Can Muslims make tattoos: why can't a tattoo on the body be filled? What will happen if a Muslim is tattooing?

Can Muslims make tattoos: why can't a tattoo on the body be filled? What will happen if a Muslim is tattooing?

Muslim tattoos are forbidden to do. But there are such types of drawings that are allowed.

Question "Can Muslims make tattoos?", in everyday life sounds relevant. In order to more fully understand this issue, first you should understand at least a thesis: “Who are Muslims?” Muslims are people who preach, follow and live according to the laws of Islam. This is a religion that arose on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula in Hijaz in the 7th century. The founder of Islam is the Prophet Muhammad.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Can Muslims eat squid, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, mussels, oysters?". You will learn that you can’t eat Muslims from seafood.

From this article you will learn can Muslims make tattoosAnd what will happen if a person of this faith still fills himself with a tattoo. Read further.

Do Muslims make tattoos?

Muslim tattoo
Muslim tattoo

What is a tattoo? Simply put, these are images of symbols, drawing on the human body. The first tattoos were found during archaeological excavations in Europe, their age was 5,000 years. This means that people decorate their body with a tattoo for more than one millennium.

A person puts drawings on his body to express himself or even capture some important point in life. In some peoples, this method of self-expression is welcome and even emphasizes the status. And in some countries, the tattoo is forbidden. In Islam, that is, Muslims, to fill on any symbols and drawings on the body, is a sin, but in the strict laws of religion there are also their executions. So, Muslims make tattoos. At the same time, the Muslim person should carefully relate to the fact that he wants to apply to his body. Read more more.

Can Muslims make tattoos: why can't a tattoo on the body be filled?

Islam categorically refers to the application of tattoos on the body. According to the religion of Islam, the human body is its temple, and the application of any symbols on it is desecration. Muslims are forbidden to make tattoos. Why can't tattoo on the body be filled? It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad cursed those who make drawings on the body, increasing hair and nails:

  • “I curse the one that increases the hair, and the one that increases it; The one that makes a tattoo, and the one that is done by it ... "

This means that sin for applying a tattoo, a curse - falls on a master who makes a drawing and a person who made it on his body.

It is worth noting that such a strict ban on self -expression applies to the image, which is stuffed under the skin, the so -called ordinary tattoos: "The drawing should not be constant". An even greater sin for the master of the tattoo is earnings with this craft. Also, a sin is plastic surgery, piercing, wearing wigs, nail extensions, eyelashes, cosmetic procedures in dentistry, for example, grinding tooths.

Why are such simple and familiar procedures in everyday life a sin for the Islamic religion? The fact is that Islam believes that this is a protest against how the Almighty created a man, a protest against nature, and therefore against Allah.  

What will happen if a Muslim is tattooing?

Muslim tattoo
Muslim tattoo

So, we figured out that the tattoo in Islam is prohibited. But what will happen if a Muslim is tattooing?

  • The strictness of the laws of Islam, which relate to the stuffing of a tattoo or any other unnatural interventions and changes, in everyday life relate to a greater extent to deeply believing Muslims.
  • If now a modern person who professes this religion will make a tattoo, of course, he will not be punished or cursed.
  • But the imams strongly recommend that the drawings are reduced, if one has a person on the body.

However, there is an exception:

  • The tattoo can not be reduced, if its removal threatens human health, for example, if there is diabetes.

It is important to remember that applying a tattoo is not recommended if it can harm human health. And in the case of diabetes and other similar pathologies, it should not be filled at all.

Is Muslims allowed to make henna tattoos?

Henna is a plant dye. Make henna from the dried leaves of Lavsonia with non -possessed. Such a plant is used to apply temporary drawings on the body. Drawing henna characters is widespread in India, Pakistan, North Africa. This plant is generally very common in these countries. The application of patterns to the skin is called henna "Mendy" or "Mehendi".

So, is Muslims allowed to make henna tattoos? Read more:

  • Since henna is a natural dye, to decorate with such drawings the body for believers of this religion is allowed.

All because henna does not penetrate deep under the skin and washed off with water. Muslims are forbidden precisely by filling the pattern under the skin.

What does the Two Dagger tattoo mean among Muslims?

In Islamic culture, as well as in others, there are various amulets. It is worth noting that esoterics and faith in everything mystical are a sin and comes from evil spirits. But such an attitude towards amulets is inherent not only to the Islamic religion.

However, despite this, Muslims have their own amulets. For example:

  • The eye of Fatima, it is believed that he protects a person from the evil eye and dark forces, as well as, like a red thread bracelet, which is worn on the right wrist.
  • The eye of Fatima is present in the form of a talisman in every house where this religion is held, and a red thread can often be seen on the hand of a Muslim.

And despite all the prohibitions, the tattoo is also a talisman for Muslims. It is important to note that it plays great importance, which is shown in the figure. For example, tattoo of two daggers - may have different meanings:

  • This is both protection and danger
  • Life
  • Warlike attitude to everything around
  • Independence of man
  • Broken heart, lost love, spiritual wound
  • Freedom, courage
  • Danger to others
  • The honor of man and his stamina

The image of daggers on the body can be a symbol of both positive and negative qualities of a person’s character, talk about his strength and goodwill or hidden weakness and aggression towards others. It all depends on which person is in front of you. Therefore, you need to be careful with such people.

Under what conditions does the tattoo in Muslims become permissible?

Tattoo is allowed if this is an image of Muslim characters
Tattoo is allowed if this is an image of Muslim characters

The answer to the question under what conditions the tattoo in Muslims becomes permitted is already mentioned in the text earlier. Islam, of course, considers tattooing a ban (haram). Since this is a protest against the creator. But time dictates its own rules and strict prohibitions still have their own links. As before, imams against applying a tattoo on the body, but this is more related to constant drawings.

  • Tattoos temporary are not subjected to censure. For example, henna pattern is a natural dye.
  • If a person has a constant tattoo, it is better to abandon it - to reduce.
  • As mentioned above, the imams allow the wearing of constant drawings on the body, if their removal can threaten the health of the owner.

The tattoo is considered permissible if:

  • It is prescribed by a doctor if it disappears over time.
  • The drawing does not contain a symbol of sin (in this case, you can turn to your pocket). It is forbidden to make ideological drawings and a tattoo with slogans, some calls.
  • There are no animated objects in the image.

It is strictly forbidden to apply the name of Allah or the verses of the Qur'an to the body. If a woman wears a tattoo, she has no right to show her to any of the men except her husband.

It is worth knowing: In the modern world, a tattoo on the body of men and women of Muslims is perceived negatively.

There are images of a tattoo that can be applied to Muslims constantly. This is an image of a mosque, a star and a crescent (a general symbol of Islam), a complex ornament (usually men prefer to fill), a painting by Arabic scribble. For example, a person can fill a pot with a plant, while the pot should be painted with Arabic scribble.

Summarizing the above, you can briefly answer the question: “Can Muslims do tattoos?” Time flows and changes a lot, but in Islam there is still a conservative attitude to such a phenomenon as a tattoo on the body. Muslims make a tattoo, but observing certain rules. They were mentioned earlier in the article.

Video: Are tattoos in Islam?

Video: Do \u200b\u200byou want a tattoo? Watch this video | Mufti Menk

Video: What about tattoos made before Islam?

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