After how long does it start to act and how long does the glycerin candle work with constipation in adults and children? How often can you use a glycerin candle? Is adult glycerin candles to children?

After how long does it start to act and how long does the glycerin candle work with constipation in adults and children? How often can you use a glycerin candle? Is adult glycerin candles to children?

Instructions for the use of glycerin candles in adults and children.

Glycerin candles are an excellent remedy for preventing constipation. They are often prescribed for serious diseases of the rectum, as well as during pregnancy. In this article we will tell you how often you can use these candles.

Why do glycerin candles use?

It is worth noting that the active component of this tool is Glycerol, it is not toxic.

Action and features of application:

  • It has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls, stimulating its work, as well as the removal of feces. It has a softening effect on the feces, helps to make it softer, accordingly simplify its excretion from the intestines.
  • It is often prescribed for cracks of the rectum, after myocardial infarction, as well as in patients who cannot be strained for any reason during the defecation act.
  • Please note that there are a number of contraindications for the use of these suppositories. They have an irritating effect, can cause a number of discomfort. You can not use this kind of candles for hemorrhoids, as well as with a variety of tumors, polyps or after surgical interventions.
  • That is, it is not recommended to use these candles when they can provoke the development or exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • Regarding the possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is quite possible to do this. Because very often in pregnant women, due to the high concentration of progestins in the blood, constipation and severity of the removal of feces from the body are observed. Accordingly, such candles will be a salvation for pregnant women.

How often can you use a glycerin candle?

Use glycerin candles preferably early in the morning, 15 minutes after breakfast. They act quite quickly, the maximum number of candles that should be used in one day is 1 or 2. That is, the maximum amount is two candles, you should not use anymore. Even if after using so many candles it was not possible to improve the condition of feces and stimulate defecation, we recommend using other drugs, in particular, some drops for a laxative effect. This drug cannot be used on an ongoing basis.

If you often have a constipation, while cracks in the rectum, hemorrhoids, this is not the best drug to facilitate defecation. Because it has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls. This is a kind of ambulance if there is nothing better at hand. With frequent constipation, it is necessary to solve the power situation. It is necessary to introduce a large amount of fiber, as well as products that will be killed and stimulated by the defecation act. Candles in this case are undesirable.


After how long does it start to act and how long does the glycerin candle work with constipation in adults and children?

The drug begins to act about 15-30 minutes after administration. That is, immediately after breakfast, you introduced the child a candle, after 15-30 minutes the baby should go to the toilet. Quite often in children it happens that defecation does not occur within 12 hours. In this case, the second candle is placed again in the evening.

Please note that before introducing into the rectum, it is not recommended to lubricate the candles with some additional products, or oils. Because they themselves are created on an oil basis, are well introduced, providing slipping and painless penetration. It is worth noting that these candles do not affect the absorption of food, as well as drugs used as orally. Because basically everything is absorbed in the small intestine, even before admission to the thick.

Please note that mainly candles are tolerated well and do not cause any side effects or discomfort. In rare cases, itching, redness, and hyperemia are possible. If this is observed, it is recommended to enter 10-15 ml of sunflower or peach oil into the anal hole in order to reduce itching, as well as burning.


Is glycerin candles possible for children?

Quite often, candles are prescribed for children. However, this is a symptomatic treatment of constipation, and is not used quite often. Doctors of pediatricians recommend using these candles no more than 1 time in 3 days.

Features of application in children:

  • If your child often has a constipation, then it is necessary to comprehensively approach the treatment of the problem, and not eliminate the symptoms. The fact is that Glycerol, which is part of glycerin candles, annoys intestinal receptors.
  • Over time, their sensitivity may decrease, which will lead to the fact that the intestines will not work independently. This drug cannot be abused. This is a kind of emergency help.
  • Many parents begin to get nervous when, after an act of defecation, the child does not calm down, but on the contrary it becomes even more alarming and cries. This happens with babies. The matter is not at all in the gaziks, intestines or constipation, but in some other reasons.
Children's candles
Children's candles

Why don't glycerin candles help?

The reasons:

  • In order to eliminate the cause of the constipation, it is necessary to give the child lactobacilli, as well as completely change the nutrition, and introduce more fruits, vegetables, cereals, products that stimulate defecation into the diet. Such as beets or prunes, along with kuraga.
  • Many parents ask whether it is possible to use glycerin candles in children intended for adults? It is possible, but only you need to follow the dosage. The fact is that adult candles contain more glycerol, and it is much smaller in children. Therefore, you may have to divide an adult candle into 2 or even 4 parts, depending on the age of the child.

Glycerin candles are an emergency drug that allows you to eliminate pain in the rectum from constipation. But candles do not treat disorders in the work of the intestine. With frequent constipation, we advise you to establish food and consult a doctor.

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t know how the majority ... But I don't really like all kinds of candles. I don’t understand why to torment the body, if there are more gentle methods, for example, phytolax took when constipation were+light broths on a daily basis. And all of the constipation did not have a trace.

  2. There are cases when candles are needed, for example, after cesarean, because laxatives can not be drunk due to breastfeeding, and there is no time to wait for the soups to help

  3. Daughters 2.9. Candles do not help absolutely. The second time effect is 0. Although they helped me a lot in the hospital. You have to make a regular enema ...

  4. They help me well, but I rarely use it.

  5. My son has constipation periodically. In such cases, the doctor recommended that the doctor would not wait, because it could only become worse, and put a candle with glycerin. We take glycelax on the recommendation of a doctor, they are small and effective, which is most important.

  6. It is not convenient for me to use candles, linen gets dirty. For a long time I have passed to phytomucil, this is a plant drug based on the shell of plantain seeds (natural fiber). It is desirable to drink a week or two. It still removes constipation well, eliminates symptoms of dysbiosis, as it promotes the growth of useful microflora in the intestine.

  7. If the children are small, then you can a candle. But most often chewing tablets of phytolax take to I don't like candles much. It is better to eat two pieces at night, a natural product based on apricot powder, senna, with the addition of dill extract. He soothes the intestines, relieves spasms. In the evening I accepted in the morning I probably went.

  8. Ordinary glycerin candles help to free themselves as it should, there are constipation sometimes, after a candle, literally five minutes later I fly to the toilet, and everything is good to immediately become !!! I recommend.

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