How to make tinctures from weeds for spraying plants used as fertilizers to attract rainworms: recipes

How to make tinctures from weeds for spraying plants used as fertilizers to attract rainworms: recipes

We fend the site, scaring the pests and attracting rainworms, using weed fertilizers.

Weeds are a real storehouse of useful substances, if you know how to use them. In this article we will tell you how to make weed fertilizers to feed plants, make the soil loose and fertile, as well as to attract essential assistants for gardens and gardens - rainworms.

Why is weed fertilizer useful?

Fertilizers from weeds are considered nitrogen, and it turns out by decomposition of organics with water, temperature and sometimes additional substances. Also, depending on the type of weeds, the soil on which he grew up, and the frequencies of rain and watering in fertilizer there are different percentage of potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and iron.

How to cook classic weed fertilizers?

Preparing fertilizer from weeds according to a classic recipe is easy:

  • With the help of scissors or crushers, chop all the fresh weeds that you managed to get in your beds;
  • Trump into a container of 2/3;
  • Pour water (you can both water and from the well, and even from open reservoirs);
  • We cover so that it does not disappear;
  • Leave it for a week, and then mix, if little water is added. We make sure that the fertilizer does not dry out;
  • After a week, mix again, if necessary, add water;
  • When the fertilizer will be a persistent aroma of nitrogen, and the composition will become dark green or saturatedly brown and homogeneous, the fertilizer is ready for use.
Weeds are organics from which fertilizer can be prepared
Weeds are organics from which fertilizer can be prepared

Fertilizers of weeds: tincture of celandine from fungi and bacteria in a personal plot

For this fertilizer from weeds, we need only one weed - celandine:

  • Get the full capacity of celandine, cut, and thus you get 2/3 of the containers with a sealed celandine;
  • Pour warm water and leave for 2-3 days;
  • Strain and spray shrubs, trees and annual plants, as a prevention from fungal diseases, as well as many insects.

Fertilizer of weeds with mustard from slugs

This is a modernized recipe for weed fertilizers using mustard to remove the slugs from the summer cottage:

  • We prepare fertilizer from weeds according to the classic recipe;
  • Когда удобрение готово – отцедить его, чтобы удалить все крупные частички, которые могут забить распылитель;
  • Add 100 g of dry mustard powder per 10 liters of water and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved;
  • Spray with a solution of plants that are trying to attack slugs;
  • Repeat after 14 days.
Slugs do not tolerate mustard
Slugs do not tolerate mustard

Weed fertilizers: nettle for the garden

For this fertilizer from weeds, we need only one weed - nettle:

  • Collect nettle and chop the most finely as possible;
  • Fill the container and pour warm water;
  • Close with a lid and let it brew for a week;
  • After a week, you can use in two ways: strain, dilute 1 liter of fertilizers into 10 liters of water and spray from pests or, together with the gut, add to the roots of tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, pumpkin and other garden crops for intensive growth and better fruiting.

It is recommended to water with nettles from the moment of planting so that seedlings are better rooted, before the end of fruiting, so that the vegetables grow more intense and larger.


Weed fertilizers: dandelions for rainworms

For this fertilizer from weeds, we need only one weed - dandelion. Collect it not only in your garden, but wherever you meet. This is the best of the best weeds for the garden and garden. Everything is going on for fertilizer, and the root system, and leaves, and a flower, but the collection time is exclusively flowering of dandelion.

  • Grind a dandelion, and trim in a barrel, filling 2/3 of the barrels;
  • Pour warm water and let it brew for a week;
  • After a week, mix, if necessary, fill it to the top again with water and let stand for another week;
  • Together with the zimkh, water under plants about 0.5 liters per bush;
  • 1-3 irrigation and rainworms will love your garden;
  • It is also recommended to water the garden by fertilizer from dandelions, and it will answer you with lush herbs and a good harvest. And it is worth driving the earth - as you find a lot of rainworms.
Dandelions are the best plant to attract rainworms
Dandelions are the best plant to attract rainworms

Fertilizer from weeds: how to fight weevils with the help of wormwood?

Weevils are like a locust for Russian gardeners. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them, but even if you can handle it successfully, in a couple of weeks they will return to you from your neighbors. Therefore, if weevils are overcome in your region, wormwood is your permanent companion.

The first thing to do is plant wormwood on the beds and in the garden. So that at least one bush of wormwood is present at the 1st meter of square, plus to allocate part of the site, for example, behind the fence, so that the wormwood grew freely, and it could be taken for fertilizer:

  • We put 1 kg of wormwood into a large pan or pelvis, which after breaking up lay 1-2 hours;
  • Pour 4 liters of water and wait until it boils;
  • Cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling and turn off the plate;
  • Let it brew until completely cooling under the lid;
  • We filter and spray all the green spaces on our site;
  • Repeat every 2 weeks.

Fertilizer from weeds with yeast

Razzer worms are a natural baking powder of the Earth, which is one of the key factors for good growth and fruiting of plants. We offer to “invite” the rainworms to your site, thanks to the delicious top dressing for them, and in addition and treat your plants with excellent nitrogen top dressing.

  • All weeds that you find will be chopped and sent to a container, which should be near the earth (not higher than 10-15 cm). It can be a buried barrel, or a basin, or a bucket;
  • Fill in ½ grass, and send 10 g of fresh pressed yeast per 20 liters of water;
  • Pour water and cover loosely with a lid;
  • After 2-3 days, if this is not possible-after 7 days, mix, as necessary to add water and cover again loosely with a lid;
  • After 2 weeks, if the fertilizer is low from the ground, you will find the full capacity of the rainworms, which, together with top dressing, send to the beds;
  • If the container was high - add fertilizer under the plants, and worms from neighboring lands will slide into the aroma;
  • Pour once every two weeks and by the end of the season you will not recognize your site - it will be luxurious green, and there will be a lot of rainworms in the ground.
Fertilizer from weeds with yeast
Fertilizer from weeds with yeast

Fertilizers from weeds: tips and reviews

Ruslan: I bought a cottage with my wife, and I was horrified how many weeds are there. But the wife said that this is not weeds, but a free fertilizer. Doubts ended when the first fertilizer was ready. Indeed, a week after watering, the result is noticeable. And weeds to tear the pleasure, knowing how much money is saved at the same time!

Maria: In my yard, not a single weeds for a long time have not been found, so we go to the field for greens. Once a month I tear a bag of field grass and prepare from it fertilizer with yeast. All the neighbors are already doing this, and in our gardens of the rainworms oh, and what a harvest in such a fertilizer! And husbands for fishing always have where to get a bait! The advice to those who live in the sand - no manure, only grass and yeast.

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