance with temperature conditions 
  • Insufficient or high sugar content in the susel 
  • Bad yeast to activate the process 
  • The presence of mold 
Alcoholic drink
Alcoholic drink

Homemade wine does not wander, what to do?

All difficulties can be dealt with ifknow, what to do. 

Homemade wine does not wander, what to do:

  • There are several ways to accelerate, improve the fermentation process. If homemade wine does not wander, first of all you need to give it 5 days. During this period, try not to do anything and not be upset. If the glove does not inflate, then the time has not come yet. 
  • Try not to put the wine on the window, since it is here that a serious temperature difference is observed. At night, due to cooling glass, especially in winter, the substance can cool to a temperature of +15 +18 degrees.
  • In the afternoon, due to direct sunlight, with a capacity, it can heat up to a temperature of 30 degrees. These temperatures are within the permissible limits, but it is vibrations that cause a slowdown in the fermentation process. Therefore, put the wine in a dark place into which the sun's rays do not penetrate. 

Cherry wine does not wander, what to do?

Cherry is one of the capricious culture, since it may contain a large amount of acid. Most often, the reason for the lack of fermentation of cherry wine is the lack or excess of sugar.

Cherry wine does not wander, what to do:

  • Remember, such wine can be poorly filtered due to the presence of a large amount of gulp. If the wort is very thick, with a lot of pulp, it must be strain and add a little sugar. Initially, try raw materials.
  • If it is sugary, enter a little more sugar. If you think that you are too far from sugar, then pour a little liquid. It is believed that too sweet, a thick wort must be diluted by about 15% with water.
  • Remember that the optimal content of sugar in the wort should be about 20%. If the sugar concentration is higher, the yeast becomes very lazy, roam poorly, or the fermentation process can stop. 

Apple wine does not wander, what to do?

An apple tree is a culture that has almost every gardener. If the jam stands in the pantry, you can do the preparation of wine. It all depends on the content of sugar and the variety of raw materials. Try to choose not sour, but sweet apples, to which you will have to add quite a bit of sugar. 

Apple wine does not wander, what to do:

  • It is proved that apples contain a large number of yeast, and they are very active, so the fermentation process occurs faster. After about 2-3 days, the first bubbles are observed, the glove is inflated.
  • Remember that the main disadvantage of apple wine is the presence of a large amount of pulp or gulsh. Before setting a wort, it must be strain several times.
  • If these are acidic varieties, do not be afraid to introduce more sugar than expected. Apple acid is a kind of preservative, can inhibit the fermentation process. Remember that a large amount of sugar, which exceeds 25%, also becomes a preservative, and prevents the fermentation process. 
Apple wine
Apple wine

Raspberry wine does not wander, what to do?

Raspberries are a sweet berry, the wine from which wanders well enough. This is due to the content of a large amount of fructose and sucrose. The berry is very juicy, with a small amount of pulp. With such wine the problems are the least.

Raspberry wine does not wander, what to do:

  • If such wine does not wander, be sure to check the tightness of the dish. It happens that the fermentation process is normal, but the water survey or glove pass air. Accordingly, the bubbles come out in another way.
  • For reliability, you can smear the junction of the gloves and vessels with dough, or bread crumb. Check the tightness of the gloves, perhaps there are holes or small holes.
  • Try the wort to taste. If it is sugary, and very sour, enter a little sugar. For raspberries, the optimal amount is 100 g of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. This is due to the fact that the berry is very sweet. 

What to do if young wine does not play?

The main problem with home wine, in the use of wild strains of yeast. They can be unstable and easy to stop the fermentation process.

What to do if the young wine does not play:

  • That is why it is necessary to take care of a home -made leaven in advance. You can purchase store wine yeast. Do you have no sourdough, you can resume the fermentation process by introducing 20-30 g of raisins per 5 liter of wort.
  • The process of fermentation of 7 grape berries will be restored, which are introduced to 10 liters of wort. They are crushed and inserted inside.
  • Remember that grapes and raisins are best purchased in the markets, they are treated less there. During processing, there is a risk of removing yeast that are on the surface of the goods. 
Cooking process
Cooking process

Homemade wine wanders strongly, what to do?

There is a reverse situation when the wine wanders very strongly, with the formation of a large amount of foam. The main disadvantage is that this foam goes beyond the container, and rises above the water plant. Thus, part of the wort follows the floor. This negatively affects the fermentation, becomes the cause of the loss of the final product. 

