The best candles used by women for inflammation in gynecology: name, list, application

The best candles used by women for inflammation in gynecology: name, list, application

There are candles effectively used for inflammation in gynecology. In this article you will find their list.

Almost every woman at least once came across inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system. Such pathologies are accompanied by a number of symptoms - general and specific - by which they can be diagnosed. Treatment for genital diseases should always be complex, then it will give the fastest and most persistent result.

Read on our website an article about the first visit to the gynecologist of the pregnant woman. You will learn how to prepare for it and when to go.

One of the forms of medications used in this case are candles. They can be introduced intravaginal or rectally, and have different therapeutic activity.

Is it possible to use candles from inflammation, in the treatment of infections: methyluracial candles

Methyluracial candles from inflammation in gynecology
Methyluracial candles from inflammation in gynecology

Medical candles in the medical language are called suppositories. This is a dosage form of drugs, which is characterized by increased resistance to room temperature, but at the same time undergoes a melting process when the human body enters. Is it possible to use candles from inflammation, in the treatment of infections?

With gynecological pathologies, a candle is one of the most common varieties of medication. They are prescribed to eliminate inflammatory processes and infectious lesions. And that's why:

  • They have a local effect, so they do not have a detrimental effect on the digestive tract.
  • Effectively fight inflammation and infection, quickly eliminating unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  • The rate of dissolution of the drug and the absorption of its active substances into the blood - less than 1 hour.
  • The risk of developing side effects or allergic reactions when using this form of drugs is minimal.
  • Among the candles there are a lot of those products that have a completely natural composition.

As you can see, candles can be used to combat infections and inflammation. One of the most popular drugs is methyluracial suppositories. What is this drug and how to use it?

  • Methyluracial candles - A powerful anti -inflammatory agent, which is simultaneously able to restore the structure of damaged cells of the mucous membrane.
  • Under their influence, local metabolism, healing of wounds and ulcers on the walls of the epithelium occurs.
  • For gynecological diseases, suppositories data are usually used as an additional element of the therapeutic scheme.
  • They can be introduced rectally or vaginal - this does not affect effectiveness. But only a doctor can accurately determine the optimal way to use methyluracial candles.

The medication is used:

  • For the treatment of erosion of the uterine neck, mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina, as well as after surgical interventions.
  • It helps not only to cope with infectious processes, but also to prevent their development.


  • Admission of suppositories must be immediately after extracting them from protective packaging.
  • The daily dosage is 1-4 candles At equal intervals.
  • The course of therapy can last from 1 week to 4 months.
  • It all depends on a specific diagnosis and severity of the disease.

Medicines for gynecological diseases should be prescribed by the attending physician, but each woman should study the instructions in detail before starting them. This is important to prevent the development of side effects, as well as for detecting possible contraindications to the use of the drug.

How to choose the right female candles from inflammation during pregnancy: Terginan in gynecology for the treatment of infections

Terginan in gynecology for the treatment of infections
Terginan in gynecology for the treatment of infections

Candles are available drugs, which in most cases are released in pharmacies without a medical prescription. But this does not mean that you can use any medication to treat. It should be selected with special accuracy and caution, and use it strictly according to the instructions. How to choose the right female candles from inflammation during pregnancy, for the treatment of infections?

How to choose suppositories depends on many factors:

  • Anamnesis of gynecological pathologies.
  • Primaryness of the occurrence of the disease (for the first time or relapse).
  • The causative agent of the inflammatory or infectious process.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases.
  • Presence or absence of allergies, hypersensitivity to individual components of candles.
  • The patient's condition

In addition, when choosing candles, the presence or absence of pregnancy, as well as a period of lactation, is taken into account. After all, not all drugs, even if they are intended for local treatment, are allowed to women during gestation and breastfeeding.

So, one of the drugs allowed for use in gynecology for the treatment of infections during pregnancy (starting from the second trimester) is Terzhinan.

This is a vaginal tablet, the main formula of which is formed:

  • Nistatin
  • Neomycin
  • Ternidazole
  • Prednisolone
  • Sodium meta -sulfobenzoate

Thanks to the combined composition, a versatile effect on the body is achieved. Terzhinan has the following therapeutic activities:

  • Antibacterial
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Antiprotozoic
  • Antimicotic

A suppository is used for the treatment of bacterial vaginitis, trichomoniasis, vaginal candidiasis. It is possible to use vaginal suppositories for preventive purposes.

