How many forbidden months have Muslims? What are the commandments and prohibitions: 20 rules and prohibitions from Muslims

How many forbidden months have Muslims? What are the commandments and prohibitions: 20 rules and prohibitions from Muslims

Muslimism is a religion whose canons are interconnected with moral values: mercy, compassion, sincerity. A person, by personal beliefs, can accept this faith, but before that you should get acquainted with its principles.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What permits and bans exist among Muslims?". You will learn about customs and traditions.

From this article you will learn what forbidden months in Islam exist, as well as what commandments and prohibitions exist. Read further.

What are the commandments and prohibitions of Muslims: 20 rules and prohibitions

Rules and prohibitions
Rules and prohibitions

The lifestyle of a Muslim comes down to certain laws. They are associated with relations with the family, culture and other worldly things. We will analyze in more detail these aspects. What are the commandments and prohibitions?

What is not allowed for the believer is called haram. The rules range from the most insignificant to critical. In the sacred book - the Qur'an, all this is described in detail. Here 20 rules and prohibitions in Islam:

Adultery (or "Zina"):

  • An intimate connection with the opposite sex, people who are not married, are prohibited from touching each other.


  • In another way, the “bastard”, the accusation of the individual without any arguments and evidence.
  • One of the hadith says: say good or silent, lies towards the other face - one of the grave sins.


  • The "e -" is also called - reading spells, which has a direct effect on the body and soul of a person, black and white magic.


  • "Shirk" can be of two types.
  • The first is the likening of other gods, except for Allah: an object, an animal, a phenomenon.
  • The second is good deeds for the sake of praise or public opinion.


  • In the Arabic language, Sirkat means illegal theft of property, regardless of social status and religion.
  • For such unreasonable behavior in some countries they chopped off a hand.


  • Israf is an excessive waste of money on material resources prohibited by the Almighty.
  • Many imams recommend spending rationally or engage in charity work: to help the poor and poor.


  • The main condition is the desire for winning an unreasonable way.
  • These are types of the following entertainment: cards, roulette, backgammon, lottery.

Here are some other prohibitions:

  1. Disobedience to parents, confronts them
  2. Murder of a person for no reason
  3. The use of stupefying and intoxicating substances, including drugs
  4. Weighing and measuring
  5. Eating dead, pork and meat of other prohibited animals
  6. Powerless use of orphan property
  7. Corrupt practices
  8. Desire to be angry and angry
  9. Show injustice, make discord between people
  10. Hypocrisy, arrogance
  11. Religious conclusions without relevant knowledge
  12. Friendship with bad people
  13. Insincerity in the commission of pious affairs

There are also tattoos and stinginess under the ban. A Muslim should not draw any images in his business.

What are the most stringent prohibitions on Muslims?

The phenomena below are one of the most serious, strict punishment is expected for their failure to fulfill. Some of these prohibitions, if they are not observed, Allah will never forgive, in particular polytheism - A retreat from the Lord, the betrayal of religion of a kind. What other prohibitions of Muslims are the most stringent?

  • Adultery
  • Slander
  • Witchcraft
  • Theft
  • Murder
  • Pork eating
  • Drug use

Disobedience to parents - This is also one of the most stringent prohibitions in Muslims. Everyone knows this.

How many forbidden months have Muslims?

Forbidden months from Muslims
Forbidden months from Muslims

Such forbidden months among Muslims have another terminology - "Sacred". In ancient times, the Arab calendar included a period during which it was impossible to fight, commit murders and hunting.

Classification is on serial numbers:

  1. Muharram - the first. The battles stopped or postponed on another date.
  2. Zul-kada - The eleventh. The wandering ended.
  3. Rajab - Seventh. It's time for worship.
  4. Zul-hija - twelfth. The most beloved days of God for pilgrimage.

What is the essence? Believers who commit Khaj around the Kaaba could fall into a difficult situation: blood feud, enmity. For the safety of Muslims, such a period was introduced - this is a favorable time to observe posts, reading the Sur of the Qur'an and distribution of Zakat (alms).

Islamic calendar is a good way to score time. Each Muslim will remember important dates and achieve the content of the Almighty.

