Folk remedies for swelling of the abdomen, gases and constipation: 10 best recipes

Folk remedies for swelling of the abdomen, gases and constipation: 10 best recipes

In this article you will find folk remedies from bloating. All of them are effective and will quickly help get rid of discomfort.

Bloating is an unpleasant symptom. It spoils the appearance and causes discomfort. In many cases, you can get rid of bloating with the help of folk remedies. Below you will find the 10 best recipes from traditional medicine that will help to forget about this discomfort. Read further.

Folk remedy for bloating and gases with mustard

Mustard from bloating
Mustard from bloating

Periodically, people suffer from excess gas formation. Methods of combating it exist different, both in traditional medicine and in folk. Read article on our website on this link About how to avoid bloating in different situations. From this article you will learn about the causes of this unpleasant symptom.

One of the most effective folk remedies from bloating and gases is mustard. It is an excellent antispasmodic tool and has antibacterial properties. It increases salivation, which facilitates the digestion process.

Interesting: According to the results of some studies, it is believed that the active component of mustard is a natural dye - turmeric that gives it a yellow color.

Mustard is able to defeat bloating, the problem of the formation of excessive intestinal gases, as well as heartburn. To do this, you need to use it regularly. Here are folk remedies from bloating and gases with mustard:

  • Sufficient 0.5-1 teaspoon of yellow mustard per day. You can eat it separately, with some products, for example, at lunch or dinner. Such a recipe is suitable if you do not have chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Another recipe: dissolve 1 tsp. Mustard in a glass of warm water or tea, add honey and drink 1-2 times a day.

It is worth remembering: Frequent bloating and excessive gas formation may indicate problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so you must consult a doctor.

But if you still decide to use traditional medicine, check them to an allergic reaction and begin to use prepared agents from small portions.

What to take when bloating, gas formation of the gastrointestinal tract: a folk recipe with soda and lemon

Soda with lemon from bloating
Soda with lemon from bloating

Meteorism or bloating is far from accompanied by the most pleasant symptoms (pain, severity, increased gas formation). Numerous folk recipes help in the fight against this problem. What to take when bloating and gas formation of the gastrointestinal tract? One of the most acting is a folk recipe with a solution of soda and lemon.

To prepare the solution, you need:

  • 200 ml of water
  • 1/2 tsp food soda
  • juice of half lemon (instead of lemon juice, you can use 1/4 tsp. citric acid)

Preparation will not take much time. This is necessary:

  1. Dissolve soda in water.
  2. Add lemon juice to the resulting solution, mix thoroughly.
  3. As soon as a seething reaction appears - to drink immediately so that the solution has an effective effect on the body.

A solution made on the basis of soda and lemon has an anti -inflammatory effect on the body. It creates in the body a favorable environment that helps to establish peristalsis and cleanse the intestines. Helps as a soft laxative.

How to quickly relieve bloating with folk remedies: natural medicines for meteorism with mint

Mint from bloating
Mint from bloating

Many since childhood have known a plant like peppermint. Some people make tea with her, others add to muffins or taste pies. The scope of this grass is extensive, but today we will talk about the use of washing for medicinal purposes.

How to quickly relieve bloating with folk remedies with mint? This plant has menthol with very useful properties. It heals from various diseases, from dental pain to depression.

Natural drugs for flatulence:

Mint leaves.

  • To quickly get rid of discomfort in the abdomen, it is enough to chew a mint leave after eating.
  • After that, you will also be provided with fresh breathing.

Mint oil and aroma pads.

  • If there is no mint sheet nearby, you can buy mint oil at the pharmacy.
  • Aromatic sticks are also suitable.
  • Inhale the incredible aroma of this grass.
  • The nervous system will calm down, you will relax and spasms in the body will pass.

A decoction of mint.

  • A mint decoction also helps well, because in such a more strong therapeutic effect.
  • To prepare such a drink, it is necessary to tear and melt the leaflets.
  • Then pour a pinch of leaves with a glass of boiling water and insist 20-25 minutes.
  • Drink a decoction during the day, dividing by 3 times, after eating.

To make the infusion easier and tastier to drink, it is recommended to add honey. Thanks to this, it will turn out even more benefit and there will be a unique taste.