Terzhinan is introduced intravaginal Once a day. The average duration of the course of therapy is 10 days. With a confirmed diagnosis of “candidiasis”, treatment can be prolonged up to 20 days. For the prevention of a candle, you can introduce within 6 days.

Types of anti -inflammatory candles in gynecology for infections: Names

Types of anti -inflammatory candles in gynecology
Types of anti -inflammatory candles in gynecology

There are many varieties of candles used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in gynecology. So, they are distinguished in composition, therapeutic group and other criteria. However, there is a gradation of suppositories on the specifics of their use. Types of anti -inflammatory candles in gynecology with inflammation and infections you will find below. According to this aspect, local drugs used in gynecology are the following - the list:

Rectal candles:

  • Such suppositories have the shape of a cone or “bullet” with a pointed or rounded tip on one side.
  • Such medicines are administered into the rectum and usually have an anesthetic, anti -inflammatory and antipyretic effect.
  • They are used, as a rule, as secondary drugs for symptomatic treatment.
  • One of the most popular drugs is candles Diclofenac. It is used to combat pain, discomfort, inflammation in various gynecological diseases, as well as after surgical interventions on the pelvic organs. In each case, the dosage is determined strictly individually.

This tool is effective from the NSAID group and with primary dysmenorrhea - menstrual pain that is not associated with cancer or other dangerous disorders in the operation of the reproductive or endocrine system. Application:

  • In this case, the dosage of the drug fluctuates within the framework 1-2 suppositories per day. But if necessary, it can be increased.
  • You can use candles with diclofenac in menstrual pain with the interval at 4-6 hours.
  • It is best to use the medicine when the first symptoms of malaise are manifested.

Vaginal suppositories:

  • Outwardly, such drugs are similar to a rounded tablet.
  • They are usually convex, sometimes egg -shaped.
  • As you can understand from the name, such suppositories are designed to introduce directly into the vagina.

Fall candles:

  • Similar medicines are introduced only by a specialist directly into the cervix.
  • A woman will not be able to introduce them on her own without special knowledge and experience.

The main guarantee of the safety of treatment is an individual approach to the choice of suppositories. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to rely on certain criteria, including even age, sometimes weight, pregnancy planning, etc.

Candles from inflammation in gynecology: the principle of action, application

Candles from inflammation in gynecology
Candles from inflammation in gynecology

The suppositories used in gynecological practice usually act in several directions at once. The composition of candles in gynecology allows you to eliminate inflammation, fight infection, accelerate tissue regeneration.

Why candles? They have a special principle of action:

  • The mucous membrane of the vagina is dotted with a large amount of blood vessels, which ensures the rapid absorption of the components of the candles: they fall into the bloodstream approximately after 15-20 minutes After the drug.
  • The active substance of the drug reaches the uterine appendages, where it acts directly on the cause of malaise.

A huge plus of suppositories is to use, namely that they affect the area of \u200b\u200bpathological lesion directly. This eliminates the risk of serious side effects from many internal organs and systems.

The most effective female candles from foci of inflammation in gynecology in the pelvic organs are a list of vaginal, rectal: Longidase, ichthyol candles

The most effective female candles from foci of inflammation in gynecology in the pelvic organs
The most effective female candles from foci of inflammation in gynecology in the pelvic organs

In gynecological practice, a candle different in composition and action is used. Nevertheless, there is a list of drugs that are prescribed doctors more often than the rest, and there are reasons for this. The most effective female candles from foci of inflammation in gynecology in the pelvic organs and well -known means of local influence are a list of vaginal and rectal:

Ichthyol candles:

  • They have a completely natural base, designed for rectal administration.
  • They effectively fight inflammatory processes and quickly restore the damaged mucous membrane of the vagina.
  • The drug is used to treat endometritis.
  • The only dosing mode does not exist, everything is purely individual.


  • Candles are used to combat fungal lesions of the genitals.

