Raised index finger up: What does Muslims mean?

Raised index finger up: What does Muslims mean?

Many people who are not dedicated to the dogmas of the Muslim faith are interested in the question: what are her adherents want to say often repeated with a gesture - with a index finger raised upward?

The assumptions are made very different, but which one is true? Any religion is a sufficiently thin matter, and usually only theologists manage to understand its nuances.

Raised index finger up: one of the wrong gesture interpretations

  • According to one version, it is customary to greet each other with such a gesture among Muslims. Theologians who thoroughly studied the dogmas of Islam are debunking such an assumption. They argue that the Prophet Muhammad once uttered such words that were immortalized in the Holy Scriptures of the Islamists.
The words of the prophet
The words of the prophet
  • As follows from the above phrases of the Prophet Muhammad, whom Muslims are revered as the messenger of Allah, to greet each other by raising up the finger or hands, they are prohibited.
  • But from the rules, there is still an exception: according to the true adherent of Islam Hafiz Ibn Hajar, this ban does not apply to those Muslims who do not have the opportunity to greet their co-religionists out loud-in this case, the gesture is also allowed-the raised index finger up.

Raised index finger up when the prayer is created

  • Muslims should raise their finger up a finger when they are created by prayer glorify Allah. One of the ancient books gives evidence of eyewitnesses, when the prophet Muhammad himself was made such a gesture during prayer: at first he held his hands folded on his knees, and then with his index finger he began to show upward, while he folded the figure in the form of a ring from the rest of his fingers.
  • If you are guided by hadis, then there is also a description of how the prophet was done by such prayer gesture - His index finger pointed up, and from the middle and large he folded the semblance of a ring. At the same time, he never raised his gaze up where his finger pointed.

What do the Muslims want to say with a fir -raised finger?

  • The adherents of Islam raised up with a finger confirm their faith that "there is no other god except Allah." That is, a Muslim finger, which has gone to heaven, is a recognition of monotheism to them.
Value in Islam
Value in Islam
  • By the way, far from all Muslims, such a gesture is widespread. The Wahhabis sacredly honor this tradition, but among the traditionalists there is an opinion that Satan is glorified upwards with a finger raised upward; Others believe that Masons use such a gesture, so Muslims do not fit in Muslims. Shafiites rises a finger when the words are pronounced during prayer: "In addition to Allah", and by the Hanafites - at words: "No God".
  • The Malikites have such a tradition: not only to raise a finger up, but also with prayer to move it to the right, then to the left. And the Hanbalites - to raise him to the sky every time mentioning in the prayers of Allah.

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