Nitroammofoska Fertilizer: Application in the garden for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, grapes, seedlings, indoor flowers, trees, instructions for use, reviews

Nitroammofoska Fertilizer: Application in the garden for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, grapes, seedlings, indoor flowers, trees, instructions for use, reviews

Nitroammofoska is a good fertilizer for the garden. How to use it correctly, read in the article.

To obtain good yields of vegetables, the soil must be fed in a timely manner. Fertilized with organic matter. They are applied humus to the soil in the fall before digging, in the holes in the spring and poured with solutions of the transferred mullein and bird droppings in the summer. For the same purpose, minimizing is introduced. The introduction time depends on the components of the ingredients. The most productive are complex compositions. The most common is nitroammofosk. It includes all the elements necessary for growth: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Read another article on our website on the topic: "How to make fertilizer from a banana peel and how to use it for flowers, seedlings?".

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium affect the formation of greens, acceleration of metabolism of the plant. With their lack, garden crops grow well, look weak, yield is reduced. Nitroammofoska is an inexpensive drug that can be used to feed all garden crops and decorative trees at different stages of plant development. Fertilizer will help increase the yield of vegetables. How to use it and where to buy it is described in this article below. Read further.

What is the composition of the percentage of the mineral fertilizer of Azofosk and nitroammofosk, how, when and where to use in the garden in the spring, summer, autumn: Instructions for use

Fertilizer of nitroammofoska
Fertilizer of nitroammofoska

Strengthening the root system depends on the presence of phosphorus. This trace element affects cell reproduction, it is very useful for young plants. Cultures are predisposed to diseases, grow slowly, die from pests with a lack of potassium. The quality and quantity of the crop also depends on this substance. There is still such a substance as nitrogen. Thanks to it, greens are well formed, the metabolism of the plant is accelerated. What is the composition of the percentage of the mineral fertilizer of Azofosk and nitroammofosk? How, when and where to use in the garden in the spring, summer, autumn?

Top dressing for Azofosk plants - light -colored micrograndules with a beige tint, consists of three main components:

  • Nitrogen, which stimulates the vegetation of the plant at the beginning of the warm season, is a quick set of green mass. With its lack, the growth of the plant slows down.
  • Phosphorus necessary for good root formation and increase in crop.
  • Potassium responsible for the immunity of culture. Provides the absorption of useful substances from the Earth and their absorption. Affects the taste and quality of the forming fruits.

With the same three components of the Azot Kali-phosphorus, the mineral fertilizer of nitroammofoska is available, only without adding sulfur. These are light granules, no more than 4-6 mm in size. They are used for fertilizer of implements, and a solution of the drug can be done foliar top dressing of plants, spraying along the sheet. As well as an azofosk, it is produced in three versions of the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements. Respectively 16:16:16, 15:15:20, 13:13:24, 8:24:24. The first composition containing all elements in the same amount is universal. With such fertilizers, plants can be fed in the spring-summer period, in spring before digging the soil of any acidity. All other options with an increased amount of potassium are more suitable for chernozems.

The complex of three trace elements is necessary at all stages of plant development. Due to the fact that these substances in the composition of nitroammophos are in the form of mineral salts, they are easily absorbed by plants. Along with the nitroammophos, industry produces similar fertilizers:

Azofoska- In addition to the three main elements in the composition, there is sulfur. In terms of the ratio of the main elements, three types of dosage are distinguished:

  • 16:16:16
  • 19:9:19
  • 22:11:11

It is better to make azofoska in the spring. Fertilizer should be scattered on warm moist ground. In the fall, use is allowed, but a significant part of the nitrogen over the winter will be lost.

It is produced in several versions - for depleted soil, for the earth, where nitrogen and potassium, and soils that have not been previously treated. The percentage of elements, respectively 16:16:16, 19: 9: 19 and 22:11:11. In addition to these 3 components as components of the ingredients of Azofoski, 4% of the sulfur necessary for a normal photo synthesis are included. Here are the instructions for use:

  • Azofoska is used on various soils, regardless of its acidity. With this fertilizer, you can feed, both vegetable and berry crops.
  • Feeding clay, sand and sod-podzolic soils helps to increase the crop from 30% to 50%.
  • On chernozems and lands rich in limestones, in order to achieve the result, top dressing will need to be carried out many times.
  • On others - colored soils, the fertilizer is absorbed subject to good irrigation.