Longidase candles:

  • One of the most popular modern drugs used for inflammation of the genital organs in women and men.
  • Eliminates edema, promotes healing of the epithelium damaged by bacteria and viruses.
  • The medicine effectively fights infection and inflammation due to the entry of the active substance of the azoximer Bowagialuronidase.
  • Suppositories are used in various fields of medicine, since they are distinguished by a wide range of therapeutic activity. They can be used rectally or intravaginal. At the same time, children from 12 to 18 years old It is allowed to enter candles of Longidaz Only in the rectum.
  • Patients from the age of 18 Vaginal introduction of Longidase is prescribed in the amount of 1 suppository per day every 2 days.
  • After 10 injections The patient is transferred to the drug to supporting therapy.
  • The medicine prevents the formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs after surgical interventions, fights with chronic endomyometritis and pipe-peritoneal infertility.


  • Another medication with a combined composition.
  • Contains chloramphenicol, nystatin, metronidazole and dexamethasone as the main components.
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi.
  • Under the influence of the drug, pain, itching, burning and discomfort in the field of genitals occurs.


  • Candles of rectal-vaginal, with antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity.
  • They have a natural base, effectively fight with various gynecological diseases, including uterine neck erosion and endometritis.

These are the most popular and often assigned types of candles. They have established themselves well in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitals in women. They can be called completely safe, but it is not recommended to use self -medication.

Inexpensive female candles from inflammation in gynecology are the names of cheap means: Indomethacin

Inexpensive female candles from inflammation in gynecology
Inexpensive female candles from inflammation in gynecology

The suppositories used in gynecology have a completely different cost. It depends on many factors:

  • Producer countries
  • Components that make up the means
  • Therapeutic purpose of the drug
  • A pharmacy network where the medicine is implemented, etc.

Nevertheless, there are several available drugs that have high efficiency, but have a fairly low cost. Here are the names of cheap means - inexpensive female candles from inflammation in gynecology:

  1. Banka. Vaginal suppositories from the Indian manufacturer. Designed for the treatment of different types of vaginitis. Destroy pathogenic microflora, fight with inflammatory processes in the vagina.
  2. Femiclin. Vaginal tablets that are used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina. The tool effectively fights bacterial and fungal pathogens of the pathologies of the genitals in women. In addition, it is used to treat trichomoniasis.
  3. Gainomax. It is used to treat candidal vulvovaginitis, bacterial and trichomonal vaginitis.

Another anti -inflammatory drug that is not very expensive - Indomethacin. Candles contain an active component with the same name. Suppositories are used for treatment:

  • Inflammation of the uterine appendages
  • Menstrual cycle disorders
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Ovary cysts
  • Endometritis and other inflammations of the genitals

The use of indomethacin:

  • The suppositories can be introduced both rectally and vaginally.
  • Before use, it is necessary to wash well and wipe the skin dry in the genital area dry.
  • After that, lie on your back and enter the suppository into the vaginal cavity or rectum.
  • Fly for several minutes in a state of complete rest.

The dosing mode is selected individually, as well as the way of introducing suppositories. 1 time can be used from 50 to 100 mg Indomethacin. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed, since this will allow the active substance of the drug to be completely absorbed into the mucous membranes of the vagina or rectum.

Candles from inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, with anti -inflammatory effects, with antibiotic: Polyginax

Candles from inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, with anti -inflammatory effects
Candles from inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, with anti -inflammatory effects

Inflammatory processes in the ovaries and appendages They require especially close attention. After all, they are caused not only by hypothermia, but also by pathogenic microorganisms. The consequences of the lack of timely and correct treatment can be the most serious, therefore, when the first symptoms of pathology appear, therapy should begin immediately. Here are candles from inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, with anti -inflammatory effects:


  • The suppositories have a powerful anti -inflammatory effect, simultaneously strengthening immunity.
  • In addition to the main component, the drug also includes vitamins C and E.
  • Candles are designed for rectal administration.


  • The drug is designed to heal damaged areas of vaginal epithelium.
  • It relieves inflammation in appendages and ovaries, and has a mild antimicrobial effect.
  • Active component - Dexpanthenol.

Polyinax candles:

  • This is an antibacterial drug for local use.
  • Contains two antibiotics - neomycinand Polymixin.
  • In addition, suppositories contain nystatin.
  • The medicine is used in the treatment of vaginitis, cervicitis, as well as as a prevention before and after surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Per 1 time Introduced 1 candle 2 times a day.
  • The course of treatment with candles is determined depending on the diagnosis and severity of the course of the disease.

