Marry a Muslim to a Russian girl Christian: Pros and cons of

Marry a Muslim to a Russian girl Christian: Pros and cons of

On our planet, people of different nations are often intertwined. In Russia, specifically, Muslims and Christians adhere to the nodes of life. Therefore, many people have a question, can a Christian girl, living according to the rules of the Lord, marry a man of another religion? Is happiness possible in such a union?

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "What permits and bans exist among Muslims?". You will learn about customs and traditions.

From this article you will learn why Russian girls want to marry a Muslim and they can do it without the permission of their parents. We will tell you, you can marry a Christian guy to a Muslim woman. You will also learn a lot of other interesting and useful information. Read further.

Is it possible to marry an Orthodox Christian, a Russian girl to marry a Muslim?

Orthodox Christian, Russian girl marries a Muslim
Orthodox Christian, Russian girl marries a Muslim

A marriage is not only a stamp in the passport, but also the union of two people who create a family on equal terms and obligations. So, is it possible to marry an Orthodox Christian, a Russian girl to marry a Muslim?

  • Muslims belong to the union with great respect.
  • Islam forces lovers to go through rituals in the mosque, which is called "Nicky". And all because the Muslim needs to marry only the chosen one of the native nation. However, this requirement is not strict (more below in the text).
  • The head of the family will be exclusively only the man himself.
A woman in Islam
A woman in Islam

Christian faith also provides only an equal marriage. Spouses bear the overall responsibility for its preservation. It is recommended that lovers get married in the church, although now young couples are less and less resort to this tradition. Just sexual ties, without marriage, are considered a great sin.

It is worth knowing: Christianity is also considering that the head in the family is required to be a man, but all issues should be discussed with his wife. Therefore, you need to thoroughly think over your decision and not rush to go into marriage if you are not ready to reckon with your husband's opinion.

Can a Christian marry a man of another nationality after all?

  • This choice is allowed.
  • However, Islam requires a woman to change faith and obey the Qur'an.
  • Christian brides depart from the church and accept someone else's faith. Of course, it is not necessary to change it, but without this, not every Muslim will take another religion into the house.

It is worth knowing: Changing faith is a great sin.

Can a Christian marry a Muslim?
Can a Christian marry a Muslim?

At the same time, lovers should live where people confess Islam, and the wedding ceremony will be held in the mosque. Today, ministers of Christian churches cannot affect the decision of a woman who wants to change faith and marry a Muslim. Therefore, priests relate to such unions without approval.

Both religions do not prohibit the couple to meet, but it is important not to indulge in sexual joys. Although now such traditions have long been forgotten.

Why are Russian girls, women marry Muslims?

As they like to say to the people "you can’t order the heart." Therefore, in our time you can often encounter spouses related to different religions. Why are Russian girls, women marry Muslims?

  • Our girls consider Muslims strong men.
  • They see them responsible, strict, prudent, that is, people who can solve any problems.
  • Women believe that such men will fully provide them, give expensive gifts and give everything necessary. This attracts them.

But do not forget that love rules with feelings. The girl’s strong feelings will turn a blind eye to any negative qualities in a man. Of course, besides these bad sides, there are positive ones.

Whether to marry a Muslim: pluses

Marries a Muslim
Marries a Muslim

It is worth noting that few people see the pluses in such a marriage. Some believe that a woman will suffer, her husband will humiliate her husband, her family and faith. Others prove that if there is love between people, they are able to overcome everything. Should I marry a Muslim?

In the modern world, the young generation forgets about old customs. The marriage is only using the painting procedure in the registry office. But if the husband persistently offers to play “nicknames”, since he is a Muslim, then the decision remains with the woman.

What are the advantages of such a marriage? Here are the main ones:

  • Muslim husband will not drink alcohol
  • Such a man is usually not lazy
  • Fully provides her woman with clothes, nutrition and everything else necessary
  • Does not raise her hand to her woman for no reason

If a woman gives her husband a child and raises him until adulthood, then receives high respect. And if this is a son, then she will not have a price.

Video: Is it possible for an Orthodox girl to marry a Muslim? (prot. Vladimir Golovin, Bulgarian)

Is it worth a Christian to marry a foreigner Muslim: Cons

In marriage there are not only love and positive emotions, but problems and disappointment. The disadvantages have a marriage with a Muslim. Should a Christian marry such a foreigner?

Here is a list of minuses:

  • The Qur'an allows polygamy

In this case, a woman should understand that her husband will not have the only one, and love will have to be divided.

  • Marital duty

The married duty will always have to be fulfilled when the husband wants it.

  • Physical punishment

The husband has every right to punish his wife for disobedience, and she has no right to complain or reciprocate him.

  • Accepting someone else's faith

We will have to observe other people's duties and live almost without rights. And change faith, as mentioned above is a sin.

  • Do not open to other people

A woman is obliged to go to people in a hijab who completely covers the body. All fashionable and open things are forbidden to wear. Talking with strangers, in particular men, is strictly prohibited. In addition, she is obliged to move silently - both on the street and at home.