Application of the drug begins with the onset of heat, after warming up the soil.

  1. The first is simultaneously with spring digging, calculating the amount by the type of culture that will grow on the site.
  2. The second introduction is carried out during the planting of crops: 3-4 granules in each hole. The exception is potatoes, which is fed once.

Very exhausted soils begin to feed in the fall, before the onset of frosts, granules are added at the rate of 40 g/m2. It is important that the granules of the drug are mixed with soil.

Fertilizer of ammophos
Fertilizer of ammophos

Ammofoska - Magnesium and sulfur were added to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrofosk. In addition to ordinary components in such top dressing, there is also magnesium.

Feeding for crops is available in the form of lumps of gray or light pink. They dissolve in water for a couple of minutes. Therefore, there are no difficulties in using. So that you can use top dressing productively, it is important to consider the type of soil, the time of application and the type of agricultural culture. It is required to clearly follow the instructions:

  • Sprinkle dry granules so that nitrogen does not disappear.
  • It is undesirable to use top dressing for more than 2 years in a row.
  • Granuls can only be dissolved in warm water.
  • Do not use feeding in liquid form in hot sunny weather.
  • It is important to strictly observe dosing.
  • For proper observance of proportions, you can use the table. spoon (14 grams) or matchbox (18 grams).

Feeding of cultures can be carried out during the duration of the entire season:

  • In the spring, when preparing the ground for landing, 2 matchboxes per 1 square meter are required. meter.
  • When developing virgin lands-up to 3 matchboxes per 1 square. meter.
  • Throw out the substance evenly throughout the garden.
  • If only vegetable crops are planted on the territory, then 1 box per square meter will be enough. meter.
  • Nitroammofoska can be used for foliar and basal top dressing of trees, fruit shrubs and when growing vegetables and berries. For this, such a mixture is prepared: 2 tbsp. tablespoons for 10 liters of warm water.
  • You can process seedlings, trees and different crops, only in the evening or before the rain.
  • After processing, it is required to pour the land abundantly. You can feed at any stage of plant growth.

In the fall, during the preparation of the soil for winter, make fertilizer in the amount about 2 boxes per 1 square. meter., in the greenhouse - 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 sq. meter. Substances are poured to the depth up to 4 cm In the soil between the roots. Application is allowed in liquid form: 2 tbsp. spoons on 10 liters of liquid.

It is worth knowing: It is better to use nitroammofoska on heavy lands in the autumn, on the lungs-in April-May.

Nitroammofoska 16:16:16 - Fertilizer: Application for cucumbers

Nitroammofoska is used to grow cucumbers
Nitroammofoska is used to grow cucumbers

The use of nitroammofoski fertilizer in proportion 16:16:16 Allows you to increase the number of ovaries during fruiting of cucumbers. The taste of the fruits of adult plants improve. The composition of the minibus, in which all the components are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, are contained in the same ratio of 16%.

Such nitroammophoska is used most often. Such an introduction of minerals is important for all vegetable and berry crops, fruit trees and grapes. Cucumbers are a vegetable, the cultivation of which requires very fertile soil. Therefore, the use of nitroammofoski at all stages of cultivation will not be superfluous. Nitrogen is necessary for rapidly building up a cucumber lace, phosphorus helps the plant take root and take everything necessary from the soil. Potassium works last, influencing the number of ovaries and the taste of the greens. Although the content of nitrogen in cucumbers must be controlled. They make nitroammofoska twice.

How to apply? To do this, just make a fertilizer :

  • For the 1st time-before planting when digging the beds-2 tbsp. sprinkle sprinkles on 1 sq. meter.
  • The second time is foliar top dressing before the appearance of ovaries, during the period of planting cucumber seedlings already directly in the garden, or root feeding of seedlings. Stir two matchboxes in 10 l liquids.

Pour the solution prepared in this way with each bush 350-500 gr.

Nitroammofoska - fertilizer for tomato: how to use for tomatoes?

