How and why bees make honey: brief information for children. How and why are the bees bring honey to the hive? Bee Family: Composition

How and why bees make honey: brief information for children. How and why are the bees bring honey to the hive? Bee Family: Composition

Information for children about how and why bees make honey.

Why are the bees make honey: Brief information for children

Many of you are interested in the question: why do bees make honey?

Honey for bees is food. One bee family can have more than 35,000 individuals, the smallest family is 10,000 individuals. A lot of honey needs to be obtained by bees to feed your large family throughout the year.

After all, the extraction of honey is possible in a short period of time only when plants bloom, they are called honey -bearing. This happens in spring and summer. Further, the bees will feed on those reserves that managed to prepare. If there is a lot of honey - the bee family suffered wintering well, if there is little honey - the family will weaken greatly and lose many bees.

You know that bees collect honey not only for themselves. First of all, the beekeeper pumps out the stocks of honey. He sells honey and treats them his family. Therefore, bees have to work very intensively in order to have time to collect the desired supply of honey for the winter.

Important: a bee family can eat from 60 to 100 kg of honey in a year. Bees constantly have to protect their reserves from other lovers to enjoy honey, for example, from the animal of honey.

Why honey bees

The bees were originally wild insects. They built their nests in the forests on the trees, collected pollen and nectar from flowering trees. But people noticed that honey that the bees make is very tasty, and later found out that it was also very useful.

So people began to dominate wild bees. In ancient Egypt, bees began to be diluted almost 5000 years ago. First, special decks are attached to the trees, in which the swarm of bees settled. People did not transfer these decks to their territory, but left them right in the forest. Each deck was marked by the owner.

In different countries, the bee was domesticated at different times: somewhere earlier, somewhere later. But the fact that bees live in any area where plants and trees bloom, trees.

At first, people could not come up with the right design of the hive, which would allow honey without invading bee families. It angered bees and interfered with their calm life. The procedure also turned into a laborious process. Later, special hives for bees were invented, with frames. It was not difficult to get these frames from the hive and collect honey. Thus, the life of bees and man did not threaten a person. These hives exist at the present time, only their design is constantly being improved.

In addition, special costumes for beekeepers were invented, which protect them from insect bites. Be sure to have a hat with a protective grid for the face.

Hives with bees

Bee family

You already know that bees live in large families. But besides the fact that the families are large, they are still very friendly. In bee families, order reigns, everyone performs their work.

The bee family consists of:

  • Uterus. This is the most important member of the bee family. The uterus can be recognized by its large sizes, it is much more than all other bees. The uterus is only engaged in the fact that it produces offspring. In her assistants, she has several bees that feed, clean the uterus. If something happens to the uterus, and the family loses its main bee, then the existence of such a family is doomed. The beekeeper can help such a bee family avoid death if he plants a new uterus.
  • Working bees. These are the main workers for honey. Some of them work in the hive, part - flies behind the nectar. Sometimes working bees change roles.
  • Drone. This is the hive loafers. Such bees do nothing, but serve only to create offspring. The bees do not want to feed the drouts in winter, so in the end of summer the hives are cleaned, they simply throw out a drone from there.

Bees at first are small larvae, they are in my cells for a long time. They are fed by feed bees. Then the larva becomes a doll. The cell where it is located is sealed. When the time comes to be born, the small bee rushes the cell and appears out. At first she does not fly out behind the nectar, but works in the hive. There she gains experience, and only then flies out behind the nectar.

The bee flies behind the nectar

How the bees collect nectar, bring it to the hive and make honey: a brief description for children

To make honey, the bee must collect nectar from the flower, bring it to the hive and give it to other bees for processing.

Important: nectar is a liquid that is in a flower. Nectar consists of water and sugar, so honey is so sweet.

Honey may differ in appearance and taste. People love and appreciate such types of honey very much:

  • Buckwheat
  • Lime
  • Honey with multi -grass
  • Honey with white acacia

Bees collect nectar from many trees and plants, for example:

  • Dandelion
  • Clover
  • Sunflower
  • Fruit trees

The bees sit on the flower and drawn nectar with a long proboscis folded into a tube. The bees have two stomachs. One serves for their own saturation, the second - for storing nectar. To fill one nectar stomach, the bee must collect nectar from almost 1,500 flowers. To do this, it can fly away far from the hive, the distance of the bee behind the nectar is 2-3 km.

The capacity of the nectarian stomach is almost equal to the weight of the bee itself. After the bee fills the stomach with nectar, it flies into the hive to give nectar for processing and feeding larvae. So the bee works until the evening.

How bees make honey

Where does honey come from at the bees?

When the working bee brings nectar in the ventricle, the hive bees should pull out nectars from the mouth of the working bee with their proboscis. Further, honey is engaged in the work of honey.

How bees make honey:

  1. First, bees chew about 30 minutes of nectar, like people chew chewing gum. Thanks to this, honey is clean, without bacteria.
  2. Then the processed honey comes out of the proboscis of the bee. Bees fold honey in honeycombs.
  3. Honey contains a lot of moisture, so the bees are waiting for the moisture to evaporate. Bees help the process pass faster, blowing honey with their wings, as a fan.
  4. When honey reaches the desired consistency of the bee seal the honeycomb. Such honey is considered completely ripened and ready for use.

Important: sterile cleanliness reigns in the bee in the hive, they are constantly engaged in cleaning their home, it smells of honey and propolis.

The benefits of the bee are not only in the production of honey. Fruits will not appear without a bee, the plants will not give a crop. The bee pollinates the plants, thus contributes to the crop. If for some reason all the bees die, humanity will suffer very much.

A bee can sting a person. This happens if you intervene in their life. It’s just that these insects do not attack. To avoid a bite, you need to calmly leave the habitat of the bee, while trying not to make sudden movements.

Bees are amazing insects that, with their labor, bring a lot of benefits to humanity. Therefore, it is impossible to offend the bees.

Video: How does the bee make honey?

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