In addition to the fact that such drugs are inexpensive, they are also affordable. They can be found in almost any pharmacy.

Female candles for the treatment of candidal colpiti (thrush): hexicon

Female candles for the treatment of candidal colpals
Female candles for the treatment of candidal colpals

Thrush - The disease, the pathogen of which is pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida. Even in healthy women, these microorganisms in small quantities are constantly present on the mucous membranes of the vagina, but they do not cause harm to health. But under the influence of certain factors, they “awaken” and begin to actively multiply. It is from this moment that the gradual development and manifestation of vaginal candidiasis occurs.

The disease is quite successfully treated with creams and ointments with an antifungal effect. But the most preferred form of drugs for thrush, nevertheless, are vaginal candles. Here are a few names of female suppositories for the treatment of candidal colpitis (thrush):


  • This is a fairly popular antimycotic drug, which is released in several forms at once.
  • The components of the product adversely affect different types of fungi that provoke gynecological diseases.


  • It is used to eliminate the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis and destroy fungi of the genus Candida.
  • Candles are placed Once a day - Before going to bed.

Haecsicon candles:

  • This is one of the most popular drugs in the fight against vaginal thrush.
  • It has antiseptic and antifungal properties.
  • In addition, they can be used for various sexually transmitted infections.
  • Active component Hexicon - chlorhexidine Bigluconate.
  • The drug must be administered intravaginal 1 suppository twice a day.
  • The course of treatment on average is 7-10 days.

In addition, other candles can be used to treat vaginal candidiasis:

  • Pimafucin
  • Clotrimazole
  • Livarol
  • Candide b
  • Zalain
  • Ecofucin
  • Genferon
  • Neo penotran

As you can see, there are plenty of drugs for thrush. Candles can and should be combined with ointments that are used to apply genitals to the skin in order to avoid the spread of a fungal infection.

Gynecological candles from cystitis: with antibiotic, sea buckthorn candles

Gynecological candles from cystitis
Gynecological candles from cystitis

Cystitis - This is an inflammatory lesion of the bladder. Women are more susceptible to him than men, due to the anatomical features of the structure of the urinary tract. In most cases, the disease is provoked by abnormal activity of different types of pathogenic bacteria. In this regard, gynecological candles with an antibiotic are used for treatment. Here's a list:

  • Shinnomicin
  • Betadin
  • McMuror
  • Palin
  • Urosept

To reduce pain and eliminate inflammation, anti -inflammatory suppositories are used. One of the most popular drugs - Sea bundles:

  • The active component of the drug indicates its name - this is the oil of sea buckthorn berries.
  • In addition to painkillers and anti -inflammatory, it also has antiseptic properties.
  • To eliminate the pathological process in the bladder, they must be introduced 1 piece up to 3 times a day rectally.
  • The course of treatment is at least 7 days.

The drug is good because it has practically no contraindications for use. But in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components, the use of the product becomes impossible.

Gynecological candles with erosion, inflammation of the cervix: galavit, betadin

Gynecological candles with erosion, inflammation of the cervix
Gynecological candles with erosion, inflammation of the cervix

Erosion of the uterine neck - This is a potentially dangerous pathology. In gynecology, it is attributed to precancerous conditions, and the doctor should carefully observe patients with a similar diagnosis. Nevertheless, the disease can be overcome, but for this you will have to undergo a long course of therapy, which includes, among other things, the use of anti -inflammatory and wounding suppositories. Here are the names of gynecological suppositories for erosion, inflammation of the cervix:

Honey candles:

  • The medicine not only effectively heals erosion, but also strengthens the immunity.
  • Also, with the help of this tool, the treatment of inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bcarried out without its erosive lesion.
  • Medical candles treatment is completely safe.

Phytor candles:

  • This is a large group of suppositories that heal fabrics and strengthen immunity.
  • Despite the fact that they relate to homeopathic drugs, they are still quite effective.
  • In addition, such means are safe because they contain only natural components.