Nitroammofoska - fertilizer for tomato
Nitroammofoska - fertilizer for tomato

Nitro-ammophosa has a beneficial effect on the growth of tomato. The shoots become stronger, growth is accelerated. Tomatoes earlier begin to bear fruit, yield increases. Plant immunity is strengthened, tomatoes are less ill with steam and late blight. How to use fertilizer for tomatoes? Fertilize tomatoes at least 4 times:

  1. The first top dressing performed after 14 days. After planting in the ground. In order for seedlings to adapt better in the new conditions and strengthen the roots, it is necessary to pour a half-liter of a solution prepared from the 1st century under each kitchen. tablespoons of substance and bucket of water.
  2. Repeated feeding process can be performed after 30 the time of planting seedlings in the garden. It is good to add any organic fertilizer to the same ratio. Several nitroammophosics with the same composition are thrown directly into the prepared fossa, or dissolve a tablespoon of granules in 10 liters of liquid and spilled under each root of 250 milliliters.
  3. The next top dressing process it is carried out at the stage of the appearance of the third brush of tomatoes. The ratio of fertilizer and liquid remains the same. We must add 1 tbsp. spoon of humate sodium. The mixture is prepared based 1 liter per 1 bush of tomatoes.During irrigation, all beneficial substances will gradually dissolve, and together with water they will nourish the plant.  Fertilizer can be applied in the form of granules, clinging them into the soil under the roots.
  4. The fourth top dressing will not be superfluous. It can be carried out after 14 days After the third. The same solution is used, but the consumption increases up to 1.5 liters per bush.

The complex of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium has a healing effect on the tomato bush. Strong cultures are not subject to the process of rot, steam and late blight. Depending on the state of the Earth and the elongation of the seedlings, there may be two options for introducing minimizing under tomatoes.

  • With exhausted lands, fertilizers begin in April or May under a digging.
  • To do this, use an option with the same content of nutrients 16:16:16.
  • Granuls take in quantity 40g/m2 Square of the bed. Or 2 tablespoons tableif there is no way to weigh the fertilizer.

If the soil contains everything necessary in its composition, the amount of top dressing is reduced to two:

  • The first is carried out after 14 days. After planting seedlings in a permanent place to speed up the adaptation and rooting of seedlings. The nutrient mass is prepared from the calculation 15-20 grams The drug on a bucket of liquid is not cold. Spilled 500 ml Under one root.
  • The next feeding process is done a month after the first, with the same calculation. The working composition of mineral mass with a high potassium content is prepared. You can add some kind of organic fertilizer. For example: 500 milliliters of a transferred mullein.

The next time fertilizers are introduced in the stage of the third flower brush. Prepare a solution of nitroammophosics - 1 tablespoon Graul on a bucket of water, with the addition of a tablespoon of sodium humate.

Nitroammofoska: fertilizer for peppers


For full development, all cultures require the timely intake of important substances. Bulgarian pepper is no exception. The complex "Nitroammofoska" is also useful for nightshade crops. Bulgarian pepper gives more fruits. The collected vegetables are stored longer, do not have bitterness.

This culture requires light and fertilized moderately soil. Peppers begin to feed after the appearance of two or three real leaves. Why take:

  • 25-30 grams nitroammofoski (these are 2 tablespoons of granules) dissolve in a bucket of water and introduced under each root no less 125 milliliters solution per root.

The second top dressing is carried out after 10-14 days After planting seedlings on the garden. You can use dry granules. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granules of the drug on a square. A meter of area and sealed in the soil.

The last time mineral fertilizers are applied to the stem after flowering. To do this, take nitroammofoska with a high potassium content. Take Art. a spoon of granules on a bucket of water and spilled 500 milliliters solution for one root.

Nitroammofoska Fertilizer: How to use strawberries?

Nitroammofoska fertilizer
Nitroammofoska fertilizer

Nitroammofoska is used for foliar top dressing and berry crops. The very first berry that matures in a personal economy is strawberries. Therefore, it requires special attention to landing, the amount of watering and the correct top dressing. Currently, when many repair varieties have appeared, you should pay attention to the state of strawberries throughout the entire growing season. Such plants are fed at all stages of cultivation: landing, flowering, formation and ripening of berries, and after harvesting.

How to apply?

  • Dissolve one or two tablespoons of fertilizers in 10 liters of water, and spray the plants with this mixture.
  • Processing is carried out in the evening with subsequent abundant watering clean water.
  • Strawberries are a perennial plant, so you need to fertilize every year. First, the Earth is processed during the landing - two tablespoons per 1 square. meter. Or you can fill the granules into the landing hole.

The next year after collecting the first berries, liquid top dressing is carried out - 1 tbsp. a spoon of 10 liters of water.

