How to beat eggs with sugar in a thick foam with a mixer or blender, without a mixer: recommendations and secrets of cooks

How to beat eggs with sugar in a thick foam with a mixer or blender, without a mixer: recommendations and secrets of cooks

In this article, we will share with you culinary tricks, how to beat eggs with sugar.

Many women love to cook and surprise their family, relatives and guests. It is not necessary to rejoice to please households with a delicious meringue or biscuit on egg whites. But not everyone can well drive the protein with sugar. Therefore, it is very important to know how to correctly beat egg squirrels with sugar,to get thick foam.

Whipped egg proteins are one of the keys to the success in the preparation of some foamy cakes, meringue and other types of confectionery. Even Easter is covered with glaze, the basis of which are all the same whipped proteins with powdered sugar. If correctly beat egg white, then it can increase by 6-8 times compared to its initial volume.

How to beat egg whites with sugar and without sugar to get lush and thick foam: important rules

Perfectly whipped egg whites velvet-soft and shiny. And in order to achieve this and beat the egg whites with or without sugar correctly, you need to adhere to accurate specifications and some recommendations.

  • Eggs must be taken almost fresh!Very fresh egg whites are beaten a little longer due to a thicker structure, but the foam will be more magnificent than from old eggs. And she will keep her shape longer. But to speed up the whipping process, choose eggs for a period of 1 to 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the protein again acquires a dense structure, in addition, such foam does not hold shape well.
  • There is a myth that the egg should be cold, only from the refrigerator. Partly true - then it is easier for the egg to separate the protein from the yolk, and it also whips faster. But you will not get a thick and lush foam from a cold protein! In addition, this mass will quickly lose its shape and begin to spread. Therefore, we take proteins only at room temperature! The algorithm is such - the cold egg was broken, separated and left to heat up.
  • Separate the proteins from the yolks. We must beat the protein, and then add the yolk if this requires the recipe. Even if your recipe is written at once all the egg, believe me, you will get a lush and thick mass only with a separate whipping! Moreover, this applies even to the biscuit.
  • By the way, Remove the white "flagella" or a halaza. You can do this with two forks. We never get anything with our hands, since they also have part of the skin fat.

On a note: If you were separated from the yolk, but did not use, but it managed to dry, then pour it for 6-12 hours with ordinary water. And he will become suitable again. You can also do with yolk, extending its storage for a day.

And if you want to increase this time to several days, then leave it in the shell. To do this, make two punctures (above and below) and put in a glass. The protein will flow out, and the yolk will remain inside.

Beat first slowly, then go to the maximum!
Comment from splendor to peak
  • Small advice when dividing the egg. Be very careful when separating eggs. Any small part of the yolk, getting to the proteins, will prevent their magnificent whipping. When separating, use the 3 bowl method: you break the egg over one, put the yolk into one, and in the third you place the protein. Thus, if the egg is damaged or spoiled, it will not spoil the entire protein mass.
  • Add salt.Yes, really salt. A pinch of salt will help to make foam denser and more magnificent. And on taste, this will not in any way affect. Of course, a pinch involves the use of 3-5 g of salt.
  • Similarly, acid acts. You can take citric acid in a dry state (3 g) or just citric juice (1/5 teaspoon). By the way, it is not necessary to add it - you can simply lubricate the container with a half lemon.

Important: If you started to whip the protein, then do not stop! Continue until he gets into foam!

If you need to beat the yolks and the yolks, then carry out these operations separately, but the yolk allows whipping immediately with sugar at any speed. And then enter the protein mass into the beaten yolks gradually, in small portions, gently mixing the contents so that the splendor is not sat down.

Belass and yolks beat separately
Beat proteins and yolks separately

In what dishes is best to beat egg proteins to get lush foam?

If you want to beat egg whites well, you need to take into account comments on choosing the right dishes. Although it seemed that this question is elementary and even unimportant, but not when whipping the protein.

  • The most important requirement to whip egg proteins is Keep the protein away from fat. That is why you need to pay attention to the fact that the egg yolk should not get to the protein. And a bowing bowl should be perfectly clean and without the slightest content of fat or moisture!
  • For this reason Avoid plastic or wooden bowls Because of their porous surface, which attracts fat. There is such a film on plastic in general that it prevents the good and lush whipping of egg foam.
  • Never use aluminum, which reacts with egg protein, as a result of which it becomes slightly gray. By the way, a mixer or a whisk should also not be aluminum! And the matter is not at all in ugly color, but also in harmfulness for the body. The yolk, by the way, will also darken.
  • Perfect dishes are copper! Yes, the copper container evenly distributes the temperature when whipping and will help to achieve thick and lush peaks. Moreover, such foam will be best to keep in shape!
  • Glass, ceramics or stainless steel are also suitable. Enamelled dishes are acceptable, but a piece of paint may break from it during whipping, which will not affect the protein mass in the best way.
  • Prepare the dishes correctly! I wash it well in warm water with salt. Then rub with vinegar or lemon juice. Wipe dry with a paper towel or wait for the complete evaporation of moisture. But this process is long.
  • And as a small advice - do not forget that the protein will increase in volume, so the bowl should be Round and with high sides.
I ideally take a copper bowl
I ideally take a copper bowl

How to beat egg whites with a mixer or blender - whipping stages

If you need to beat egg whites, and at hand there is a mixer or at least a blender, then the task is greatly simplified.

