How to hold a glass of wine and other drinks?

How to hold a glass of wine and other drinks?

Many people do not even think about whether they are correctly holding a glass of wine in their hand - unless, of course, they were accustomed to the rules of etiquette from their youth.

If your life has developed so that the tutors and bonns did not take part in your upbringing, then this article is for you. Now we will learn with you the "culture of drinking" with you.

How to keep a glass of wine?

  • How to keep a glass of wine? First of all, remember the basics of a drinking culture - you need to take a glass and hold it, only by the leg, because the bowl is not intended for this at all. And the point here is not even in the norms accepted in society, but in the fact that the wine is more pleasant to drink in chilled form. From the palm of your hand it will quickly warm up, and this will not give the advantages to its taste and bouquet.
  • Taking a glass by the leg, you will not only demonstrate your good upbringing to those present, but at the same time enjoy the taste of a drink poured into it. Glass glasses, glasses, vessels in the shape of a tulip and other unusual forms are created not only for beauty. Their leg - in order to take it up for it, and the bowl - so that the drink in it is perfectly revealed and saturated with oxygen.
  • The true connoisseur of elite alcoholic beverages will never take a hand over the bowl - before drinking a noble drink, he will enjoy his color game and admire his crash.
You can’t keep it like that
You can’t keep it like that
Do not grab wine
Do not grab wine

How can you keep a glass of wine according to European rules:

  1. Squeeze the leg using the thumb and forefinger, and put the rest on the bandwagon.
  2. To hold the leg as if you are using a fountain pen.
  3. The foot is held with the index and thumb, the rest at this time supported the basis.
Keep it up
Keep it up
Hold the glass
Hold the glass
Keep a glass with red wine
Keep a glass with red wine
Hold the glass
Hold the glass

How to keep glasses, glasses and glasses with other drinks?

How to keep glasses, glasses and glasses with other drinks:


  • To hold the glass, only a leg is used, which needs to be held with the left hand.
  • Etiquette does not forbid it to take on it with both three and five fingers - as it is convenient.
  • In addition, the more full the glass, the more difficult it will be kept, using only three fingers.
  • If you put a glass on the table or tray, but it is no longer desirable to raise it. Just as it is impossible to rotate the filled glass or inhale its contents so that the soda does not put you in an unpleasant position.


  • In addition to the fact that you need to choose a glass for Martini, remember that such a drink should not be drunk in a hurry.
  • For martini -based cocktail, use a tube. So you will definitely savor the drink with small sips.


  • A glass with a noble cognac is permissible and even desirable to warm your palms with a warm palm.
  • To enhance the aromatic taste of cognac, you can make small swaying movements with a snifter - then its walls are reached with amber liquid.
  • Cognac is drunk on a drop, as if savoring it.
Gray the glass
Gray the glass


  • A vodka glass or stack is usually held with three fingers.
  • Vodka, unlike cognac, is not reached, but they drink in one gulp.


  • If you pour whiskey into a wine glass, keep it in the same way as wine.
  • And if they chose a roox or a toggle switch with a thick glass for this, then they hold a drink in a glass with all fingers.


  • For a beer glass, you can use the whole palm, but if there is a pen on it, then it should be taken, because it is for this that it is intended.
  • Since beer can only enjoy the cold form, then if the vessel does not have a pen, you need to, taking another sip from it, immediately let it out of the hands.
Hold on with your whole hand
Hold on with your whole hand

Observation people noticed how professional winemakers and sommelier are deftly controlled with filled glasses. They can simply keep them in a picture for the base, only slightly supporting the leg with 2 fingers. You should not imitate this to professionals - it is not very convenient to do to a person inexperienced. Yes, and this is not accepted by some special chic, rather in society they will think that you are in this way try to draw.

And remember, never allow yourself, picking up a vessel with some kind of alcohol drink, at the same time, the little finger is mannered-this is not aristocracy at all, but Moveton! Now that you are familiar with the rules of etiquette, it will be easy for you to be in any company.

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