Folk remedy for bloating and gases with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar from bloating
Apple cider vinegar from bloating

In the elimination of discomfort inside the intestines and a sense of gravity, natural apple cider vinegar helps effectively. This affordable and safe product will help no worse than pharmacy drugs.

The beneficial effect is due to a unique composition containing many trace elements, vitamins and other beneficial substances. Beta-carotene, enzymes, acids, pectin, zinc, iron, potassium-the necessary elements for the correct functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.

It's important to know: Pantothenic, milk, ascorbic acids reduce alkalinity, increase the acidity of gastric juice. This allows you to accelerate digestion and improve intestinal motility.

Here are folk remedies using 6% of apple acid from bloating and gases in folk medicine:

  1. Add to a glass of warm water 2 tbsp. tablespoons vinegar and 1 tbsp. spoon honey. Stir well. Drink a remedy for 1/3 of Art. After eating during the day.
  2. Pour one teaspoon of vinegar into a glass of water. Drink a solution 2-3 tablespoons Each 2 hours during the day.
  3. Prepare a mug of water with a temperature of approximately in 50 degrees. Add a teaspoon of vinegar, a little honey and 2-3 drops propolis. Such a solution can be drunk not only during the day, but also at night. It perfectly eliminates gases, and cleanses the intestines well in the morning.

These means will not only help get rid of swelling, but also saturate the body with useful substances and trace elements.

Folk remedy for constipation and bloating with a kiwi

Kiwi from bloating and constipation
Kiwi from bloating and constipation

Everyone knows that constipation also causes bloating. Therefore, the timely bowel movements of the intestine will help to solve this problem. But what if constipation is a chronic process? In this case, the proven and most people are an unfamiliar remedy for constipation and swelling of the abdomen. The recipe is simple:

  • Just eat every day 2 fruits of kiwi per day.

It was previously believed that lactic acid products help to get rid of constipation, but such a product does not help everyone. Some advise to use cabbage daily, but it bothers and also does not help everyone. Kiwi is a fruit that has a pleasant taste. Eat every day 2 purified fetus And you will forget what constipation is.

Quickly remove bloating with folk remedies: Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds from bloating and constipation
Fennel seeds from bloating

You can use fennel seeds to prepare various recipes in the fight against bloating, gas formation. Below are 3 widely used folk remedies, which help to quickly relieve bloating:

Dried fennel seeds.

  • Eat half a teaspoon of fennel seeds after each meal, chew well.
  • You can add fennel seeds to any other products and just there are.

Fennel (seeds) - tea.

  • Drive one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a mortar with a pestle. Seeds will release their essential oils.
  • Put chopped seeds in a cup.
  • Add a little boiling water.
  • Let it stand during 5 minutes.
  • Drink and enjoy the aroma and unique effect.

Fenhel and ginger tea.

  • Pour 2 glasses water To the pan and bring to a boil.
  • Rub 1 root ginger And add to boiling water.
  • Boil before evaporating 1/3 from all water.
  • Strain the water into the cup. Ginger tea is ready.
  • Now crush it 1 teaspoon of phenhel seeds mortar and pestle.
  • Add the crushed fennel seeds to ginger tea.
  • Let it stand during 5 minutes.
  • Mix well and drink.

Choose what suits you and use, getting rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Folk remedy for swelling of the abdomen and gases: activated carbon

Activated carbon from bloating and constipation
Activated carbon from bloating

Some products when digesting form a significant amount of gases. Activated carbon helps very well in this case. This is an excellent folk remedy for bloating and gases.

  • Such a time -tested folk remedy is widespread.
  • Even doctors sometimes prescribe activated carbon.
  • It helps from gases and painful swelling of the abdomen.
  • Coal has an excellent absorbing property and does not irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • All toxic substances, the tool collects on itself.

It's important to know: The effect increases significantly if you grind the tablets. So there will be more coal and it will better absorb more toxins.

To eliminate the problem, you need to drink 50 mg crushed coal with a glass of water an hour before meals. Such a tool will help if gas formation in this case is not a consequence of serious problems with the intestines, but is caused by exclusively improper nutrition.

Folk remedy for swelling of the abdomen and gases: ginger

Ginger from bloating
Ginger from bloating

Most people often experience discomfort in the abdomen, and gases are felt. The reason for this may be improper nutrition, eating fatty foods, as well as products that contribute to gas formation. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to use a folk remedy that will help to quickly and effectively return the body to a healthy state.

