How to distinguish natural honey from a fake in the market: signs in appearance, smell, viscosity. How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home with iodine, chemical pencil, ammonia, weighing, with vinegar, milk: instructions, tips

How to distinguish natural honey from a fake in the market: signs in appearance, smell, viscosity. How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home with iodine, chemical pencil, ammonia, weighing, with vinegar, milk: instructions, tips

The article will tell you about all the features of natural and artificial honey.

Every summer, different jars with honey of different tastes and shades appear in the markets.

Honey is the most useful product of nature, which has a mass of therapeutic and nutritional properties for humans. However, only natural honey, and not sugar syrup, which unscrupulous sellers and beekeepers often give out as a natural product can have such a feature.

If you want to purchase such a treat at the fair, then you should first learn to determine whether the natural honey is in front of you. This, as a rule, indicates several signs.

How to distinguish natural honey from fake: signs

There are several signs by which natural honey differs from a fake.

  • Appearance

The best honey will be very thick, so when transfusing from the can, a slide will form and it will not be distributed immediately. This is all because it should have no more than 17-20% of water, or you will already get a syrup, where there are only 1 water for 4 glasses of sugar.

If honey is diluted with water, then this will be immediately noticeable by its weight. As a rule, a kilogram of honey calmly fits in a bank of 0.8 liters, and if it is liter, then 1.5 kg of honey will enter there. Honest sellers usually allow you to look at the consistency and give a special stick or spoon. If the product is stretched with a thin thread, then it is really natural and you can safely buy it. And dripping from a spoon and immediately dissolving in the mass is a fake.

Moreover, usually fake honey is muddy and has a stratification or sediment at the bottom. The latter is due to the fact that molasses and semolina, which settles at the bottom, and honey itself is added only upstairs. A natural product will always be transparent and homogeneous.

  • Taste

A good honey will always “tear” the throat slightly, because it is tart, but the sourness will not be felt. If it is present, then this says that the product either deteriorates or has not yet matured. A drop of good honey can always be rubbed with your fingers, it is easily absorbed into the skin. If there are any additives inside, then it will slide. It is important to note that in a quality product the aroma is always well felt, and it is specific, often even floral or pollen. But the fake smells weak, and all because the syrup is mixed into it.

  • Hardness

The more useful substances in honey, the faster it hardens. However, in the summer it will be more like a syrup, if it is fresh, and pumped out in the spring, the rapeseed variety will already be like bars by August. It differs with a light yellow tint, and crystallized. If you went to the market in the fall or winter, then look only at the sugared honey. At this time, he is no longer there.

  • Check at home

It is better to first buy a little honey for the sample and only then take the right amount. You can check it with bread. Lower it for 10 minutes and if it softens, then you were offered a syrup, and in natural honey the bread will become hard. This is the easiest way to find out if there is a natural honey, but there are many others.

  • The documents

If desired, you can put the honey to the laboratory for tests. Excess water and impurities will be detected there. In this case, it will not be superfluous to ask the seller a certificate and passport passes. If the product has passed the test, then sucrose in it can be more than 5%.

Be sure to see that all the seals are present on the documents, and the check about payment with the date, as in an expert output, was attached.

How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home with iodine?

Artificial honey most often consists of:

  • Parts of natural honey
  • Sugar syrup
  • Pathos
  • Taste additives
  • Flavorings
  • Starch
  • Chalk
  • Flour
  • Thickeners
  • Sakharin

Important: a characteristic feature of natural honey is that it crystallizes already for 2-3 months of storage. If this does not happen, the honey is artificial. You can buy natural honey only during the collection period, and if it is sold to you with liquid and transparent in winter - it is either a falsifier or a warmed, melted honey.

The easiest way to check the naturalness of the product is using medical iodine. It will help to identify the presence of starch or flour in honey, which are often added to the recipe as a thickener.

How to make a test:

  • A spoonful of honey should be dissolved in a glass with purified, not hot boiled or distilled water.
  • Add a few drops of iodine to the liquid and look at the chemical reaction occurring in the glass.
  • If the liquid is blue, this indicates the presence of starch or flour in honey.
  • The more saturated and darker the color of the liquid, the more additives were in the product.
Determination using iodine
Determination using iodine

How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home with a chemical pencil?

