How to cook eggs in a microwave without oil: the best recipes, video. How to buy in the online store Aliexpress Forms for the ovaries in the microwave? Ovarian in the microwave: calorie content

How to cook eggs in a microwave without oil: the best recipes, video. How to buy in the online store Aliexpress Forms for the ovaries in the microwave? Ovarian in the microwave: calorie content

Recipes for cooking eggs in the microwave.

Since in this case you will not need to use vegetable or butter, in the end the dish will turn out to be less high -calorie, and therefore more useful for the human body.
If you are interested in such an idea, then we suggest you get acquainted with several simple recipes for cooking the eggs in the microwave.

How to prepare the scrambled eggs correctly: cooks of cooks

Egg consuming secrets in the microwave

Firstly, you must remember that the dish can only be useful if it is prepared from fresh products.

Secondly, do not forget that before cooking the eggs, they should lie down a little at room temperature, because from the cold, the finished dish will turn out to be too dense, which will necessarily affect its taste.

Secrets of egg cooking in the microwave:

  • Use for cooking exclusively special dishes
  • In no case do not prepare the scrambled eggs in metal molds
  • If you do not want the fried egg to stain your microwave, then when preparing, cover it with a special lid or pierce the yolk in several places

How to cook eggs in a microwave without oil: Glazunya recipe

Eggs in the microwave without oil: Glazunya recipe

It is better to prepare a glazing in special molds that have a special coating, and the fried egg can easily be shifted to a dish.

If you have not yet bought a similar mold, then use glass or ceramic containers.

After cooking, you will need to leave the finished dish for 2-3 minutes and only then transfer it to a plate for further serving.

Glazunia products:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Salt is a pinch
  • Pepper - a pinch
  • Greens - 5 g
  • Fresh vegetables for side dish


  • To get started, take out the eggs from the refrigerator and let them lie down at room temperature for 20 minutes
  • At the next stage, we begin to break eggs into a mold
  • When the eggs are in the mold, pierce the yolk in several places
  • Salt and pepper our glazing, and put it in the microwave
  • We set the temperature timer at a power of 600 watts and wait 2 minutes
  • After this time, we spread the glazing on the dish and decorate it with chopped herbs
  • Finely cut seasonal vegetables and serve them as a useful side dish

How to buy in the online store Aliexpress form for fried eggs in the microwave?

Aliexpress: Forms for the eggs in the microwave

If you want to buy high-quality, but not very expensive dishes, then make a purchase in the online store Aliexpress.

Here you can easily find molds for eggs of different shapes, sizes and colors, and most importantly at a ridiculous price. If you wish, you can order here mold, the cost of which will start from 90 rubles.
And despite its low cost, it will be made of safe material and will have a lid that will not let the egg explode.

  • View catalog with eggs for eggs In the microwave on Aliexpress you can here.
  • View catalog with eggs for eggs On Aliexpress you can here.

Eggs in a bun in the microwave

Eggs in a bun in the microwave

This dish is good for you to take yesterday or even the day before yesterday, and fill it with an egg in the middle of the middle. As for the form, in this case it is best to give preference to round products.

For a baguette or loaf, you will have to try hard to make a bottom that does not crack when heated and retain its shape.
And the egg for cooking needs a little more time.
If you hold such a dish for 2 minutes, then it simply will not grab as it should. In view of this, keep your breakfast in the microwave for at least 4 minutes.


  • Buns - 3 pcs
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Greens - a bunch
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • At the first stage, cut the top from the buns and carefully choose their middle
  • Grate cheese on a coarse grater and chop the greens
  • Next, drive an egg into each bun, salt it, pepper and sprinkle it with cheese
  • Send your blanks to the microwave for 4-7 minutes
  • Когда сыр расплавится, а булочка слегка подрумянится, достаньте блюдо из микроволновой печи и дайте ему слегка остынуть
  • Sprinkle it with chopped herbs and serve to the table

Ovarian glazing in the microwave

Ovarian glazing in the microwave

Those housewives who like to surprise relatives with original dishes can try to cook in the ovary in a microwave according to a more complex recipe. In this case, the egg will be not easy to break into the shape, and into a peculiar pillow, with the addition of a small amount of cream. As a pillow, absolutely any products can be used.

It can be green peas, corn, beans, fried champignons, boiled meat, fish or even sausage. As for the cream, they must be taken the highest quality. If this component of your dish is bad, then in the end you will not get the desired consistency of the cream sauce or it will simply grow up.

Glazunya components:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cream - 3 tbsp. l
  • Boiled meat - 100 g
  • Hard cheese - 70 g
  • Corn - 100 g
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Put the molds in the oven and warm them well
  • Next, put finely chopped meat, corn and hard cheese on the very bottom
  • Sprinkle everything with cream and drive all this mass of the egg.
  • Send everything to the microwave for 3-5 seconds
  • Remove the eyeglass from the oven and decorate it with greens

Eggs with tomatoes in the microwave

Eggs with tomatoes in the microwave

If you really like tomatoes, then you can try to cook the eggs in the microwave with them. Depending on the season, you can use fresh, dried or pickled tomatoes. True, you must remember that pickled tomatoes have a kind of sourness, which can be rid of which with the help of a small amount of sugar.

Therefore, if you use them, then do not forget to sweeten your dish with a small amount of reed sugar. Just do not add it too much, otherwise you simply spoil your dish.


