How to make green fertilizer from grass?

How to make green fertilizer from grass?

All about green fertilizer: how to prepare, for what you need, in what quantity fertilizer made of grass.

The good owner even goes into business. In our article you will learn what fertilizer from grass is, how to cook it, how it is useful and in what proportions it can be fertilized.

Grass fertilizer: composition

Fertilizer from grass is a free organic fertilizer that gardeners and gardeners love, both for fertilizing the beds and for fertilizing shrubs and trees. The advantages of this fertilizer are a lot of advantages - from the fact that it does not require a penny of money to prepare it, to the fact that it is 100% organic and does not contain chemistry.

The only disadvantage is the lack of a stable composition of fertilizer, because it constantly changes from many factors:

  • Type of grass;
  • Freshness;
  • Juicies that are regulated by rains and watering;
  • The chemical composition of the grass, depending on the mail.

At the same time, in fertilizer from grass, approximately the same number of components, the proportionality of which changes due to the above factors:

  • Nitrogen - the main substance in fertilizer from grass;
  • Potassium - the second proportionality of the substance in fertilizer from the grass;
  • Copper;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron.

Why do they use fertilizer from grass?

Everything is good in moderation, and in order to observe it, you need to understand well what is being done and why. Grass fertilizer is used in order to:

  • Additionally, nourish plants with nitrogen and other beneficial substances obtained from grass;
  • To make up for the fertility of the soil, especially when plants grow on it for years, and there is no “rest”, as well as in gardens, so as not to update the soil;
  • With regular introduction, it changes the structure of the soil, creating a large loose, passing the air greater depth, providing good growth of the root system.
Grass fertilizer
Grass fertilizer

How often can you fertilize the grass with fertilizer?

How often can you fertilize the grass with fertilizer? Part with nitrogen fertilizer is not worth it, but twice a month you can pamper your garden and garden. At the same time, it is worth considering:

  • In spring and autumn, you can fertilize once every two weeks;
  • It is better in summer once a week, but taking into account that the fertilizer is pouring exclusively under the root in the evening, when the sun comes in, and there is no longer heat. It is also possible on rainy days, but not before the pouring rain, since the fertilizer is washed deep into the soil.

How much fertilizer from grass fertilizers for plants?

Depending on the size of the plant, it is fertilized with a certain amount of fertilizer from the grass:

  • On strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers and other garden plants - 250 g for each bush;
  • On bushes - 2 l under the bush around the perimeter;
  • For trees 1-3 years-2 liters under a tree around the perimeter;
  • For trees for more than 3 years - 5 liters under a tree around the perimeter.

What grass is suitable for fertilizer from grass?

Despite the fact that clover, chamomile, nettles, etc. are best for fertilizer from grass, you can take any grass, including with the root, including with flowers and seeds, for cooking.

Important: if the grass for fertilizer from grass with seeds, they must be “neutralized” by soaking in water for at least 14 days.

Any grass and weeds are suitable for fertilizer
Any grass and weeds are suitable for fertilizer

Is it possible to harvest fertilizer from the grass for future use?

With prolonged storage, fertilizer from the grass changes its chemical composition and becomes less effective. Since weeds are always a lot under the feet, from early spring to late winter - it makes no sense to prepare fertilizer for the future.

How to make fertilizer from grass by composting?

Fertilizer from the grass can be prepared in many ways, but the easiest way to compost, thanks to which you will always have fertilizer at hand, and in the spring it will be ready compost, which simply pour it on the beds and mix.

  • Capacity for compost. It can be a barrel, a bathtub, a box stretched out by several layers of film so that it does not let water through;
  • The cover that will close the container so that the composition is composted, and the liquid is not eliminated;
  • Any grass, trees bark, small branches, except for plants affected by diseases;
  • Water.

So, the recipe is quite simple:

  • For quick composting, it is recommended to grind the grass, if you do not rush anywhere, and the fertilizer will come in handy in a couple of months - grass and small branches can be thrown entirely;
  • Fill the container completely or can be folded as much as it is, and gradually add;
  • Pour water so that weeds are covered with water;
  • Close with a lid and leave for a week;
  • After a week open, mix, if required, add water;
  • After 2 weeks from compost, you can take a liquid without grass and fertilize the beds and trees, in return for the new water and filling out fresh grass, so that after two weeks you can take fertilizer again;
  • Close the container in the fall and leave for the winter;
  • In the spring, remove everything from the container, sending it to the beds and dug up. The compost is ready in the spring, as well as during the year always fresh fertilizer!

