How and where at home it is better to store honey, in what dishes? How is it right and how much can honey at home in honeycombs, a refrigerator, a glass jar, so as not to suck, at room temperature? At what temperature should be stored honey?

How and where at home it is better to store honey, in what dishes? How is it right and how much can honey at home in honeycombs, a refrigerator, a glass jar, so as not to suck, at room temperature? At what temperature should be stored honey?

Features of storage of honey in the apartment and refrigerator.

With the approach of cold weather, many seek to take care of winter and their health. It is at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn that the harvesting of herbs and plants begins, as well as honey. After all, it is very nice to enjoy warm tea with honey in winter. This will help increase immunity and improve health.

How to store honey at home: the temperature and conditions of proper storage of honey after pumping

A temperature of 40 ° C can be considered critical, but in an apartment, this temperature is observed only in the battery. Basically in the room, the temperature is kept at a level of 20-30 ° C. But this is also a fairly high value. Under such conditions, honey is rapidly relaxed and sugared. Accordingly, it is necessary to reduce the temperature so that the bee nectar is stored as long as possible. The temperature of +1 +6 ° C can be considered ideal. That is, it is best to store honey in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

At 65 ° C, the product loses its healing properties and becomes harmful. That is why honey should be kept away from the plate and batteries of central heating. In such conditions, he quickly loses his healing properties.

How to store honey at home: the temperature and conditions of proper storage of honey after pumping
How to store honey at home: the temperature and conditions of proper storage of honey after pumping

The shelf life of honey

In general, it is believed that honey has healing properties only a year after pumping, but this is not entirely true. With proper storage, honey can be stored much longer, up to about three years. But still we recommend eating the product in a year.

The shelf life of honey
The shelf life of honey

In what dishes can honey be stored at home?

Clay dishes are considered ideal, a glass of glass or enameled steel is also suitable. You can not store the product in tin banks, in pots from copper or zinc. These metals are oxidized and give honey an unpleasant taste. In addition, the product becomes harmful to health.

A tree barrel is also suitable. Moreover, not all wood is suitable for storing honey. A barrel of linden or acacia is good. But the use of barrels of coniferous breeds should be abandoned. They will give the product of a specific taste and smell.

In what dishes can honey be stored at home?
In what dishes can honey be stored at home?

Is it possible to store honey in plastic, plastic dishes?

Now in the markets a lot where bee nectar in plastic containers are being implemented. However, such dishes are not the best option. This is due to the high activity of honey. After some time, he reacts with plastic. Therefore, for storing nectar, you can use exclusively food plastic with the designation PP. Other plastic dishes are not suitable. The maximum shelf life of honey in plastic is 1 year.

Is it possible to store honey in plastic, plastic dishes?
Is it possible to store honey in plastic, plastic dishes?

How much honey can be stored in an apartment at room temperature?

Honey can also be stored an apartment, while it is better to choose a dark cabinet or pantry. The product should be stored in a dark room. It is desirable that the closet be cool. At room temperature, honey can be stored for no more than a year. In such conditions, the product is delapped and sugared.

How much honey can be stored in an apartment at room temperature?
How much honey can be stored in an apartment at room temperature?

Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator?

Yes, the refrigerator is a good place to store a bee nectar. At the same time, you should adhere to a number of rules. The fact is that in the refrigerator with the "crying wall" high humidity. Accordingly, the mold may occur on honey or the fermentation process begins. Therefore, even storing honey in a container with a closed lid, wipe the wall from drops. The best option is a refrigerator with dry freezing. In such a cell, low humidity and honey will be stored for a long time. Ideal storage temperature +1 +5 ° C.

Do not store honey in open dishes next to products that smell strongly. Honey absorbs smells and an unpleasant taste will appear.

Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator?
Is it possible to store honey in the refrigerator?

Why is honey relaxed, foam, bubbling, darkens during storage?

A good product during storage should not bubulate or foam. This indicates that there was a lot of moisture and honey diluted in the product. At the same time, the product often wanders due to the presence of sugar syrup and other impurities in it. Such honey can smell bad. You can’t eat it. It is best to prepare honeycocks or make a mead. When using such honey, diarrhea and indigestion is possible.

The stratification of honey suggests that the product is not of the best quality. This is often the case with improper storage. There is nothing wrong if after two weeks of storage a white foam from small bubbles appears. This is the air that comes out when honey is compacted.

Honey distillation instructions:

  • If you noticed that the honey has been stifled into two parts, while in one crystals, and the second is liquid on top and foam appeared, then this indicates the processes of fermentation.
  • Such honey can be saved, for this it is necessary to remove pathogenic bacteria. To do this, remove the foam with a spoon and pour the entire product into an enameled vessel.
  • Put a pan in a water bath and heat with constant stirring 1 hour. The maximum heating temperature is 60 ° C.
  • After that, pour the nectar into the jar and close the lid. Do not allow moisture in honey.
Why is honey relaxed, foam, bubbling, darkens during storage?
Why is honey relaxed, foam, bubbling, darkens during storage?

How to store honey with royal jelly?

Honey with uterine milk is distinguished by a mass of beneficial properties. For cooking, they usually take mature honey, which was stored for 1 year. This will help to make a mixture that will not wander. Flot milk is introduced in a ratio of 1: 100. At the same time, the finished product is not necessarily muddy, it can be almost transparent. Store such a mixture exclusively in the refrigerator in a closed jar.

How to store honey with royal jelly?
How to store honey with royal jelly?

How is it right and how much can honey at home in honeycombs be stored?

This product is stored for a very long time. At the moment, during the excavation of the tombs of the pharaohs, honey was found in honeycombs, the properties of which did not worsen.

Features of honey in honeycombs:

  • Useful and helps to get rid of a number of chronic ailments
  • Helps get rid of allergies to many products
  • Improves immunity
  • Quickly helps to get rid of colds and SARS
  • It is used as an external remedy for the treatment of bruises, joint diseases
How is it right and how much can honey at home in honeycombs be stored?
How is it right and how much can honey at home in honeycombs be stored?

As you can see, honey is an unpretentious product that is well stored at home. It is not necessary to store nectar in the cellar. It is enough to observe some rules.

Video: Store bee nectar

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