What can be prepared from egg egg powder: cocktails, first and second dishes, baking and desserts

What can be prepared from egg egg powder: cocktails, first and second dishes, baking and desserts

All about egg powder: properties and proportions, recipes and preparation tips.

Egg powder, also called albumin, is an indispensable component in many dishes, as well as a storehouse of protein, which will be a good help on the path to an ideal figure.

What is egg powder and how to choose it?

Egg powder is the dry rest of the egg, which is obtained exclusively in industrial conditions and is a substitute for fresh eggs, both in household kitchens and in the production of food on an industrial scale.

The production of egg powder is carried out in a rather difficult way, but at the same time there are exclusively eggs in a dry product, without chemistry, and the most important thing is without microbes and infections that can be “grabbed” by using fresh raw eggs.

Egg powder
Egg powder

Egg powder production:

  • Eggs are freed from the shell and sent to the vat;
  • Thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained in the production of a melange;
  • They are placed in a stove at a high stable temperature, where all the liquid evaporates, and at the output we have a dry residue in the form of a powder ready for packing.

There is also an egg powder (albumin), which is made exclusively from proteins.

When choosing egg powder, it is worth considering the color and granularity of the powder. The smaller (like sugar powder or flour), the better. In color, the ideal albumin is from white-beige to bright yellow, depending on the saturation of yolks.

Do not buy egg powder, which is clearly shot, or the expiration dates are coming to an end. When storing, be sure to choose a dry place so that the powder does not deteriorate.

How to calculate the amount of egg powder in the dish?

In almost any dish, egg powder can replace an egg. But in order to introduce the correct amount into the dish, you need to know proportionality. So, 10 g of egg powder/albumin (about 1 tsp) is equal to the average egg (size 1C).

Types of egg powder
Types of egg powder

How to use egg powder instead of eggs?

You can use egg powder in several ways:

  • Pour in dry form into the dough, minced meat, etc.;
  • Previously soaked in cold water with calculation of 1 g of egg powder 3.5 g of water. First add a small part of the water to stir to the state of gruel, and only when the lumps break - add the rest. Let it brew for half an hour, a maximum of 40 minutes and use. Soaked powder cannot be stored.

Important: when pre -soaking egg powder, water in some recipes is replaced with milk, receiving a more interesting and saturated consistency.

How to cook a cocktail from egg protein for athletes?

So, we cook the simplest drink with egg powder for athletes:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of egg powder into the shaker and pour 100 g of water, split until completely dissolved;
  • Add water to a full shaker and shake again.

For taste, you can add lemon juice, ginger or any other natural taste filler. Do not use chemical flavors, since with active sports they will give additional negative load.

Athletes are recommended to drink a protein cocktail in the morning, after training and in the evening before bedtime. The daily dosage should be no more than 4 teaspoons of egg powder.

Clothing with egg protein with additives
Clothing with egg protein with additives

Protein smoothie with egg powder: recipe

For those who love beneficial liquid snacks, protein darkness is suitable, which will saturate the body with nutrients. Fold in a blender:

  • Banana;
  • Purified kiwi;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground flax seeds;
  • 200 g of yogurt;
  • 1 teaspoon of egg protein.

Grind everything into a smoothie and drink for 15 minutes after cooking.

Protein smoothie with egg powder
Protein smoothie with egg powder

Omelet with egg powder

A delicious and nutritious omelet with egg powder will saturate the body with protein several times more, for the same portion as a standard omelet with 2 eggs.

  • 30 g. Egg powder;
  • 1/3 cup of milk;
  • 10 g of oil (vegetable or creamy).

Pour the powder with milk and let it brew for half an hour. Lubricate the heated frying pan with oil and pour the swollen mass. Fry on both sides.

Omelet with egg powder
Omelet with egg powder

You can also beat the swollen mass of egg protein and pour wiped vegetables to obtain a magnificent omelet with vegetables.

Original pea soup with egg powder and smoked meals

We offer to prepare a delicious soup with green peas and smoked meats with the addition of egg powder. The recipe is not easy, but the result will amaze the scale of the guests and emphasize your culinary abilities.

