What should be a chair for a newborn, on breastfeeding? What a chair in a newborn during breastfeeding: norm, pathology. How to understand that the baby has diarrhea, constipation?

What should be a chair for a newborn, on breastfeeding? What a chair in a newborn during breastfeeding: norm, pathology. How to understand that the baby has diarrhea, constipation?

Overview of a normal stool and pathology in the baby.

With the birth of crumbs, many mothers begin to carefully take care of their children, and because of every sneezing to contact the pediatrician. In this article, we will tell you what the norm should be the stool at the baby and the newborn.

What should the newborn chair have?


  • Immediately after the birth of the baby during the first 1-3 days, it can go to the toilet with black, dark green or olive. At the same time, the mass resembles tar. She is very thick, sticky, viscous. Such bowel movements are called meconium and are the remnants of amniotic fluid, intestinal cells that come out of the child's body. Normally, such a chair in a child appears on the first day after birth, and for another 3 days.
  • After the mother comes with a sufficient amount of milk, the chair changes. At the very beginning, do not be surprised if the child’s chair is strange, and quite frequent. The absolute norm is considered the first week after the start of breastfeeding is very liquid, foamy chair, with the smell of sour milk. Indeed, in the intestines there are not enough enzymes for digestion of milk.
  • In this case, the chair can be mixed, greenish, that is, it is a mixture of meconium and ordinary stool, or ordinary yellow. Further, when normalizing the child’s feeding, that is, as he gets used to breastfeeding, the chair changes, and becomes mature. In its consistency, it resembles a thick sour cream with yellow. The smell can resemble sour milk.

What is the chair of the newborn during breastfeeding, on the mixture, with the introduction of complementary foods?

Chair features:

  • If the child is on artificial feeding, or he is fed with some mashed potatoes, fruit and vegetable, then in this case the smell at the chair can be more adult, that is, putrefactive, dark brown.
  • Please note that the chair frequency is also of great importance. Normally, a child who is breastfeeding, and he is more than a month and a half, can go to the toilet up to 3 times a day. This is considered the norm. But there are options when the child is very well absorbed by mother’s milk, that is, there are practically no waste, so the baby can walk a few times a few days.
  • This is considered the norm if the baby has no anxiety, he feels well, no gaziks, does not bend his legs, and his stomach does not hurt. At the same time, the consistency, the smell of the stool is normal, it is mimary, not hard and quite simply leaves the child’s intestines. There is no anxiety for this, respectively, no enemas or drugs, in order to weaken the child’s chair, do not need to be given.
Change of diaper
Change of diaper

Newborn chair for breastfeeding: norm, constipation, diarrhea


  • There are many mothers, if the child did not go to the toilet once a day, they begin to worry, worry, insert a gas tube into the anus, and try to somehow speed up the feces. If this does not worry your child in no way, then no drugs need to be taken.
  • Please note that the introduction of additional products, as well as when transferring the baby from breastfeeding to the mixture, the character of the chair changes. It will become darker in color, acquires a brown tint, will become thicker. By consistency will resemble toothpaste. In addition, clots can be observed, small veins of not completely digested products.
  • The character of children of the first year of life is very affected by what you give to eat. That is, if you give carrots, the chair can purchase an orange shade. Products such as dried fruits and vegetables, with dense fibers, may not completely digest in the intestines in a child. Accordingly, in excrement you will find pieces of food. This is the norm, so try to grind products as much as possible or exclude their use during feeding.
What will the chair tell about
What will the chair tell about

What stool of infants is not the norm, what should you pay attention to?

The appearance of mucus in bowel movements is not quite normal. This indicates some kind of infection and violation in the digestive system. In addition, the green chair is abnormal. It also indicates infection, enterocolitis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If your baby is on breastfeeding, then the green chair indicates that you are on a diet, or consume very few fatty products.


  • The fact is that a green shade of infants appears if a lot of sugar enters the body, respectively, the fat content of milk is low. The child is forced to suck his chest more, he does not eat. In this case, try to feed the baby or give the baby to completely suck one breast before applying to the other. If you feed in one feeding only one breast, try to give first with one, then with the second.
  • Please note that until the child completely empties one breast, there is no point in giving the second. At the very beginning, there is watery milk, which contains a minimum of nutrients and vitamins. And only the posterior milk, which is sucked out in the last turn, is the most nutritious. Perhaps you give the child only the first milk, which is quite poor. The child does not have time to eat, this affects the character of the chair.
  • Also not quite normal is a bright yellow chair. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the proteins of the eyes and skin of the child. This may indicate an infant jaundice, which often happens in infants and newborn.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the whitish chair. This indicates a violation in the liver. Perhaps the child has congenital pathologies of the liver or gall bladder.
  • The veins of blood are dangerous. They also indicate an infection or the appearance of anal cracks. Perhaps this is caused by frequent constipation and improper feeding of the child. Quite often, this happens on artificial feeding, using mixtures. The most interesting thing is that breastfeeding children are much less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases with stool disorders. They less often have diarrhea, as well as constipation.
  • If the child’s chair is very hard, he is on feeding, that is, you give him meat puree, vegetable and fruit juices, we recommend reducing the amount of protein food. That is, meat, and give more vegetables with rough fiber. An ideal option will be pumpkin or carrot puree. It contains a huge amount of fiber, which helps to soften the stool and its more easy administration, and also prevents the occurrence of constipation.
The kid is sleeping
The kid is sleeping

How to understand that the baby has diarrhea?

If your child often goes to the toilet, up to 6 times a day, then this is considered the norm in infants. The most interesting thing is that the first two months the child can walk in a big way after each feeding. If your child hangs on his chest for days, respectively, his chair will be frequent.

There are several main symptoms of diarrhea:

  • The chair becomes not only frequent, but also a more liquid consistency. Foam can be added to all this. That is, the chair will become foamy.
  • A green tint may appear, as well as the veins of blood or mucus.
  • In addition, there are other symptoms that speak of the poor condition of the child. This is vomiting, nausea, dizziness, weakness, high temperature, anxiety. If all these symptoms are present with a liquid stool, then you should see a doctor.
  • If the liquid chair lasts more than a day, it is urgent to cause an emergency. The fact is that liquid chair very often provokes the occurrence of dehydration. Disorders in the work of the kidneys may join it due to lack of fluid. Therefore, we recommend that you solder the child with water every 10 minutes, a teaspoon and urgently consult a doctor.
Color shades
Color shades

As you can see, in pediatrics a rather blurry concept of a normal chair in a baby. It depends on whether the child is on artificial or breastfeeding, on the nature of complementary foods, as well as a genetic predisposition. The drugs that the child take is of great importance. It can also affect the color, consistency, the smell of a chair.

Video: Pip chair

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  1. The picture is such) inspired, as my husband and I first considered the contents of the diaper. Well, as in different ways, they say by the appearance of feces you can determine normally the tummy works or not. We had problems a couple of times, the pediatrician appointed a probiotic. I bought a Baby Baby tank, it is possible from birth, everything was restored.

  2. Thank you for the article. It is also important for the pediatrician to say if something bothers. My son had diarrhea, Enterosgel was appointed. It is allowed to children and the intestinal microflora does not harm. After him, everything worked out with the baby, now in the first -aid kit I keep this enterosorbent.

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