How to understand that it is time to feed raspberries in the spring? The first top dressing of raspberries in early spring: application scheme. Raspberry - departure in the spring after winter: top dressing with folk remedies. Ready -made fertilizers for feeding raspberries: List of the best

How to understand that it is time to feed raspberries in the spring? The first top dressing of raspberries in early spring: application scheme. Raspberry - departure in the spring after winter: top dressing with folk remedies. Ready -made fertilizers for feeding raspberries: List of the best

In this article, we will talk with you when raspberries need to be fertilized in the spring, and also how and what top dressing needs to be made.

To get a good raspberry harvest, you need to provide shrubs correctly and complete care. It is impossible without proper top dressing. Particular attention is required in the spring. Now everything only wakes up after a long winter, and therefore top dressing is more important than ever. It is necessarily carried out, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good harvest. Let's figure out how and how to feed raspberries in the spring so that it gets good nutrition.

How to understand that it is time to feed raspberries in the spring?

Malina care
Malina care

As a rule, an experienced gardener can always determine when raspberry top dressing is needed in the spring. So, depending on what kind of substances there are not enough plants, they behave differently:

  • Nitrogen. When this substance is not enough for plants, their leaves become pale green, and the growth of shoots slows down
  • Phosphorus. Shoots, despite the fact that they are young, grow thin and weak
  • Potassium. Leaves at the edges become brown
  • Iron. In shoots, yellow leaves with green veins appear
  • Magnesium. Leaves turn yellow from center to edges

To get rid of one of the problems, you need to give plants the correct fertilizers. You will notice that the bed will be much better to bear fruit, and the berries are larger and tastier.

When to start raspberry feeding in the spring: Dates

Raspberry top dressing begins in the spring depending on the region at different times. In this case, it all depends on the temperature regime. In the middle lane, the introduction of organic top dressing begins in March - April. The south of the country begins a little earlier - around the beginning of March. But in the north this can be started from mid -April.

In this case, you need to focus on the first kidneys on the shoots. When they begin to appear, then it's time to make top dressing.

The first top dressing of raspberries in early spring: Application scheme

Raspberry top dressing schedule
Raspberry top dressing schedule

The first feeding of raspberries in the spring, as a rule, is combined with loosening of the soil. In early spring, it is recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers, in particular, urea and ammonia nitrate. It is advisable to add superphosphate, potassium salt and wood ash.

When feeding, adhere to several rules:

  • Before adding mineral fertilizers, moisturize the soil well. Pour it carefully with water. Then plants will be very well perceived by top dressing
  • Loose the soil very carefully, without penetrating deep. Otherwise, you can break the fertile layer and damage the roots that are now very fragile
  • Try not to fall on the leaves and stems with a solution. In addition, carefully follow the dosage so as not to introduce too much
  • It is recommended to do feeding on cloudy days or in the evening

When you make inorganic fertilizers, to begin with mulch the soil with organicism. For example, you can make peat or compost

Raspberry - Care in the spring after winter: top dressing with folk remedies


Often, summer residents use folk remedies. With them, raspberry feeding is much cheaper in the spring and is no less effective. Basically, organic fertilizers are used for these purposes. Let's look at which ones.

Infusion of herbs

This fertilizer is prepared quite simply. Weeds, nettles and trench are taken for him. They need to be finely chopped and mixed. A mixture is diluted at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of water. At the same time, the concentrate is not required immediately. He should brew for 10 days. After the tool is infused, processing can be carried out. Use 2 liters of solution on one bush.


It is used in dry form or as a solution. If you take dry ash, then only 100 g per 1 sq.m. is enough. For the solution, 100 g is also taken. This amount is diluted into a bucket of water. Keep in mind that only ash can be used for top dressing, which remains after burning trees and grass. If you have ash from some household waste, then it cannot be used.

Korovy manure

Such fertilizer is considered one of the most popular. It is used not in finished form, but as a concentrate. It is divorced in proportion 1 to 5. The mixture, while, is not used immediately, but is infused for 15-20 days. The container in which the product is stored should be tightly closed. Do not forget that the solution should be regularly mixed. When the concentrate is ready, dilute it with water in a proportion of 1 to 10.


For top dressing, you can take both dry and live yeast. As for the dry, for such top dressing, it is enough to take 10 g of the product and mix it with 5 tbsp. sugar and 10 liters of water. It is not required to insist the solution for a long time, it can be left only for two hours. It is also not used in its pure form, but is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.

If you use living yeast, then you will need 1 kg of product and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Water will also need 10 liters. At the same time, you need to insist the solution for 4 hours. After cooking, it is divorced in a ratio of 1 to 20.

Keep in mind that top dressing should be used immediately, because the yeast, when they stand too long, begin to wander.


