Do I need to add oil when frying fried eggs? In what oil is it better to fry the scrambled eggs?

Do I need to add oil when frying fried eggs? In what oil is it better to fry the scrambled eggs?

It is better to add oil when frying the fried eggs, so tastier. But what to use?

The easiest and most beloved breakfast is a “hedgehog” of sausage or a fried piece of ordinary boiled sausage with fried eggs. It is fast and tasty.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to beat the egg whites with sugar in a thick foam correctly?". You will find recommendations and secrets of cooks.

From this article you will learn do you need to add oil when frying fried eggs. Read further.

Eggs are the easiest to prepare a dish?

Eggs - the easiest to prepare a dish
Eggs - the easiest to prepare a dish

It seems that this is the fastest food in preparation. And, most likely, fried eggs - the first dish when meeting cooking. This is the easiest to prepare a dish. There is nothing easier than pouring a little butter into a pan, wait until it heats up, break and pour a couple of eggs, for several minutes and ready.

But there are many ways to cook this dish:

  • Simple glazing.
  • Those who do not like a strongly liquid yolk can cover the pan with a lid and reduce the fire. When the yolk is covered with a white opaque film, the eggs are ready.
  • You can cook in the form of a sandwich, removing a crumb from a piece of bread or loaf, frying it on one side, turning the egg into the middle, bring it to readiness.
  • Or beat the egg, mix with a small cube with a piece of sausage and grated cheese.
  • Fry with small slices tomatoes. As an addition, you can use zucchini, bell pepper, green onions. Pour with whipped eggs or leave the glazing.
  • Beat the egg and pour a thin layer into a preheated pan, fry the pancake on the other side. The filling, folded in half of the pancake, can be vegetables, ham, boiled meat, cheese.

Two options are considered classic. The eggs-glazing, where the yolk remains whole and scrambled eggs, the egg is whipped, if you add milk, we will already get an omelet.

Do I need to add oil when frying fried eggs?

Of course, it should only be remembered that when using sunflower oil, you need to take a refined one. Unrefined when heated foams, quickly begins to burn and smoke. Dangerous substances are distinguished from it, and the taste of the dish will not be very pleasant.

You can add oil when frying fried eggs if you have a simple pan. If you have a kitchen utensils with anti -stick coating, then you can do without it. But many housewives still pour a little oil for taste.

In what oil is it better to fry the scrambled eggs?

The most delicious ovary is obtained in butter, it adds a special aftertaste. You can use olive or fry on fat. But in any vegetable oil, the fried egg is less fragrant, the bacon makes it quite fat.

A recipe for delicious eggs in oil

Tasty eggs in the oil
Tasty eggs in the oil "Sun in the cloud"

In order for the fried eggs to be tasty, the melted butter should cover the bottom of the pan, 20 g of butter - “a tablespoon without a slide” will require 2 eggs. The pan should be well heated, but not overheated, otherwise the oil will begin to burn. Here are a few recipes for making a delicious fried eggs:

  1. Crushing edges of protein and liquid yolk. In hot oil, break the eggs and reduce the fire half. The protein along the edges and below will be fried well and will become dense. The edges will turn out to be golden color.
  2. The protein will remain soft, and the yolk is liquid. We cook over medium heat, as soon as the protein has become opaque around the yolk and around the edges, the fried egg is ready.
  3. Equally fried top and bottom. In melted oil, break two eggs and cover with a lid. Or in the process of frying, pour hot oil from the pan with a spoon with hot oil. The protein will remain soft, and the yolk will become more dense.

The eggs "Sun in the cloud". The dish looks unusual, very tasty recipe. He will need:

  • 2 slices of loaf
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 g butter
  • Salt, pepper, mixture of spicy herbs
  • A little grated cheese

Do this:

  1. Separate the yolks from proteins. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and, with the help of a whisk or mixer, beat into a dense white foam.
  2. Lubricate the baking dish with butter and lay out the protein foam, divided into two parts.
  3. Form like clouds with a small deepening in the middle. Bake in a preheated oven for 3-4 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees. During this time, the proteins will become elastic and will be a little at the top.
  4. Up the yolk for each cloud into the recess. Add a small piece of butter, laying on top on the yolks.
  5. Simple a little and sprinkle with pepper.
  6. Cover the yolk with a small hat of grated cheese. And again send to the oven for 3-4 minutes. The longer you leave in the oven, the greater the degree of density of the yolk.

We continue - we make croutons:

  1. Fry two pieces of loaf in preheated butter in a pan, sprinkling with a mixture of herbs.
  2. Bring to golden crust.
  3. Put the croutons on a plate, on top of each slice on the "cloud".

Nice and diverse breakfasts to you!

Video: How to fry the fried eggs without oil?

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