Homemade wine wanders strongly, what to do:

  • Remember that foam 3-15 cm high is the absolute norm. Cultures such as apples, pears, as well as cherries, foam more than others. This is due to the features of wild yeast, sugar content in these crops.
  • To cope with the problem, it is best to leave the third part of the empty container, to make the foam the opportunity to rise. If 1/3 is not enough, and the amount of foam is constantly increasing, pour the wine into two containers, put on the water supply.
  • Many novice winemakers recommend removing foam using a slotted spoon. However, the problem is that more active yeast is in this foam. Removing a foam hat, you run the risk of slowing the fermentation process, spoil the wine.
  • Foam removal is an extreme case. To slow down, it is necessary to put the container in a cool room with a temperature of 16-20 degrees. Do not try to instantly lower the temperature, and put the wine in the refrigerator. You risk completely slowing down the fermentation process. 
  • It is necessary to try not to use cultures that give a very viscous wort. It is in such cases that they often get too thick, magnificent foam.  If homemade wine wanders strongly, spills over the surface of the container, resort to its separation, transferring to two vessels. It is best to manipulate on the street . Do not calculate that you can leave all the wine intact.
  • When mixing, a large amount of foam is formed. Therefore, stock up on two buckets in which you will transfuse. After the reaction subsides a little, and the foam will settle, pour the slurry into constant containers, put on the water seizure.

How to make wine wander?

There are several subtleties that will make it possible to understand the fermentation processes and prevent errors. At the initial stage of yeast, oxygen is necessary to breed. The first two days of yeast do not show active fermentation, as they produce themselves. They work to increase the colony.

How to make wine wander:

  • Only after this is the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide. The first couple of days, as soon as the mixture is prepared, do not cover it, do not put on the water selection container. There must be a constant flow of oxygen. After 2 days, when the fermentation process begins, you will notice the bubbles on the surface. You can safely put on a glove or water survey. In the first two days, so that flies, insects, or other garbage do not penetrate into the wort, close the neck with gauze or cloth.
  • Be sure to ventilate the wine before installing the water supply. Try to ensure that the wort and leaven are approximately the same temperature. Often the sourdough is stored at a temperature of +5 +7 degrees, therefore, when praised into a warm container, fermentation slows down. Put the starter in a container with warm water, let it warm and only then pour into the juice.
  • Remember that the temperature of the yeast and the wort itself must match. To give good nutrition of yeast, not only sugar is needed, but also the corresponding amino acids and vitamins. If the wine is prepared from grapes, then there are no problems.
  • Grapes are saturated with a large number of amino acids. However, wine from fruit and berry raw materials, for example, raspberries or currants, does not always have enough nutrients for the development of yeast.

Wine wanders weakly, what to do?

In this case, the main problem is the lack of sealing of the water plant. Therefore, be sure to seal this place, flip with crumb of bread, or dough. If the air penetrates into the container at all stages of fermentation of wine, this is fraught with the receipt of vinegar, or the formation of mold on top. 

Wine wanders weakly what to do:

  • Many mistakenly believe that for the preparation of wine, slightly rumpled fruits, with a small amount of rot, are suitable. In fact, it is impossible to use raw materials that fell from a tree. On the surface of the damage, moldy mushrooms can form, which prevent the normal fermentation process.
  • They cover the surface with a thick film, and do not allow the yeast to reproduce. Do not use bad raw materials that you collected from the ground. Try to pick up ripe, juicy fruits, without damage and mold. 
  • In the preparation of raspberry, apple, cherry wine, it is worth using a store feeding. You can also use some funds from the pharmacy.
  • To improve the nutrition of yeast, added in small quantitiesdiammonyfosphate. Only 1 g per liter is enough. Tiamine hydrochloride is also added. A 20 ml of sodium solution per 10 liters is enough. These funds can be found in a pharmacy. 
The process of fermentation
The process of fermentation

Homemade wine does not wander: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of winemakers that are faced with the problem of fermentation of wine. 

Homemade wine does not wander, reviews:

Denis. I am cooking wine from my own Isabella grapes. There is never any problems with him, on the contrary, it is seething very actively, so I leave a lot of space for foam in the container. I never faced a lack of fermentation, as there is wine in a summer kitchen, where it is warm enough. 

Veronica. I have a private house, so there are a lot of apples and pears. I cook wine from it, but it does not always turn out. Usually wanders very well, but once the fermentation stopped. This is due to a violation of the integrity of the water plant. The cat damaged the glove, so the air entered it. It’s good that she noticed and restored the water selection in time. 

Oleg. I love homemade alcoholic drinks, so I often cook moonshine, as well as wine. In the country I collect cherries, strawberries. I don’t cook wine from strawberries, it is very little, but the cherries are a very generous crop. Once there was poor fermentation, but I just added wine sourdough, which I bought in the store. The process has recovered, it turned out very tasty wine. Since then, I have not been using wild yeast, but purchase a sourdough in special stores. It is inexpensive, while the wine always turns out very tasty. 

Not wandering
Not wandering

We will also tell you how to cook wine from:

It is impossible to leave wine for a long time under the influence of air, since the ingress of oxygen bubbles contributes to the oxidation of wine, as a result, you will not receive a gumdrink, And vinegar.

Video: What to do if homemade wine does not wander?

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Comments K. article

  1. Wine from grapes does not wander for 2 weeks. Is it possible to add a sachore and run the yeast?
    Thank you.

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