  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc
  • Luke-shawl-half
  • Green peas - 2 tbsp. l
  • Cream 25% - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Rinse tomatoes and onions, and cut them as finely as possible
  • We put chopped vegetables to the bottom of the molds
  • We put everything in a microwave for one minute
  • Sin the softened vegetables are salt, pepper and flavor with cream
  • We spread peas and chicken egg on them
  • Again we send the molds to the oven for 2 minutes and our dish is ready

If you want to get an even brighter tomato taste, then try to use the tomato itself as a shape for an egg.

  • If you choose it in the middle and fill it first with a hard cheese, and then an egg, then in the end you will get a very aromatic and tasty dish.
  • Prepare such an egg at least 4 minutes.

Eggs with sausage in the microwave

Eggs with sausage in the microwave

The most popular egg variation is a combination of eggs with sausage. To prepare such breakfast, you can use boiled, smoked sausages, sausages and sausages.

As for how you can supplement such an egg, then here in the first place Bulgarian pepper and greens. Also, if desired, you can add fluent cheese, Brynza and Ricotta to such fried eggs. Such an additive will give the dish a creamy taste and make it juicier.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Bunks for hot dog-2 pcs
  • Sausage - 300 g
  • Bulgarian pepper –200 g
  • Cream cheese –200 g
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • A bunch of greens for decoration


  • Cut the sausage into small cubes and set aside
  • Cut the buns in half and remove the middle from them
  • Rinse the bell pepper and cut it off the same cube as the sausage
  • Cut the flooded cheese into thin long bars
  • Next, we start laying the filling
  • Put the pepper with the first ball and add it slightly and pepper
  • Put the sausage and eggs with the next ball
  • Put the flooded cheese on top of all and send everything to the oven
  • After 3-5 minutes, the fragrant dish will be ready

Eggs with bacon in the microwave

Eggs with bacon in the microwave

To make the eggs tastier, use the bacon with the largest meat layer to prepare it.
Only in this case you can get a crisp, which will perfectly complement the soft consistency of the egg.


  • Bacon - 100 g
  • Egg - 3 pcs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Non -fat sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • A small bunch of greens


  • First, cut the bacon into small pieces and put it in a thin layer on the bottom of the baking dish
  • Send it to the microwave for 2-3 minutes (until a pronounced crunchy crust appears)
  • While the bacon will be browned, beat the eggs with sour cream, salt, pepper and herbs.
  • Pour the resulting mass into a mold and send again to the microwave oven for 2-3 minutes
  • You can serve the finished scrambled eggs with toasts or garlic bread

If you wish, you can make a peculiar edible basket out of the bacon, and then pour the egg-mixed mixture into it. For its manufacture, you will need to cut the bacon subtly as possible, and then put it in one layer of absolutely the entire mold. Next, you will need to brown it in the microwave and the mold will be ready for further use.

Eggs in the microwave with bread

Eggs in the microwave with bread

This dish will appeal to those who love hearty breakfast. Since in this case, in addition to bread and eggs, you will also use the flown cheese, the finished dish will turn out to be very tasty and, most importantly, after such a meal you will definitely not want to eat at least 4 hours.

Yes, and remember that the melted cheese for such scrambled eggs must be taken as fat as possible. If you prefer a low -fat cheese product, then it does not melt as it should and will surely ruin the taste of the fried eggs.


  • Egg - 4 pcs
  • Bread - 4 pieces
  • Cream cheese - 200 g


  • First, cut the bread into thin pieces (you can completely remove the crusts)
  • Send it to the microwave for 2-3 minutes (slightly browned)
  • Remove the bread from the oven, put the eggs on it and be sure to pierce their yolk in several places
  • Rub the flooded cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle the eggs to them
  • After that, again, set everything in the microwave for 1-2 minutes and the dish can be served to the table

Ovarian recipes in the microwave for the lazy

Ovarian recipe in a cup

Ovarian recipe in a cup


  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Finished chicken fillet - 50 g
  • Fried champignons - 50 g
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Rinse and dry the baking dish
  • Put the fillets and champignons in it
  • Beat eggs with milk, salt and pepper, and pour this mass into a cup
  • Send it to the microwave for 2 minutes and you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs
  • If you wish, you can sprinkle the eggs with hard cheese and return it to the oven for another 30 seconds

Lazy scrambled eggs


  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cream - 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Take a ceramic plate and warm it in a microwave
  • Beat eggs with cream and spices and pour everything into a bowl
  • Send everything to the microwave for 20 seconds, and then remove and mix thoroughly
  • Return the eggs to the microwave for another 30 seconds and you can enjoy the dish

Ovarian in the microwave: calorie content

Ovarian in the microwave: calorie content
  • In principle, if you prepare the eggs in the microwave without adding butter or vegetable oil, you will get a not very high -calorie product in the end.
  • In this case, in 100 g of your breakfast there will be only 167 calories.
  • Of course, if you add one or more components to this dish, then the calorie content of the fried eggs can grow even twice.
  • So, for example, if you cook it with the addition of chicken meat, then in 100 g of dishes there will be approximately 200 calories.
  • If you add cream and hard cheese to the ovary, then the calorie content can increase even to 300 calories.
  • In view of all this, one can say one thing if you want to eat a useful product, then prepare yourself the simplest scrambled eggs with a glazing, flavored with salt and pepper.

Video: The eggs in the microwave and how easy it is to cook it with our video recipe!

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