Important points when preparing compost from weeds:

  • The composition should never dry out if you see that in a week compost dries excessively - it is better to add water several times a week;
  • Mix layers - it is mandatory, otherwise composting will pass worse, or even completely bloom;
  • The best composting takes place in the warmth, therefore, it is recommended to add a little bird droppings for additional heat, but in no case, no animals or human.

Important: in the presence of mold, it is recommended to throw compost, since then you will have to cultivate the earth from mold.

Foam is the most important indicator of the correct processing process of fertilizer
Foam is the most important indicator of the correct processing process of fertilizer

How to quickly prepare fertilizer from grass: the simplest way

In this section, we propose to familiarize yourself with the simplest way to make fertilizer from the grass:

  • Tear out or mow weeds and grind them with a crusher, or scissors;
  • Put in a container (you can also use 5 liters and 10 l of plastic bottles for these purposes;
  • Time tightly and pour water;
  • Close the containers and leave in the sun;
  • Shake and leave in a week;
  • After 14 days, drain the liquid with which to water the plants in your area;
  • If desired, this composition can be re -poured with water and left for another 7 days, for repeated fertilizer, but already other plants.

How to understand that fertilizer from grass is ready?

Do not know how to determine the readiness of fertilizers from the grass? There are several key factors by which experienced gardeners determine the readiness of fertilizers:

  • Color from dark green to rich brown;
  • The smell of ammonia mixed with earth, mushrooms, etc.;
  • The structure of fertilizer has become loose and crumbly;
  • If not tightly closed fertilizer - in the composition you find rainworms;
  • You can roll out a dense ball from the zimkh, which retains the shape.

How to make fertilizer from halt grass?

In the fall, it is good to feed your garden and garden fertilizer from the grass with manure. But remember, this composition is good exclusively in cases where it is already cool, and only on chernozem. Sand and sand with clay do not like manure, since in such impurities the plants will simply be “burned”.

Calculation for 200 liters of barrel:

  • Fill on ¾ chopped weeds;
  • Fall asleep 3 kg of chicken;
  • Mix and pour water;
  • Cover and leave for a week;
  • Open, mix and close again;
  • Repeat mixing once a week for a month;
  • After a month, fertilizer is ready! Water with a bucket, along with the zimkh.
Fertilizer preparation process of weeds
Fertilizer preparation process of weeds

How to make fertilizer from grass with manure and ash in bottles?

So, for the preparation of this fertilizer from the grass, any plastic bottles are suitable:

  • Fill 2/3 with chopped weeds;
  • We put bird droppings depending on the container, for 1 liter of containers - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • We put ash depending on the container, for 1 liter of containers - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Pour water so that 3-4 cm remains to the top;
  • Tightly twist the bottle and mix with active movements;
  • Put in the sun and leave for 14 days;
  • Check for readiness - the ready will be a uniform darkened liquid;
  • We water the plants under the root in small quantities.

How to make fertilizer from grass with yeast?

And in conclusion, we give a recipe for fertilizer from grass with pressed bakery yeast:

  • We lay weeds in a barrel of 200 l, with grinding 2/3 if possible;
  • Pour water, measuring litting;
  • We make a calculation - for every 20 liters of water, we throw pre -crushed 100 g of pressed yeast or a proportional equivalent of dry yeast, but it is better nevertheless pressed;
  • Mix the solution and cover for several days;
  • Mix every 3-4 days until a homogeneous fluid is formed;
  • After 14 days or after complete readiness (the formation of a homogeneous fluid), water the plants.
Cooked fertilizer from weeds - green -brown
Cooked fertilizer from weeds-green-brown

What can be added to fertilizer from grass?

Depending on what you have, you can improve the composition of fertilizers by adding to the kneading there are such ingredients:

  • Food organic residues, especially the peel of the banana, citrus fruits, etc.;
  • Eggs of eggs;
  • Bone flour;
  • Humus or bird droppings;
  • Poured in the store, and in a day sprinkled chloride of sodium, magnesium, copper sulfate, etc.

How to cook green weed fertilizers: reviews

Tatiana: I have a limited budget for a summer cottage, and at the same time the cottage is green and beautiful for envy to everyone. And the biggest assistant to me in this is my weeds. I not only tear them out regularly at myself, and since over the years it has become much smaller in the country, I and my neighbors can pick up “unnecessary weeds”. Tip for beginners: it is most convenient to do fertilizer in the old bathroom, because I, a pensioner, are not quite “dive” into a barrel from my hand, and the help of young people can not always wait.

Daria: The inheritance was inherited a house with a chic garden and unbearable weeds who did not know where to put, because they could not fall. And the neighbor prompted us about the fertilizer from the grass. In the fall, pruning, processing was carried out, and under the trees they regularly added fertilizer from weeds, since their business was insanely a lot. This year the garden cannot be recognized - luxurious and a lot of fruits!

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