The preparation of a folk remedy and a therapeutic decoction from bloating and gases will take no more 15 minutes. Do the following:

  • Take a small ginger root, wash and clean it.
  • After that, it is necessary to finely chop ginger in the form of thin straw.
  • Put a couple of glasses of water on the fire.
  • As soon as the water boils, it is necessary to fill the pre -chopped ginger into boiling water.
  • Cook during 5 minutes On low heat.
  • After the given time, the decoction must be filtered through a sieve or gauze and consumed twice a day 2 tablespoons.

With the help of this tool, you can easily get rid of unpleasant sensations, as well as help the body become healthier and hardy.

Folk remedy for swelling of the abdomen and gases: recipe with garlic

Garlic from bloating
Garlic from bloating

Many people prefer the treatment of flatulence, bloating and gas formation with folk remedies. With the help of garlic, prevention from many diseases can be carried out.

Attention: There are contraindications. Consult first with the doctor!

Garlic itself is a super product, an elixir of health and youth. The composition of garlic is unique, and its healing properties are multifaceted and universal. Garlic contains a lot of sulfur, which helps to cleanse the body, and phytoncides make it special. It is these volatile substances that help to depress and kill microorganisms, and after all, most often the cause of gas formation and there may be an excess amount of bacteria in the intestine.

It's important to know: Garlic in raw form causes intestinal irritation, and flatulence symptoms may appear. But it can be prepared so that he would fight against bloating.

Here is a recipe for swelling of the abdomen with garlic:

Dried garlic Removes the severity of the stomach, stimulates the digestive system and increases immunity. Add it to dishes or just chew on several small pieces while eating.

  • Mature garlic cloves need to be finely chopped and dried.
  • Take a quarter of the coffee spoon, twice a day after meals, in the morning and evening.
  • Store dried garlic in a glass container - hermetically closed.

Green leaves of "young" garlic help get rid of flatulence.

  • They increase appetite and relieve intestinal cramps.
  • They can be added to various dishes - salads, soups, when cooking meat and fish.

A decoction of garlic, pepper and caraway seeds.

  • Grind and add a little black pepper and caraway seeds to it.
  • Then cook these ingredients in water for several minutes.
  • Strain the decoction, cool and drink warmly two to three times a day, 5-7 days.

The liquid will quickly deliver the garlic into the intestines and removes spasms.

Frying garlic.

  • Fry a few cloves of garlic in olive oil.
  • Add garlic in this form to any broth.
  • Eat in the form of hot soup.

With intestinal infection, this tool helps well:

  • Mix the powder of purified birch coal (pharmacy carbolene) with dry garlic in equal parts.
  • Make a half gram tablets from the mixture, blinding with the addition of a drop of water.
  • Take 30 minutes before meals, two tablets.

Thanks to such means, the processes of fermentation in the digestive tract should stop, and bloating disappears.

Folk remedy for bloating and gas with dill

Dill from bloating
Dill from bloating

In folk medicine, there are many ways from gas formation and bloating, but the most effective and widely known on the basis of such a green plant as dill. It is completely safe, has a lot of useful properties. It has an abundance of vitamins and minerals, odorous substances and universal properties. But the most important thing is that this healthy greens is an excellent folk remedy for swelling of the abdomen and gases.

Useful for the prevention of flatulence:

  • Add seeds and dill greens to dishes.
  • The fiber of the plant relieves bloating and cleanses the intestines.
  • The seeds contain essential oil, which has great benefit.
  • The use of dill increases appetite and promotes the release of gastric juice.
  • The plant contains flavonoids and beneficial amino acids that reduce the amount of air in the digestive tract.

Here are the recipes of folk remedies with dill:

Dill seeds.

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dill seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Leave to infuse in a closed container for two hours.
  • Strain and take under Art. spoon three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

Greens - leaves, twigs.

  • If there are no dill seeds, then you can use the plant itself in dry or fresh form.
  • Grind dill, dry, brew like tea and drink before meals.
  • For use - 1 tbsp. raw materials Pour 500 ml boiling water in thermos on 30 minutes.
  • Strain, take 100 ml Three times a day in 15 minutes before meals.

Dill water.

