How to feed the cherries in the spring, summer, after fruiting, in the fall, during flowering. List of fertilizers for feeding cherries: Instructions, reviews

How to feed the cherries in the spring, summer, after fruiting, in the fall, during flowering. List of fertilizers for feeding cherries: Instructions, reviews

Cherry is a culture that fruit before other garden trees. It is worth noting that it can be carried out at any time of the year, but it will differ significantly. In this article we will tell you what to feed the cherries. 

How to feed the cherry in the fall?

This is a tree that fruit enough early, the first berries appear in June or at the end of May. This is one of the earliest berries that we use to make compotes, and jam. The culture after fruiting needs to be replenished. After all, a good harvest helps to dissect the tree, and its foundations. To make up for the forces of the tree, it is necessary to feed it. The most important is the spring and autumn top dressing, which contribute to the laying of the kidneys for the next year.

How to feed the cherry in the fall:

  • If in the autumn cherry is not saturated with nutrients, even with timely top dressing in the spring, you may not get a crop. This is due to the not formed kidney deposits. At this time, culture needs phosphorus andkalia.
  • It is by no means necessary to make nitrogen in the fall. Although top dressing is called autumn, it can be carried out in the summer. The fact is that cherries and cherries are fruit fruit enough, so the crop can be obtained ahead of time. Feeding is necessary in July or in August. Watering with fertilizer is carried out at the moment when the culture is completelyi spoke, all berries are collected. 
  • If you did not have time to feed in late July or in August, fertilizers are allowed 4 weeks before the first frosts. If you live in the southern regions, nothing terrible will happen when the nutrient components are introduced in September or even in October.

The better to feed the cherries in the spring, autumn: a list of fertilizers

Many gardeners do not recommend applying chlorine fertilizers, as they can adversely affect the condition of the soil. However, nothing terrible will happen if you do it in the fall. It is forbidden to use such top dressing in summer and spring. Until the next season, the chlorine will completely dissolve in water, and will go far into groundwater. Do not worry that this trace element can somehow harm your plants.

If you think that chemicals are harmful to plants, and can affect the quality of the fruits, you can use absolutely safe means. These include wood ash. It is introduced in the amount of 200 g per ten -liter bucket of water. Plant roots are watered with this solution. Such top dressing is also recommended in late summer or autumn. It is not recommended to use the ash if the soil is alkaline, or nearby near the cherry growcultures, which prefer acidic soil. 

The better to feed the cherries in the fall, a list of fertilizers:

  • Potassium sulfate 
  • Kalimagnesia 
  • Potassium chloride 

It is necessary to breed in the concentration indicated on the packaging. Usually, not spraying is carried out, but the introduction of the solution into the roots. It is necessary to water the culture with the resulting solution. Soon the liquid is absorbed into the plant, and will give startkidney formation, which will grow next year. 

Well established itself superphosphate, and ammophos. Superphosphate dissolves exclusively in boiling water, and is infused for 12 hours. Only after this can plant watering can be watered. This is due to the fact that phosphorus fertilizer is poorly dissolved in cold water. To accelerate the reaction, boiling water must be used. Ammofos is used in a compartment with vinegar, since dissolution takes place well in an acidic medium. 

In the garden
In the garden

How to feed the cherries in the summer?

In summer, it is necessary to feed cherries not only at the roots, but also to spray the crown. Such spraying is considered the most effective, because a large amount of useful substances are absorbed through the leaves.

How to feed the cherry in the summer:

  • Most often, drugs containing nitrogen are used for these purposes, it can be a nitrate. It is diluted in a small amount of water and processing is carried out. Such top dressing is considered emergency, and helps cherry faster to get enough of useful substances. There should be three such treatments for the whole summer. 
  • The first is carried out in mid -summer, and then, each subsequent, after 3 weeks. During this period, fertilizers are usually not introduced under the root, as it is useless. In the fall, after a complete harvest, they are feeding, but it is inserted into the roots area.
  • As indicated above, it is at the end of summer that new buds are formed, which will be fruiting next year. If you skip this period, even under favorable climatic conditions, in the absence of frosts, get a weak crop. It is good to use in the middle of the season, before the yield appears,siderates, manure, and compost. These are organic fertilizers that stimulate growth, and improve the fruiting of culture. 

Cherry, how to feed in the spring?

In the spring, several top dressing is carried out. 

Cherry than to feed in the spring:

  • The very first is root feeding, which is carried out long before flowering. Cherries are cut out in early spring, remove old, dried branches, and after that the introduction of beneficial fertilizers under the root.
  • At this time, nitrogen fertilizers are considered ideal, as they stimulate the growth of the green part of shoots and leaves. One of the fairly effective ways to feed the cherries in the spring is the use of ammonium nitrate. It is carried out before flowering. 30 g of substances in a bucket of water are diluted and a circle is watered. It is necessary to water the culture well before the manipulation.
  • If you do not want to dilute the product, you can pour it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trunk circle, and then water it with water. After flowering, the mullein is treated, or chicken droppings. During this period, it is best to use organic fertilizers that help to develop fruits. Also carried out foliar processing of colors. This is done to attract bees. Prepare a solution of honey and sprayed flowers. A strong smell attracts insects, due to which many berries are formed. 

How to feed the cherries after flowering?

After flowering, top dressing is also necessary. However, unlike the spring, which is carried out after harvesting the garden and landing of the most basic garden crops, feeding leaves is necessary.

