Microlax: how much does it work in adults and children in time? How long can you use microlax? Microlax Children's and adult: Differences

Microlax: how much does it work in adults and children in time? How long can you use microlax? Microlax Children's and adult: Differences

Microlax begins to act after a specific time. After how much and what needs to be done so that it happens faster, read in the article.

At the end of the fifties of the last century, Swedish scientists Paul Gunnar Embrying and Perva Matsson created a unique gel with a laxative effect - Microlax. The drug consisted of only two components, and was created specifically for the Danish pharmacological company Pharmacia For use in narrow use. So, until the sixty -fourth year, the drug was used only as a substance cleansing the intestines before an X -ray examination. Unlike other laxatives, microlax did not violate the water-salt balance in the body of patients.

  • Later, the drug went through a series of studies by American and Danish scientists.
  • It was first recommended for use before examination of the rectum (spectoroscopy), and then generally allowed as an alternative to a traditional enema for the intestines.
  • Since then, and for forty years now, microclysters Microlax known to the whole world as a universal laxative.

In this article you will find a description of the drug, instructions for use and how to use it for adults and children. Read further.

How much microlax is valid: instructions for use, features and method of applying adults


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To date, this drug is a gel solution placed in a plastic tube with an elongated tip, resembling esmarch's mugwhich is used to produce enemas. Such packaging greatly simplifies the introduction of the product into the body, namely directly into the rectum.

Microclisms Microlax Two types are produced: for adults and children from zero to three years. What are the features of adults, how much does it work? Method of use of microclisms Microlax For adults, the following is the instruction:

  • Microclism should be introduced lying on the left side with legs bent at the knees. This will provide the solution with unhindered movement along the intestines, and therefore the rapid start of its work.
  • Remove the protective seal from the tip and squeeze a drop of the solution (to facilitate its introduction into the anus). The adult is allowed to introduce the entire length of the tip.
  • Gradually squeeze the entire existing solution in the rectum.
  • In the overwhelming of unpleasant sensations, to remove the tip should still squeeze the tube.

Time of action Microlax In adults - from 5 to 15 minutes. But sometimes there are exceptions, and the desired effect occurs only after an hour. This happens rarely and is associated with a feature of the human body. In the absence of the desired effect in an adult in more than an hour, manufacturers recommend repeating the use of microclisms in the same dosage again.

It is worth knowing: Using the drug more than two times in a row is prohibited.

Microlax Children's and adult: Differences

Microlax children
Microlax children

There are no differences in the composition of the children's and adult option. There are only two features of children's Microlax - a tubi tip shortened for the convenience of parents, and a small, predominant price difference. In general, the principle of action and the method of using the drug is the same for both adults and children, with the exception of several features that will be discussed later.

Read on our website article about the causes of constipation. You will also learn about vitamin Dwhich helps in intestinal treatment.

Octa Microlax: how long does it start to act in time in adults, after how many minutes?

The enema microlax
The enema microlax

The enema of Microlax is a popular remedy among patients who suffer from constipation, or who need to clean the intestines, for example, before surgery. After how much the drug begins to act in time in adults, after how many minutes?

As mentioned above, the time of action of this tool in adults is purely individual and may vary 5 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the general state of the human body, its age, the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract and the degree of intestinal load with fecal masses.

How much is microlax in pregnant women?

The enema microlax
The enema microlax

Microlax is allowed to use pregnant women in the period 1 and 2 trimesters. The action of this drug is local, that is, it is localized only in the intestines and does not have any effect on the fetus. It should be noted that the time of action of microclysters for pregnant women is identical to time for non -pregnant adult women. On average, this is 5-60 minutes.

It is worth knowing:

  • The ban on the use of microclesty Microlax In the third trimester in pregnant women, it is not associated with the composition of the drug.
  • This is due to the physiological feature of the course of this period, during which any relaxing or tonic effects on the muscles of the pelvis are undesirable.

Below you will find information about the use and action of the product in children. Read further.

Microlax actions in children: after how many minutes does the drug have a child?  

Microlax actions in children
Microlax actions in children

The time of action of the product in children from three years old inclusive of the time of exposure in adults. How many minutes does the drug have a child?

  • 5 minutes to an hour

If, upon reaching this period of time, the desired therapeutic effect is not achieved, it is forbidden to put microclyxes again. Parents of the child should consult a doctor.

After how long does the microclism of microlax from 0 to 3 begin to operate, in a newborn?


In newborn children, in babies from 0 to 3 years old, the drug on average begins to act in time after 15-20, and in some cases and 30 minutes After the introduction. But you should not be scared! Such a significant difference in time is associated with the physiological failure of the child’s intestines and is in no way connected with the type of microclysteuvy used for him, be it a child or adult version.

In general, the way of using children's microclysters Microlax Children and adults are the same, with the exception of several nuances that parents should know:

  • Children under three years of age are allowed to introduce microclisms in a position on their backs with their feet bent at the knees, as when changing the diaper.
  • Only half of the solution from the tube is recommended.
  • You can enter the tip to the baby only to the marking ring, if it is Microlax For adults. Its full introduction is allowed only if it is a children's version of microclysters.
  • In the overwhelming of unpleasant sensations, to remove the tip should still squeeze the tube.

Children after setting microclysters should raise the pelvis for a short time so that the solution cannot leak out.

How long can you use microlax?


The frequency of applications microclogism Microlax And how long they can be used, for each individual case, the doctor individually determines. It should also be noted that Microlax Not recommended for the treatment of chronic constipation. It requires careful use for serious diseases of the heart and kidneys. It is prohibited for use in rectal bleeding (including hemorrhoids), acute dehydration, diabetes and anuria.

It is worth knowing:

  • Although Microlax It is released in a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription and in wide circles is known for its “harmlessness”, consultation before its use is still necessary.
  • Allergic reactions are possible on any component of the drug.
  • Among the side effects there is a burning sensation in the rectal region, less often - nausea and vomiting.

If at least one of these side effects is detected, the use of the product should be stopped.

Microlax - how much it applies: reviews


Read the reviews of other people who write, how much microlax acts. In each person, this tool begins its effect in its own way

Irina, 34 years old

O Microlax I learned being pregnant as the first child. Already in the first trimester I ran into troubles-constipation tormented for three to four days. I tried laxatives on herbs in the form of pills and diet observed. Nothing helped. So I suffered for about a month, until I was put in the hospital for increased pressure to preserve the fetus. There is nothing special to do in the hospital, so you begin to share sores. A neighbor in the ward advised me Microlax from constipation. The packaging pleased me, it is very convenient to put me. And most importantly - it helped me! The first time, after ten minutes everything turned out. Then she put the baby, also quickly helped. Since Microlax I always have in the first -aid kit.

Love, 52 years old

Good drug! Dear, of course, but it costs his money. I quickly set myself and quickly begins to act. The tube itself is convenient - you can easily put both the adult and the child. In about fifteen minutes everything turns out. The daughter -in -law took him in the hospital, put it before childbirth and now also puts his grandchildren from birth when they had constipation for the first couple of weeks.

Evgenia, 49 years old

I have a husband-a disabled person. For the second year, the recovery has been chained to bed very slowly, it does not really move yet. And, of course, his constipation is frequent, the intestines are often clogged, especially at the output there are feces. More often by massages and correct diets. But if there is such a strong constipation directly, microlax always helps out. It softens everything at the exit and then everything that accumulates above - it can go out. I don’t know what we would do without him.

Video: How does microlax work?

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