How to open wine without a corkscrew: 14 best ways

How to open wine without a corkscrew: 14 best ways

When warm days stand in the yard, it pulls to get out of the stuffy city to nature. But what if a good company got out onto a picnic, and the snack is already exhibited, among which a bottle of good wine stored for this occasion rises, and they forgot to take a corkscrew?

Is it really necessary to take the wine back because of this without trying it in the lap of nature? Set aside a panic! There are non -traditional methods by which you can uncorn this glass vessel with “precious moisture”, without using the usual corkscrew. Use one of our advice, and your vacation will not be spoiled!

How to open wine without a corkscrew?

With a finger

  • How to open wine without a corkscrew? The cork can be pushed into the bottle, using a finger for this! If the corkscrew can be forgotten with you, then the fingers will definitely be included even at the most distracted person.
  • The main thing in this method is be very strong and bold, after all, you will have to press on the cork with all your might. It can succumb to pressure more or less easily and quickly, because much depends on the configuration of the neck of the bottle and on the cork material.
  • If it does not lend itself under the onslaught of a finger, try to use the coin by putting it on top of the cork - this will increase the pressure surface.

Use improvised items

  • Everyone is suitable for this cylindrical itemswho can be found both in a female handbag and on the woman herself. They may be used: a hairpin from a shoe, lipstick, sharpening for pencils or knives, a pen or marker.
  • Suddenly the girls gathered for a bachelorette party, but there will be no men with strong fingers nearby? Instead of a finger, all this can be successfully used and enjoy the taste and aroma of good wine without representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Beat the cork

  • In this case, not only strength and dexterity will be needed, but also the ultimate accuracy - after all, the bottle can break, and you can get hurt. So that such a nuisance does not occur, it follows keep a bottle in an upright position, Lightly tapping her palm along the bottom.
  • If you believe the laws of physics, then the cork has no chances to linger in the bottleneck - it should literally fly out of there. But if this does not happen, you should go to a more radical method, wrapping the bottom with a towel, knock them against the wall (of course, not with all your might, because the bottle can break).
  • And if you are on a picnic, and there are no walls nearby, then a tree will also fit for this purpose. If you took a book with you (and you don’t feel very sorry for it), then it is best to apply it to the surface, which you will tap the bottom of the bottle.
Knocked on a tree or wall
Suitable a tree or a strong wall

How to quickly open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew with a plastic bottle?

  • The plastic bottle must be filled to the top with some liquid (water is quite suitable)-its middle part will fit for the role of the “opener”. She needs to tap along the bottom of the vessel with wine.
  • You will be surprised how easily the case will go. Often there are enough several tapping to open wine without a corkscrew. However, follow that it does not jump entirely, because the wine may splash. But you didn’t apply so much of your strength and fantasy for this, right?

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew girl with shoes?

  • It doesn’t matter what you are shod in shoes, boots or sneakers, any shoes are suitable. Imagine how you will look spectacular before your company. While others will be at a bewilderment to shrug, not knowing how to uncorn the coveted bottle, you use your sneakers, boots or shoes for this!
  • In this case, you should put a wine bottle into it down and beat them against the wall (proportioning the power of your blow, of course).
With the help of shoes
With the help of shoes

Self -tapping and pliers are an ideal combination to open wine!

  • How to open wine without a corkscrew? If you decide to use a screw, then in this case you need to choose such that it has an average diameter. A screwdriver, a nail file, manicure scissors - all of this arsenal is perfect in order to screw a self -tapping screw into the cork.
  • To pull the screw along with the cork on yourself, you can use those objects that are at hand: pliers, nails or, at worst, two pencils.
  • This method cannot be used only if wood went for the manufacture of traffic jams. If it is worn out, then from screwing into it a screw will simply crumble.
Open by improvised means
Opening by pliers

Keys - not only for the castle

  • The key (it can be from the apartment, car, safe, etc.) should be with a narrow tip, then it can be used to free the wine bottle from the cork.
  • It should be stuck in a cork at about an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to sprinkle the key somewhere by two-thirds, and then-scrolling it slowly, without sharp jerks, remove it with a trial.
  • The main thing is for the joy that the undertaking was a success, not to throw it along with the cork.

How to open wine without a barrel with a knife?

  • The knife should have a narrow and sharp, best -bearing blade. It should be pressed with force into a wine cork, and then, turning it, extracted from the neck.
  • If part of the cork still remains in the neck, then in this case it is easiest to push it with the same knife (or some other object) inside the bottle.
With a knife
With a knife

Nails with a hammer will help open a bottle without a corkscrew

  • If there is a bottle of wine, nails and a hammer at hand, but there is no corkscrew, then you will still be able to try the drink! Several nails are enough to score them in a cork with a hammer.
  • In modern hammers on one side there is nail - So they should use them in order to pull them out, and at the same time a cork.

Masters - not only for paper

  • Two paper clips will fit in order to use them as an opener. To do this, they need to straighten them, and then, having passed them between the neck and the cork (hooks should remain at their ends), twisted together.
  • Next, the cork can be pulled out using a pencil, pen or spoon. In this case, a piece of ordinary steel wire, which is used to produce some hangers, is also suitable.
With the help of a clip
With the help of a clip

Opening a bottle with an awl and a lace

  • The lace and awl - these two things that will help open wine without a corkscrew. It will be necessary to work hard, picking the cork through. At the same time, particles from traffic jam can get into the drink, but in many other methods there is the same problem.
  • It is important here how much you want to taste wine right now, when there is no corkscrew at hand. If the desire is considerable, then, then, it is thought that cork crumbs in this matter are not at all a hindrance for tasting. So, we dig in the middle of the cork through, and then pour there with the help of the same seam. At the end of a durable lace (it is best to have a leather one), pre -tie a knot, and when it turns out at the bottom of the cork, pull the lace harder. The cork will come out, and you only have to enjoy the long -awaited taste of wine.
Complex, but effective element
Complex, but effective element

Just heat the water and open the wine

  • For this method is suitable high pan, because there you have to place a bottle of wine. Do not put it immediately in hot water - from this the bottle can burst, and you will not be able to enjoy wine. The water in the pan should gradually heat up on the fire, and with it a bottle.
  • Heated under the influence of boiling water, she will push the cork out of herself - and, to do it, she will be slow. But, as you understand, and the wine in this case will be warm, and immediately it will not be very pleasant to drink it. Unless - in the form of mulled wine - for medicinal purposes for tonsillitis or bronchitis.
  • But when the wine has completely cooled, then you can fully evaluate its bouquet, besides without floating cork crumbs.

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew with a lighter?

  • You can’t think of anything easier: burning the neck burning with a lighter.
  • “Cool specialists” of this case say that two to three minutes are quite enough for the cork to fly out of the bottle.

Bicycle pump: inflate a bottle

  • You probably don’t even know that you can open a bottle of wine with a bicycle pump. True, his nozzle should be thin and acute, like a needle, which should pierce the cork through.
  • It is enough to swing the air only a few times, and there will be nothing left to do the traffic, as soon as you leave your “ragged” place under pressure. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, otherwise the bottle may crack.

If you are a lover of experiments and extreme, then you can try all these methods on yourself: surprise your company, and tickle your nerves and others. Well, if you are a purposeful and balanced person, and you have no desire to demonstrate any tricks, then, going to such events, just take a corkscrew with you.

We will also tell you:

Video: life hacks, how to open wine without a corkscrew

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