  • In boiling water we lower smoked ham and cook over low heat without boiling for 3-6 hours, until the meat is easily separated from the bone. During cooking, make sure that the broth does not boil, but "smolder";
  • Get a ham and disassemble into small fibers. Put in a food film and put under the press for several hours (until the meat becomes a single piece);
  • Cut celery for soup soups and send to cook;
  • Cut pineapple into cubes (250 g of cubes), removing the entire hard part;
  • Send pineapple to the warm -up stewpan, add 50 g of sugar and 200 g of refueling consisting of 50/50 from the water and wine vinegar, stew until it will boil, and remove it from the fire;
  • In 4-5 l of the pan, we melt 50 g of butter and pass the onion;
  • Add 2 liters of broth with boiled celery to a pan, as well as 0.5 liters of green peas of fresh or freshly frozen;
  • Add salt and cook for 7-10 minutes;
  • We send the finished soup to the blender and make puree, lowering the bowl into the ice so that the soup does not lose beautiful green color;
  • In 25 g of warm water, add 15 g of sugar and 10 g of egg powder. Let it brew for 30 minutes and beat to the peaks. Refill to a culinary syringe;
  • We put a piece of terrin on the plate (squeezed boiled ham pushed under the press) which is already held by a piece;
  • On pork we put the pickled and already infused pineapple in a checkerboard pattern;
  • On the plate, make the layout of the mating from egg powder and burn the burner to the crust;
  • Pour soup-puree and decorate with herbs.

Exclusive high kitchen soup is ready!

Original pea soup with egg powder and smoked meals
Original pea soup with egg powder and smoked meals

Egg pancakes

Delicious air pancakes are made of egg protein and fatty milk. The recipe is quite simple. Mix the mixer:

  • 450 g of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 15 g of egg powder;
  • 250 g of fatty milk (well, if homemade);
  • 150 g of water;
  • 5 g of dry yeast;
  • 25 g of sugar;
  • 5 g of salt;
  • 35-40 g of vegetable oil.

Let it brew the dough for 30 minutes, mix and fry on the pancake.

Egg pancakes
Egg pancakes

Egg powder apples with apples

Want to make egg powder dessert? The best option is a cupcake with apples. It will require a number of ingredients to prepare it:

  • 150 g of purified almond;
  • 200 g of butter;
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 4 large sweet apples;
  • 200 g of egg powder;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 800 g of flour;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 200 ml. apple cider.

In preparation, everything is quite simple:

  • Grind almonds on a blender;
  • Cut the apples with cubes;
  • Mix the rest of the ingredients and beat them with a mixer to magnificent peak;
  • Mix almonds, apples and whipped dough;
  • Put in paper forms for cupcakes;
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

If desired, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Egg powder apples with apples
Egg powder apples with apples

Evaped glaze from egg powder

Today, honey gingerbread cookies with a wide variety of drawings made of egg-sajar glaze are in fashion. A fresh egg in such an icing is not recommended, since there is a risk of infecting a number of diseases. But Albumin, also called egg powder, is a safe alternative.

Preparing glaze from egg powder is very simple:

  • 5 g of egg powder (a variety exclusively from protein, white);
  • 35 ml of water;
  • 1 ml of lemon juice;
  • 1 g of Vanilin;
  • 250 g of sugar powder of small grinding.

The preparation is very simple:

  • Mix all the dry parts of the glaze and mix;
  • Add lemon juice to the water and pour the powder;
  • Stir and immediately start whipping with a mixer for 7-10 minutes.

Such a glaze is like convex drawings and contours. For filling - add a little water and beat again.

Evaped glaze from egg powder
Evaped glaze from egg powder

Egg mating

Another delicious and sweet egg -powder dish is meringue. From you can prepare snow -white, as well as multi -colored thanks to food dyes.

For work, you will need:

  • 7 g of egg powder;
  • 70 g of water;
  • 150 g of sugar powder of small grinding.

Cooking process:

  • Mix the powder and powder;
  • Add water and begin to whip for about 10 minutes;
  • Ready -made raw materials - not transparent, glossy, is placed in peaks. We transfer to confectionery bags and plant it on parchment;
  • We dry in the oven at a temperature of 70 degrees for 2 hours until completely dried, and then let us cool in the oven.
Egg mating
Egg mating

What can be prepared from egg egg powder: reviews

Anastasia: I got acquainted with egg powder when I began to get carried away with confectionery. An indispensable thing! But last summer they finally began to travel a lot with tents in nature, and as it turned out-egg powder is indispensable in nature. Egg powder is stored in ordinary street heat, and breakfasts with an omelet, a clutch for cutlets, etc. - Just indispensable! All friends are delighted with my culinary opportunities with egg powder in nature.

Yana: Egg powder helped my husband and I bring ourselves into a sports uniform. Cocktails and smoothies are delightful with him, and there are no fears to pick up Salmonella. By the way, in confectionery stores, egg powder is many times cheaper than in sports nutrition stores - I recommend saving there, because the composition is identical.

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