Feeding for the third year takes place before the appearance of buds:

  • Add to a bucket of water 2 tbsp. tablespoons means and pour under each bush by 0.5 liters.
  • With a noticeable slowdown in growth, an additional foliar top dressing can be carried out.
  • In the same solution, moisten the leaves and stalks of strawberries abundantly. Such top dressing is carried out in the evening.

Early, medium and late varieties of strawberries, giving crop only once fertilize twice:

  • For the first time at the beginning of flowering - 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water Or granules per square meter.
  • The second time after harvesting - 1.5 tablespoons or 30 grams Graul on a square meter of landing area.

After the start of the formation of the berries and their ripening, you can continue to feed strawberries with organic matter. But, it should be dosed. Nitroammophos processing improves the taste of berries. Strawberries are fruit longer and not only in the first year.

How to use nitroammofoska fertilizer for grapes?

Nitroammofoska fertilizer
Nitroammofoska fertilizer

The vineyard loves nitrogen, and phosphorus, and potassium. Therefore, fertilizer is used for roots and leaves. At the initial stage of the growing season, two root feeding nitroammophos are carried out. How to apply?

  • We need to dilute 2 tbsp. tablespoons In a bucket of water and pour every bush.
  • Replace one root feeding with spraying the leaves with a solution prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons in a bucket of water.

It is worth knowing: With the beginning of flowering, it is forbidden to use fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

Usually, to maintain the vine in good condition, two -time top dressing is carried out:

  1. In the spring before the growing seasonTo give an impetus for the formation of green mass are taken 40 grams Granulum of nitroammophosi composition 16:16:16 Plants are spilled onto a bucket of water. Or scatter on one square meter of area, clinging to the ground.
  2. After the appearance of leaves, before flowering. Take the same amount of nitroammofoski as during the first processing. Fertilizers under the root can be replaced by top dressing on the sheet. Why prepare a working solution from one tablespoon of nitroammofoski on a bucket of water.

Grapes after spraying abundantly pour water.

Nitroammofoska fertilizer: how to use for seedlings?

Nitroammofoska fertilizer
Nitroammofoska fertilizer

Growing up at home, seedlings need top dressing. The presence of all necessary nutrients is very important for the starting development of the future plant. With a lack of nutrients, the plant grows poorly and gradually fades. An excess amount of nutrients acts like a disadvantage. The plant stops in growth, turns yellow and can die. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the correct balance between the lack and the excess of fertilizers.

Nitroammofoska is precisely such a fertilizer that affects all stages of plant growth. The soil in small containers is quickly depleted. The condenses lack the necessary trace elements for the development of the root system (phosphorus) and growth stimulation (nitrogen). Feeding is especially necessary in the first week after diving. In order not to damage the sprouts, water should be watered with a weak solution:

  • Enough 1 teaspoon per liter of water.
  • Repeated top dressing with a fertilizer of nitroammophosa is carried out after 10 days.

Important: Observe the dosage correctly. An excess of fertilizer is harmful to weak sprouts.

With potted seedlings of seedlings, the first top dressing is carried out after 10-14 days After diving seedlings in separate pots. For why 1 teaspoon of nitroammofoska with the same amount of all elements is dissolved in a liter of warm water and spilled with seedlings. When growing seedlings in the ground or in a greenhouse, 20 grams of grams of grams of the drug are added to one square meter of the area, clinging to the soil.

Nitroammofoska Fertilizer: How to use indoor colors?

Nitroammofosk and Azofosk are used not only for agricultural crops, but also for indoor plants. When the plant comes out of rest, intensive growth and preparation for flowering begins. At this time, it needs fertilizer. All lovers of growing indoor flowers know very well that with proper care of pets, you can not do without fertilizers. In order for the plants to delight the eye with their greenery and rich flowers, in the spring-summer period they are intensively fed. They do this with a break of two weeks before flowering and continue all the time while plants bloom.

Here's how to apply indoor flowers:

  • Top dressing is carried out by a solution: per 1 liter of water 0.5 teaspoon of the composition. The use of dry granules is not allowed.
  • Fertilizer in liquid form can be watered or sprayed with plants. For this 1 tbsp. a spoon Bred in 5 liters of water. After spraying, the plant should be covered from direct sunlight.
  • In winter, active top dressing either stop at all, or reduce up to 1 per month.

Brand vegetable domestic plants is enough for one top dressing in early spring. Dissolve for this 2 tbsp. tablespoons in a bucket of water And generously moisten the ground part of the plant.