Interesting: a chemical pencil is a pencil with a special graphite, which when wetting writes like ink.

Determining the naturalness of the product using a chemical pencil is very simple. It should be moistened in honey and then try to drive them on the skin, leaving a mark. If the product has additives, the pencil trace will be blue. This method is perfect in order to determine the naturalness of honey directly on the market before buying.

How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home by ammonia?

Checking with alcohol, honey is very simple:

  • Take 0.5 cups of clean water (distilled or purified boiled - any without impurities).
  • Stir in water 1 tbsp. honey until completely dissolved, shake the liquid.
  • Amounting alcohol should be added to this liquid (only a few drops will be quite enough).
  • Follow the chemical reaction in the glass
  • The brown color of the liquid will say that the product has a “lion's share” of sugar and starchy pathos.

How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home with weighing?

There is another way to check the naturalness of the product. It is believed that natural honey has a heavier weight than sugar syrup, due to a dense consistency. In 1 l of a bank of honey should be a weight of 1 kg. 400 gr, and in artificial - less than 1 kg. 400 gr.

How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home with vinegar?

Food vinegar will also help identify mixed substances in honey. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of the product in a glass of water and add vinegar (1 tbsp) there. If there is such a chemical reaction as hissing and foam, this is a sign of the presence of chalk in the product.

How to check the quality of honey, for naturalness, sugar at home of milk?

Hot milk is a faithful assistant in determining the naturalness of honey. Some manufacturers add burnt sugar to the product, which adds a caramel taste and beautiful dark color to it. Milk by folding will help determine the presence of sugar. In natural honey, milk dissolves, in the artificial curls.

What does natural honey look like? How to check for naturalness, recognize good natural liquid honey at home and when buying on the market?

Checking the quality of this product should begin on the market at the moment when you purchase it. First of all, you should pay attention to its color, and it varies depending on the variety (linden, buckwheat, acacia) from light gold to dark amber-brown.

A sign of high -quality honey is its transparency. If the consistency is cloudy, there is a precipitate and there is no uniformity - this indicates the presence of impurities in the product. Do not be afraid of natural “impurities” in the form of bee soth, pollen and even wings - this is quite normal for a high -quality and tasty product

Important: if you notice bubbles in honey, this is a bad sign, because such bubbles indicate fermentation of honey. Normally, this is not permissible at all, because a natural product can be stored for a very long time. There is evidence of this: in the Egyptian pyramids and burials, pots with honey were found, which put the graves to the mummies. This honey has been preserved in its original form until our years. This fact made it possible to conclude that natural honey is a product that can be stored forever.

What should a natural product look like?
What should a natural product look like?

How to check, distinguish in appearance, smell, viscosity honey when buying on the market? Signs of good, natural high -quality honey

Other features of natural honey:

  • A natural and high -quality product has a dark tart, but pleasant taste.
  • Natural honey can leave a slight sore throat.
  • A good product is easily spreading
  • Sediment in the jar should not be
  • There should not be a caramel taste even in natural honey (since it indicates its remelting).
  • Natural honey is sweet, but not sugary
  • The natural product has a very bright and pleasant natural aroma.
  • The consistency of the natural product is very tender and viscous
  • Taking a drop of honey on the fingers, you will notice how easily it is rubbed between the fingers and is absorbed into the skin.
Home laboratory to determine the quality of the product
"Home Laboratory" by determining the quality of the product
Features and characteristic features of a natural product
Features and characteristic features of a natural product

How to check for naturalness, recognize a good natural sugared honey at home and when buying on the market?

Sniffed honey to check is much more difficult than liquid. The fact is that only a real product is able to crystallize. However, there is one good way to identify its naturalness. Put 1 tsp. On a paper napkin and look at the trace of honey, a good product will have a wet and wet spot. The sugar product does not flow.

Falsified honey and methods of its recognition

How to find out fake honey:

  • Bright amber shine and crystal transparency
  • A product that can foam
  • Honey without aroma and taste
  • Unnatural white
  • Honey has two layers: liquid at the top and thick below
  • Karamel, bitter or sour taste
  • The presence of grains (determined by rubbing between the fingers).

Important: type honey in a spoon or on a special honey stick, look at how it will drain. Artificial honey gives spray, natural flows with a thin thread.

Video: "How to determine natural honey?"

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