What is the ban on raising children in Muslims?

Relations between children and parents are an integral part of life. The future depends on what principles and concepts the father or mother in the child’s mind will be laid. Decent education is a "Fard" (obligation) for every Muslim. Before puberty, the parent is responsible for the child. What is the ban on raising children in Islam? More details should be considered such qualities and phenomena:

Human qualities:

  • Crush to adults is a taboo in Islam.
  • Spouses from an early age tell the younger generation of respect for the elders.
  • Installing human qualities is right on the moral side. A personality with a stable psyche and correct priorities will grow.

Pobpaz pass:

  • The Prophet Muhammad instructed to proceed to the mandatory pillar of Islam at 7 years old.
  • Worship of God is due in religion. If the child, upon reaching 10 years, does not pray, the spouse has the right to punish his son or daughter.

Bad example:

  • As they say, children are a reflection of parents. If you swear, rude, swear with adolescents, they will “absorb” this.
  • You should show yourself from the good side: pray in time, not conflict and talk politely.

The formation of a child's worldview is one of the dominant goals in the believer. Holding ethical principles will help to grow decent offspring.

What food is the ban on Muslims?

The nutrition culture requires a detailed study. The term "halal" denotes use. The main components of this category are eggs, flour dishes and milk. As for other products, there are nuances in choosing products.

  • The main ban on food for Muslims is pork

Factors because of which it is forbidden to eat this meat:

  1. Pathogenic microbes
  2. Parasites
  3. Light fat content
  • Another ban is dead

For example, meat, dog, raccoon. If the animal died independently in a stable or corral, then such meat is unsuitable for food for the believer. This includes the death of the animal as a result:

  • Floods
  • Drought
  • Lightning strike
  • Injuries
  • Flooding
  • Exposure to current

In addition, an important rule of all is the observance of Sharia requirements with a slaughter of an animal:

  • The carcass should be slaughtered with the name of the Almighty, the only way it will be allowed as food.
  • The task of killing is to pump out more blood, as it contains microbes.

By the way, many ingredients are a taboo for believers. For example, gelatin. It is made from the bones of the pig, donkey, etc. Only alternative goods are allowed, which include beef, algae.

The list also replenishes and karmin - red dye from insects. Used in drinks and products.
In a cafe or other institutions, it is necessary to clarify whether food has a license "halal". An attentive attitude to food culture will save a Muslim from undesirable consequences.

Muslim alcohol ban

Muslim alcohol ban
Muslim alcohol ban

A hot drink has long been compared with the "abductor of reason." In the sacred book, he is included in the set of rules - “Hamr”. The ban on alcohol for Muslims is as follows:

  • Produce, exchange and give alcohol is undesirable. The Prophet Muhammad notified the associates about the harmful effects of such drinks on health and soon a ban on alcohol consumption was established.

So it happened in a number of circumstances:

  • Failing is deteriorated - Prayer is disturbed when alcohol -containing substances enter the blood.
  • The clarity of the mind is lost - In a drunk state, a person is able to commit rash acts that contradict moral and religious beliefs.
  • Adversely affects the body - Excessive drunkenness leads to the occurrence of diseases: cirrhosis, laryngeal cancer, disturbance of the digestive system.
  • Can lead to a lack of exemplary behavior - Others or close people can take an example from a Muslim, this can develop into a large stream of drinking.
  • Dependence develops - One insignificant sip stupids and addiction begins.

This poison destroys slowly, but spectacular. You can endlessly list about its minuses, at the initial stage you should refuse alcohol. Do not destroy health, behind such a vice is a punishment in eternal life.

Prohibition for marriage with Muslims

Marriage plays a significant role. The union of two people is encouraged in religion and is a Sunnaya (desirable). What are the bans to marry?

According to Sharia, a believer Muslim is forbidden to marry:

  • Two sisters
  • Close relative
  • Atheist or polythery

The girl, in turn, can marry exclusively to a Muslim. This is due to the fact that the man is the head of the family, the system of values \u200b\u200bdepends on him. In raising children, a woman is also guided by this, and that is why, it is advisable to choose a man of life from her religious denomination to a man.