Nitroammofoska Fertilizer: how to use for decorative shrubs and colors in spring and summer?

Nitroammofoska fertilizer
Nitroammofoska fertilizer

A bright magnificent flower garden is the dream of many gardeners. For this, annual and perennial plants must be fed with nitroammophos every month all season - in the spring and summer. In the spring, 2 weeks after the appearance of the sprouts, the first top dressing is carried out by fertilizer. How to apply for decorative shrubs and flowers? Here is the prescription:

  • For watering, it is required to dilute 2 tbsp. tablespoons for 10 liters of water. At the very beginning, it is useful to focus on nitrogen. That is, you can use fertilizer with the ratio 21:0,1:21.
  • During the formation of buds, a solution with an increased amount of fertilizer is used - 3 tbsp. tablespoons for 10 liters.
  • The same processing can be carried out during flowering. By the end of summer, it is better to use azophoska or nitroammofoska with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium - the ratio 8:24:24.
  • The most productive fertilizing occurs through watering. For feeding decorative shrubs, a solution prepared from two matchboxes of the composition in a bucket of water is suitable. Feel shrubs at least 4 times per season.

Comprehensive fertilizer is also useful for feeding roses. It is supposed to start in the spring, immediately after removing the shelter:

  • Bring granules to the ground to the depths 2-4 cm away from the roots.
  • Take for watering 2 tbsp. tablespoons for 10 liters of water.

It is better to water roses in spring and autumn, and in the summer only spray. Contact with the root system during flowering is undesirable. The last top dressing is carried out before preparing for the winter.

Nitroammofoska fertilizer: how to use for trees?

Nitroammofoska fertilizer
Nitroammofoska fertilizer

Fertilizer is required for all fruit trees. It is useful for both young seedlings and fruiting trunks. The introduction time depends on the formation of the ovaries. How to use nitroammofoska for trees?

  • When planting a seedling in a pit should be poured 400 g of granules.
  • Then top dressing is required every year.
  • The first is held in the spring. Swing around the trunk evenly 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of granules. Loose the soil so that the fertilizer does not remain on the surface.
  • The second falls on the flowering period. For young trees enough 1 boxes (from matches) fertilizer, for age - 3-4 boxes of the composition per bucket of water. Under each trunk, leutya one bucket.
  • The last top dressing is carried out after a complete harvest. It is best to conduct it in the fall.

It is worth knowing: Fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium is more suitable (8:24:24). Coniferous trees are fed over the season. Two boxes of granules can be scattered under the barrel and dig a little.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to understand that it is time for raspberries in the spring to feed?". You will find out when the first feeding of raspberries is carried out in early spring, you will find the application scheme. Also read about raspberry care in the spring after winter, top dressing with folk remedies. Look for a list of the best ready -made fertilizers for feeding raspberries in the article.

In general, trees are fed three times a season:

  • Spring, before the growing season, they bring to the trunk circle 30 grams nitroammophosics with a high nitrogen content.
  • The second top dressing falls on the period of flowering crops. Under an adult tree is introduced 30 to 40 grams nitroammofoski, preferably in a solution, under the trees less than a medium -sized dose is reduced by half - up to 20 grams.
  • Third - After harvesting. For it, nitroammofoska with a high phosphorus and potassium content is used.

Decorative trees also fertilize three times a season.

Fertilizer of the lawn nitroammophos: how right?

Nitroammofoska can also be used for lawn grass. Low plants are usually sown on the lawn to create a kind of green “carpet”. Thanks to the fertilizer, the plants on the lawn acquire density, juiciness and resistance to fungal diseases. It is necessary to start working with the lawn as soon as the snow came down, and active warming began. Giving a good impetus for building green mass will help nitroammophos in the option 16:16:16.

If you violate the top dressing rules, grassy cover quickly yellow. Processing should begin in the spring after cleaning the area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn and removing of meltwater. Then it is necessary to fertilize after each haircut, since the plants are constantly updated. Dry granules should be distributed throughout the lawn based on 3 matchboxes of the drug per 1 sq. meter And how to water. The last top dressing is carried out in the fall before preparing for the winter. At this time, it is better to use fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content.

It is worth knowing: After uniformly introducing the drug, abundant watering of the lawn is required.

In the summer, top dressing is carried out within two days after cutting the lawn. Use the same fertilizers. In the second half of summer, nitroammofoska options with a high content of potassium and phosphorus should be used to feed the grass of lawns.

