Karbamide (urea) - what kind of fertilizer, how to use in the garden?

Karbamide (urea) - what kind of fertilizer, how to use in the garden?

Carbamide (urea) for the garden: all about fertilizer, methods of use, quantity and frequency of plant feeding.

The top dressing of the garden is the most important factor thanks to which there will always be a lush crown, abundant flowering and a chic crop on your trees. Ammonia nitrogen is an element that is quickly absorbed and gives a luxurious result in the gardens, is contained in urea, popularly called urea. In this article we will tell you how to fertilize urea and why do it.

What is carbamide (urea)?

They wondered how to fertilize urea and why is it needed? Carbamide, popularly called urea (even sellers on price tags more often write urea than carbamide) consists of electroic acid diamide, and is an ideal top dressing made of ammonia nitrogen.

Urea looks like white balls, which dissolves well in various compositions. Sold with various packages, from small 1 kg, to bags with a weight of 25-50 kg.

Composition of carbamide (urea)

In order to understand how to fertilize urea, it is necessary to understand its composition. The chemical formula of urea (for farmers, which make up the authorial schemes of fertilizers, calculating all fertilizers in chemical formulas) - (NH2) 2SO.

If you greatly simplify, the composition consists of ammonia nitrogen.

Urea (urea)
Urea (urea)

How to store urea (urea)?

Gardeners who set the goal of budgetary to fertilize the garden, spending a minimum of finances on this, choose urea (urea). It is as profitable to buy it in large packages, if there is where to store.

Urea can be stored in factory packaging, anywhere where there are no open sunlight and dry.

Ways to make urea to fertilize the garden

How to fertilize urea? There are two ways:

  • Application under trees and shrubs - while the urea must be sprinkled with earth so that nitrogen goes into the soil;
  • Pre -diluting and spraying the foliage.

Which way is better? Both are good, you need to choose a method depending on the goals.

How to fertilize the garden with urea (urea) in the soil?

So, let's look at how to fertilize with urea in the soil shrubs and trees. The scheme is very simple:

  • At a distance of 10-15 cm from the barrel or branches of the bush, make a ring around a fifty plant with a depth of 3-4 cm;
  • Pour the fertilizer into the hole and bury slightly compact;
  • Pour water on top and repeat on 2-3 days also watering.
Moshenina introduction to the soil
Moshenina introduction to the soil

Why can't urea sprinkle on top of the soil?

Many newcomers, wondering how to fertilize urea, wonder why you need to bury fertilizer, and not just scatter under trees and bushes. Everything is simple - when in contact with water and soil, urea is softened and converted into carbon dioxide ammonium, which easily evaporates if it is not in the soil. Accordingly, the work and money allocated to urea will be spent in vain.

How often can you fertilize urea in the ground?

How to fertilize urea to benefit, and not burn leaves and roots? They are fertilized with urea in the soil every 60 days, with if there was spraying, then no more than 20 days after spraying.

Urea is fed no more than 3 times a year. Urea is added to the soil, when the leaves have already stormed, in the middle of summer and under the fall.

Do you need urea (urea) when planting trees and shrubs?

Bushes and trees are best planted in the spring, or in the fall, but at least 2 months before frost. For favorable development of the root system and better involvement, it is recommended to fertilize the soil before planting.

Urea - previously delays the flowering of the garden
Urea - previously delays the flowering of the garden

How to fertilize urea before planting trees and shrubs?

In this section, we will tell you how to prepare the soil before planting trees and shrubs, as well as how to fertilize urea:

  • Dig a hole of the required diameter;
  • Pour urea to the bottom of the pit, with a calculation of 10 g per 1 m 2;
  • Add other fertilizers as desired;
  • Mix the urea with the ground with the ground for 1/3 of the bayonet;
  • Lower the seedling into the pit and fill it with earth;
  • Pour with water abundantly.

Is it possible to water the bushes and trees with urea?

They wondered how to fertilize your garden and garden with urea when watering? But watering bushes and trees with urea is not recommended, since a large amount of fertilizer will simply dissolve in the air. But if you have flower beds with perennial flowers (the roots are smaller and are higher than that of trees)-you can pour, having previously diluted the urea with water with 20-30 g of urea for 10 liters of water. At the same time, when watering, remember that no more than 1 liter per 1 plant.

How many urea to bring under trees and shrubs in the garden?

As the sage said, everything is a medicine and everything is poison, it all depends on the dosage. In order not to burn trees and shrubs with an excess of urea, it is necessary to properly selected dosage.

How to fertilize urea:

  • About 30-40 g of urea, depending on the size of the plant;
  • Under the young tree (2-3 years)-they make 100-140 g;
  • Under an adult tree, about 150-200 g per tree is introduced.
Urea - an indispensable fertilizer for trees, shrubs and even flower beds
Urea - an indispensable fertilizer for trees, shrubs and even flower beds

How to spray urea (urea) garden?

If you find that your garden is not enough nitrogen, it can be added directly to the sheet by spraying urea. How to fertilize urea by spraying:

  • Add 50 g of urea to 10 liters of water and completely dissolve in water;
  • Spray the entire crown of wood or bush, with a calculation of 3 liters of diluted urea per 100 m. 2 (otherwise you risk burning the leaves);
  • Try to moisten not only the upper, but also the lower part of the leaves;
  • Spray in cool calm weather, in the heat - until 8.00 and after 20.00.

How to protect the garden from diseases with urea?

Urea is a unique fertilizer that can not only fertilize, but also save the garden from a number of diseases. Thus, wondering how to fertilize urea, many also solve the second problem - how to protect the garden from diseases.

So, thanks to urea, you can forget about such diseases as:

  • Damage to frost flowers of the garden. To do this, in early spring, the garden is sprayed with urea (as soon as the kidneys swelled) and thereby delaying flowering;
  • After completely shedding and collecting foliage from the garden - it's time to process the urea garden for the winter to protect the garden from the boards and many other infectious ailments. To do this, a high concentration of urea is made - 500 g per 10 liters of water and treat trees and shrubs throughout the site.
During a fertilized garden of urea - gives a good harvest
During a fertilized garden urea - gives a good harvest

How to fertilize urea: tips and reviews

Svetlana: The neighbor has a miniature, and at the same time a very fertile garden. A few years ago, she shared with me the secrets of growing a green and fertile garden, one of which was a bag of urea for a year. Now I have more early and more and before wintering, spraying, and in the season 2-3 times the application of urea into the soil and the garden has transformed.

Maria: bought a cottage with a garden and in the first season collided with a lot of problems. The leaves turn yellow, twist, weak - at least how much water is not lei! In the store we were told how to fertilize. The first, and the best is urea. And indeed, a month later the garden was transformed, after the season it was not recognized!

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