Is it possible for Muslims to enter the Orthodox Church: is there a ban in the Qur'an? Can a Muslim put a candle in the church?

Is it possible for Muslims to enter the Orthodox Church: is there a ban in the Qur'an? Can a Muslim put a candle in the church?

Muslims are undesirable to enter the Orthodox Church, and it is not worth it to put candles. There are other prohibitions.

Nowadays, when cultural boundaries between countries are being erased more and more, people of different nationality, religion and mentality are constantly intersect and cooperate with each other. Because of this, difficulties and misunderstandings may arise, especially if it comes to religious views.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Can Muslims eat squid, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, mussels, oysters?". You will learn that you can’t eat Muslims from seafood.

In our country, Orthodoxy and Islam are more common, therefore the contradictions between their representatives are most relevant. Some of these controversial moments will be considered in the article, namely, is it possible for Muslims to go to the Orthodox Church and others. Read more.

Islam and Christianity according to theologians

Islam and Christianity
Islam and Christianity

In those verses of the Qur'an that were written in Mecca, benevolence is manifested to the followers of Christ, because they preach God's law and humble themselves in the face of the Lord. However, by the end of the period when Muhammad lived in Medina, the statements of Christians acquire a sharp and hostile character, the divinity of Christ is denied: in the teaching of the Holy Trinity, Muhammad saw a contradiction with the monotheism that he himself preached. Islam and Christianity, according to theologians, are different religions.

  • Relations between Christians and Muslims were and remain tense.
  • An examples can be given by the capture of Constantinople and Jerusalem, the Crusades, the current situation in Saudi Arabia, the lack of mosques in Moscow.
  • Although many claim that Muslims worship the same to God as Christians, the most knowledgeable representatives of both religions sharply deny this, referring to a completely different idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of God.

For example, Allah is considered equally a source of good and evil, while in Christianity God is responsible only for good.

Is it possible for Muslims to enter the Orthodox Church: is there a ban in the Qur'an?

The opinions of Muslim scientists diverge on this subject.

  • Some argue that being in the Orthodox Church for a Muslim is a forbidden action, that is, Haram. This opinion is supported by Shafiites and Hanafites. The former consider the main reason for the ban on the image of saints who are prohibited in Islam, while the latter believe that evil spirits - shaitans gather in Orthodox churches.
  • In confirmation of this, the story of Caliph Ibn Umar about how Angel Djibril promised Muhammad to visit him, but did not come for a long time, and the Prophet went out into the street, where he saw the Angel of Djibille. He told him that angels cannot go to the houses where dogs are located or there are images of living beings.
  • Other scientists call a visit to the Christian Church as undesirable, but they do not completely prohibit it. This opinion is held by part of the Hanbalites. They cite as evidence of the word Ibn Abbas about the prophet Muhammad: "I saw images in the house, so it did not enter". Sometimes, so that the prophet enters, the images are erased.
  • The third group of scientists does not at all prohibit the faithful to enter the church. Some of the Hanbalites agree with this opinion. They believe that those who write icons and make statues for the church take on all the blame. This opinion is confirmed by the statement of theologian Ibn Kudami, who taught that he did not need to leave the house at the sight of the image, but we can explain to the owner that Islam does not approve.

Muslims have Sharia - Divine LawMuslims should adhere to worshiping the Qur'an and Sunnah. Given the fact that there are some laws in Christianity regarding the images on the walls, etc., therefore, a Muslim should not participate in the rites, and he is undesirable to enter the church.

Can a Muslim put a candle in the church?

A Muslim can come to church, but he should not put a candle
A Muslim can come to church, but he should not put a candle

Christianity does not forbid the Gentiles to enter the church and put candles. It is worth noting that at the liturgy an unbaptized person may be before an exclamation "Announced, find". Tsar Solomon mentions this, praying in the temple he built:

  • “If a foreigner, who is not from your people of Israel, will come from the earth for the sake of your name and he will come and pray at this temple, hear from the sky, from your habitat, and do everything that the foreigner will appeal to you.”However, from the point of view of Islam, participation in the rites of other religions is a haram, prohibited action.

So Imam Muslim spoke about this:

  • “Truly, you will follow the customs of those who were before you, imitating them exactly in everything. And, even if they climb into the mink of the lizard, then you will follow them ", (Muslim, 2669).

The tradition of putting candles in the church is not recognized as Islam, so this Muslim should not be done. It is known that sometimes the rulers of Muslim countries visit Orthodox churches to pay tribute to someone else's faith. For example, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev put a candle in the Cathedral of Astana Astana at Christmas 2011. However, this act did not go unnoticed and caused a wave of condemnation in the Muslim world.

Can a Muslim make a prayer in the church?

From the point of view of Islam, the Imam-Khatyb of the Moscow Memorial Mosque Shamil Alyautdinov answered this question. He stated that there is no strict prohibition in the Qur'an. Consequently, those Muslims who consider it possible to enter the Orthodox Church, also allow prayer to make there.

  • “Wherever the prayer found you, then make it, and truly this place will be a mosque” (Muslim).

From the point of view of Christianity, this question raises more doubts.

  • Firstly, from the above quote it is clear that the place of prayer becomes-in the spiritual sense-a mosque. Christians consider the Church the house of God, and they cannot allow it to turn into a mosque.
  • Secondly, according to some Christian theologians, prayer can be compared more with worship than with personal prayer. It contains a rigid sequence of words, can only be read in Arabic, and the reader must be converted in the right direction.
  • In personal prayer, this is not, everyone can turn to God in their own words and in any language.

Remember: Since the prayer is identified with the worship of another religion, it is strictly forbidden to read it in the church - just as it is forbidden to conduct Orthodox prayers in the mosque.

In order to easily resolve conflicts between people of different beliefs, knowledge of their rules and prescriptions is important, but love and respect are even more important, because this is the only way to achieve mutual understanding. We hope that while reading this article, you learned something interesting for yourself and clarified some important nuances of religious life. Good luck!

Video: Can a Muslim go to church and put candles? Ask Imam

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