Nitroammofosk Fertilizer: Where to buy?

Nitroammofoska Fertilizer can be bought in Leroy Merlin
Nitroammofoska Fertilizer can be bought in Leroy Merlin

Large trading companies delight consumers with a large assortment of fertilizers. Among them, nitroammofoska of various packages and with different ratio of trace elements are also represented. Where could I buy?

  • Fertilizers of Russian manufacturers are offered by the company "Empire of the gardener". Each product is accompanied by detailed information and recommendations for use. It is possible to buy over the Internet.
  • Products of well -known manufacturers are presented in the assortment of a trading company "Russia Green". Large selection, Internet orders are available.
  • A variety of complex fertilizers is offered by the store "Leroy Merlin". The goods can be purchased directly in the store, or place an order via the Internet.
  • An online store is distinguished by a rich assortment "Garden collection". Practitioners are practiced by courier.
  • A large selection of fertilizers offers online store "Ozon". Low prices, convenient delivery.
  • At competitive prices, you can buy fertilizers for "Yandex Market". Proven manufacturers, large selection, delivery throughout Russia.
  • Complex fertilizers can be selected in the hypermarket "Pettown". Affordable prices, it is possible to buy via the Internet.

If a minimum amount of fertilizer is required, the purchase can be made in family hypermarkets "Magnet", in chain stores "Fix Price" and "Galamart". Small packages of nitroammofoski are available any household store in the department "Garden. Garden".

Nitroammofoska fertilizer - application: reviews

Gardeners with experience, using nitroammophoska in their areas, respond to it as an effective drug. They say that fertilizer is much cheaper than many other mineral complexes. The drug is universal. You can use both in the garden and in the garden, for decorative plants, throughout the season - in the spring and summer and autumn. It is only necessary to accurately comply with the instructions for use and the beds will be thanked with a good harvest. All advertised miracles at huge prices in composition are very similar to nitroammophoska. Here are more reviews about the use of fertilizers:

Lyudmila, 44 years old

I have been engaged in gardening for 15 years. During this time I tried many mineral fertilizers. Price and quality did not always please. It was more often the other way around. But I realized that there is no need to believe beautiful packages. It is better to buy simple drugs of large packaging. Most of all I liked Nitroammofosk. It has nitrogen in two forms. The soil in my area is poor, mostly sandy. And I like to breed phlox. Without nitrogen, their leaves die. The flowers look stunted, nondescript. I solved this problem with the help of nitroammofoski. Now all the neighbors come to my flowers, ask to share a secret. I advise everyone this fertilizer. The price is low, and the benefits are huge. You can’t do without fertilizers and top dressing. I also carry out feeding with the infusion of a transferred mullein and grass.

Andrey, 40 years old

I think that nitroammofosk is a wonderful fertilizer. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - what plants need. Of course, they are part of more expensive fertilizers. But why overpay? It does not suit, only a large package. I do not have time to use the season. And next year, the granules stick together, poorly dissolve in water. But I found a way out. When planting potatoes, add a spoonful of fertilizer to each hole. The potatoes grow faster, looks stronger, the greens are brighter. In the fall, I dig out much more than before. The potatoes are large, even. I do not regret that I began to use nitroammophos. So that instead of vitamins do not eat nitrates, I am applied to fertilizers carefully, according to the scheme.

Natalia, 30 years old

In gardening, I am a beginner. The experience is small. I use nitroammophoska on my site. At first I did not believe in the effectiveness of this fertilizer. The price was embarrassed. I took a chance and liked it. In the spring I buy a lot at once to have enough for the whole season. I have a big raspberry, there are strawberry beds. I fertilize my berry only nitroammophos. This is enough, do not add other fertilizers. Every year I harvest a large harvest, even in a rainy summer. The berries are large, almost no rotten. The main thing is to follow the recommendations on the packaging. In order not to eat cucumbers with tomatoes with nitrates, I am introducing fertilizer to the site in a year. I scatter the granules on the ground, as soon as it warms up, and with the fertilizer I plow it. The next year I am adding light organics - the infusion of nettles with dandelions and a lot of compost. So far, my scheme has not given failures, the beds are pleasing to a good harvest.

Video: Nitrofosk - the best fertilizer!

Video: Super feeding tomatoes during flowering. Nitroammofoska mineral fertilizer for tomato

Video: complex fertilizers - nitroammofoska and ammophos. Pros and cons

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