How to feed the cherries after flowering:

  • It is called non -ugly, and is carried out by a solution of urea. It is necessary to wait until the flowers disappear, in their place there will be berries, as well as green leaves. Such top dressing allows you to increase the crop and stimulate its growth. Urea contributes to the growth of greens, and the active nutrition of the fruits. Processing is carried out on a dry day, early in the morning or evening, since direct sunlight can harm culture. To carry out processing, it is necessary to dissolve 20 g in a bucket of water. 
  • To activate green berries, accelerate their growth, growth stimulants are used. Among them it is worth highlightingExtrazolEpin. They are bred according to the instructions, and sprayed the crown. Spraying is carried out on a dry day when there is no sun. It can be a cloudy day, but without rain, or morning, evening hours.
  • After the crown is processed, it is necessary to feed phosphorus and potassium. In a bucket of water, dissolve 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate. This is a root top dressing, so it is introduced into a circle that is located near the tree. After the introduction of fertilizers, watering is carried out. In order not to use chemicals, you need to use folk methods.

How to feed the cherries so that there are berries?

The ash has proven itself perfectly. An adult tree will take about 2 kg. It is necessary to water the plant, sprinkle with fertilizer and mix thoroughly with the upper layer of the soil. Use an indicator that shows the acidity of the soil. You can use litmus paper. Soil acidity for good cherry growth should bep 6-7. If the soil is very acidic, enter the wood ash. If the soil is slightly sour, use special additives and fertilizers, which are based on lime. Every 3-4 years, feeding with calcium, magnesium, iron is necessary. They are administered along with the main top dressing. This helps to avoid repeated watering, and fertilizer administration. Typically, these substances are introduced into water for watering plants. 

How to feed the cherries so that there are berries:

  • There are several techniques that help improve the taste of berries and increase the crop. To stimulate growth, and make berries more sweet, use several top dressing. The first is introduced even before flowering - it is also also also.
  • In a bucket of water, 3 g of substances are dissolved, and the ovaries that have formed are sprayed. After small berries are formed, it is necessary to carry out foliar treatment with phosphorus and potassium.
  • A few days later, two glasses of ash are introduced into the root area. This will help to do the berries large, with a rich, sweet taste. 

How to feed the seedlings of cherries?

The cherry tree loves light, and sandy soil. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the landing of seedlings correctly. Many gardeners are sure that if you land properly, make the necessary fertilizers, then the culture will not need additional top dressing for several more years in a row.

How to feed the seedlings of cherries:

  • Therefore, they dig a hole 50 cm deep, with a diameter of 80 cm, on the bottom of which the sand is laid. Next, it is necessary to mix 40 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium chlorine. Lay the mixture on the bottom of the pit, and fall asleep with fertile soil and humus, in a ratio of one to one. It is necessary to mix the components to get a homogeneous mixture.
  • The root system is straightened on top of the obtained fertilizer, covered with soil and additionally laid a layer of mulch or sawdust on top. The plant is thoroughly watered. If everything was done correctly, such top dressing is enough for 2 years. During this period, fertilizer, which contains nitrogen, is not necessary. 
  • The need to fertilize seedlings should be judged by their height. The increase in length should be approximately 40-50 cm. If the increase in growth is less than 30 cm, it is necessary to treat an ammonia nitrate in an amount of 150 g per tree. Root feeding is carried out, due to which stimulation of growth of shoots, leaves, and trunk is carried out. It is recommended to carry out foliar top dressing with growth stimulants.
  • It can beEpin. It is recommended to introduce the mullein every year, as the snow comes down. It is carefully sealed in the soil and thoroughly watered. It must also be done in early spring, even before flowering. 

How to feed the cherry after harvesting: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of gardeners that grow cherries. 

How to feed the cherries after harvesting, reviews:

Alexander. Five years ago, he purchased cherries to create a shadow in a summer cottage. He did everything according to the rules, and introduced a large amount of manure into the pit for planting. Unfortunately, I live in the northern latitudes, so the climate is not the most suitable, despite the fact that cherry is a persistent tree. I did not have so many fertilizers for 2 years. The next year, the tree completely weakened. Therefore, I used ammonium nitraita for feeding, and also sprayed potassium and phosphorus, after harvesting. He introduced a complex mineral fertilizer, which contains magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. This helped to improve growth, and the cherry made up the missed. 

Veronica. I live in a private house, there is a small garden. Cherry on the site is old, I spend feeding regularly. There are four top dressing in just a year. In early spring, I introduce nitrogen fertilizers, and during flowering I add organic ones, such as mullein or bird droppings. In the fall, I can process potassium chlorine, and superphosphate. Cherry gives a good harvest. 

Oksana. Two fruit wood is growing on my small personal plot, these are cherries and apricot. I noticed that both trees need top dressing. Cherries are fertilized using exclusively folk methods, without acquiring expensive fertilizers. I think that everything is ingenious simple. Often I enter a dolomite flour into the soil, since the soil is very sour. In early spring, I introduce manure, and ammonium nitrate. I grow cherries exclusively for myself, so the berries are enough to make compote and jam. 


On our site you can find many interesting articles:

The ideal option is potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. In no case should you water the plants with nitrate in the fall. Fertilizer contributes to the appearance of a large number of sheets and green shoots, which will weaken the culture even more. 

Video: How to feed the cherries?

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