Important legal issues related to the marriage of Christian and Muslim

Important legal issues related to the marriage of Christian and Muslim
Important legal issues related to the marriage of Christian and Muslim

In our country there is no ban on the marriage of persons of different religions. And often the Muslim guy and an Orthodox girl are marriage. But, entering into such a marriage, it is worth remembering that there are also their pitfalls. The husband will be beautiful to care for, speak compliments and provide a woman, which, in principle, attracts modern ladies. But they should know that when marrying, it is necessary to bear responsibility for religious and legal issues. These important nuances associated with the marriage of Christian and Muslim:

  • Girls dream of a magnificent wedding where there will be many guests and noise. But in the case of Muslim marriage, entirely about all the moments associated with the conduct of the wedding ceremony, his husband and his family decide. It will pass exclusively according to Muslim customs. As a rule, what weddings are held modestly and symbolic.
  • The adoption of Islam. Some men initially be silent about this, but then a woman will not be able to avoid this issue, and is obliged to accept the Muslim faith. If she refuses her husband, he has the right to leave her.
  • Divorce for the male such a nation is about five minutes. They will not solve the issue of property and children. According to all the rules, this remains in their power. And the wife will not be able to do anything. It is possible that a woman can never see her children. They remain to live with their husband and his family, and the ex -wife must leave home.
  • The main thing in the upbringing of his wife’s wife is assault. Although Muslims do not talk about this, and it is believed that they respect their wives and do not beat. The Qur'an allows you to raise a hand on its lover if necessary. And her men usually find.
  • A woman can say goodbye to friends of the opposite sex, and sometimes with friends-girl. It is forbidden to visit without permission, even talking with other people's youths on the street. Muslim husbands are very jealous and do not forgive mistakes.
  • The girl will not be able to wear open clothes, make spa treatments. Because some husbands against at least any cosmetic intervention in the spouse's body. This is prohibited by the Qur'an itself.

The Christian herself must decide for herself whether she wants such a life and whether she can withstand it. If she can easily accept limited freedom and live with certain boundaries, then such a marriage will not be a burden to her.

Why can't you marry a Muslim: is this a sin?

As mentioned above, the church is completely against the marriage of different nations. To marry a Christian to a Muslim will consider a sin. It is believed that mixed marriages are "Great evil, sin before God". Previously, people were considered the opinion of the church, and did not translate friendship into relations with other nations.

Muslim men are very fond of lying and promising to put the whole world to their loved ones, but these are only empty hopes. Only after marriage, many girls understand what mistake they made. After the husband begins to beat, change, lie and humiliate.

Video: Is it possible to marry a Muslim? | "The Bible says" | 1087

Bill Gates's daughter married a Muslim

Bill Gates's daughter married a Muslim
Bill Gates's daughter married a Muslim

The eldest daughter of Bill Gates - Jennifer, went out for a Muslim Nassar found. The wedding was held according to all traditions.

  • On October 15, a holiday was held according to Muslim customs, where only the closest relatives were invited.
  • The next day, a secular ceremony was held, where friends and acquaintances in New York were already invited.

The approximate cost of these wedding events is estimated at $ 2 million. The couple have been familiar since 2017, and decided to weave themselves with marriage knots.

Can a Muslim not marry a Muslim?

Islam is against the Muslim to marry a man of another nation - not a Muslim.

It is worth knowing: The Qur'an calls on to consider the spouse only his nation. This is a generally accepted and important rule.

The exception is only men. This is due to the fact that a woman should give life only to the children of her faith. Kids must be educated according to religion. Therefore, neither the faith of the girl nor her parents will give her “good” for this marriage.

In general, a Muslim marriage is aimed at creating a friendly and strong family. So it should rely on the values \u200b\u200band traditions of its religion. In addition, a Christian may not accept the traditions of his spouse. There will be problems with raising children and close relatives.

Can a Christian marry a Muslim?

In this case, the answer is yes. A Christian can marry a girl of another nation, namely a Muslim, although the church also does not look at it positively. Children, of course, will be the Russian faith, but this does not bother many Muslim women at all.

But still, a collision may occur in terms of various religions, which the spouse brings most often to divorce. According to scientists, such mixed marriages break up three times more often than others. For example, the death of one of the spouses can bring many problems and inconvenience. Therefore, before going to the registry office, it is recommended to weigh the pros and cons.

Real stories of women who married Muslims: reviews about life and Muslim religion

Married a Muslim
Married a Muslim

If you decide to marry a Muslim, then read the real stories of women who used to be Christians, and now have adopted a Muslim religion. Here are the reviews about the life of Russian women who married Muslims:

Review of marriage with Muslim
Review of marriage with Muslim
Review of marriage with Muslim
Review of marriage with Muslim

AISYS (Alice), 26 years old

My boyfriend is a Muslim Dagestan. There are no problems with religion. I congratulate him on his holidays, he is me with mine. Yes, I generally think that God still has one, the only difference is how we call it and what form of communication with Him we take. There are problems only with his parents. And then they appeared recently, because They began to get distant relatives and all kinds of acquaintances who say that "your son meets Russian." And his parents, as it turned out, is very important to the opinion of others. Therefore, they became against a marriage with not a Muslim. So it’s hard for us in this sense. As soon as we become a little financially independent, we want to create a family. And familiar before from the very beginning scared and warned. And now, having learned him, they adore as a person. But I plan to change faith, and even changed the name, since this is how it will be easier to live by both my husband and his family.

As a conclusion, I want to say that the well -being of family life directly depends on two people. And if there really is love between them, then any problem instantly acquires the status of “solved”. Love each other and be loved!

Video: Is it easy for a Christian with a Muslim? 🕌 Interethnic marriages ⛪️

Video: What awaits a girl who is going to marry a Muslim? (prot. Vladimir Golovin)

Video: Is it possible to take a Muslim woman as a wife? / Abu Umar Saitlinsky ___

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