  • Judging by the reviews of women, this is one of the most effective means used in erosion and inflammation of the cervix.
  • The active component of suppositories is povidon-Yod.
  • It has a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. However, if the wounds or ulcers on the mucous membranes exude pus, the effectiveness of the drug is noticeably reduced.
  • Therefore, under such circumstances, it is prescribed after eliminating purulent processes, or as part of complex therapy.

Another popular drug - candles Galavit.They are designed to treat purulent-inflammatory lesions of the pelvic organs. Features of the use of the drug are as follows:

  • At first introduced 2 suppositories in the rectum at the same time Once a day.
  • After a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of pathology, the dose is halved, and is 1 candle every 72 hours for 3 days.

Of course, the doctor can prescribe another dosing mode, so Galavit It is strictly unacceptable to use for self -medication.

Women's candles in gynecology for adnexitis

Adnexitis in gynecology
Adnexitis in gynecology

Adnexitis - This is inflammation of the pelvic organs, provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. It is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication, malaise and specific features characteristic of the damage to the ovaries and appendages. In this case, it is advisable to use the following types of female candles in gynecology:

  • Polyginax
  • Suppositories with handsome extract
  • Indomethacin
  • Fluomizin
  • Meratin-community
  • Mikozhinax
  • Diclofenac

Many of the above candles have a wide range of action, therefore, are used for various gynecological diseases. But do not rush with the purchase before visiting your doctor, because adnexitis is by no means an unsafe disease. With improperly selected treatment, it can give serious complications, the consequences of which will have to be fought for a very long time.

Good anti -inflammatory candles for endometriosis, uterine inflammation: List

Endometriosis in gynecology
Endometriosis in gynecology

Endometriosis - a disease in which a pathological growth of the uterine mucosa occurs. As a result, the ovaries and appendages can be affected, and then the organs of the urinary system and the abdominal cavity. The lack of treatment for this pathology is fraught with the development of cancer tumors, as well as other severe and dangerous complications.

Therapy for endometriosis is long, and it requires the use of a whole complex of drugs, including candles to eliminate the inflammatory process. Here is a list of good anti -inflammatory candles for endometriosis, inflammation of the uterus:

  • Voltaren
  • Indomethacin
  • Polyginax

And with endometritis and endometriosis, the drug is very popular Endometrin:

  • It contains only natural components in the form of cocoa beans, sea buckthorn and calendula oils.
  • In addition, its composition contains homeopathic oil extract in combination with the essences of wormwood and omela.

Thanks to the above components Endometrin Effectively fights the growth and inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

What gynecological suppositories are used from gardnerellosis: List

Gynecological suppositories are used from midnerellosis
Gynecological suppositories are used from midnerellosis

Gardnerellosis - This is a type of bacterial vaginosis, the provocateur of which is bacterium Gardnerella. The disease can become a consequence of the effects of many factors, including stresses, the use of intrauterine contraception and condoms, as well as various transmitted pathologies and surgical interventions.

To treat a gynecological ailment, it is advisable to use such candles:

  • Bifonorm
  • Chlorototel
  • Acylact
  • Revataks
  • Zhlemik
  • Klion-D
  • Ginalgin
  • Patentx oval
  • Nonoxinol

These drugs tend to put the vaginal microflora in order, destroying pathogenic microorganisms. They can be used both for medical and preventive purposes, but only on the recommendation of the doctor.

What female candles in gynecology are used to prevent inflammation - Names: Flexen

Female candles in gynecology - are used to prevent inflammation
Female candles in gynecology - are used to prevent inflammation

As you know, it is better to give up all your strength to the prevention of the development of diseases than then engage in their treatment. This principle is relevant in the gynecological area. What female candles in gynecology are used to prevent inflammation? To prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes caused by pathogenic microorganisms or disorders of the vaginal microflora, the following suppositories - the names:


  • The drug is produced in Greece.
  • Contains the active component of sodium hyaluronate.
  • Designed to restore the microflora of the vagina, eliminate itching and burning.


  • Vaginal suppositories with a pronounced antiseptic effect.
  • In parallel, they have a regenerative and metabulating effect.


  • Vaginal candles have an antibacterial and antiseptic effect.
  • The active component is chlorhexidine.