  • The fictitious nickes are unacceptable (wedding rite). Such a process acts under a contract of two sides for the purpose of benefit. Spouses are divorced for petty reasons and do not share property.
  • Another scrupulous topic is same -sex marriages. The hadiths indicate strict punishment for this union. The psychological impact affects a person, so religion advises to stand on the true path until it is too late.
  • There is a certain gap - "idda": After the death of her husband, after the expiration of the time, the widow cannot go out for another person.

Everything else is allowed in religion, after the blessing of parents, the union is considered official.

Prohibitions during the post of Muslims

The sacred month of Ramadan is a chance for a believer for cleansing from sins, improving the soul and views on the world. Muslims have many prohibitions during the post. Forbidden:

  • Use obscene vocabulary - Swearing obscenities is considered obscenity, on the contrary, you need to try to avoid quarrels and conduct a dialogue politely.
  • Eat up - The countdown begins with the sunrise until it sits - it is forbidden.
  • Drink or smoke - The hadith mentioned that during the sacred month it is necessary to empty not only the stomach, but also the heart from bad habits.
  • Arrange romantic meetings - Communication with a hint of flirting, the intimate connection of the spouses is undesirable before the laying of the post.
  • Observe the pillars of Islam on special days - A woman during menstruation is prohibited from praying, fasting. To compensate for missing worships are allowed after the end of the cycle.
  • Watch movies and listen to music - Sinning with eyes and ears - heavy vices for the believer, information that does not bring religious benefits is meaningless to Ramadan.

There are still prohibitions in Islam. Read further.

Muslim bans for girls

Muslim girls
Muslim girls

The beautiful half of humanity in Islam occupies an important place. The Prophet Muhammad spoke of respect for a woman. For example, every Friday it is advisable to give your wife gifts or sweets. The Messenger of Allah claimed that the weaker sex should be protected. The prohibitions of Muslims for girls carry some protection for the ladies themselves in order to avoid unpleasant situations. What can not be done:

  • Dress defiantly. Tighting things showing the silhouette of the figures are considered unreasonable. It is preferable to wear dresses, skirts on the floor. Pants are also allowed, but they should be wide, like haremers. In the wardrobe, neutral shades are desirable so as not to attract the attention of others.
  • Walk unaccompanied. Mahram is a close person for a woman (brother, father, husband) walks together in public places. For example, you can’t fly to Mecca without a relative or spouse, they simply will not accept an application for Hajj.
  • Twerper with the male sex. The Muslim woman is undesirable at the same table with a stranger guy. It is also with work: it is advisable to build a career in a women's company.
  • Be out of the house. Without a scarf, you can only be in the presence of Mahram. The Aurat (parts of the body that need to be closed) includes a neck and hair. The hijab is the obligation of every God -fearing, but the girl should decide at this step at her request.

Nevertheless, the weaker sex is loved in religion. A woman can study, develop, do what she loves. For compliance with these norms, there is a reward in eternal life.

Why can't Muslims wear gold and silk?

Unlike girls, a Muslim guy is forbidden to wear a gold watch or a wedding ring. A similar accessory of silver alloys is suitable. The ban on wearing such paraphernalia has no coincidence: gold, according to the imams, makes a person arrogant and proud. And silk, in turn, is gentle.

Such accessories push a Muslim to waste. It is believed that the believer will chase wealth and forget about the principles of the sacred book.

When a Muslim can deviate from the prohibitions, what are the reasons?

There are special exceptions that are exempting from punishment. When can the Muslim be retreating from the prohibitions? What are the reasons for this?

It is allowed to evade the code of laws in connection with:

  • Hunger - If a person has nothing to eat, then in case of emergency, he can eat unprofitable food.
  • "Interesting position" - A pregnant woman is not obliged to perform prayer and fast, this includes the period of feeding the baby.
  • The risk of death - If the believer is aware of the possibility of death, then evasion of religious principles is excusable.

So, we dismantled the main religious subtleties. Compliance with the norms of Islam is the key to the happiness and calm of the believer. Information is also useful to beginners in this area: remember that everything is based on moral motives.

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