  • When bloating, it will be very useful for both adults and newborn children. Only the dosage differs.
  • 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dill seeds with one liter of boiling water in a thermos. Insist within an hour.
  • If there is no thermos, wrap the container in the towel and after three hours strain.
  • Accept 2 cups per day: 1 cup in the morning, 1 - in the evening.
  • Kids can be taken three times a day in a teaspoon.

It's important to know: If you take dill tea regularly, the process of absorption of nutrients and the outflow of bile to improve, and at the same time will help with cirrhosis of the liver and heart failure. It is allowed to drink dill tea while breastfeeding.

Folk remedy for bloating and gases with chamomile

Chamomile from bloating
Chamomile from bloating

A well -known antiseptic, and valuable demanded drug raw materials, for the treatment of many diseases, is a chamomile. The healing properties of the plant are rich in the chemical composition of tannins and essential oils.

Important: Chamomile accelerates the passage of food through the intestines and has a choleretic effect, has a powerful effect on the stomach, kidneys and liver.

This unique plant serves as a good basis for the preparation of herbal fees.

It is worth knowing: Chamomile with ginger and mint goes well, and in order to quickly get rid of bloating, you can prepare a herbal decoction of chamomile with lemon balm and fennel. Such tea is given even to young children suffering from colic.

Folk remedies for swelling of the abdomen and gases with chamomile:

A decoction with chamomile.

  • 1 teaspoon of dry grass mixture pour 200 ml of hot water (not boiling water).
  • Bring to a boil and leave.
  • Insist the resulting broth for four hours.
  • Strain and take 2 tbsp. tablespoons before each meal.

Remember: On an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before eating 100 ml. Chamomile tea stimulates digestion, eliminates discomfort in the stomach. Drinking should be warm, not hot. The course of treatment is about three months.

Tea with chamomile.

  • To prevent bloating after eating, you can drink tea from plant flowers after each meal.
  • Thanks to this tool, you can get rid of gas formation in ten minutes.
  • Preparation: 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers per cup of boiling water.

Infusion with chamomile flowers.

  • Chamomile can be used as a light and safe laxative.
  • Pour 1 glass of boiling water for 1 teaspoon of dry color of the drug chamomile, cover with a lid and insist for five to ten minutes.
  • Use with honey before bedtime.

Interesting: Some people use dry chamomile as a seasoning in ready -made dishes, together with the basil, fenhel and thyme, it is really able to remove the manifestations of flatulence, but the taste of food may change.

If the symptoms are too strong, the animal squeals in pain, then do not hesitate. It is better to seek help from specialists. Good luck!

Video: Bloating - causes and treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. Folk remedies do not always and not help everyone, unfortunately .... I have a baby for a long time from bloating and constipation. The doctor said the microflora against the background of the treatment of influenza .... The tiles here are not to the end of the water ... therefore, they gave the baby the Bak-Set Baby and were like probiotic enemas. Only this helped to restore the intestinal health)

  2. Constipation is more recently my sore subject. I was terribly ... It happened even for a week I could not go to the toilet at all. Because of this, the stomach was sick ... .. Patiently tried to escape with enemas, but they only did it worse. Then, on the advice of a doctor, she began to take a fibralks (I ordered a, it was more convenient and cheaper)+additionally hooked on products from products (kefir, comable, other fermented products) ... Ugh pah, now the intestines are working like a watch, there is no personalized at all) ) Given even that I have already canceled the drug ..... The Kischika again learned to work on my own)

  3. Typically, valerian is used, although it was originally considered a sedative) I have drops, called gastroottal. It has just plant extracts, including valerian. A very good remedy, after a few minutes it becomes easier. Moreover, they eliminate any discomfort. I always carry with me in a purse, you never know what!

  4. great article by the author ... Folk remedies The best assistants ...

  5. great article by the author ... Folk remedies The best assistants ...

  6. Plantain seeds help with constipation. If there is no way to collect yourself, you can buy fibralx - the same seeds, only in the form of powder and the taste is pleasant.

  7. I like to take chewing tablets Fitalax with herbs and apricot, gently slaughter, clean, establish the work of the intestines

  8. Thanks for the advice. Everyone has come across this, especially now, on the run, snacks, there is no time to have a fully lunch. Fitetimucil's norms helps well from constipation. If you are frequent, then it is best to drink for two weeks. In the composition of the pulp of plums, softens the feces, the shell of planter seeds helps to establish the defecation process. It became much easier with him and I go to the toilet well.

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