Flexen candles:

  • This is an effective non -steroid anti -inflammatory drug, which is used for inflammation of different localization.
  • The suppositories are intended for rectal administration.
  • They effectively relieve pain and discomfort, and also lower the body temperature with fever.
  • Introduced Flexen 1 candle 1-2 times a day.
  • The course of therapy, on average, lasts about 5 days.
  • In the absence of improvements, you should consult a gynecologist for further instructions.

Other candles for the prevention of inflammations used in gynecology:

  • Amalen
  • Florika
  • Kolpoflor
  • Darexin
  • Kamojin, etc.

In fact, there are much more preventive agents. They are selected taking into account what gynecological pathologies a woman had previously hurt. The above drugs are suitable for preventing various ailments and, in particular, vaginal dysbiosis and endometritis.

Contraindications for treatment with gynecological candles

Renal failure - contraindications for treatment with gynecological candles
Renal failure - contraindications for treatment with gynecological candles

Despite the fact that candles are a fairly common and often used drug form of drugs, in some cases they are prohibited. The use of suppositories has its own contraindications, which include:

  • Liver and renal failure
  • Oncopathology
  • Pregnancy and lactation (not for all types of candles)
  • Individual intolerance

Detailed information on contraindications to the use of suppositories is described in the official instructions. Do not forget to carefully familiarize yourself with her before therapy.

Possible consequences from the use of gynecological candles: a list of side effects

Possible consequences from the use of gynecological candles - nausea
Possible consequences from the use of gynecological candles - nausea

Suppositories to one degree or another can cause the development of side effects. Most often, they are manifested in the form of a local allergic reaction. Here is a list of side effects and possible consequences from the use of gynecological candles:

  • Itching
  • Edema
  • Hyperemia
  • Discomfort in the perineum

If an antibiotic includes a member of the candles, then negative symptoms may appear:

  • Migraines
  • Depressive states
  • Back pain
  • Changes in the volume of diuresis
  • Nausea

If the above symptoms occur, the drug can be replaced. However, it is strictly forbidden to do this yourself. Analogs should be selected exclusively by the doctor, based on the history of the anamnesis and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The best gynecological candles: reviews

The best gynecological candles
The best gynecological candles

If you rely on women's reviews, the most effective, best gynecological candles from inflammation are many drugs.

Irina, 24 years old:

After childbirth, a gynecologist was examined, as there were severe pain in the lower abdomen and increased body temperature. It turned out that the cervix became inflamed. The doctor prescribed me candles of Betadin, developed a special and detailed instruction for me. I put suppositories for 10 days, after which I went to the doctor again. The situation improved, but the treatment was extended for another 5 days. 2 years have already passed since then, and never the disease has more made itself felt.

Lyudmila, 30 years old:

I suffer from chronic vaginal candidiasis. What funds did not try - the effect was short -lived or was completely absent. I did not go to the doctor, I decided to try Klotrimazole myself. It would seem a classic, but he really helped me! I used candles in combination with cream, in a week all the symptoms have completely passed, but I continued to use the drug for another 5 days. The medicine helps me out every time the thrush makes itself felt. Girls, I recommend it to everyone.

Olga, 32 years old:

A few years ago, endometriosis was diagnosed. I was very tormented by pain, there was severe bleeding. I thought they would already do the operation, but the doctor advised to undergo a conservative treatment for a start. He prescribed me terrilitin, because he not only relieves inflammation, but also helps to absorb the adhesions in the pelvis. In parallel, I was assigned a course of hormonal tablets and physiotherapy. Fortunately, complex therapy helped me, and I coped with the disease without surgery.

Candles - vaginal and rectal, are widely used in gynecological practice. They are easy to use, act locally and less often causing side effects in comparison with systemic medicines. But when using suppositories, it is necessary to observe precautions, and to follow all the instructions of the doctor, so that the treatment is not only effective, but also safe. Good luck!

Video: The best vaginal candles from inflammation

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Comments K. article

  1. I know that many doctors still recommend candles with dryness, burning in the vagina with menopause. I tried, I didn’t really come in .... Yes, and still, I am inclined that more drugs in this are efficient. I liked the drops of cyclics the most. It is good that their composition is natural, so there is no side effect. Now, in general, well -being is many times better, and it is there that there are no problems either.

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