  • Beating egg proteins should begin slowly!Friction from the blows of a mixer or blender gently warms proteins, allowing their proteins to improve their elasticity. Then they absorb air easier and ultimately gain a larger volume.
  • Use a large clean whisk or Framatic shape For whipping on a mixer. About After 1.5-2 minutes You can gradually increase the speed to the maximum!
  • You can whip the proteins with a blender. But There should not be an acute nap on with knives! Otherwise, you will not achieve any splendor. The blades literally will cut egg foam. You will spend a little longer on whipping than when whipping with a mixer.
Transition from foam to soft peaks
Transition from foam to soft peaks

Stages of peak formation and introduction of ingredients:

  • On the surface is formed foam. These are big bubbles. But the mass is still liquid, it does not hold the shape. And if she stands, then all this foam will settle almost to the original appearance. When there is a lot It will only start to light up - increase the speed to the average limit. At this stage, salt, wine stone or lemon juice is added. But we do not throw/pour into the center of the masses, but We do it near the walls!
  • Then formed Soft peaks. The mass is already white when you raise the nozzle, it rises into a rounded peak. But he still does not keep form, but immediately settles. At this stage, the speed can only be a little Reduce at the time of adding sugar. Then switch the speed to the maximum.
  • Education hard peaks He will give us a thick, white and shiny mass. When you understand the whisk, then the foam that does not have bubbles is stretched and takes the shape of a pointed peak. This indicates the maximum splendor and readiness of a whipped protein!

But there is another stage - Excessive whipping. Squirrels look dry and granular, the shape ceases to keep properly. In such a situation, it is necessary to add fresh protein and repeat the whipping procedure until elasticity.

Transition from soft peaks to solid
Transition from soft peaks to solid

How to whip egg squirrels without a mixer?

Of course, you can whip egg squirrels with improvised or grandmother's methods. By the way, some culinary specialists insist on manual whipping of the protein - the only way you subtly feel the right line of forming the correct peak.

  • If you do it manually, then you can use A corolla with thin rods. We repeat that it should not be from aluminum. We also understand that it should become stainless!
  • You need to do the process itself vigorously, with large circular movements up and down to serve as much air as possible to the mixture. And the difficulty is that you can’t leave the protein while the hand rests, because the foam can quickly settle, especially at the stage of formation. Change your hands as an option.
  • On whipping with a whisk, you will spend 3 times more time than when using a mixer. But fork This process increases even more. Although in extreme cases this option is permissible.
  • There is a technique when whip with two hands, Just energetically scrolling the corolla between the palms.

Important: But ideally, you should move in one direction. If you work with a mixer or a whisk, then we want only one way in a circle.

Like a little advice: If you beat with a fork, then take two at once! This will accelerate the process.

Readiness signal
Readiness signal

When and how to add sugar to beat the egg proteins correctly?

It is sugar that will help to whip egg proteins to stable peak. But this must be done correctly and at the right stage.

  • We have already come to the conclusion that sugar is introduced at the moment, when the mass is not just lighter, but it becomes white And it is already a little stretch for a whisk.
    • If you add sugar at another time, egg proteins will not work. For example, you can add sugar to not beaten egg proteins at the very beginning. The problem is that sugar from the very beginning competes with protein for humidity: it does not produce foam at all, but creates just a thick mass.
    • If you add sugar too late, that is, when the egg squirrels are already ready, you will besiege them again.
  • But many housewives make such a mistake - they throw sugar into the center of the mass. By this you risk the height of your foam. Sugar is introduced Only along the edges of the walls of the bowl.
  • We introduce it gradually - literally 1 spoon, Continuing to whip the squirrels. By the way, ideally, use powder, not sugar. After all, small crystals dissolve faster and beat easier.

Important:As a result - a few words about the introduction of egg mass into the dough! You need to do this just as gradually and accurately. You can use a spoon, fork or the same corolla, even more convenient for them. Take 1/4 of the protein mass and shift to the dough, mixing with light movements along the whipping path. Do this with every portion. It is very important to do everything smoothly and softly so that the protein does not set up!

Beat egg squirrels you need to be able to. But, knowing such small rules, you can easily cope with this to get lush, thick and stable foam!

Video: how to beat egg whites into a persistent foam?

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