Some gardeners are used to feed the bark. So, they collect rotten bark from various trees and shrubs, and then break it into small pieces. All this they scatter under the bushes of raspberries. When the remnants of the bark are finished, the fertilizer is obtained, which gives raspberry everything you need. Just do it all in advance.

Potato peelings

Take dry potatoes, cut them and pour a liter of boiling water. The composition should brew. For this he needs 3-4 days. After this period is completed, dilute the product in a bucket of water and pour raspberries. It is important to understand that you can not take cleaning from patient potatoes. Otherwise, an infection can be brought into raspberries.

Chicken droppings

He is no worse than a cow manner by his properties. It has a lot of useful substances, or rather, almost everything that is required for raspberries. The effect of using this product will be noticeable in about a couple of weeks. It is strictly forbidden to use the fertilizer undiluted, because then you will destroy raspberries. So be sure to dilute it before use in proportion 1 to 10. Moreover, the solution needs about a day to brew. 1 liter of solution is diluted into a bucket of water.


Some use mulch for root feeding. This is a rotted manure, peat or compost. It favorably affects plants. First of all, the fertilizer gradually feeds the roots during the season. Moreover, mulch retains moisture near the roots of the bush.

How to feed remonanton raspberries in spring: Features

Feeding of remonant raspberries
Feeding of remonant raspberries

The feeding of raspberries in the spring, which is the remonant, is carried out by the same means, but only their concentration will be much higher. This is due to the fact that she needs to form a double crop and therefore more top dressing is required.

In the spring, as a rule, processing is carried out using urea or nitrate, as well as dung slings. Carbamide allows not only to give power to the soil, but also to protect it from various pests. Moreover, processing can only be carried out after the snow coating comes down.

When raspberries are already starting to bloom and ovaries appear, the top dressing is carried out using herbal infusions, humus and necessarily with mixtures of phosphorus and potassium.

Already in autumn, fertilizer is carried out using potassium and phosphorus. Each plant requires approximately 40 g of potassium salt, as well as 60 g of superphosphate. Top dressing is distributed along the grooves and sprinkled with earth, peat and humus.

Ready -made fertilizers for feeding raspberries: List of the best

If you do not want to bother with the preparation of fertilizers, then raspberry feeding in the spring can be carried out using ready -made mixtures. For this, complex fertilizers are usually used, where there is everything you need. Keep in mind that they also need to be bred. This is done in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.

  • Gumi-Omi "Berry". It can be used for a variety of shrubs, including raspberries. Its main component is chicken droppings. It perfectly affects plants and allows them to grow strong and fruitful.
  • Gardeners often acquire specialized fertilizers. The fact is that their action lasts a long time, and not some short time. Usually they are produced in the form of granules that do not require breeding. It is enough to simply distribute them near the bushes and pour them. Such is "Berry shrubs" from the compasch.

Raspberry top dressing in the spring: Errors

Malina feeding errors
Malina feeding errors

Malina top dressing requires attentiveness in the spring. It is important to take into account some errors that can be made:

  • Top dressing is introducedat a wrong time. For each type of fertilizer, a certain time is given. Accordingly, if the raspberries are fed earlier than the laid, then it will not be able to correctly use all the beneficial substances.
  • Little or many fertilizers are introduced. In this case, it is necessary to observe the measure in everything and follow the instructions. For example, if you make a lot of nitrogen fertilizer, then the foliage will grow quickly and it will become a lot. That's just the berries will eventually be small and tasteless.
  • Non -compliance with technology. Apply fertilizers for raspberry bushes evenly. Each of them should receive nutrients.
  • Low -quality or inappropriate top dressing. If your fertilizer is already expired, then do not even try to use it. In the pursuit of savings, you can not only harm the raspberry, but even destroy it.
  • Using nitrogenous fertilizers with a high chlorine content. Malina does not perceive chlorine. When its concentration is too high, the plants begin to hurt. In particular, their leaves turn yellow.

Raspberry - top dressing in the spring: advice of experienced gardeners

Experienced gardeners know exactly how raspberry top dressing should be carried out in the spring. They give several recommendations that should pay attention to:

  • If you have already applied fertilizers when planting a raspberry bush, then for two to three years you can forget about its top dressing. If you make too many fertilizers, then the plants will simply die.
  • Before contributing some nutrients, shrubs must be watered with clean water. This must not be done before the procedure, but in about a couple of hours. Only then you can make fertilizers. Otherwise, the roots will receive burns.
  • If you make liquid fertilizers, then they should not get to the aboveground part of the bush. If the liquid hit, then be sure to rinse these places.
  • Fertilizer is recommended to be applied in the evening or in the morning, as well as on cloudy days. Do not carry out procedures at noon

Video: Raspberry is the first top dressing, forming and much more!

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